- [ { "full_text":"Home 84.0G Free", "color":"#ffffff" },
- { "full_text":"RAM 32%" , "color":"#ffffff" } ],
+ [ { "full_text": "Home 84.0G Free", "color": "#ffffff" },
+ { "full_text": "RAM 32%" , "color": "#ffffff" } ],
- [ { "full_text":"Home 84.0G Free", "color":"#ffffff" },
- { "full_text":"RAM 34%" , "color":"#ffffff" } ],
+ [ { "full_text": "Home 84.0G Free", "color": "#ffffff" },
+ { "full_text": "RAM 34%" , "color": "#ffffff" } ],
Now we have to write a <tt>~/.conkyrc</tt> file in order to obtain the desired status:
-<pre><tt>[{ "full_text":"Home 84.0G Free" , "color":"#ffffff" },
- { "full_text":"RAM 32%" , "color":"#ffffff" }],</tt></pre>
+ { "full_text": "Home 84.0G Free" , "color": "#ffffff" },
+ { "full_text": "RAM 32%" , "color": "#ffffff" }
Here's a sample conkyrc that updates every 2 seconds. Just to make things a litte bit more exciting
-- number of cpu samples to average
-- set to 1 to disable averaging
cpu_avg_samples = 2,
- -- Stuff after 'TEXT' will be formatted on screen
conky.text = [[
-{% raw %}
-[{ "full_text" : "Home ${fs_free /home} Free" , "color" : "\#ffffff" },
-{ "full_text" : "RAM ${memperc}%" , "color" :
-${if_match ${memperc}<90}"\#ffffff"${else}"\#ff0000"${endif} }],
-{% endraw %}
+{% raw %}[
+ { "full_text": "Home ${fs_free /home} Free" , "color": "\#ffffff" },
+ { "full_text": "RAM ${memperc}%" , "color": ${if_match ${memperc}<90}"\#ffffff"${else}"\#ff0000"${endif} }
+],{% endraw %}