--- /dev/null
+; Christian Groessler, October 2000
+; this file provides the _dio_read function
+; unsigned char __fastcall__ _dio_read(_driveid_t drive_id, _sectnum_t sect_num, void *buffer);
+; _driveid_t - 8bit
+; _sectnum_t - 16bit
+ .export __dio_read
+ .import popa,popax
+ .include "atari.inc"
+.proc __dio_read
+ sta DBUFLO ; set buffer address into DCB
+ stx DBUFHI
+ jsr popax
+ sta DAUX1 ; set sector #
+ stx DAUX2
+ jsr popa
+ cmp #16
+ bcs _inv_dev ; invalid device #
+ adc #1
+ sta DUNIT ; unit number (d1,d2,d3,...)
+ lda #$31 ; D1 (drive_id == 0) has id $31
+ sta DDEVIC
+ lda #0
+ sta DBYTHI ; high byte of bytes to transfer
+ lda #%01000000 ; indicate i/o direction (read)
+ sta DSTATS
+ lda #15
+ sta DTIMLO ; value got from DOS source
+ lda #128
+ sta DBYTLO ; low byte of bytes to transfer
+ lda #SIO_READ ; read sector
+ sta DCOMND
+ jsr SIOV ; execute
+ ldx #0
+ lda DSTATS
+ bmi _req_err ; error occurred
+ txa ; no error occurred
+ rts
+ ldx #0
+ lda #NONDEV ; non-existent device error
+ rts
--- /dev/null
+; Christian Groessler, October 2000
+; this file provides the _dio_write function
+; unsigned char __fastcall__ _dio_write(_driveid_t drive_id, _sectnum_t sect_num, void *buffer);
+; _driveid_t - 8bit
+; _sectnum_t - 16bit
+ .export __dio_write
+ .import popa,popax
+ .include "atari.inc"
+.proc __dio_write
+ sta DBUFLO ; set buffer address into DCB
+ stx DBUFHI
+ jsr popax
+ sta DAUX1 ; set sector #
+ stx DAUX2
+ jsr popa
+ cmp #16
+ bcs _inv_dev ; invalid device #
+ adc #1
+ sta DUNIT ; unit number (d1,d2,d3,...)
+ lda #$31 ; D1 (drive_id == 0) has id $31
+ sta DDEVIC
+ lda #0
+ sta DBYTHI ; high byte of bytes to transfer
+ lda #%10000000 ; indicate i/o direction (write)
+ sta DSTATS
+ lda #15
+ sta DTIMLO ; value got from DOS source
+ lda #128
+ sta DBYTLO ; low byte of bytes to transfer
+ lda #SIO_WRITE ; write sector
+ sta DCOMND
+ jsr SIOV ; execute
+ ldx #0
+ lda DSTATS
+ bmi _req_err ; error occurred
+ txa ; no error occurred
+ rts
+ ldx #0
+ lda #NONDEV ; non-existent device error
+ rts