for i in geos common runtime; do \
CC=$(CC) \
AS=$(AS) \
+ AR=$(AR) \
CFLAGS="-Osir -g -t geos -I../../include" \
AFLAGS="-t geos" \
$(MAKE) -C $$i || exit 1; \
# Makefile for GEOS lib
# for cc65
-# Maciej 'YTM/Alliance' Witkowiak
-export CC = ../../../src/cc65
-export CFLAGS = -O
-export AS = ../../../src/ca65/ca65
-export ASFLAGS =
-AR = ../../src/ar65/ar65
+# Maciej 'YTM/Elysium' Witkowiak
OBJ_DIRS=disk dlgbox file graph menuicon memory mousesprite process system
@$(AS) -o $@ $(AFLAGS) $<
-S_OBJS = crt0.o
+S_OBJS = crt0.o oserror.o
all: $(S_OBJS)
--- /dev/null
+; Ullrich von Bassewitz, 17.05.2000
+; GEOS port: Maciej 'YTM/Elysium' Witkowiak
+; 2.7.2001
+; int __fastcall__ _osmaperrno (unsigned char oserror);
+; /* Map a system specific error into a system independent code */
+ .export __osmaperrno
+ .include "../../common/"
+ .include "../inc/"
+ ldx #ErrTabSize
+@L1: cmp ErrTab-2,x ; Search for the error code
+ beq @L2 ; Jump if found
+ dex
+ dex
+ bne @L1 ; Next entry
+; Code not found, return EINVAL
+ lda #<EINVAL
+ ldx #>EINVAL
+ rts
+; Found the code
+@L2: lda ErrTab-1,x
+ ldx #$00 ; High byte always zero
+ rts
+ .byte NO_BLOCKS, EINVAL ; ???
+ .byte INV_TRACK, EINVAL ; invalid track§or pair
+ .byte INSUFF_SPACE, ENOSPC ; out of space
+ .byte FULL_DIRECTORY, ENOSPC ; directory is full
+ .byte FILE_NOT_FOUND, ENOENT ; file not found
+ .byte BAD_BAM, EIO ; bam inconsistent
+ .byte UNOPENED_VLIR, EINVAL ; using VLIR file without opening
+ .byte INV_RECORD, EINVAL ; using >128 VLIR record number
+ .byte OUT_OF_RECORDS, ENOSPC ; cannot insert/add record
+ .byte BFR_OVERFLOW, ENOMEM ; file longer than buffer or end of file
+ .byte CANCEL_ERR, EIO ; ???
+ .byte DEV_NOT_FOUND, ENODEV ; device not found
+; .byte 20, ; Read error
+; .byte 21, ; Read error
+; .byte 22, ; Read error
+; .byte 23, ; Read error
+; .byte 24, ; Read error
+; .byte 25, ; Write error
+ .byte 26, EACCES ; Write protect on
+; .byte 27, ; Read error
+; .byte 28, ; Write error
+; .byte 29, ; Disk ID mismatch
+; .byte 30, ; Syntax error
+; .byte 31, ; Syntax error
+; .byte 32, ; Syntax error
+ .byte 33, EINVAL ; Syntax error (invalid file name)
+ .byte 34, EINVAL ; Syntax error (no file given)
+; .byte 39, ; Syntax error
+; .byte 50, ; Record not present
+; .byte 51, ; Overflow in record
+; .byte 52, ; File too large
+ .byte 60, EINVAL ; Write file open
+ .byte 61, EINVAL ; File not open
+ .byte 62, ENOENT ; File not found
+ .byte 63, EEXIST ; File exists
+ .byte 64, EINVAL ; File type mismatch
+; .byte 65, ; No block
+; .byte 66, ; Illegal track or sector
+; .byte 67, ; Illegal system track or sector
+ .byte 70, EBUSY ; No channel
+; .byte 71, ; Directory error
+; .byte 72, ; Disk full
+; .byte 73, ; DOS version mismatch
+ErrTabSize = (* - ErrTab)
findbambit.o freeblock.o getblock.o getdirhead.o getptrcurdknm.o newdisk.o\
nxtblkalloc.o opendisk.o purgeturbo.o putblock.o putdirhead.o readblock.o\
readbuff.o setnextfree.o setgeosdisk.o writeblock.o writebuff.o verwriteblock.o\
- gettrse.o
+ gettrse.o\
+ dio_openclose.o dio_cts.o dio_stc.o dio_read.o dio_write.o dio_writev.o
all: $(S_OBJS)
--- /dev/null
+; Maciej 'YTM/Elysium' Witkowiak
+; 2.7.2001
+; unsigned char __fastcall__ dio_phys_to_log(dhandle_t handle,
+; dio_phys_pos *physpos, /* input */
+; sectnum_t *sectnum); /* output */
+; dhandle_t - 16bit (ptr)
+; sectnum_t - 16bit
+ .export _dio_phys_to_log
+ .export sectab_1541_l, sectab_1541_h ; for log_to_phys
+ .import popax,__oserror
+ .importzp ptr1,ptr2,ptr3,tmp1,tmp2,tmp3,tmp4
+ .include "../inc/"
+ .include "../inc/"
+ .include "../inc/"
+.proc _dio_phys_to_log
+ sta ptr1
+ stx ptr1+1 ; pointer to result
+ jsr popax
+ sta ptr2
+ stx ptr2+1 ; pointer to input structure
+ jsr popax
+ sta ptr3
+ stx ptr3+1 ; pointer to handle
+ ldy #sst_flag
+ lda (ptr3),y
+ and #128
+ beq _inv_hand ; handle not open or invalid
+ ldy #diopp_head
+ bne _inv_data ; there is only head 0
+ ldy #diopp_track
+ lda (ptr2),y
+ beq _inv_data ; there is no track 0
+ sta tmp1
+ iny
+ lda (ptr2),y
+ bne _inv_data ; there are no more than 256 tracks
+ dec tmp1 ; normalize track to start from 0
+ ldy #diopp_sector
+ lda (ptr2),y
+ sta tmp2
+ iny
+ lda (ptr2),y
+ bne _inv_data ; there are no more than 256 sectors
+; tmp1 (int) holds track+sector, translate it using device info
+ ldy #sst_driveno
+ lda (ptr3),y
+ tay
+ lda driveType,y
+ and #%00000011 ; this is for RamDrive compatibility
+ cmp #DRV_1541
+ beq dio_cts1541
+ cmp #DRV_1571
+ beq dio_cts1571
+ cmp #DRV_1581
+ beq dio_cts1581
+; unknown device, return what you have got
+ ldy #1
+ lda tmp2
+ sta (ptr1),y
+ dey
+ lda tmp1
+ sta (ptr1),y
+ ldx #0
+ txa
+ sta __oserror
+ rts ; return success
+; errors
+ lda #INV_TRACK
+ .byte $2c
+ ldx #0
+ beq ret
+; device-depended stuff, tmp1=track-1, tmp2=sector
+ ldy tmp1
+ cpy #35
+ bcs _inv_data
+ lda sectab_1541_l,y
+ clc
+ adc tmp2
+ sta tmp1
+ lda sectab_1541_h,y
+ adc #0
+ sta tmp2
+ jmp dio_ctsend
+ lda tmp1
+ cmp #70
+ bcs _inv_data
+ cmp #35 ; last track of one side
+ bcs _sub35
+ jmp dio_cts1541 ; track <=35 - same as 1541
+ sec
+ sbc #35
+ sta tmp1
+ jsr dio_cts1541 ; get offset on second side of disk
+ lda tmp1 ; add second side base
+ clc
+ adc #<683
+ sta tmp1
+ lda tmp2
+ adc #>683
+ sta tmp2
+ jmp dio_ctsend
+; 1581 has 80 tracks, 40 sectors each secnum=track*40+sector
+ ldx #0
+ stx tmp3
+ stx tmp4
+ lda tmp1
+ beq _nomult
+ cmp #80
+ bcs _inv_data
+; mul40 by Christian Groessler
+ sta tmp4
+ asl a
+ rol tmp3
+ asl a
+ rol tmp3 ; val * 4
+ adc tmp4
+ bcc L1
+ inc tmp3 ; val * 5
+L1: asl a
+ rol tmp3 ; val * 10
+ asl a
+ rol tmp3
+ asl a
+ rol tmp3 ; val * 40 = AX
+ ldx tmp3
+ sta tmp3
+ stx tmp4
+ lda tmp2
+ clc
+ adc tmp3
+ sta tmp1
+ lda tmp4
+ adc #0
+ sta tmp2
+ jmp dio_ctsend
+ .byte $00, $15, $2a, $3f, $54, $69, $7e, $93
+ .byte $a8, $bd, $d2, $e7, $fc, $11, $26, $3b
+ .byte $50, $65, $78, $8b, $9e, $b1, $c4, $d7
+ .byte $ea, $fc, $0e, $20, $32, $44, $56, $67
+ .byte $78, $89, $9a, $ab
+ .byte $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00
+ .byte $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $01, $01, $01
+ .byte $01, $01, $01, $01, $01, $01, $01, $01
+ .byte $01, $01, $02, $02, $02, $02, $02, $02
+ .byte $02, $02, $02, $02
--- /dev/null
+; Maciej 'YTM/Elysium' Witkowiak
+; based on Atari version by Christian Groessler
+; 2.7.2001
+; dhandle_t __fastcall__ dio_open (driveid_t drive_id);
+; unsigned char __fastcall__ dio_close (dhandle_t handle);
+; dio_open sets given device as current and initializes disk
+; dio_close does nothing special
+ .export _dio_open, _dio_close
+ .import __oserror, _OpenDisk
+ .importzp ptr1, tmp1
+ .include "../inc/"
+ .include "../inc/"
+ .include "../inc/"
+ .include "../inc/"
+ .res 4 * sst_size ; this is hardcoded
+.proc _dio_open
+ pha
+ tax
+ lda driveType,x ; check if there's a device
+ bne _inv_drive
+ clc
+ adc #8 ; normalize devnum
+ sta curDevice
+ jsr SetDevice
+ jsr _OpenDisk ; take care for errors there
+ pla
+ tay ; drive #
+ asl a ; make index from drive id
+ asl a
+ tax
+ lda #0
+ sta sectsizetab+sst_sectsize,x
+ lda #128
+ sta sectsizetab+sst_flag,x ; set flag that drive is "open"
+ lda #1
+ sta sectsizetab+sst_sectsize+1,x
+ tya
+ sta sectsizetab+sst_driveno,x
+ stx tmp1
+ lda #<sectsizetab
+ clc
+ adc tmp1
+ sta tmp1
+ lda #>sectsizetab
+ adc #0
+ tax
+ lda tmp1
+ rts
+ sta __oserror
+ lda #0
+ tax
+ rts
+.proc _dio_close
+ sta ptr1
+ stx ptr1+1
+ lda #0
+ ldy #sst_flag
+ sta (ptr1),y
+ sta __oserror ; success
+ tax
+ rts ; return no error
--- /dev/null
+; Maciej 'YTM/Elysium' Witkowiak
+; 2.7.2001
+; this function is used by dio_read and dio_write to fix parameters (secnum)
+ .import popax,pushax,_dio_log_to_phys
+ .export dio_params,dio_secnum
+ .include "../inc/"
+dio_secnum: .res 2
+.proc dio_params
+ sta r4L
+ stx r4H
+ jsr popax
+ sta dio_secnum
+ stx dio_secnum
+ lda #<dio_secnum
+ ldx #>dio_secnum
+ jsr pushax
+ lda #<r1L
+ ldx #>r1H
+ jmp _dio_log_to_phys
--- /dev/null
+; Maciej 'YTM/Elysium' Witkowiak
+; 2.7.2001
+; this file provides the _dio_read function
+; unsigned char __fastcall__ dio_read(dhandle_t handle,sectnum_t sect_num,void *buffer);
+; dhandle_t - 16bit (ptr)
+; sectnum_t - 16bit
+ .import dio_params
+ .export _dio_read
+ .include "../inc/"
+ .include "../inc/"
+.proc _dio_read
+ jsr dio_params
+ jsr ReadBlock
+ stx errno
+ txa
+ rts
--- /dev/null
+; Maciej 'YTM/Elysium' Witkowiak
+; 2.7.2001
+; unsigned char __fastcall__ dio_log_to_phys(dhandle_t handle,
+; sectnum_t *sectnum, /* input */
+; dio_phys_pos *physpos); /* output */
+; dhandle_t - 16bit (ptr)
+; sectnum_t - 16bit
+ .export _dio_log_to_phys
+ .importzp ptr1,ptr2,ptr3,tmp1,tmp2
+ .import popax,__oserror
+ .import sectab_1541_l, sectab_1541_h
+ .include "../inc/"
+ .include "../inc/"
+ .include "../inc/"
+.proc _dio_log_to_phys
+; check device type
+ sta ptr1
+ stx ptr1+1 ; pointer to result (struct dio_phys_pos)
+ jsr popax
+ sta ptr2
+ stx ptr2+1 ; pointer to input structure (pointer to int)
+ jsr popax
+ sta ptr3
+ stx ptr3+1 ; pointer to handle
+ ldy #sst_flag
+ lda (ptr3),y
+ and #128
+ beq _inv_hand ; handle not open or invalid
+; fill in all we have
+ ldy #diopp_head
+ lda #0 ; head 0
+ sta (ptr1),y
+ ldy #diopp_track+1
+ sta (ptr1),y ; track <256
+ ldy #diopp_sector+1
+ sta (ptr1),y ; sector <256
+ ldy #0
+ lda (ptr2),y
+ sta tmp1
+ iny
+ lda (ptr2),y
+ sta tmp2
+; get drive info
+ ldy #sst_driveno
+ lda (ptr3),y
+ tay
+ lda driveType,y
+ and #%00000011 ; this is for RamDrive compatibility
+ cmp #DRV_1541
+ beq dio_stc1541
+ cmp #DRV_1571
+ beq dio_stc1571
+ cmp #DRV_1581
+ beq dio_stc1581
+; ...
+ ldy #diopp_track
+ lda tmp1
+ sta (ptr1),y
+ ldy #diopp_sector
+ lda tmp2
+ sta (ptr1),y
+ ldx #0
+ txa
+ sta __oserror
+ rts ; return success
+; errors
+ lda #INV_TRACK
+ .byte $2c
+ ldx #0
+ beq _ret
+; if 1541:
+; - compare with table to find track
+; - subtract and find sector
+ ldx #0 ; index=(track-1)
+ lda tmp2
+ cmp sectab_1541_h+1,x
+ bne _nxt
+ lda tmp1
+ cmp sectab_1541_l+1,x
+ bcc _found
+_nxt: inx
+ cpx #35
+ bne _loop41
+ beq _inv_data
+ lda tmp1
+ sec
+ sbc sectab_1541_l,x
+ sta tmp2
+ inx
+ stx tmp1
+ jmp dio_stcend
+; if 1571:
+; - check size, if too big - subtract and add 35 to track
+; - fall down to 1541
+ lda tmp2
+ cmp #>683
+ bne _cnt71
+ lda tmp1
+ cmp #<683
+ bcc dio_stc1541
+ lda tmp1
+ sec
+ sbc #<683
+ sta tmp1
+ lda tmp2
+ sbc #>683
+ sta tmp2
+ jsr dio_stc1541 ; will fall through here
+ ldy #diopp_track
+ lda (ptr1),y
+ clc
+ adc #35
+ sta (ptr1),y
+ lda #0
+ beq _ret
+; if 1581:
+; - subtract 40 in loop (at most 80 times) to find track
+; - the remainder is sector
+ ldx #0 ; index=(track-1)
+ lda tmp2
+ bne _sub81
+ lda tmp1
+ cmp #40
+ bcc _got81
+_sub81: lda tmp1
+ sec
+ sbc #40
+ sta tmp1
+ lda tmp2
+ sbc #0
+ sta tmp2
+ inx
+ cpx #81
+ bne _loop81
+ beq _inv_data
+_got81: lda tmp1
+ sta tmp2
+ inx
+ stx tmp1
+ jmp dio_stcend
--- /dev/null
+; Maciej 'YTM/Elysium' Witkowiak
+; 2.7.2001
+; this file provides the _dio_write function
+; unsigned char __fastcall__ dio_write(dhandle_t handle,sectnum_t sect_num,const void *buffer);
+; dhandle_t - 16bit (ptr)
+; sectnum_t - 16bit
+ .import dio_params
+ .export _dio_write
+ .include "../inc/"
+ .include "../inc/"
+.proc _dio_write
+ jsr dio_params
+ jsr WriteBlock
+ stx errno
+ txa
+ rts
--- /dev/null
+; Maciej 'YTM/Elysium' Witkowiak
+; 2.7.2001
+; this file provides the _dio_write function
+; unsigned char __fastcall__ dio_write_verify(dhandle_t handle,sectnum_t sect_num,const void *buffer);
+; dhandle_t - 16bit (ptr)
+; sectnum_t - 16bit
+ .import dio_params
+ .export _dio_write_verify
+ .include "../inc/"
+ .include "../inc/"
+.proc _dio_write_verify
+ jsr dio_params
+ jsr VerWriteBlock
+ stx errno
+ txa
+ rts
--- /dev/null
+sst_flag = 0 ; length 1
+sst_sectsize = 1 ; 2
+sst_driveno = 3 ; 1 (drive #)
+sst_size = 4 ; size of one entry
+ ; if changed, adapt diopncls.s
+; OFFSETS INTO dio_phys_pos
+diopp_head = 0 ; head
+diopp_track = 1 ; track / cylinder
+diopp_sector = 3 ; sector
+diopp_size = 5 ; size of structure
S_OBJS = startmousemode.o clearmousemode.o mouseup.o mouseoff.o\
drawsprite.o possprite.o enablsprite.o disablsprite.o\
ismseinregion.o inittextprompt.o promptoff.o prompton.o\
- getnextchar.o
+ getnextchar.o\
+ mouse.o readjoy.o
all: $(S_OBJS)
--- /dev/null
+; Maciej 'YTM/Elysium' Witkowiak
+; 2.7.2001
+; Wrapper for GEOS standard input device interface
+ .export _mouse_init, _mouse_done
+ .export _mouse_hide, _mouse_show
+ .export _mouse_box, _mouse_info
+ .export _mouse_x, _mouse_y
+ .export _mouse_move, _mouse_buttons
+ .import popax, popsreg, addysp1
+ .importzp sp, sreg
+ .include "../inc/"
+ .include "../inc/"
+ .include "../inc/"
+; .macpack generic
+; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+; unsigned char __fastcall__ mouse_init (unsigned char port,
+; unsigned char sprite,
+; unsigned char type);
+ jsr popax ; ignore all parameters
+ jsr StartMouseMode
+ jsr MouseOff
+ lda #0
+ sta mouseTop
+ sta mouseLeft
+ sta mouseLeft+1
+ lda #199
+ sta mouseBottom
+ lda #<319
+ sta mouseRight
+ lda #>319
+ sta mouseRight+1
+ lda #0
+; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+; void mouse_done (void);
+ rts
+; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+; void mouse_hide (void);
+_mouse_hide = MouseOff
+; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+; void mouse_show (void);
+_mouse_show = MouseUp
+; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+; void __fastcall__ mouse_box (int minx, int miny, int maxx, int maxy);
+ ldy #0 ; Stack offset
+ sta mouseBottom
+; stx YMax+1 ; maxy
+ lda (sp),y
+ sta mouseRight
+ iny
+ lda (sp),y
+ sta mouseRight+1 ; maxx
+ iny
+ lda (sp),y
+ sta mouseTop
+ iny
+; lda (sp),y
+; sta YMin+1 ; miny
+ iny
+ lda (sp),y
+ sta mouseLeft
+ iny
+ lda (sp),y
+ sta mouseLeft+1 ; minx
+ jmp addysp1 ; Drop params, return
+; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+; int __fastcall__ mouse_x (void);
+ lda mouseXPos
+ ldx mouseXPos+1
+ rts
+; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+; int __fastcall__ mouse_y (void);
+ lda mouseYPos
+ ldx #0
+ rts
+; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+; void mouse_info (...);
+ rts
+; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+; void __fastcall__ mouse_move (int x, int y);
+ jsr popsreg ; Get X
+ sei ; Disable interrupts
+ sta mouseYPos
+; stx YPos+1
+ lda sreg
+ ldx sreg+1
+ sta mouseXPos
+ stx mouseXPos+1
+ rts
+; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+; unsigned char mouse_buttons (void);
+ lda pressFlag
+ and #SET_MOUSE
+ lsr
+ rts
--- /dev/null
+; Ullrich von Bassewitz, 23.09.1998
+; unsigned readjoy (unsigned char joy);
+ .export _readjoy
+ .include "../inc/"
+.proc _readjoy
+ tax ; Joystick number into X
+ bne joy2
+; Read joystick 1
+joy1: lda #$7F
+ sei
+ sta cia1base
+ lda cia1base+1
+ cli
+ and #$1F
+ eor #$1F
+ rts
+; Read joystick 2
+joy2: ldx #0
+ lda #$E0
+ ldy #$FF
+ sta cia1base+2
+ lda cia1base+1
+ sty cia1base+2
+ and #$1F
+ eor #$1F
+ rts