+LDAP/X.500 string syntax / matching rules have a few oddities. This
+comment attempts to detail how slapd(8) treats them.
+Directory String -
+ In X.500(93), a directory string can be either a PrintableString,
+ a bmpString, or a UniversalString (e.g., UCS (a subset of Unicode)).
+ In later versions, more CHOICEs were added. In all cases the string
+ must be non-empty.
+ In LDPAv3, a directory string is a UTF-8 encoded UCS string.
+ For matching, there are both case ignore and exact rules. Both
+ also require that "insignificant" spaces be ignored.
+ spaces before the first non-space are ignored;
+ spaces after the last non-space are ignored;
+ spaces after a space are ignored.
+ Note: by these rules (and as clarified in X.520), a string of only
+ spaces is to be treated as if held one space, not empty (which would
+ be a syntax error).
+ In ASN.1, numeric string is just a string of digits and spaces and
+ could be empty. However, in X.500, all attribute values of numeric
+ string carry a non-empty constraint. Unfornately, some assertion
+ values are don't carry this constraint (but its unclear how such
+ an assertion could ever be true). In LDAP, there is one syntax
+ (numericString) not two (numericString with constraint, numericString
+ without constraint). This should be treated as numericString with
+ non-empty constraint.
+ In matching, spaces are ignored.
+ In ASN.1, Printable string is just a string of printable characters and
+ can be empty. In X.500, semantics much like NumericString excepting
+ uses insignificant space handling instead of ingore all spaces.
+ Basically same as PrintableString.
#include "portable.h"
#include <stdio.h>