use TAP::Parser::Aggregator;
# these are shipped with the testsuite
use lib qw(lib);
-use SocketActivation;
use StartXDummy;
use StatusLine;
# the following modules are not shipped with Perl
$SIG{CHLD} = sub {
-# reads in a whole file
-sub slurp {
- open(my $fh, '<', shift);
- local $/;
- <$fh>;
# convinience wrapper to write to the log file
my $log;
sub Log { say $log "@_" }
die "No usable displays found" if @wdisplays == 0;
-my $config = slurp('i3-test.config');
# 1: get a list of all testcases
my @testfiles = @ARGV;
my $test = shift @testfiles
or return $cv->end;
- my $dont_start = (slurp($test) =~ /# !NO_I3_INSTANCE!/);
my $basename = basename($test);
- my $logpath = "$outdir/i3-log-for-$basename";
- my ($fh, $tmpfile) = tempfile("i3-cfg-for-$basename.XXXXXX", UNLINK => 1);
- say $fh $config;
- say $fh "ipc-socket /tmp/nested-$display";
- close($fh);
+ Log status($display, "Starting $test");
- my $activate_cv = AnyEvent->condvar;
- my $time_before_start = [gettimeofday];
+ my $output;
+ open(my $spool, '>', \$output);
+ my $parser = TAP::Parser->new({
+ exec => [ 'sh', '-c', qq|DISPLAY=$display TESTNAME="$basename" OUTDIR="$outdir" VALGRIND=$valgrind STRACE=$strace COVERAGE=$coverage_testing /usr/bin/perl -Ilib $test| ],
+ spool => $spool,
+ merge => 1,
+ });
- my $pid;
- if ($dont_start) {
- $activate_cv->send(1);
- } else {
- $pid = activate_i3(
- unix_socket_path => "/tmp/nested-$display-activation",
- display => $display,
- configfile => $tmpfile,
- outdir => $outdir,
- testname => $basename,
- valgrind => $valgrind,
- strace => $strace,
- cv => $activate_cv
- );
+ my $tests_completed;
+ my @watchers;
+ my ($stdout, $stderr) = $parser->get_select_handles;
+ for my $handle ($parser->get_select_handles) {
+ my $w;
+ $w = AnyEvent->io(
+ fh => $handle,
+ poll => 'r',
+ cb => sub {
+ # Ignore activity on stderr (unnecessary with merge => 1,
+ # but let’s keep it in here if we want to use merge => 0
+ # for some reason in the future).
+ return if defined($stderr) and $handle == $stderr;
+ my $result = $parser->next;
+ if (defined($result)) {
+ $tests_completed++;
+ status($display, "Running $test: [$tests_completed/??]");
+ # TODO: check if we should bail out
+ return;
+ }
- my $child_watcher;
- $child_watcher = AnyEvent->child(pid => $pid, cb => sub {
- Log status($display, "child died. pid = $pid");
- undef $child_watcher;
- });
- }
+ # $result is not defined, we are done parsing
+ Log status($display, "$test finished");
+ close($parser->delete_spool);
+ $aggregator->add($test, $parser);
+ push @done, [ $test, $output ];
+ status_completed(scalar @done);
- my $kill_i3 = sub {
- my $kill_cv = AnyEvent->condvar;
- # Don’t bother killing i3 when we haven’t started it
- if ($dont_start) {
- $kill_cv->send();
- return $kill_cv;
- }
- # When measuring code coverage, try to exit i3 cleanly (otherwise, .gcda
- # files are not written) and fallback to killing it
- if ($coverage_testing || $valgrind) {
- my $exited = 0;
- Log status($display, 'Exiting i3 cleanly...');
- my $i3 = i3("/tmp/nested-$display");
- $i3->connect->cb(sub {
- if (!$_[0]->recv) {
- # Could not connect to i3, just kill -9 it
- kill(9, $pid) or die "Could not kill i3 using kill($pid)";
- $kill_cv->send();
+ undef $_ for @watchers;
+ if (@done == $num) {
+ $cv->end;
} else {
- # Connected. Now send exit and continue once that’s acked.
- $i3->command('exit')->cb(sub {
- $kill_cv->send();
- });
- }
- });
- } else {
- Log status($display, 'killing i3');
- # No coverage testing or valgrind? Just kill -9 i3.
- kill(9, $pid) or die "Could not kill i3 using kill($pid)";
- $kill_cv->send();
- }
- return $kill_cv;
- };
- # This will be called as soon as i3 is running and answered to our
- # IPC request
- $activate_cv->cb(sub {
- my $time_activating = [gettimeofday];
- my $start_duration = tv_interval($time_before_start, $time_activating);
- my ($status) = $activate_cv->recv;
- if ($dont_start) {
- Log status($display, 'Not starting i3, testcase does that');
- } else {
- my $duration = sprintf("%.2f", $start_duration);
- Log status($display, "i3 startup: took $duration sec, status = $status");
- }
- Log status($display, "Starting $test");
- my $output;
- open(my $spool, '>', \$output);
- my $parser = TAP::Parser->new({
- exec => [ 'sh', '-c', qq|DISPLAY=$display TESTNAME="$basename" OUTDIR="$outdir" VALGRIND=$valgrind STRACE=$strace /usr/bin/perl -Ilib $test| ],
- spool => $spool,
- merge => 1,
- });
- my $tests_completed;
- my @watchers;
- my ($stdout, $stderr) = $parser->get_select_handles;
- for my $handle ($parser->get_select_handles) {
- my $w;
- $w = AnyEvent->io(
- fh => $handle,
- poll => 'r',
- cb => sub {
- # Ignore activity on stderr (unnecessary with merge => 1,
- # but let’s keep it in here if we want to use merge => 0
- # for some reason in the future).
- return if defined($stderr) and $handle == $stderr;
- my $result = $parser->next;
- if (defined($result)) {
- $tests_completed++;
- status($display, "Running $test: [$tests_completed/??]");
- # TODO: check if we should bail out
- return;
- }
- # $result is not defined, we are done parsing
- Log status($display, "$test finished");
- close($parser->delete_spool);
- $aggregator->add($test, $parser);
- push @done, [ $test, $output ];
- status_completed(scalar @done);
- my $exitcv = $kill_i3->();
- $exitcv->cb(sub {
- undef $_ for @watchers;
- if (@done == $num) {
- $cv->end;
- } else {
- take_job($display);
- }
- });
+ take_job($display);
- );
- push @watchers, $w;
- }
- });
+ }
+ );
+ push @watchers, $w;
+ }
+my $i3_pid;
+my $i3_autostart;
+END {
+ # testcases which start i3 manually should always call exit_gracefully
+ # on their own. Let’s see, whether they really did.
+ if (! $i3_autostart) {
+ return unless $i3_pid;
+ $tester->ok(undef, 'testcase called exit_gracefully()');
+ }
+ # don't trigger SIGCHLD handler
+ local $SIG{CHLD};
+ # From perldoc -v '$?':
+ # Inside an "END" subroutine $? contains the value
+ # that is going to be given to "exit()".
+ #
+ # Since waitpid sets $?, we need to localize it,
+ # otherwise TAP would be misinterpreted our return status
+ local $?;
+ # When measuring code coverage, try to exit i3 cleanly (otherwise, .gcda
+ # files are not written)
+ exit_gracefully($i3_pid, "/tmp/nested-$ENV{DISPLAY}");
+ } else {
+ kill(9, $i3_pid)
+ or $tester->BAIL_OUT("could not kill i3");
+ waitpid $i3_pid, 0;
+ }
sub import {
- my $class = shift;
+ my ($class, %args) = @_;
my $pkg = caller;
- my $test_more_args = @_ ? "qw(@_)" : "";
+ $i3_autostart = delete($args{i3_autostart}) // 1;
+ my $cv = launch_with_config('-default', dont_block => 1)
+ if $i3_autostart;
+ my $test_more_args = '';
+ $test_more_args = join(' ', 'qw(', %args, ')') if keys %args;
local $@;
eval << "__";
package $pkg;
use AnyEvent::I3;
use Time::HiRes qw(sleep);
- $tester->bail_out("$@") if $@;
+ $tester->BAIL_OUT("$@") if $@;
$x ||= i3test::X11->new;
+ $cv->recv if $i3_autostart;
@_ = ($class);
goto \&Exporter::import;
if (!$exited) {
- kill(9, $pid) or die "could not kill i3";
+ kill(9, $pid)
+ or $tester->BAIL_OUT("could not kill i3");
if ($socketpath =~ m,^/tmp/i3-test-socket-,) {
+ waitpid $pid, 0;
+ undef $i3_pid;
# Gets the socket path from the I3_SOCKET_PATH atom stored on the X11 root window
# that it should not create an instance of i3
sub launch_with_config {
- my ($config, $dont_add_socket_path) = @_;
+ my ($config, %args) = @_;
+ $tmp_socket_path = "/tmp/nested-$ENV{DISPLAY}";
- $dont_add_socket_path //= 0;
+ my ($fh, $tmpfile) = tempfile("i3-cfg-for-$ENV{TESTNAME}-XXXXX", UNLINK => 1);
- if (!defined($tmp_socket_path)) {
- $tmp_socket_path = File::Temp::tempnam('/tmp', 'i3-test-socket-');
+ if ($config ne '-default') {
+ say $fh $config;
+ } else {
+ open(my $conf_fh, '<', './i3-test.config')
+ or $tester->BAIL_OUT("could not open default config: $!");
+ local $/;
+ say $fh scalar <$conf_fh>;
- my ($fh, $tmpfile) = tempfile('/tmp/i3-test-config-XXXXX', UNLINK => 1);
- say $fh $config;
- say $fh "ipc-socket $tmp_socket_path" unless $dont_add_socket_path;
+ say $fh "ipc-socket $tmp_socket_path"
+ unless $args{dont_add_socket_path};
my $cv = AnyEvent->condvar;
- my $pid = activate_i3(
+ $i3_pid = activate_i3(
unix_socket_path => "$tmp_socket_path-activation",
display => $ENV{DISPLAY},
configfile => $tmpfile,
cv => $cv,
+ # force update of the cached socket path in lib/i3test
+ # as soon as i3 has started
+ $cv->cb(sub { get_socket_path(0) });
+ return $cv if $args{dont_block};
# blockingly wait until i3 is ready
- # force update of the cached socket path in lib/i3test
- get_socket_path(0);
- return $pid;
+ return $i3_pid;
package i3test::X11;
# vim:ts=4:sw=4:expandtab
-# !NO_I3_INSTANCE! will prevent from starting i3
# Tests if the various ipc_socket_path options are correctly handled
-use i3test;
+use i3test i3_autostart => 0;
use File::Temp qw(tempfile tempdir);
use POSIX qw(getuid);
use v5.10;
# ensure XDG_RUNTIME_DIR is not set
-my $pid = launch_with_config($config, 1);
+my $pid = launch_with_config($config, dont_add_socket_path => 1);
my $folder = "/tmp/i3-" . getpwuid(getuid());
ok(-d $folder, "folder $folder exists");
-$pid = launch_with_config($config, 1);
+$pid = launch_with_config($config, dont_add_socket_path => 1);
ok(-d "$rtdir/i3", "$rtdir/i3 exists and is a directory");
$socketpath = "$rtdir/i3/ipc-socket." . $pid;
ipc-socket $socketpath
-$pid = launch_with_config($config, 1);
+$pid = launch_with_config($config, dont_add_socket_path => 1);
ok(-S $socketpath, "file $socketpath exists and is a socket");
# vim:ts=4:sw=4:expandtab
-# !NO_I3_INSTANCE! will prevent from starting i3
-use i3test;
+use i3test i3_autostart => 0;
# vim:ts=4:sw=4:expandtab
-# !NO_I3_INSTANCE! will prevent from starting i3
# Tests if assignments work
-use i3test;
+use i3test i3_autostart => 0;
# TODO: move to X11::XCB
# vim:ts=4:sw=4:expandtab
-# !NO_I3_INSTANCE! will prevent from starting i3
# Tests the workspace_layout config option.
-use i3test;
+use i3test i3_autostart => 0;
# 1: check that with an empty config, cons are place next to each
# vim:ts=4:sw=4:expandtab
-# !NO_I3_INSTANCE! will prevent from starting i3
# Tests if the 'force_focus_wrapping' config directive works correctly.
-use i3test;
+use i3test i3_autostart => 0;
# 1: test the wrapping behaviour without force_focus_wrapping
# vim:ts=4:sw=4:expandtab
-# !NO_I3_INSTANCE! will prevent from starting i3
# Tests if i3-migrate-config-to-v4 correctly migrates all config file
# directives and commands
-use i3test;
+use i3test i3_autostart => 0;
use Cwd qw(abs_path);
use File::Temp qw(tempfile tempdir);
use v5.10;
# vim:ts=4:sw=4:expandtab
-# !NO_I3_INSTANCE! will prevent from starting i3
# checks if i3 starts up on workspace '1' or the first configured named workspace
-use i3test;
+use i3test i3_autostart => 0;
# 1: i3 should start with workspace '1'
# vim:ts=4:sw=4:expandtab
-# !NO_I3_INSTANCE! will prevent from starting i3
# Regression: Checks if focus is stolen when a window is managed which is
# assigned to an invisible workspace
-use i3test;
+use i3test i3_autostart => 0;
# TODO: move to X11::XCB
# vim:ts=4:sw=4:expandtab
-# !NO_I3_INSTANCE! will prevent from starting i3
# Tests the new_window and new_float config option.
-use i3test;
+use i3test i3_autostart => 0;
# 1: check that new windows start with 'normal' border unless configured
# vim:ts=4:sw=4:expandtab
-# !NO_I3_INSTANCE! will prevent from starting i3
# Checks if the 'workspace back_and_forth' command and the
# 'workspace_auto_back_and_forth' config directive work correctly.
-use i3test;
+use i3test i3_autostart => 0;
my $config = <<EOT;
# i3 config file (v4)
# vim:ts=4:sw=4:expandtab
-# !NO_I3_INSTANCE! will prevent from starting i3
# Checks that the bar config is parsed correctly.
-use i3test;
+use i3test i3_autostart => 0;
# test a config without any bars