+++ /dev/null
-#!/usr/bin/env perl
-# vim:ts=4:sw=4:expandtab
-# © 2010 Michael Stapelberg and contributors
-package complete_run;
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use v5.10;
-use utf8;
-# the following are modules which ship with Perl (>= 5.10):
-use Pod::Usage;
-use File::Temp qw(tempfile tempdir);
-use Getopt::Long;
-use POSIX ();
-use TAP::Harness;
-use TAP::Parser;
-use TAP::Parser::Aggregator;
-use Time::HiRes qw(time);
-use IO::Handle;
-my $dirname;
- use File::Basename;
- use Cwd qw(abs_path);
- # fileparse()[1] contains the directory portion of the specified path.
- # See File::Basename(3p) for more details.
- $dirname = (fileparse(abs_path($0)))[1];
-# these are shipped with the testsuite
-use lib $dirname . 'lib';
-use i3test::Util qw(slurp);
-use StartXServer;
-use StatusLine;
-use TestWorker;
-# the following modules are not shipped with Perl
-use AnyEvent;
-use AnyEvent::Util;
-use AnyEvent::Handle;
-use AnyEvent::I3 qw(:all);
-use X11::XCB::Connection;
-use JSON::XS; # AnyEvent::I3 depends on it, too.
-binmode STDOUT, ':utf8';
-binmode STDERR, ':utf8';
-# Close superfluous file descriptors which were passed by running in a VIM
-# subshell or situations like that.
-AnyEvent::Util::close_all_fds_except(0, 1, 2);
-# convenience wrapper to write to the log file
-my $log;
-sub Log { say $log "@_" }
-my %timings;
-my $help = 0;
-# Number of tests to run in parallel. Important to know how many Xephyr
-# instances we need to start (unless @displays are given). Defaults to
-# num_cores * 2.
-my $parallel = undef;
-my @displays = ();
-my %options = (
- valgrind => 0,
- strace => 0,
- xtrace => 0,
- coverage => 0,
- restart => 0,
-my $keep_xserver_output = 0;
-my $result = GetOptions(
- "coverage-testing" => \$options{coverage},
- "keep-xserver-output" => \$keep_xserver_output,
- "valgrind" => \$options{valgrind},
- "strace" => \$options{strace},
- "xtrace" => \$options{xtrace},
- "display=s" => \@displays,
- "parallel=i" => \$parallel,
- "help|?" => \$help,
-pod2usage(-verbose => 2, -exitcode => 0) if $help;
-chdir $dirname or die "Could not chdir into $dirname";
-# Check for missing executables
-my @binaries = qw(
- ../i3
- ../i3bar/i3bar
- ../i3-config-wizard/i3-config-wizard
- ../i3-dump-log/i3-dump-log
- ../i3-input/i3-input
- ../i3-msg/i3-msg
- ../i3-nagbar/i3-nagbar
- );
-foreach my $binary (@binaries) {
- die "$binary executable not found, did you run “make”?" unless -e $binary;
- die "$binary is not an executable" unless -x $binary;
-if ($options{coverage}) {
- qx(command -v lcov &> /dev/null);
- die "Cannot find lcov needed for coverage testing." if $?;
- qx(command -v genhtml &> /dev/null);
- die "Cannot find genhtml needed for coverage testing." if $?;
- # clean out the counters that may be left over from previous tests.
- qx(lcov -d ../ --zerocounters &> /dev/null);
-qx(Xephyr -help 2>&1);
-die "Xephyr was not found in your path. Please install Xephyr (xserver-xephyr on Debian)." if $?;
-@displays = split(/,/, join(',', @displays));
-@displays = map { s/ //g; $_ } @displays;
-# 2: get a list of all testcases
-my @testfiles = @ARGV;
-# if no files were passed on command line, run all tests from t/
-@testfiles = <t/*.t> if @testfiles == 0;
-my $numtests = scalar @testfiles;
-# No displays specified, let’s start some Xephyr instances.
-if (@displays == 0) {
- @displays = start_xserver($parallel, $numtests, $keep_xserver_output);
-# 1: create an output directory for this test-run
-my $outdir = "testsuite-";
-$outdir .= POSIX::strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S-", localtime());
-$outdir .= `git describe --tags`;
-mkdir($outdir) or die "Could not create $outdir";
-unlink("latest") if -l "latest";
-symlink("$outdir", "latest") or die "Could not symlink latest to $outdir";
-# connect to all displays for two reasons:
-# 1: check if the display actually works
-# 2: keep the connection open so that i3 is not the only client. this prevents
-# the X server from exiting
-my @single_worker;
-for my $display (@displays) {
- my $screen;
- my $x = X11::XCB::Connection->new(display => $display);
- if ($x->has_error) {
- die "Could not connect to display $display\n";
- } else {
- # start a TestWorker for each display
- push @single_worker, worker($display, $x, $outdir, \%options);
- }
-# Read previous timing information, if available. We will be able to roughly
-# predict the test duration and schedule a good order for the tests.
-my $timingsjson = slurp('.last_run_timings.json') if -e '.last_run_timings.json';
-%timings = %{decode_json($timingsjson)} if length($timingsjson) > 0;
-# Re-order the files so that those which took the longest time in the previous
-# run will be started at the beginning to not delay the whole run longer than
-# necessary.
-@testfiles = map { $_->[0] }
- sort { $b->[1] <=> $a->[1] }
- map { [$_, $timings{$_} // 999] } @testfiles;
-# Run 000-load-deps.t first to bail out early when dependencies are missing.
-my $loadtest = "t/000-load-deps.t";
-if ((scalar grep { $_ eq $loadtest } @testfiles) > 0) {
- @testfiles = ($loadtest, grep { $_ ne $loadtest } @testfiles);
-printf("\nRough time estimate for this run: %.2f seconds\n\n", $timings{GLOBAL})
- if exists($timings{GLOBAL});
-# Forget the old timings, we don’t necessarily run the same set of tests as
-# before. Otherwise we would end up with left-overs.
-%timings = (GLOBAL => time());
-my $logfile = "$outdir/complete-run.log";
-open $log, '>', $logfile or die "Could not create '$logfile': $!";
-say "Writing logfile to '$logfile'...";
-# 3: run all tests
-my @done;
-my $num = @testfiles;
-my $harness = TAP::Harness->new({ });
-my $aggregator = TAP::Parser::Aggregator->new();
-status_init(displays => \@displays, tests => $num);
-my $single_cv = AE::cv;
-# We start tests concurrently: For each display, one test gets started. Every
-# test starts another test after completing.
-for (@single_worker) {
- $single_cv->begin;
- take_job($_, $single_cv, \@testfiles);
-# print empty lines to separate failed tests from statuslines
-print "\n\n";
-for (@done) {
- my ($test, $output) = @$_;
- say "no output for $test" unless $output;
- Log "output for $test:";
- Log $output;
- # print error messages of failed tests
- say for $output =~ /^not ok.+\n+((?:^#.+\n)+)/mg
-# 4: print summary
-close $log;
-# 5: Save the timings for better scheduling/prediction next run.
-$timings{GLOBAL} = time() - $timings{GLOBAL};
-open(my $fh, '>', '.last_run_timings.json');
-print $fh encode_json(\%timings);
-# 6: Print the slowest test files.
-my @slowest = map { $_->[0] }
- sort { $b->[1] <=> $a->[1] }
- map { [$_, $timings{$_}] }
- grep { !/^GLOBAL$/ } keys %timings;
-say '';
-say 'The slowest tests are:';
-printf("\t%s with %.2f seconds\n", $_, $timings{$_})
- for @slowest[0..($#slowest > 4 ? 4 : $#slowest)];
-# When we are running precisely one test, print the output. Makes developing
-# with a single testcase easier.
-if ($numtests == 1) {
- say '';
- say 'Test output:';
- say slurp($logfile);
-END { cleanup() }
-if ($options{coverage}) {
- print("\nGenerating test coverage report...\n");
- qx(lcov -d ../ -b ../ --capture -o latest/i3-coverage.info);
- qx(genhtml -o latest/i3-coverage latest/i3-coverage.info);
- if ($?) {
- print("Could not generate test coverage html. Did you compile i3 with test coverage support?\n");
- } else {
- print("Test coverage report generated in latest/i3-coverage\n");
- }
-# Report logfiles that match “(Leak|Address)Sanitizer:”.
-my @logs_with_leaks;
-for my $log (<$outdir/i3-log-for-*>) {
- if (slurp($log) =~ /(Leak|Address)Sanitizer:/) {
- push @logs_with_leaks, $log;
- }
-if (scalar @logs_with_leaks > 0) {
- say "\nThe following test logfiles contain AddressSanitizer or LeakSanitizer reports:";
- for my $log (sort @logs_with_leaks) {
- say "\t$log";
- }
-exit ($aggregator->failed > 0);
-# Takes a test from the beginning of @testfiles and runs it.
-# The TAP::Parser (which reads the test output) will get called as soon as
-# there is some activity on the stdout file descriptor of the test process
-# (using an AnyEvent->io watcher).
-# When a test completes and @done contains $num entries, the $cv condvar gets
-# triggered to finish testing.
-sub take_job {
- my ($worker, $cv, $tests) = @_;
- my $test = shift @$tests
- or return $cv->end;
- my $display = $worker->{display};
- Log status($display, "$test: starting");
- $timings{$test} = time();
- worker_next($worker, $test);
- # create a TAP::Parser with an in-memory fh
- my $output;
- my $parser = TAP::Parser->new({
- source => do { open(my $fh, '<', \$output); $fh },
- });
- my $ipc = $worker->{ipc};
- my $w;
- $w = AnyEvent->io(
- fh => $ipc,
- poll => 'r',
- cb => sub {
- state $tests_completed = 0;
- state $partial = '';
- sysread($ipc, my $buf, 4096) or die "sysread: $!";
- if ($partial) {
- $buf = $partial . $buf;
- $partial = '';
- }
- # make sure we feed TAP::Parser complete lines so it doesn't blow up
- if (substr($buf, -1, 1) ne "\n") {
- my $nl = rindex($buf, "\n");
- if ($nl == -1) {
- $partial = $buf;
- return;
- }
- # strip partial from buffer
- $partial = substr($buf, $nl + 1, '');
- }
- # count lines before stripping eof-marker otherwise we might
- # end up with for (1 .. 0) { } which would effectivly skip the loop
- my $lines = $buf =~ tr/\n//;
- my $t_eof = $buf =~ s/^$TestWorker::EOF$//m;
- $output .= $buf;
- for (1 .. $lines) {
- my $result = $parser->next;
- next unless defined($result);
- if ($result->is_test) {
- $tests_completed++;
- status($display, "$test: [$tests_completed/??] ");
- } elsif ($result->is_bailout) {
- Log status($display, "$test: BAILOUT");
- status_completed(scalar @done);
- say "";
- say "test $test bailed out: " . $result->explanation;
- exit 1;
- }
- }
- return unless $t_eof;
- Log status($display, "$test: finished");
- $timings{$test} = time() - $timings{$test};
- status_completed(scalar @done);
- $aggregator->add($test, $parser);
- push @done, [ $test, $output ];
- undef $w;
- take_job($worker, $cv, $tests);
- }
- );
-sub cleanup {
- my $exitcode = $?;
- $_->() for our @CLEANUP;
- exit $exitcode;
-# must be in a begin block because we C<exit 0> above
- $SIG{$_} = sub {
- require Carp; Carp::cluck("Caught SIG$_[0]\n");
- cleanup();
-=head1 NAME
-complete-run.pl - Run the i3 testsuite
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
-complete-run.pl [files...]
-=head1 EXAMPLE
-To run the whole testsuite on a reasonable number of Xephyr instances (your
-running X11 will not be touched), run:
- ./complete-run.pl
-To run only a specific test (useful when developing a new feature), run:
- ./complete-run t/100-fullscreen.t
-=head1 OPTIONS
-=over 8
-=item B<--display>
-Specifies which X11 display should be used. Can be specified multiple times and
-will parallelize the tests:
- # Run tests on the second X server
- ./complete-run.pl -d :1
- # Run four tests in parallel on some Xephyr servers
- ./complete-run.pl -d :1,:2,:3,:4
-Note that it is not necessary to specify this anymore. If omitted,
-complete-run.pl will start (num_cores * 2) Xephyr instances.
-=item B<--valgrind>
-Runs i3 under valgrind to find memory problems. The output will be available in
-=item B<--strace>
-Runs i3 under strace to trace system calls. The output will be available in
-=item B<--xtrace>
-Runs i3 under xtrace to trace X11 requests/replies. The output will be
-available in C<latest/xtrace-for-$test.log>.
-=item B<--coverage-testing>
-Generates a test coverage report at C<latest/i3-coverage>. Exits i3 cleanly
-during tests (instead of kill -9) to make coverage testing work properly.
-=item B<--parallel>
-Number of Xephyr instances to start (if you don't want to start num_cores * 2
-instances for some reason).
- # Run all tests on a single Xephyr instance
- ./complete-run.pl -p 1
--- /dev/null
+#!/usr/bin/env perl
+# vim:ts=4:sw=4:expandtab
+# © 2010 Michael Stapelberg and contributors
+package complete_run;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use v5.10;
+use utf8;
+# the following are modules which ship with Perl (>= 5.10):
+use Pod::Usage;
+use File::Temp qw(tempfile tempdir);
+use Getopt::Long;
+use POSIX ();
+use TAP::Harness;
+use TAP::Parser;
+use TAP::Parser::Aggregator;
+use Time::HiRes qw(time);
+use IO::Handle;
+# these are shipped with the testsuite
+use lib qw(@abs_top_builddir@/testcases/lib @abs_top_srcdir@/testcases/lib);
+use i3test::Util qw(slurp);
+use StartXServer;
+use StatusLine;
+use TestWorker;
+# the following modules are not shipped with Perl
+use AnyEvent;
+use AnyEvent::Util;
+use AnyEvent::Handle;
+use AnyEvent::I3 qw(:all);
+use X11::XCB::Connection;
+use JSON::XS; # AnyEvent::I3 depends on it, too.
+binmode STDOUT, ':utf8';
+binmode STDERR, ':utf8';
+# Close superfluous file descriptors which were passed by running in a VIM
+# subshell or situations like that.
+AnyEvent::Util::close_all_fds_except(0, 1, 2);
+# convenience wrapper to write to the log file
+my $log;
+sub Log { say $log "@_" }
+my %timings;
+my $help = 0;
+# Number of tests to run in parallel. Important to know how many Xephyr
+# instances we need to start (unless @displays are given). Defaults to
+# num_cores * 2.
+my $parallel = undef;
+my @displays = ();
+my %options = (
+ valgrind => 0,
+ strace => 0,
+ xtrace => 0,
+ coverage => 0,
+ restart => 0,
+my $keep_xserver_output = 0;
+my $result = GetOptions(
+ "coverage-testing" => \$options{coverage},
+ "keep-xserver-output" => \$keep_xserver_output,
+ "valgrind" => \$options{valgrind},
+ "strace" => \$options{strace},
+ "xtrace" => \$options{xtrace},
+ "display=s" => \@displays,
+ "parallel=i" => \$parallel,
+ "help|?" => \$help,
+pod2usage(-verbose => 2, -exitcode => 0) if $help;
+# Check for missing executables
+my @binaries = qw(
+ @abs_top_builddir@/i3
+ @abs_top_builddir@/i3bar/i3bar
+ @abs_top_builddir@/i3-config-wizard/i3-config-wizard
+ @abs_top_builddir@/i3-dump-log/i3-dump-log
+ @abs_top_builddir@/i3-input/i3-input
+ @abs_top_builddir@/i3-msg/i3-msg
+ @abs_top_builddir@/i3-nagbar/i3-nagbar
+ );
+foreach my $binary (@binaries) {
+ die "$binary executable not found, did you run “make”?" unless -e $binary;
+ die "$binary is not an executable" unless -x $binary;
+$ENV{PATH} = join(':',
+ '@abs_top_builddir@/i3-nagbar',
+ '@abs_top_builddir@/i3-msg',
+ '@abs_top_builddir@/i3-input',
+ '@abs_top_builddir@/i3-dump-log',
+ '@abs_top_builddir@/i3-config-wizard',
+ '@abs_top_builddir@/i3bar',
+ '@abs_top_builddir@',
+ '@abs_top_srcdir@',
+ $ENV{PATH});
+qx(Xephyr -help 2>&1);
+die "Xephyr was not found in your path. Please install Xephyr (xserver-xephyr on Debian)." if $?;
+@displays = split(/,/, join(',', @displays));
+@displays = map { s/ //g; $_ } @displays;
+# 2: get a list of all testcases
+my @testfiles = @ARGV;
+# if no files were passed on command line, run all tests from t/
+if (scalar @testfiles == 0) {
+ @testfiles = <@abs_top_srcdir@/testcases/t/*.t> if @testfiles == 0;
+} else {
+ @testfiles = map {
+ # Fully qualify each specified file if necessary
+ if (! -e $_) {
+ $_ = "@abs_top_srcdir@/testcases/$_";
+ }
+ $_
+ } @testfiles;
+my $numtests = scalar @testfiles;
+# No displays specified, let’s start some Xephyr instances.
+if (@displays == 0) {
+ @displays = start_xserver($parallel, $numtests, $keep_xserver_output);
+# 1: create an output directory for this test-run
+my $outdir = "testsuite-";
+$outdir .= POSIX::strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S-", localtime());
+$outdir .= `git describe --tags`;
+mkdir($outdir) or die "Could not create $outdir";
+unlink("latest") if -l "latest";
+symlink("$outdir", "latest") or die "Could not symlink latest to $outdir";
+# connect to all displays for two reasons:
+# 1: check if the display actually works
+# 2: keep the connection open so that i3 is not the only client. this prevents
+# the X server from exiting
+my @single_worker;
+for my $display (@displays) {
+ my $screen;
+ my $x = X11::XCB::Connection->new(display => $display);
+ if ($x->has_error) {
+ die "Could not connect to display $display\n";
+ } else {
+ # start a TestWorker for each display
+ push @single_worker, worker($display, $x, $outdir, \%options);
+ }
+# Read previous timing information, if available. We will be able to roughly
+# predict the test duration and schedule a good order for the tests.
+my $timingsjson = slurp('.last_run_timings.json') if -e '.last_run_timings.json';
+%timings = %{decode_json($timingsjson)} if length($timingsjson) > 0;
+# Re-order the files so that those which took the longest time in the previous
+# run will be started at the beginning to not delay the whole run longer than
+# necessary.
+@testfiles = map { $_->[0] }
+ sort { $b->[1] <=> $a->[1] }
+ map { [$_, $timings{$_} // 999] } @testfiles;
+# Run 000-load-deps.t first to bail out early when dependencies are missing.
+my $loadtest = "t/000-load-deps.t";
+if ((scalar grep { $_ eq $loadtest } @testfiles) > 0) {
+ @testfiles = ($loadtest, grep { $_ ne $loadtest } @testfiles);
+printf("\nRough time estimate for this run: %.2f seconds\n\n", $timings{GLOBAL})
+ if exists($timings{GLOBAL});
+# Forget the old timings, we don’t necessarily run the same set of tests as
+# before. Otherwise we would end up with left-overs.
+%timings = (GLOBAL => time());
+my $logfile = "$outdir/complete-run.log";
+open $log, '>', $logfile or die "Could not create '$logfile': $!";
+say "Writing logfile to '$logfile'...";
+# 3: run all tests
+my @done;
+my $num = @testfiles;
+my $harness = TAP::Harness->new({ });
+my $aggregator = TAP::Parser::Aggregator->new();
+status_init(displays => \@displays, tests => $num);
+my $single_cv = AE::cv;
+# We start tests concurrently: For each display, one test gets started. Every
+# test starts another test after completing.
+for (@single_worker) {
+ $single_cv->begin;
+ take_job($_, $single_cv, \@testfiles);
+# print empty lines to separate failed tests from statuslines
+print "\n\n";
+for (@done) {
+ my ($test, $output) = @$_;
+ say "no output for $test" unless $output;
+ Log "output for $test:";
+ Log $output;
+ # print error messages of failed tests
+ say for $output =~ /^not ok.+\n+((?:^#.+\n)+)/mg
+# 4: print summary
+close $log;
+# 5: Save the timings for better scheduling/prediction next run.
+$timings{GLOBAL} = time() - $timings{GLOBAL};
+open(my $fh, '>', '.last_run_timings.json');
+print $fh encode_json(\%timings);
+# 6: Print the slowest test files.
+my @slowest = map { $_->[0] }
+ sort { $b->[1] <=> $a->[1] }
+ map { [$_, $timings{$_}] }
+ grep { !/^GLOBAL$/ } keys %timings;
+say '';
+say 'The slowest tests are:';
+printf("\t%s with %.2f seconds\n", $_, $timings{$_})
+ for @slowest[0..($#slowest > 4 ? 4 : $#slowest)];
+# When we are running precisely one test, print the output. Makes developing
+# with a single testcase easier.
+if ($numtests == 1) {
+ say '';
+ say 'Test output:';
+ say slurp($logfile);
+END { cleanup() }
+# Report logfiles that match “(Leak|Address)Sanitizer:”.
+my @logs_with_leaks;
+for my $log (<$outdir/i3-log-for-*>) {
+ if (slurp($log) =~ /(Leak|Address)Sanitizer:/) {
+ push @logs_with_leaks, $log;
+ }
+if (scalar @logs_with_leaks > 0) {
+ say "\nThe following test logfiles contain AddressSanitizer or LeakSanitizer reports:";
+ for my $log (sort @logs_with_leaks) {
+ say "\t$log";
+ }
+exit ($aggregator->failed > 0);
+# Takes a test from the beginning of @testfiles and runs it.
+# The TAP::Parser (which reads the test output) will get called as soon as
+# there is some activity on the stdout file descriptor of the test process
+# (using an AnyEvent->io watcher).
+# When a test completes and @done contains $num entries, the $cv condvar gets
+# triggered to finish testing.
+sub take_job {
+ my ($worker, $cv, $tests) = @_;
+ my $test = shift @$tests
+ or return $cv->end;
+ my $display = $worker->{display};
+ Log status($display, "$test: starting");
+ $timings{$test} = time();
+ worker_next($worker, $test);
+ # create a TAP::Parser with an in-memory fh
+ my $output;
+ my $parser = TAP::Parser->new({
+ source => do { open(my $fh, '<', \$output); $fh },
+ });
+ my $ipc = $worker->{ipc};
+ my $w;
+ $w = AnyEvent->io(
+ fh => $ipc,
+ poll => 'r',
+ cb => sub {
+ state $tests_completed = 0;
+ state $partial = '';
+ sysread($ipc, my $buf, 4096) or die "sysread: $!";
+ if ($partial) {
+ $buf = $partial . $buf;
+ $partial = '';
+ }
+ # make sure we feed TAP::Parser complete lines so it doesn't blow up
+ if (substr($buf, -1, 1) ne "\n") {
+ my $nl = rindex($buf, "\n");
+ if ($nl == -1) {
+ $partial = $buf;
+ return;
+ }
+ # strip partial from buffer
+ $partial = substr($buf, $nl + 1, '');
+ }
+ # count lines before stripping eof-marker otherwise we might
+ # end up with for (1 .. 0) { } which would effectivly skip the loop
+ my $lines = $buf =~ tr/\n//;
+ my $t_eof = $buf =~ s/^$TestWorker::EOF$//m;
+ $output .= $buf;
+ for (1 .. $lines) {
+ my $result = $parser->next;
+ next unless defined($result);
+ if ($result->is_test) {
+ $tests_completed++;
+ status($display, "$test: [$tests_completed/??] ");
+ } elsif ($result->is_bailout) {
+ Log status($display, "$test: BAILOUT");
+ status_completed(scalar @done);
+ say "";
+ say "test $test bailed out: " . $result->explanation;
+ exit 1;
+ }
+ }
+ return unless $t_eof;
+ Log status($display, "$test: finished");
+ $timings{$test} = time() - $timings{$test};
+ status_completed(scalar @done);
+ $aggregator->add($test, $parser);
+ push @done, [ $test, $output ];
+ undef $w;
+ take_job($worker, $cv, $tests);
+ }
+ );
+sub cleanup {
+ my $exitcode = $?;
+ $_->() for our @CLEANUP;
+ exit $exitcode;
+# must be in a begin block because we C<exit 0> above
+ $SIG{$_} = sub {
+ require Carp; Carp::cluck("Caught SIG$_[0]\n");
+ cleanup();
+=head1 NAME
+complete-run.pl - Run the i3 testsuite
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+complete-run.pl [files...]
+=head1 EXAMPLE
+To run the whole testsuite on a reasonable number of Xephyr instances (your
+running X11 will not be touched), run:
+ ./complete-run.pl
+To run only a specific test (useful when developing a new feature), run:
+ ./complete-run t/100-fullscreen.t
+=head1 OPTIONS
+=over 8
+=item B<--display>
+Specifies which X11 display should be used. Can be specified multiple times and
+will parallelize the tests:
+ # Run tests on the second X server
+ ./complete-run.pl -d :1
+ # Run four tests in parallel on some Xephyr servers
+ ./complete-run.pl -d :1,:2,:3,:4
+Note that it is not necessary to specify this anymore. If omitted,
+complete-run.pl will start (num_cores * 2) Xephyr instances.
+=item B<--valgrind>
+Runs i3 under valgrind to find memory problems. The output will be available in
+=item B<--strace>
+Runs i3 under strace to trace system calls. The output will be available in
+=item B<--xtrace>
+Runs i3 under xtrace to trace X11 requests/replies. The output will be
+available in C<latest/xtrace-for-$test.log>.
+=item B<--coverage-testing>
+Generates a test coverage report at C<latest/i3-coverage>. Exits i3 cleanly
+during tests (instead of kill -9) to make coverage testing work properly.
+=item B<--parallel>
+Number of Xephyr instances to start (if you don't want to start num_cores * 2
+instances for some reason).
+ # Run all tests on a single Xephyr instance
+ ./complete-run.pl -p 1
$ENV{DISPLAY} = $args{display};
- $ENV{PATH} = join(':',
- '../i3-nagbar',
- '../i3-msg',
- '../i3-config-wizard',
- '../i3bar',
- '..',
- );
# We are about to exec, but we did not modify $^F to include $socket
# when creating the socket (because the file descriptor could have a
# the interactive signalhandler to make it crash immediately instead.
# Also disable logging to SHM since we redirect the logs anyways.
# Force Xinerama because we use Xdmx for multi-monitor tests.
- my $i3cmd = abs_path("../i3") . q| --shmlog-size=0 --disable-signalhandler --force-xinerama|;
+ my $i3cmd = q|i3 --shmlog-size=0 --disable-signalhandler --force-xinerama|;
if (!$args{validate_config}) {
# We only set logging if i3 is actually started, but not if we only
# validate the config file. This is to keep logging to a minimum as
package main;
local $@;
- do "./$file";
+ do $file;
$test->ok(undef, "$@") if $@;
# XXX hack, we need to trigger the read watcher once more
+++ /dev/null
-package i3test;
-# vim:ts=4:sw=4:expandtab
-use strict; use warnings;
-use File::Temp qw(tmpnam tempfile tempdir);
-use Test::Builder;
-use X11::XCB::Rect;
-use X11::XCB::Window;
-use X11::XCB qw(:all);
-use AnyEvent::I3;
-use List::Util qw(first);
-use Time::HiRes qw(sleep);
-use Cwd qw(abs_path);
-use Scalar::Util qw(blessed);
-use SocketActivation;
-use i3test::Util qw(slurp);
-use v5.10;
-# preload
-use Test::More ();
-use Data::Dumper ();
-use Exporter ();
-our @EXPORT = qw(
- get_workspace_names
- get_unused_workspace
- fresh_workspace
- get_ws_content
- get_ws
- get_focused
- open_empty_con
- open_window
- open_floating_window
- get_dock_clients
- cmd
- sync_with_i3
- exit_gracefully
- workspace_exists
- focused_ws
- get_socket_path
- launch_with_config
- get_i3_log
- wait_for_event
- wait_for_map
- wait_for_unmap
- $x
-=head1 NAME
-i3test - Testcase setup module
-=encoding utf-8
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
- use i3test;
- my $ws = fresh_workspace;
- is_num_children($ws, 0, 'no containers on this workspace yet');
- cmd 'open';
- is_num_children($ws, 1, 'one container after "open"');
- done_testing;
-This module is used in every i3 testcase and takes care of automatically
-starting i3 before any test instructions run. It also saves you typing of lots
-of boilerplate in every test file.
-i3test automatically "use"s C<Test::More>, C<Data::Dumper>, C<AnyEvent::I3>,
-C<Time::HiRes>’s C<sleep> and C<i3test::Test> so that all of them are available
-to you in your testcase.
-See also C<i3test::Test> (L<http://build.i3wm.org/docs/lib-i3test-test.html>)
-which provides additional test instructions (like C<ok> or C<is>).
-my $tester = Test::Builder->new();
-my $_cached_socket_path = undef;
-my $_sync_window = undef;
-my $tmp_socket_path = undef;
-our $x;
- my $window_count = 0;
- sub counter_window {
- return $window_count++;
- }
-my $i3_pid;
-my $i3_autostart;
-END {
- # testcases which start i3 manually should always call exit_gracefully
- # on their own. Let’s see, whether they really did.
- if (! $i3_autostart) {
- return unless $i3_pid;
- $tester->ok(undef, 'testcase called exit_gracefully()');
- }
- # don't trigger SIGCHLD handler
- local $SIG{CHLD};
- # From perldoc -v '$?':
- # Inside an "END" subroutine $? contains the value
- # that is going to be given to "exit()".
- #
- # Since waitpid sets $?, we need to localize it,
- # otherwise TAP would be misinterpreted our return status
- local $?;
- # When measuring code coverage, try to exit i3 cleanly (otherwise, .gcda
- # files are not written)
- exit_gracefully($i3_pid, "/tmp/nested-$ENV{DISPLAY}");
- } else {
- kill(9, $i3_pid)
- or $tester->BAIL_OUT("could not kill i3");
- waitpid $i3_pid, 0;
- }
-sub import {
- my ($class, %args) = @_;
- my $pkg = caller;
- $i3_autostart = delete($args{i3_autostart}) // 1;
- my $cv = launch_with_config('-default', dont_block => 1)
- if $i3_autostart;
- my $test_more_args = '';
- $test_more_args = join(' ', 'qw(', %args, ')') if keys %args;
- local $@;
- eval << "__";
-package $pkg;
-use Test::More $test_more_args;
-use Data::Dumper;
-use AnyEvent::I3;
-use Time::HiRes qw(sleep);
-use i3test::Test;
- $tester->BAIL_OUT("$@") if $@;
- feature->import(":5.10");
- strict->import;
- warnings->import;
- $x ||= i3test::X11->new;
- # set the pointer to a predictable position in case a previous test has
- # disturbed it
- $x->root->warp_pointer(0, 0);
- $cv->recv if $i3_autostart;
- @_ = ($class);
- goto \&Exporter::import;
-=head1 EXPORT
-=head2 wait_for_event($timeout, $callback)
-Waits for the next event and calls the given callback for every event to
-determine if this is the event we are waiting for.
-Can be used to wait until a window is mapped, until a ClientMessage is
-received, etc.
- wait_for_event 0.25, sub { $_[0]->{response_type} == MAP_NOTIFY };
-sub wait_for_event {
- my ($timeout, $cb) = @_;
- my $cv = AE::cv;
- $x->flush;
- # unfortunately, there is no constant for this
- my $ae_read = 0;
- my $guard = AE::io $x->get_file_descriptor, $ae_read, sub {
- while (defined(my $event = $x->poll_for_event)) {
- if ($cb->($event)) {
- $cv->send(1);
- last;
- }
- }
- };
- # Trigger timeout after $timeout seconds (can be fractional)
- my $t = AE::timer $timeout, 0, sub { warn "timeout ($timeout secs)"; $cv->send(0) };
- my $result = $cv->recv;
- undef $t;
- undef $guard;
- return $result;
-=head2 wait_for_map($window)
-Thin wrapper around wait_for_event which waits for MAP_NOTIFY.
-Make sure to include 'structure_notify' in the window’s event_mask attribute.
-This function is called by C<open_window>, so in most cases, you don’t need to
-call it on your own. If you need special setup of the window before mapping,
-you might have to map it on your own and use this function:
- my $window = open_window(dont_map => 1);
- # Do something special with the window first
- # …
- # Now map it and wait until it’s been mapped
- $window->map;
- wait_for_map($window);
-sub wait_for_map {
- my ($win) = @_;
- my $id = (blessed($win) && $win->isa('X11::XCB::Window')) ? $win->id : $win;
- wait_for_event 4, sub {
- $_[0]->{response_type} == MAP_NOTIFY and $_[0]->{window} == $id
- };
-=head2 wait_for_unmap($window)
-Wrapper around C<wait_for_event> which waits for UNMAP_NOTIFY. Also calls
-C<sync_with_i3> to make sure i3 also picked up and processed the UnmapNotify
- my $ws = fresh_workspace;
- my $window = open_window;
- is_num_children($ws, 1, 'one window on workspace');
- $window->unmap;
- wait_for_unmap;
- is_num_children($ws, 0, 'no more windows on this workspace');
-sub wait_for_unmap {
- my ($win) = @_;
- # my $id = (blessed($win) && $win->isa('X11::XCB::Window')) ? $win->id : $win;
- wait_for_event 4, sub {
- $_[0]->{response_type} == UNMAP_NOTIFY # and $_[0]->{window} == $id
- };
- sync_with_i3();
-=head2 open_window([ $args ])
-Opens a new window (see C<X11::XCB::Window>), maps it, waits until it got mapped
-and synchronizes with i3.
-The following arguments can be passed:
-=over 4
-=item class
-The X11 window class (e.g. WINDOW_CLASS_INPUT_OUTPUT), not to be confused with
-the WM_CLASS!
-=item rect
-An arrayref with 4 members specifying the initial geometry (position and size)
-of the window, e.g. C<< [ 0, 100, 70, 50 ] >> for a window appearing at x=0, y=100
-with width=70 and height=50.
-Note that this is entirely irrelevant for tiling windows.
-=item background_color
-The background pixel color of the window, formatted as "#rrggbb", like HTML
-color codes (e.g. #c0c0c0). This is useful to tell windows apart when actually
-watching the testcases.
-=item event_mask
-An arrayref containing strings which describe the X11 event mask we use for that
-window. The default is C<< [ 'structure_notify' ] >>.
-=item name
-The window’s C<_NET_WM_NAME> (UTF-8 window title). By default, this is "Window
-n" with n being replaced by a counter to keep windows apart.
-=item dont_map
-Set to a true value to avoid mapping the window (making it visible).
-=item before_map
-A coderef which is called before the window is mapped (unless C<dont_map> is
-true). The freshly created C<$window> is passed as C<$_> and as the first
-The default values are equivalent to this call:
- open_window(
- rect => [ 0, 0, 30, 30 ]
- background_color => '#c0c0c0'
- event_mask => [ 'structure_notify' ]
- name => 'Window <n>'
- );
-Usually, though, calls are simpler:
- my $top_window = open_window;
-To identify the resulting window object in i3 commands, use the id property:
- my $top_window = open_window;
- cmd '[id="' . $top_window->id . '"] kill';
-sub open_window {
- my %args = @_ == 1 ? %{$_[0]} : @_;
- my $dont_map = delete $args{dont_map};
- my $before_map = delete $args{before_map};
- $args{class} //= WINDOW_CLASS_INPUT_OUTPUT;
- $args{rect} //= [ 0, 0, 30, 30 ];
- $args{background_color} //= '#c0c0c0';
- $args{event_mask} //= [ 'structure_notify' ];
- $args{name} //= 'Window ' . counter_window();
- my $window = $x->root->create_child(%args);
- $window->add_hint('input');
- if ($before_map) {
- # TODO: investigate why _create is not needed
- $window->_create;
- $before_map->($window) for $window;
- }
- return $window if $dont_map;
- $window->map;
- wait_for_map($window);
- return $window;
-=head2 open_floating_window([ $args ])
-Thin wrapper around open_window which sets window_type to
-C<_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_UTILITY> to make the window floating.
-The arguments are the same as those of C<open_window>.
-sub open_floating_window {
- my %args = @_ == 1 ? %{$_[0]} : @_;
- $args{window_type} = $x->atom(name => '_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_UTILITY');
- return open_window(\%args);
-sub open_empty_con {
- my ($i3) = @_;
- my $reply = $i3->command('open')->recv;
- return $reply->[0]->{id};
-=head2 get_workspace_names()
-Returns an arrayref containing the name of every workspace (regardless of its
-output) which currently exists.
- my $workspace_names = get_workspace_names;
- is(scalar @$workspace_names, 3, 'three workspaces exist currently');
-sub get_workspace_names {
- my $i3 = i3(get_socket_path());
- my $tree = $i3->get_tree->recv;
- my @outputs = @{$tree->{nodes}};
- my @cons;
- for my $output (@outputs) {
- next if $output->{name} eq '__i3';
- # get the first CT_CON of each output
- my $content = first { $_->{type} eq 'con' } @{$output->{nodes}};
- @cons = (@cons, @{$content->{nodes}});
- }
- [ map { $_->{name} } @cons ]
-=head2 get_unused_workspace
-Returns a workspace name which has not yet been used. See also
-C<fresh_workspace> which directly switches to an unused workspace.
- my $ws = get_unused_workspace;
- cmd "workspace $ws";
-sub get_unused_workspace {
- my @names = get_workspace_names();
- my $tmp;
- do { $tmp = tmpnam() } while ((scalar grep { $_ eq $tmp } @names) > 0);
- $tmp
-=head2 fresh_workspace([ $args ])
-Switches to an unused workspace and returns the name of that workspace.
-Optionally switches to the specified output first.
- my $ws = fresh_workspace;
- # Get a fresh workspace on the second output.
- my $ws = fresh_workspace(output => 1);
-sub fresh_workspace {
- my %args = @_;
- if (exists($args{output})) {
- my $i3 = i3(get_socket_path());
- my $tree = $i3->get_tree->recv;
- my $output = first { $_->{name} eq "fake-$args{output}" }
- @{$tree->{nodes}};
- die "BUG: Could not find output $args{output}" unless defined($output);
- # Get the focused workspace on that output and switch to it.
- my $content = first { $_->{type} eq 'con' } @{$output->{nodes}};
- my $focused = $content->{focus}->[0];
- my $workspace = first { $_->{id} == $focused } @{$content->{nodes}};
- $workspace = $workspace->{name};
- cmd("workspace $workspace");
- }
- my $unused = get_unused_workspace;
- cmd("workspace $unused");
- $unused
-=head2 get_ws($workspace)
-Returns the container (from the i3 layout tree) which represents C<$workspace>.
- my $ws = fresh_workspace;
- my $ws_con = get_ws($ws);
- ok(!$ws_con->{urgent}, 'fresh workspace not marked urgent');
-Here is an example which counts the number of urgent containers recursively,
-starting from the workspace container:
- sub count_urgent {
- my ($con) = @_;
- my @children = (@{$con->{nodes}}, @{$con->{floating_nodes}});
- my $urgent = grep { $_->{urgent} } @children;
- $urgent += count_urgent($_) for @children;
- return $urgent;
- }
- my $urgent = count_urgent(get_ws($ws));
- is($urgent, 3, "three urgent windows on workspace $ws");
-sub get_ws {
- my ($name) = @_;
- my $i3 = i3(get_socket_path());
- my $tree = $i3->get_tree->recv;
- my @outputs = @{$tree->{nodes}};
- my @workspaces;
- for my $output (@outputs) {
- # get the first CT_CON of each output
- my $content = first { $_->{type} eq 'con' } @{$output->{nodes}};
- @workspaces = (@workspaces, @{$content->{nodes}});
- }
- # as there can only be one workspace with this name, we can safely
- # return the first entry
- return first { $_->{name} eq $name } @workspaces;
-=head2 get_ws_content($workspace)
-Returns the content (== tree, starting from the node of a workspace)
-of a workspace. If called in array context, also includes the focus
-stack of the workspace.
- my $nodes = get_ws_content($ws);
- is(scalar @$nodes, 4, 'there are four containers at workspace-level');
-Or, in array context:
- my $window = open_window;
- my ($nodes, $focus) = get_ws_content($ws);
- is($focus->[0], $window->id, 'newly opened window focused');
-Note that this function does not do recursion for you! It only returns the
-containers B<on workspace level>. If you want to work with all containers (even
-nested ones) on a workspace, you have to use recursion:
- # NB: This function does not count floating windows
- sub count_urgent {
- my ($nodes) = @_;
- my $urgent = 0;
- for my $con (@$nodes) {
- $urgent++ if $con->{urgent};
- $urgent += count_urgent($con->{nodes});
- }
- return $urgent;
- }
- my $nodes = get_ws_content($ws);
- my $urgent = count_urgent($nodes);
- is($urgent, 3, "three urgent windows on workspace $ws");
-If you also want to deal with floating windows, you have to use C<get_ws>
-instead and access C<< ->{nodes} >> and C<< ->{floating_nodes} >> on your own.
-sub get_ws_content {
- my ($name) = @_;
- my $con = get_ws($name);
- return wantarray ? ($con->{nodes}, $con->{focus}) : $con->{nodes};
-=head2 get_focused($workspace)
-Returns the container ID of the currently focused container on C<$workspace>.
-Note that the container ID is B<not> the X11 window ID, so comparing the result
-of C<get_focused> with a window's C<< ->{id} >> property does B<not> work.
- my $ws = fresh_workspace;
- my $first_window = open_window;
- my $first_id = get_focused();
- my $second_window = open_window;
- my $second_id = get_focused();
- cmd 'focus left';
- is(get_focused($ws), $first_id, 'second window focused');
-sub get_focused {
- my ($ws) = @_;
- my $con = get_ws($ws);
- my @focused = @{$con->{focus}};
- my $lf;
- while (@focused > 0) {
- $lf = $focused[0];
- last unless defined($con->{focus});
- @focused = @{$con->{focus}};
- my @cons = grep { $_->{id} == $lf } (@{$con->{nodes}}, @{$con->{'floating_nodes'}});
- $con = $cons[0];
- }
- return $lf;
-=head2 get_dock_clients([ $dockarea ])
-Returns an array of all dock containers in C<$dockarea> (one of "top" or
-"bottom"). If C<$dockarea> is not specified, returns an array of all dock
-containers in any dockarea.
- my @docked = get_dock_clients;
- is(scalar @docked, 0, 'no dock clients yet');
-sub get_dock_clients {
- my $which = shift;
- my $tree = i3(get_socket_path())->get_tree->recv;
- my @outputs = @{$tree->{nodes}};
- # Children of all dockareas
- my @docked;
- for my $output (@outputs) {
- if (!defined($which)) {
- @docked = (@docked, map { @{$_->{nodes}} }
- grep { $_->{type} eq 'dockarea' }
- @{$output->{nodes}});
- } elsif ($which eq 'top') {
- my $first = first { $_->{type} eq 'dockarea' } @{$output->{nodes}};
- @docked = (@docked, @{$first->{nodes}}) if defined($first);
- } elsif ($which eq 'bottom') {
- my @matching = grep { $_->{type} eq 'dockarea' } @{$output->{nodes}};
- my $last = $matching[-1];
- @docked = (@docked, @{$last->{nodes}}) if defined($last);
- }
- }
- return @docked;
-=head2 cmd($command)
-Sends the specified command to i3 and returns the output.
- my $ws = unused_workspace;
- cmd "workspace $ws";
- cmd 'focus right';
-sub cmd {
- i3(get_socket_path())->command(@_)->recv
-=head2 workspace_exists($workspace)
-Returns true if C<$workspace> is the name of an existing workspace.
- my $old_ws = focused_ws;
- # switch away from where we currently are
- fresh_workspace;
- ok(workspace_exists($old_ws), 'old workspace still exists');
-sub workspace_exists {
- my ($name) = @_;
- (scalar grep { $_ eq $name } @{get_workspace_names()}) > 0;
-=head2 focused_ws
-Returns the name of the currently focused workspace.
- my $ws = focused_ws;
- is($ws, '1', 'i3 starts on workspace 1');
-sub focused_ws {
- my $i3 = i3(get_socket_path());
- my $tree = $i3->get_tree->recv;
- my $focused = $tree->{focus}->[0];
- my $output = first { $_->{id} == $focused } @{$tree->{nodes}};
- my $content = first { $_->{type} eq 'con' } @{$output->{nodes}};
- my $first = first { $_->{fullscreen_mode} == 1 } @{$content->{nodes}};
- return $first->{name}
-=head2 sync_with_i3([ $args ])
-Sends an I3_SYNC ClientMessage with a random value to the root window.
-i3 will reply with the same value, but, due to the order of events it
-processes, only after all other events are done.
-This can be used to ensure the results of a cmd 'focus left' are pushed to
-X11 and that C<< $x->input_focus >> returns the correct value afterwards.
-See also L<http://build.i3wm.org/docs/testsuite.html> for a longer explanation.
- my $window = open_window;
- $window->add_hint('urgency');
- # Ensure i3 picked up the change
- sync_with_i3;
-The only time when you need to use the C<no_cache> argument is when you just
-killed your own X11 connection:
- cmd 'kill client';
- # We need to re-establish the X11 connection which we just killed :).
- $x = i3test::X11->new;
- sync_with_i3(no_cache => 1);
-sub sync_with_i3 {
- my %args = @_ == 1 ? %{$_[0]} : @_;
- # Since we need a (mapped) window for receiving a ClientMessage, we create
- # one on the first call of sync_with_i3. It will be re-used in all
- # subsequent calls.
- if (!exists($args{window_id}) &&
- (!defined($_sync_window) || exists($args{no_cache}))) {
- $_sync_window = open_window(
- rect => [ -15, -15, 10, 10 ],
- override_redirect => 1,
- );
- }
- my $window_id = delete $args{window_id};
- $window_id //= $_sync_window->id;
- my $root = $x->get_root_window();
- # Generate a random number to identify this particular ClientMessage.
- my $myrnd = int(rand(255)) + 1;
- # Generate a ClientMessage, see xcb_client_message_t
- my $msg = pack "CCSLLLLLLL",
- CLIENT_MESSAGE, # response_type
- 32, # format
- 0, # sequence
- $root, # destination window
- $x->atom(name => 'I3_SYNC')->id,
- $window_id, # data[0]: our own window id
- $myrnd, # data[1]: a random value to identify the request
- 0,
- 0,
- 0;
- # Send it to the root window -- since i3 uses the SubstructureRedirect
- # event mask, it will get the ClientMessage.
- $x->send_event(0, $root, EVENT_MASK_SUBSTRUCTURE_REDIRECT, $msg);
- return $myrnd if $args{dont_wait_for_event};
- # now wait until the reply is here
- return wait_for_event 4, sub {
- my ($event) = @_;
- # TODO: const
- return 0 unless $event->{response_type} == 161;
- my ($win, $rnd) = unpack "LL", $event->{data};
- return ($rnd == $myrnd);
- };
-=head2 exit_gracefully($pid, [ $socketpath ])
-Tries to exit i3 gracefully (with the 'exit' cmd) or kills the PID if that fails.
-If C<$socketpath> is not specified, C<get_socket_path()> will be called.
-You only need to use this function if you have launched i3 on your own with
-C<launch_with_config>. Otherwise, it will be automatically called when the
-testcase ends.
- use i3test i3_autostart => 0;
- my $pid = launch_with_config($config);
- # …
- exit_gracefully($pid);
-sub exit_gracefully {
- my ($pid, $socketpath) = @_;
- $socketpath ||= get_socket_path();
- my $exited = 0;
- eval {
- say "Exiting i3 cleanly...";
- i3($socketpath)->command('exit')->recv;
- $exited = 1;
- };
- if (!$exited) {
- kill(9, $pid)
- or $tester->BAIL_OUT("could not kill i3");
- }
- if ($socketpath =~ m,^/tmp/i3-test-socket-,) {
- unlink($socketpath);
- }
- waitpid $pid, 0;
- undef $i3_pid;
-=head2 get_socket_path([ $cache ])
-Gets the socket path from the C<I3_SOCKET_PATH> atom stored on the X11 root
-window. After the first call, this function will return a cached version of the
-socket path unless you specify a false value for C<$cache>.
- my $i3 = i3(get_socket_path());
- $i3->command('nop test example')->recv;
-To avoid caching:
- my $i3 = i3(get_socket_path(0));
-sub get_socket_path {
- my ($cache) = @_;
- $cache //= 1;
- if ($cache && defined($_cached_socket_path)) {
- return $_cached_socket_path;
- }
- my $atom = $x->atom(name => 'I3_SOCKET_PATH');
- my $cookie = $x->get_property(0, $x->get_root_window(), $atom->id, GET_PROPERTY_TYPE_ANY, 0, 256);
- my $reply = $x->get_property_reply($cookie->{sequence});
- my $socketpath = $reply->{value};
- if ($socketpath eq "/tmp/nested-$ENV{DISPLAY}") {
- $socketpath .= '-activation';
- }
- $_cached_socket_path = $socketpath;
- return $socketpath;
-=head2 launch_with_config($config, [ $args ])
-Launches a new i3 process with C<$config> as configuration file. Useful for
-tests which test specific config file directives.
- use i3test i3_autostart => 0;
- my $config = <<EOT;
- # i3 config file (v4)
- for_window [class="borderless"] border none
- for_window [title="special borderless title"] border none
- my $pid = launch_with_config($config);
- # …
- exit_gracefully($pid);
-sub launch_with_config {
- my ($config, %args) = @_;
- $tmp_socket_path = "/tmp/nested-$ENV{DISPLAY}";
- $args{dont_create_temp_dir} //= 0;
- $args{validate_config} //= 0;
- my ($fh, $tmpfile) = tempfile("i3-cfg-for-$ENV{TESTNAME}-XXXXX", UNLINK => 1);
- if ($config ne '-default') {
- say $fh $config;
- } else {
- open(my $conf_fh, '<', './i3-test.config')
- or $tester->BAIL_OUT("could not open default config: $!");
- local $/;
- say $fh scalar <$conf_fh>;
- }
- say $fh "ipc-socket $tmp_socket_path"
- unless $args{dont_add_socket_path};
- close($fh);
- my $cv = AnyEvent->condvar;
- $i3_pid = activate_i3(
- unix_socket_path => "$tmp_socket_path-activation",
- display => $ENV{DISPLAY},
- configfile => $tmpfile,
- outdir => $ENV{OUTDIR},
- testname => $ENV{TESTNAME},
- valgrind => $ENV{VALGRIND},
- strace => $ENV{STRACE},
- xtrace => $ENV{XTRACE},
- restart => $ENV{RESTART},
- cv => $cv,
- dont_create_temp_dir => $args{dont_create_temp_dir},
- validate_config => $args{validate_config},
- );
- # If we called i3 with -C, we wait for it to exit and then return as
- # there's nothing else we need to do.
- if ($args{validate_config}) {
- $cv->recv;
- waitpid $i3_pid, 0;
- # We need this since exit_gracefully will not be called in this case.
- undef $i3_pid;
- return ${^CHILD_ERROR_NATIVE};
- }
- # force update of the cached socket path in lib/i3test
- # as soon as i3 has started
- $cv->cb(sub { get_socket_path(0) });
- return $cv if $args{dont_block};
- # blockingly wait until i3 is ready
- $cv->recv;
- return $i3_pid;
-=head2 get_i3_log
-Returns the content of the log file for the current test.
-sub get_i3_log {
- my $logfile = "$ENV{OUTDIR}/i3-log-for-$ENV{TESTNAME}";
- return slurp($logfile);
-=head1 AUTHOR
-Michael Stapelberg <michael@i3wm.org>
-package i3test::X11;
-use parent 'X11::XCB::Connection';
-sub input_focus {
- my $self = shift;
- i3test::sync_with_i3();
- return $self->SUPER::input_focus(@_);
--- /dev/null
+package i3test;
+# vim:ts=4:sw=4:expandtab
+use strict; use warnings;
+use File::Temp qw(tmpnam tempfile tempdir);
+use Test::Builder;
+use X11::XCB::Rect;
+use X11::XCB::Window;
+use X11::XCB qw(:all);
+use AnyEvent::I3;
+use List::Util qw(first);
+use Time::HiRes qw(sleep);
+use Cwd qw(abs_path);
+use Scalar::Util qw(blessed);
+use SocketActivation;
+use i3test::Util qw(slurp);
+use v5.10;
+# preload
+use Test::More ();
+use Data::Dumper ();
+use Exporter ();
+our @EXPORT = qw(
+ get_workspace_names
+ get_unused_workspace
+ fresh_workspace
+ get_ws_content
+ get_ws
+ get_focused
+ open_empty_con
+ open_window
+ open_floating_window
+ get_dock_clients
+ cmd
+ sync_with_i3
+ exit_gracefully
+ workspace_exists
+ focused_ws
+ get_socket_path
+ launch_with_config
+ get_i3_log
+ wait_for_event
+ wait_for_map
+ wait_for_unmap
+ $x
+=head1 NAME
+i3test - Testcase setup module
+=encoding utf-8
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ use i3test;
+ my $ws = fresh_workspace;
+ is_num_children($ws, 0, 'no containers on this workspace yet');
+ cmd 'open';
+ is_num_children($ws, 1, 'one container after "open"');
+ done_testing;
+This module is used in every i3 testcase and takes care of automatically
+starting i3 before any test instructions run. It also saves you typing of lots
+of boilerplate in every test file.
+i3test automatically "use"s C<Test::More>, C<Data::Dumper>, C<AnyEvent::I3>,
+C<Time::HiRes>’s C<sleep> and C<i3test::Test> so that all of them are available
+to you in your testcase.
+See also C<i3test::Test> (L<http://build.i3wm.org/docs/lib-i3test-test.html>)
+which provides additional test instructions (like C<ok> or C<is>).
+my $tester = Test::Builder->new();
+my $_cached_socket_path = undef;
+my $_sync_window = undef;
+my $tmp_socket_path = undef;
+our $x;
+ my $window_count = 0;
+ sub counter_window {
+ return $window_count++;
+ }
+my $i3_pid;
+my $i3_autostart;
+END {
+ # testcases which start i3 manually should always call exit_gracefully
+ # on their own. Let’s see, whether they really did.
+ if (! $i3_autostart) {
+ return unless $i3_pid;
+ $tester->ok(undef, 'testcase called exit_gracefully()');
+ }
+ # don't trigger SIGCHLD handler
+ local $SIG{CHLD};
+ # From perldoc -v '$?':
+ # Inside an "END" subroutine $? contains the value
+ # that is going to be given to "exit()".
+ #
+ # Since waitpid sets $?, we need to localize it,
+ # otherwise TAP would be misinterpreted our return status
+ local $?;
+ # When measuring code coverage, try to exit i3 cleanly (otherwise, .gcda
+ # files are not written)
+ exit_gracefully($i3_pid, "/tmp/nested-$ENV{DISPLAY}");
+ } else {
+ kill(9, $i3_pid)
+ or $tester->BAIL_OUT("could not kill i3");
+ waitpid $i3_pid, 0;
+ }
+sub import {
+ my ($class, %args) = @_;
+ my $pkg = caller;
+ $i3_autostart = delete($args{i3_autostart}) // 1;
+ my $cv = launch_with_config('-default', dont_block => 1)
+ if $i3_autostart;
+ my $test_more_args = '';
+ $test_more_args = join(' ', 'qw(', %args, ')') if keys %args;
+ local $@;
+ eval << "__";
+package $pkg;
+use Test::More $test_more_args;
+use Data::Dumper;
+use AnyEvent::I3;
+use Time::HiRes qw(sleep);
+use i3test::Test;
+ $tester->BAIL_OUT("$@") if $@;
+ feature->import(":5.10");
+ strict->import;
+ warnings->import;
+ $x ||= i3test::X11->new;
+ # set the pointer to a predictable position in case a previous test has
+ # disturbed it
+ $x->root->warp_pointer(0, 0);
+ $cv->recv if $i3_autostart;
+ @_ = ($class);
+ goto \&Exporter::import;
+=head1 EXPORT
+=head2 wait_for_event($timeout, $callback)
+Waits for the next event and calls the given callback for every event to
+determine if this is the event we are waiting for.
+Can be used to wait until a window is mapped, until a ClientMessage is
+received, etc.
+ wait_for_event 0.25, sub { $_[0]->{response_type} == MAP_NOTIFY };
+sub wait_for_event {
+ my ($timeout, $cb) = @_;
+ my $cv = AE::cv;
+ $x->flush;
+ # unfortunately, there is no constant for this
+ my $ae_read = 0;
+ my $guard = AE::io $x->get_file_descriptor, $ae_read, sub {
+ while (defined(my $event = $x->poll_for_event)) {
+ if ($cb->($event)) {
+ $cv->send(1);
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ # Trigger timeout after $timeout seconds (can be fractional)
+ my $t = AE::timer $timeout, 0, sub { warn "timeout ($timeout secs)"; $cv->send(0) };
+ my $result = $cv->recv;
+ undef $t;
+ undef $guard;
+ return $result;
+=head2 wait_for_map($window)
+Thin wrapper around wait_for_event which waits for MAP_NOTIFY.
+Make sure to include 'structure_notify' in the window’s event_mask attribute.
+This function is called by C<open_window>, so in most cases, you don’t need to
+call it on your own. If you need special setup of the window before mapping,
+you might have to map it on your own and use this function:
+ my $window = open_window(dont_map => 1);
+ # Do something special with the window first
+ # …
+ # Now map it and wait until it’s been mapped
+ $window->map;
+ wait_for_map($window);
+sub wait_for_map {
+ my ($win) = @_;
+ my $id = (blessed($win) && $win->isa('X11::XCB::Window')) ? $win->id : $win;
+ wait_for_event 4, sub {
+ $_[0]->{response_type} == MAP_NOTIFY and $_[0]->{window} == $id
+ };
+=head2 wait_for_unmap($window)
+Wrapper around C<wait_for_event> which waits for UNMAP_NOTIFY. Also calls
+C<sync_with_i3> to make sure i3 also picked up and processed the UnmapNotify
+ my $ws = fresh_workspace;
+ my $window = open_window;
+ is_num_children($ws, 1, 'one window on workspace');
+ $window->unmap;
+ wait_for_unmap;
+ is_num_children($ws, 0, 'no more windows on this workspace');
+sub wait_for_unmap {
+ my ($win) = @_;
+ # my $id = (blessed($win) && $win->isa('X11::XCB::Window')) ? $win->id : $win;
+ wait_for_event 4, sub {
+ $_[0]->{response_type} == UNMAP_NOTIFY # and $_[0]->{window} == $id
+ };
+ sync_with_i3();
+=head2 open_window([ $args ])
+Opens a new window (see C<X11::XCB::Window>), maps it, waits until it got mapped
+and synchronizes with i3.
+The following arguments can be passed:
+=over 4
+=item class
+The X11 window class (e.g. WINDOW_CLASS_INPUT_OUTPUT), not to be confused with
+the WM_CLASS!
+=item rect
+An arrayref with 4 members specifying the initial geometry (position and size)
+of the window, e.g. C<< [ 0, 100, 70, 50 ] >> for a window appearing at x=0, y=100
+with width=70 and height=50.
+Note that this is entirely irrelevant for tiling windows.
+=item background_color
+The background pixel color of the window, formatted as "#rrggbb", like HTML
+color codes (e.g. #c0c0c0). This is useful to tell windows apart when actually
+watching the testcases.
+=item event_mask
+An arrayref containing strings which describe the X11 event mask we use for that
+window. The default is C<< [ 'structure_notify' ] >>.
+=item name
+The window’s C<_NET_WM_NAME> (UTF-8 window title). By default, this is "Window
+n" with n being replaced by a counter to keep windows apart.
+=item dont_map
+Set to a true value to avoid mapping the window (making it visible).
+=item before_map
+A coderef which is called before the window is mapped (unless C<dont_map> is
+true). The freshly created C<$window> is passed as C<$_> and as the first
+The default values are equivalent to this call:
+ open_window(
+ rect => [ 0, 0, 30, 30 ]
+ background_color => '#c0c0c0'
+ event_mask => [ 'structure_notify' ]
+ name => 'Window <n>'
+ );
+Usually, though, calls are simpler:
+ my $top_window = open_window;
+To identify the resulting window object in i3 commands, use the id property:
+ my $top_window = open_window;
+ cmd '[id="' . $top_window->id . '"] kill';
+sub open_window {
+ my %args = @_ == 1 ? %{$_[0]} : @_;
+ my $dont_map = delete $args{dont_map};
+ my $before_map = delete $args{before_map};
+ $args{class} //= WINDOW_CLASS_INPUT_OUTPUT;
+ $args{rect} //= [ 0, 0, 30, 30 ];
+ $args{background_color} //= '#c0c0c0';
+ $args{event_mask} //= [ 'structure_notify' ];
+ $args{name} //= 'Window ' . counter_window();
+ my $window = $x->root->create_child(%args);
+ $window->add_hint('input');
+ if ($before_map) {
+ # TODO: investigate why _create is not needed
+ $window->_create;
+ $before_map->($window) for $window;
+ }
+ return $window if $dont_map;
+ $window->map;
+ wait_for_map($window);
+ return $window;
+=head2 open_floating_window([ $args ])
+Thin wrapper around open_window which sets window_type to
+C<_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_UTILITY> to make the window floating.
+The arguments are the same as those of C<open_window>.
+sub open_floating_window {
+ my %args = @_ == 1 ? %{$_[0]} : @_;
+ $args{window_type} = $x->atom(name => '_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_UTILITY');
+ return open_window(\%args);
+sub open_empty_con {
+ my ($i3) = @_;
+ my $reply = $i3->command('open')->recv;
+ return $reply->[0]->{id};
+=head2 get_workspace_names()
+Returns an arrayref containing the name of every workspace (regardless of its
+output) which currently exists.
+ my $workspace_names = get_workspace_names;
+ is(scalar @$workspace_names, 3, 'three workspaces exist currently');
+sub get_workspace_names {
+ my $i3 = i3(get_socket_path());
+ my $tree = $i3->get_tree->recv;
+ my @outputs = @{$tree->{nodes}};
+ my @cons;
+ for my $output (@outputs) {
+ next if $output->{name} eq '__i3';
+ # get the first CT_CON of each output
+ my $content = first { $_->{type} eq 'con' } @{$output->{nodes}};
+ @cons = (@cons, @{$content->{nodes}});
+ }
+ [ map { $_->{name} } @cons ]
+=head2 get_unused_workspace
+Returns a workspace name which has not yet been used. See also
+C<fresh_workspace> which directly switches to an unused workspace.
+ my $ws = get_unused_workspace;
+ cmd "workspace $ws";
+sub get_unused_workspace {
+ my @names = get_workspace_names();
+ my $tmp;
+ do { $tmp = tmpnam() } while ((scalar grep { $_ eq $tmp } @names) > 0);
+ $tmp
+=head2 fresh_workspace([ $args ])
+Switches to an unused workspace and returns the name of that workspace.
+Optionally switches to the specified output first.
+ my $ws = fresh_workspace;
+ # Get a fresh workspace on the second output.
+ my $ws = fresh_workspace(output => 1);
+sub fresh_workspace {
+ my %args = @_;
+ if (exists($args{output})) {
+ my $i3 = i3(get_socket_path());
+ my $tree = $i3->get_tree->recv;
+ my $output = first { $_->{name} eq "fake-$args{output}" }
+ @{$tree->{nodes}};
+ die "BUG: Could not find output $args{output}" unless defined($output);
+ # Get the focused workspace on that output and switch to it.
+ my $content = first { $_->{type} eq 'con' } @{$output->{nodes}};
+ my $focused = $content->{focus}->[0];
+ my $workspace = first { $_->{id} == $focused } @{$content->{nodes}};
+ $workspace = $workspace->{name};
+ cmd("workspace $workspace");
+ }
+ my $unused = get_unused_workspace;
+ cmd("workspace $unused");
+ $unused
+=head2 get_ws($workspace)
+Returns the container (from the i3 layout tree) which represents C<$workspace>.
+ my $ws = fresh_workspace;
+ my $ws_con = get_ws($ws);
+ ok(!$ws_con->{urgent}, 'fresh workspace not marked urgent');
+Here is an example which counts the number of urgent containers recursively,
+starting from the workspace container:
+ sub count_urgent {
+ my ($con) = @_;
+ my @children = (@{$con->{nodes}}, @{$con->{floating_nodes}});
+ my $urgent = grep { $_->{urgent} } @children;
+ $urgent += count_urgent($_) for @children;
+ return $urgent;
+ }
+ my $urgent = count_urgent(get_ws($ws));
+ is($urgent, 3, "three urgent windows on workspace $ws");
+sub get_ws {
+ my ($name) = @_;
+ my $i3 = i3(get_socket_path());
+ my $tree = $i3->get_tree->recv;
+ my @outputs = @{$tree->{nodes}};
+ my @workspaces;
+ for my $output (@outputs) {
+ # get the first CT_CON of each output
+ my $content = first { $_->{type} eq 'con' } @{$output->{nodes}};
+ @workspaces = (@workspaces, @{$content->{nodes}});
+ }
+ # as there can only be one workspace with this name, we can safely
+ # return the first entry
+ return first { $_->{name} eq $name } @workspaces;
+=head2 get_ws_content($workspace)
+Returns the content (== tree, starting from the node of a workspace)
+of a workspace. If called in array context, also includes the focus
+stack of the workspace.
+ my $nodes = get_ws_content($ws);
+ is(scalar @$nodes, 4, 'there are four containers at workspace-level');
+Or, in array context:
+ my $window = open_window;
+ my ($nodes, $focus) = get_ws_content($ws);
+ is($focus->[0], $window->id, 'newly opened window focused');
+Note that this function does not do recursion for you! It only returns the
+containers B<on workspace level>. If you want to work with all containers (even
+nested ones) on a workspace, you have to use recursion:
+ # NB: This function does not count floating windows
+ sub count_urgent {
+ my ($nodes) = @_;
+ my $urgent = 0;
+ for my $con (@$nodes) {
+ $urgent++ if $con->{urgent};
+ $urgent += count_urgent($con->{nodes});
+ }
+ return $urgent;
+ }
+ my $nodes = get_ws_content($ws);
+ my $urgent = count_urgent($nodes);
+ is($urgent, 3, "three urgent windows on workspace $ws");
+If you also want to deal with floating windows, you have to use C<get_ws>
+instead and access C<< ->{nodes} >> and C<< ->{floating_nodes} >> on your own.
+sub get_ws_content {
+ my ($name) = @_;
+ my $con = get_ws($name);
+ return wantarray ? ($con->{nodes}, $con->{focus}) : $con->{nodes};
+=head2 get_focused($workspace)
+Returns the container ID of the currently focused container on C<$workspace>.
+Note that the container ID is B<not> the X11 window ID, so comparing the result
+of C<get_focused> with a window's C<< ->{id} >> property does B<not> work.
+ my $ws = fresh_workspace;
+ my $first_window = open_window;
+ my $first_id = get_focused();
+ my $second_window = open_window;
+ my $second_id = get_focused();
+ cmd 'focus left';
+ is(get_focused($ws), $first_id, 'second window focused');
+sub get_focused {
+ my ($ws) = @_;
+ my $con = get_ws($ws);
+ my @focused = @{$con->{focus}};
+ my $lf;
+ while (@focused > 0) {
+ $lf = $focused[0];
+ last unless defined($con->{focus});
+ @focused = @{$con->{focus}};
+ my @cons = grep { $_->{id} == $lf } (@{$con->{nodes}}, @{$con->{'floating_nodes'}});
+ $con = $cons[0];
+ }
+ return $lf;
+=head2 get_dock_clients([ $dockarea ])
+Returns an array of all dock containers in C<$dockarea> (one of "top" or
+"bottom"). If C<$dockarea> is not specified, returns an array of all dock
+containers in any dockarea.
+ my @docked = get_dock_clients;
+ is(scalar @docked, 0, 'no dock clients yet');
+sub get_dock_clients {
+ my $which = shift;
+ my $tree = i3(get_socket_path())->get_tree->recv;
+ my @outputs = @{$tree->{nodes}};
+ # Children of all dockareas
+ my @docked;
+ for my $output (@outputs) {
+ if (!defined($which)) {
+ @docked = (@docked, map { @{$_->{nodes}} }
+ grep { $_->{type} eq 'dockarea' }
+ @{$output->{nodes}});
+ } elsif ($which eq 'top') {
+ my $first = first { $_->{type} eq 'dockarea' } @{$output->{nodes}};
+ @docked = (@docked, @{$first->{nodes}}) if defined($first);
+ } elsif ($which eq 'bottom') {
+ my @matching = grep { $_->{type} eq 'dockarea' } @{$output->{nodes}};
+ my $last = $matching[-1];
+ @docked = (@docked, @{$last->{nodes}}) if defined($last);
+ }
+ }
+ return @docked;
+=head2 cmd($command)
+Sends the specified command to i3 and returns the output.
+ my $ws = unused_workspace;
+ cmd "workspace $ws";
+ cmd 'focus right';
+sub cmd {
+ i3(get_socket_path())->command(@_)->recv
+=head2 workspace_exists($workspace)
+Returns true if C<$workspace> is the name of an existing workspace.
+ my $old_ws = focused_ws;
+ # switch away from where we currently are
+ fresh_workspace;
+ ok(workspace_exists($old_ws), 'old workspace still exists');
+sub workspace_exists {
+ my ($name) = @_;
+ (scalar grep { $_ eq $name } @{get_workspace_names()}) > 0;
+=head2 focused_ws
+Returns the name of the currently focused workspace.
+ my $ws = focused_ws;
+ is($ws, '1', 'i3 starts on workspace 1');
+sub focused_ws {
+ my $i3 = i3(get_socket_path());
+ my $tree = $i3->get_tree->recv;
+ my $focused = $tree->{focus}->[0];
+ my $output = first { $_->{id} == $focused } @{$tree->{nodes}};
+ my $content = first { $_->{type} eq 'con' } @{$output->{nodes}};
+ my $first = first { $_->{fullscreen_mode} == 1 } @{$content->{nodes}};
+ return $first->{name}
+=head2 sync_with_i3([ $args ])
+Sends an I3_SYNC ClientMessage with a random value to the root window.
+i3 will reply with the same value, but, due to the order of events it
+processes, only after all other events are done.
+This can be used to ensure the results of a cmd 'focus left' are pushed to
+X11 and that C<< $x->input_focus >> returns the correct value afterwards.
+See also L<http://build.i3wm.org/docs/testsuite.html> for a longer explanation.
+ my $window = open_window;
+ $window->add_hint('urgency');
+ # Ensure i3 picked up the change
+ sync_with_i3;
+The only time when you need to use the C<no_cache> argument is when you just
+killed your own X11 connection:
+ cmd 'kill client';
+ # We need to re-establish the X11 connection which we just killed :).
+ $x = i3test::X11->new;
+ sync_with_i3(no_cache => 1);
+sub sync_with_i3 {
+ my %args = @_ == 1 ? %{$_[0]} : @_;
+ # Since we need a (mapped) window for receiving a ClientMessage, we create
+ # one on the first call of sync_with_i3. It will be re-used in all
+ # subsequent calls.
+ if (!exists($args{window_id}) &&
+ (!defined($_sync_window) || exists($args{no_cache}))) {
+ $_sync_window = open_window(
+ rect => [ -15, -15, 10, 10 ],
+ override_redirect => 1,
+ );
+ }
+ my $window_id = delete $args{window_id};
+ $window_id //= $_sync_window->id;
+ my $root = $x->get_root_window();
+ # Generate a random number to identify this particular ClientMessage.
+ my $myrnd = int(rand(255)) + 1;
+ # Generate a ClientMessage, see xcb_client_message_t
+ my $msg = pack "CCSLLLLLLL",
+ CLIENT_MESSAGE, # response_type
+ 32, # format
+ 0, # sequence
+ $root, # destination window
+ $x->atom(name => 'I3_SYNC')->id,
+ $window_id, # data[0]: our own window id
+ $myrnd, # data[1]: a random value to identify the request
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0;
+ # Send it to the root window -- since i3 uses the SubstructureRedirect
+ # event mask, it will get the ClientMessage.
+ $x->send_event(0, $root, EVENT_MASK_SUBSTRUCTURE_REDIRECT, $msg);
+ return $myrnd if $args{dont_wait_for_event};
+ # now wait until the reply is here
+ return wait_for_event 4, sub {
+ my ($event) = @_;
+ # TODO: const
+ return 0 unless $event->{response_type} == 161;
+ my ($win, $rnd) = unpack "LL", $event->{data};
+ return ($rnd == $myrnd);
+ };
+=head2 exit_gracefully($pid, [ $socketpath ])
+Tries to exit i3 gracefully (with the 'exit' cmd) or kills the PID if that fails.
+If C<$socketpath> is not specified, C<get_socket_path()> will be called.
+You only need to use this function if you have launched i3 on your own with
+C<launch_with_config>. Otherwise, it will be automatically called when the
+testcase ends.
+ use i3test i3_autostart => 0;
+ my $pid = launch_with_config($config);
+ # …
+ exit_gracefully($pid);
+sub exit_gracefully {
+ my ($pid, $socketpath) = @_;
+ $socketpath ||= get_socket_path();
+ my $exited = 0;
+ eval {
+ say "Exiting i3 cleanly...";
+ i3($socketpath)->command('exit')->recv;
+ $exited = 1;
+ };
+ if (!$exited) {
+ kill(9, $pid)
+ or $tester->BAIL_OUT("could not kill i3");
+ }
+ if ($socketpath =~ m,^/tmp/i3-test-socket-,) {
+ unlink($socketpath);
+ }
+ waitpid $pid, 0;
+ undef $i3_pid;
+=head2 get_socket_path([ $cache ])
+Gets the socket path from the C<I3_SOCKET_PATH> atom stored on the X11 root
+window. After the first call, this function will return a cached version of the
+socket path unless you specify a false value for C<$cache>.
+ my $i3 = i3(get_socket_path());
+ $i3->command('nop test example')->recv;
+To avoid caching:
+ my $i3 = i3(get_socket_path(0));
+sub get_socket_path {
+ my ($cache) = @_;
+ $cache //= 1;
+ if ($cache && defined($_cached_socket_path)) {
+ return $_cached_socket_path;
+ }
+ my $atom = $x->atom(name => 'I3_SOCKET_PATH');
+ my $cookie = $x->get_property(0, $x->get_root_window(), $atom->id, GET_PROPERTY_TYPE_ANY, 0, 256);
+ my $reply = $x->get_property_reply($cookie->{sequence});
+ my $socketpath = $reply->{value};
+ if ($socketpath eq "/tmp/nested-$ENV{DISPLAY}") {
+ $socketpath .= '-activation';
+ }
+ $_cached_socket_path = $socketpath;
+ return $socketpath;
+=head2 launch_with_config($config, [ $args ])
+Launches a new i3 process with C<$config> as configuration file. Useful for
+tests which test specific config file directives.
+ use i3test i3_autostart => 0;
+ my $config = <<EOT;
+ # i3 config file (v4)
+ for_window [class="borderless"] border none
+ for_window [title="special borderless title"] border none
+ my $pid = launch_with_config($config);
+ # …
+ exit_gracefully($pid);
+sub launch_with_config {
+ my ($config, %args) = @_;
+ $tmp_socket_path = "/tmp/nested-$ENV{DISPLAY}";
+ $args{dont_create_temp_dir} //= 0;
+ $args{validate_config} //= 0;
+ my ($fh, $tmpfile) = tempfile("i3-cfg-for-$ENV{TESTNAME}-XXXXX", UNLINK => 1);
+ if ($config ne '-default') {
+ say $fh $config;
+ } else {
+ open(my $conf_fh, '<', '@abs_top_srcdir@/testcases/i3-test.config')
+ or $tester->BAIL_OUT("could not open default config: $!");
+ local $/;
+ say $fh scalar <$conf_fh>;
+ }
+ say $fh "ipc-socket $tmp_socket_path"
+ unless $args{dont_add_socket_path};
+ close($fh);
+ my $cv = AnyEvent->condvar;
+ $i3_pid = activate_i3(
+ unix_socket_path => "$tmp_socket_path-activation",
+ display => $ENV{DISPLAY},
+ configfile => $tmpfile,
+ outdir => $ENV{OUTDIR},
+ testname => $ENV{TESTNAME},
+ valgrind => $ENV{VALGRIND},
+ strace => $ENV{STRACE},
+ xtrace => $ENV{XTRACE},
+ restart => $ENV{RESTART},
+ cv => $cv,
+ dont_create_temp_dir => $args{dont_create_temp_dir},
+ validate_config => $args{validate_config},
+ );
+ # If we called i3 with -C, we wait for it to exit and then return as
+ # there's nothing else we need to do.
+ if ($args{validate_config}) {
+ $cv->recv;
+ waitpid $i3_pid, 0;
+ # We need this since exit_gracefully will not be called in this case.
+ undef $i3_pid;
+ return ${^CHILD_ERROR_NATIVE};
+ }
+ # force update of the cached socket path in lib/i3test
+ # as soon as i3 has started
+ $cv->cb(sub { get_socket_path(0) });
+ return $cv if $args{dont_block};
+ # blockingly wait until i3 is ready
+ $cv->recv;
+ return $i3_pid;
+=head2 get_i3_log
+Returns the content of the log file for the current test.
+sub get_i3_log {
+ my $logfile = "$ENV{OUTDIR}/i3-log-for-$ENV{TESTNAME}";
+ return slurp($logfile);
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Michael Stapelberg <michael@i3wm.org>
+package i3test::X11;
+use parent 'X11::XCB::Connection';
+sub input_focus {
+ my $self = shift;
+ i3test::sync_with_i3();
+ return $self->SUPER::input_focus(@_);
print $fh $config;
- my $cmd = "sh -c 'exec " . abs_path("../i3-migrate-config-to-v4") . " --v3 <$tmpfile'";
+ my $cmd = "sh -c 'exec i3-migrate-config-to-v4 --v3 <$tmpfile'";
return [ split /\n/, qx($cmd) ];
# TODO: use a timeout, so that we can error out if it doesn’t terminate
# TODO: better way of passing arguments
- my $stdout = qx(../test.commands_parser '$command' 2>&1 >&-);
+ my $stdout = qx(test.commands_parser '$command' 2>&1 >&-);
# Filter out all debugging output.
my @lines = split("\n", $stdout);
workspace 2 output DVI-I_1/digital
-my $output = qx(../i3 -C -c $filename);
+my $output = qx(i3 -C -c $filename);
unlike($output, qr/ERROR/, 'no errors in i3 -C');
my ($command) = @_;
my $stdout;
- run [ '../test.config_parser', $command ],
+ run [ 'test.config_parser', $command ],
'2>', \$stdout;
# TODO: use a timeout, so that we can error out if it doesn’t terminate
my $stdout;
my $stderr;
-run [ '../i3-dump-log/i3-dump-log' ],
+run [ 'i3-dump-log' ],
'>', \$stdout,
'2>', \$stderr;
my $random_nop = mktemp('nop.XXXXXX');
cmd "nop $random_nop";
-run [ '../i3-dump-log/i3-dump-log' ],
+run [ 'i3-dump-log' ],
'>', \$stdout,
'2>', \$stderr;
cmd 'shmlog ' . (23 * 1024 * 1024);
-run [ '../i3-dump-log/i3-dump-log' ],
+run [ 'i3-dump-log' ],
'>', \$stdout,
'2>', \$stderr;
cmd 'shmlog off';
-run [ '../i3-dump-log/i3-dump-log' ],
+run [ 'i3-dump-log' ],
'>', \$stdout,
'2>', \$stderr;
my ($config) = @_;
my ($fh, $tmpfile) = tempfile(UNLINK => 1);
print $fh $config;
- my $output = qx(DISPLAY= ../i3 -C -c $tmpfile 2>&1);
+ my $output = qx(DISPLAY= i3 -C -c $tmpfile 2>&1);
my $retval = $?;