GPL v2. To the best of our knowledge these libaries are not
distributed with Bacula code because they are shared objects, and
as such there is no conflict with the GPL according what I (Kern)
-understand in talking to FSFE. If you take a more severe stance
-on this issue, and you are going to distribute Bacula, then
-simply do not use the --with-openssl when building your package,
-and no use of OpenSSL even through dynamic linking will be
+understand in talking to FSFE, and in any case, for the code that
+I have written, I have no problems linking in OpenSSL (of course
+this does not speak for the few files in Bacula that are
+copyrighted by others). If you take a more severe stance on this
+issue, and you are going to distribute Bacula, then simply do not
+use the --with-openssl when building your package, and no use of
+OpenSSL even through dynamic linking will be included.
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