<sect>Differences to the ISO standard<p>
+Apart from the things listed below, the compiler does support additional
+keywords, has several functions in the standard headers with names outside the
+reserved namespace and a few syntax extensions. All these can be disabled with
+the <tt><ref id="option--standard" name="--standard"></tt> command line
+option. Its use for maximum standards compatibility is advised.
Here is a list of differences between the language, the compiler accepts,
and the one defined by the ISO standard:
-<item> The compiler allows unnamed parameters in parameter lists. The
- compiler will not issue warnings about unused parameters that don't
- have a name. This feature can be disabled with the <tt><ref
- id="option--standard" name="--standard"></tt> command line option.
- <p>
-<item> The compiler has some additional keywords:
- <p>
- <itemize>
- <item><tt/asm/
- <item><tt/__asm__/
- <item><tt/fastcall/
- <item><tt/__fastcall__/
- <item><tt/__AX__/
- <item><tt/__EAX__/
- <item><tt/__func__/
- <item><tt/__attribute__/
- </itemize>
- <p>
- The keywords without the underlines can be disabled with the
- <tt><ref id="option--standard" name="--standard"></tt> command line
- option.
- <p>
<item> The datatypes "float" and "double" are not available.
-<item> The compiler does not support bit fields.
- <p>
<item> C Functions may not return structs (or unions), and structs may not
be passed as parameters by value. However, struct assignment *is*