--- /dev/null
+; Ullrich von Bassewitz, 03.06.1998
+; Heap variables and initialization.
+; FIXME: there should be a way to configure heap from linkerscript!
+ .constructor initheap, 24
+ .import __RAM_START__, __RAM_SIZE__, __STACKSIZE__ ; Linker generated
+ .import __BSS_SIZE__
+ .importzp sp
+;; old - remove
+ .export __horg, __hptr, __hend, __hfirst, __hlast
+ .word __RAM_START__+__BSS_SIZE__+__DATA_SIZE__ ; Linker calculates this symbol
+ .word __RAM_START__+__BSS_SIZE__+__DATA_SIZE__ ; Dito
+ .word __RAM_START__+__RAM_SIZE__
+ .word 0
+ .word 0
+ .export __heaporg
+ .export __heapptr
+ .export __heapend
+ .export __heapfirst
+ .export __heaplast
+ .word __RAM_START__+__BSS_SIZE__+__DATA_SIZE__ ; Linker calculates this symbol
+ .word __RAM_START__+__BSS_SIZE__+__DATA_SIZE__ ; Linker calculates this symbol
+ .word __RAM_START__+__RAM_SIZE__
+ .word 0
+ .word 0
+; Initialization. Will be called from startup!
+ ;sec
+ ;lda sp
+; lda #<(__STACKSIZE__)
+; lda #<(__RAM_START__+__RAM_SIZE__)
+ lda #<(__RAM_START__+__BSS_SIZE__+__DATA_SIZE__)
+ sta __heapend
+ sta __hend ; old
+; lda sp+1
+; lda #>(__STACKSIZE__)
+; lda #>(__RAM_START__+__RAM_SIZE__)
+ lda #>(__RAM_START__+__BSS_SIZE__+__DATA_SIZE__)
+ sta __heapend+1
+ sta __hend+1 ; old
+ rts
--- /dev/null
+; Screen size variables
+.export _screensize
+ ldx xsize
+ ldy ysize
+ rts
+ .export xsize, ysize
+xsize: .byte 64
+ysize: .byte 28
--- /dev/null
+; Ullrich von Bassewitz, 06.08.1998
+; CC65 runtime: call function via pointer in ax
+ .export callax
+ sta vec
+ stx vec+1
+ jmp (vec) ; jump there
+ .res 2
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+; Ullrich von Bassewitz, 21.09.1998
+; clock_t clock (void);
+ .include "pcengine.inc"
+ .export _clock
+ .importzp sreg
+.proc _clock
+ ldy #0 ; Byte 3 is always zero
+ sty sreg+1
+ sty sreg
+ ldx _tickcount+1
+ lda _tickcount
+ rts
--- /dev/null
+ .include "pcengine.inc"
+ .export _clrscr
+ st0 #VDC_MAWR
+ st1 #<$0000
+ st2 #>$0000
+ st0 #VDC_VWR
+ ldy #$40
+rowloop: ldx #$80
+ lda #' '
+ staio VDC_DATA_LO
+ lda #$02
+ staio VDC_DATA_HI
+ dex
+ bne colloop
+ dey
+ bne rowloop
+ rts
--- /dev/null
+; Ullrich von Bassewitz, 06.08.1998
+; unsigned char __fastcall__ textcolor (unsigned char color);
+; unsigned char __fastcall__ bgcolor (unsigned char color);
+; unsigned char __fastcall__ bordercolor (unsigned char color);
+ .export _textcolor, _bgcolor, _bordercolor
+ .include "pcengine.inc"
+ ldx CHARCOLOR ; get old value
+ sta CHARCOLOR ; set new value
+ txa
+ rts
+ ldx BGCOLOR ; get old value
+ sta BGCOLOR ; set new value
+ asl a
+ tay
+ lda colors,y
+ lda colors+1,y
+ txa
+ rts
+ lda #0
+ txa
+ rts
+ .export colors
+colors: ; G R B
+ .word ((0<<6)+(0<<3)+(0)) ; 0 black
+ .word ((7<<6)+(7<<3)+(7)) ; 1 white
+ .word ((0<<6)+(7<<3)+(0)) ; 2 red
+ .word ((7<<6)+(0<<3)+(7)) ; 3 cyan
+ .word ((0<<6)+(5<<3)+(7)) ; 4 violett
+ .word ((7<<6)+(0<<3)+(0)) ; 5 green
+ .word ((0<<6)+(0<<3)+(7)) ; 6 blue
+ .word ((7<<6)+(7<<3)+(0)) ; 7 yellow
+ .word ((5<<6)+(7<<3)+(0)) ; 8 orange
+ .word ((3<<6)+(4<<3)+(3)) ; 9 brown
+ .word ((4<<6)+(7<<3)+(4)) ; a light red
+ .word ((3<<6)+(3<<3)+(3)) ; b dark grey
+ .word ((4<<6)+(4<<3)+(4)) ; c middle grey
+ .word ((7<<6)+(4<<3)+(4)) ; d light green
+ .word ((4<<6)+(4<<3)+(7)) ; e light blue
+ .word ((6<<6)+(6<<3)+(6)) ; f light gray
--- /dev/null
+; Ullrich von Bassewitz, 20.11.2000
+; CC65 runtime: Support for calling module constructors/destructors
+; The condes routine must be called with the table address in a/x and the
+; size of the table in y. The current implementation limits the table size
+; to 254 bytes (127 vectors) but this shouldn't be problem for now and may
+; be changed later.
+; libinit and libdone call condes with the predefined module constructor and
+; destructor tables, they must be called from the platform specific startup
+; code.
+ .export initlib, donelib, condes
+ .import callax
+; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+; Initialize library modules
+.proc initlib
+ ldy #<(__CONSTRUCTOR_COUNT__*2)
+ bne condes
+ rts
+; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+; Cleanup library modules
+.proc donelib
+ ldy #<(__DESTRUCTOR_COUNT__*2)
+ bne condes
+ rts
+; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+; Generic table call handler
+.proc condes
+ sta getbyt+1
+ stx getbyt+2
+ sty index
+loop: ldy index
+ beq done
+ dey
+ jsr getbyt
+ tax
+ dey
+ jsr getbyt
+ sty index
+ jsr callax
+ bra loop
+ jmp loop
+done: rts
+; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+; Data. The getbyte routine is placed in the data segment cause it's patched
+; at runtime.
+index: .byte 0
+ lda $FFFF,y
+ rts
+;; callax doesnt work? why?!
+; sta @l+1
+; stx @l+2
+;@l: jmp $dead
--- /dev/null
+ .include "pcengine.inc"
+ .import vce_init
+ .import psg_init
+ .import vdc_init
+ .export initconio
+ .export _conio_init
+ .constructor initconio, 24
+ .macpack longbranch
+ ;; jsr vdc_init
+ jsr vce_init
+ jsr psg_init
+ jsr conio_init
+ jsr set_palette
+ st0 #VDC_RCR
+ st1 #<$0088
+ st2 #>$0088
+ rts
+ .import colors
+ ; Make palette (use VGA palette?)
+ ; stz VCE_ADDR_LO
+ ; stz VCE_ADDR_HI
+ ; clx
+ ; cly
+ vce_loop: ;; stx VCE_DATA_LO
+ ;; sty VCE_DATA_HI
+ ; inx
+ ; cpx #$00
+ ; bne vce_loop
+ ; iny
+ ; cpy #$02
+ ; bne vce_loop
+ ldx #0
+ .repeat 16
+ lda colors,x
+ lda colors+1,x
+ .endrepeat
+ inx
+ inx
+ cpx #16*2;*5
+ jne @lp
+; so it will get linked in
+ rts
+ .importzp ptr1
+ ; Load font
+ st0 #VDC_MAWR
+ st1 #<$2000
+ st2 #>$2000
+ ; ptr to font data
+ lda #<font
+ sta ptr1
+ lda #>font
+ sta ptr1+1
+ st0 #VDC_VWR ; VWR
+ ldy #$80 ; 128 chars
+ charloop: ldx #$08 ; 8 bytes/char
+ lineloop:
+ ;;lda [$00] ; read font byte
+ ldaind ptr1
+ staio VDC_DATA_LO ; bitplane 0
+ stzio VDC_DATA_HI ; bitplane 1
+ clc ; increment font pointer
+ lda ptr1
+ adc #$01
+ sta ptr1
+ lda ptr1+1
+ adc #$00
+ sta ptr1+1
+ dex
+ bne lineloop ; next bitplane 0 byte
+ ldx #$08 ; fill bitplane 2/3 with 0
+ fillloop: st1 #$00
+ st2 #$00
+ dex
+ bne fillloop ; next byte
+ dey
+ bne charloop ; next character
+ ldx #0
+ inx
+ rts
+ .rodata
+font: .include "vga.inc"
--- /dev/null
+; Ullrich von Bassewitz, 06.08.1998
+; void cputcxy (unsigned char x, unsigned char y, char c);
+; void cputc (char c);
+ .export _cputcxy, _cputc, cputdirect, putchar
+ .export newline, plot
+ .import popa, _gotoxy
+ .import PLOT
+ .importzp tmp3,tmp4
+ .include "pcengine.inc"
+ pha ; Save C
+ jsr popa ; Get Y
+ jsr _gotoxy ; Set cursor, drop x
+ pla ; Restore C
+; Plot a character - also used as internal function
+_cputc: cmp #$0d ; CR?
+ bne L1
+ lda #0
+ sta CURS_X
+ beq plot ; Recalculate pointers
+L1: cmp #$0a ; LF?
+ beq newline ; Recalculate pointers
+; Printable char of some sort
+ jsr putchar ; Write the character to the screen
+; Advance cursor position
+ ldy CURS_X
+ iny
+ cpy #xsize
+ bne L3
+ jsr newline ; new line
+ ldy #0 ; + cr
+L3: sty CURS_X
+ jmp plot
+ ;rts
+; lda #xsize
+; clc
+; bcc L4
+; inc SCREEN_PTR+1
+;; clc
+;L4:; lda #xsize
+ ; adc CRAM_PTR
+ ; sta CRAM_PTR
+ ; bcc L5
+ ; inc CRAM_PTR+1
+ inc CURS_Y
+; jmp plot
+; rts
+; Set cursor position, calculate RAM pointers
+plot: ldy CURS_X
+ ldx CURS_Y
+ clc
+ jmp PLOT ; Set the new cursor
+; Write one character to the screen without doing anything else, return X
+; position in Y
+ ora RVS ; Set revers bit
+ tax
+ st0 #VDC_MAWR ; Memory Adress Write
+ staio VDC_DATA_LO
+ lda SCREEN_PTR+1
+ staio VDC_DATA_HI
+ st0 #VDC_VWR ; VWR
+ txa
+ staio VDC_DATA_LO ; character
+ ;;st2 #$32 ; attrib ?!
+ ;;lda #2
+ asl a
+ asl a
+ asl a
+ asl a
+ and #$f0
+ ora #$02
+ staio VDC_DATA_HI
+ rts
--- /dev/null
+; Startup code for cc65 (PCEngine version)
+; by Groepaz/Hitmen <groepaz@gmx.net>
+; based on code by Ullrich von Bassewitz <uz@cc65.org>
+; This must be the *first* file on the linker command line
+ .export _exit
+ .import initlib, donelib
+ .import push0, _main, zerobss
+ .import initheap
+ .import tmp1,tmp2,tmp3
+ .import __RAM_START__, __RAM_SIZE__ ; Linker generated
+;; .import __SRAM_START__, __SRAM_SIZE__ ; Linker generated
+ .import __ROM0_START__, __ROM0_SIZE__ ; Linker generated
+ .import __ROM_START__, __ROM_SIZE__ ; Linker generated
+ .import __STARTUP_LOAD__,__STARTUP_RUN__, __STARTUP_SIZE__ ; Linker generated
+ .import __CODE_LOAD__,__CODE_RUN__, __CODE_SIZE__ ; Linker generated
+ .import __RODATA_LOAD__,__RODATA_RUN__, __RODATA_SIZE__ ; Linker generated
+ .import __DATA_LOAD__,__DATA_RUN__, __DATA_SIZE__ ; Linker generated
+ .import __BSS_SIZE__
+ .include "pcengine.inc"
+ .importzp sp
+ .importzp ptr1,ptr2
+; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+; Create an empty LOWCODE segment to avoid linker warnings
+.segment "LOWCODE"
+; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+; Place the startup code in a special segment.
+.segment "STARTUP"
+; setup the CPU and System-IRQ
+ ; Initialize CPU
+ sei
+ nop
+ csh
+ nop
+ cld
+ nop
+ ; Setup stack and memory mapping
+ ldx #$FF ; Stack top ($21FF)
+ txs
+ txa
+ tam #0 ; 0000-1FFF = Hardware page
+ lda #$F8
+ tam #1 ; 2000-3FFF = Work RAM
+ lda #$F7
+ tam #2 ; 4000-5FFF = Save RAM
+ lda #1
+ tam #3 ; 6000-7FFF Page 2
+ lda #2
+ tam #4 ; 8000-9FFF Page 3
+ lda #3
+ tam #5 ; A000-BFFF Page 4
+ lda #4
+ tam #6 ; C000-DFFF Page 5
+ ; Initialize hardware
+ stz TIMER_COUNT ; Timer off
+ lda #$07
+ sta IRQ_MASK ; Interrupts off
+ stz IRQ_STATUS ; Acknowledge timer
+ ; Clear work RAM
+ stz <$00
+ tii $2000, $2001, $1FFF
+ ;; i dont know why the heck this one doesnt
+ ;; work when called from a constructor :/
+ .import vdc_init
+ jsr vdc_init
+;; jsr joy_init
+ ; Turn on background and VD interrupt/IRQ1
+ lda #$05
+ sta IRQ_MASK ; IRQ1=on
+ cli
+; Clear the BSS data
+ jsr zerobss
+; Copy the .data segment to RAM
+ lda #<(__DATA_LOAD__)
+ ;;lda #<(__ROM0_START__ + __STARTUP_SIZE__+ __CODE_SIZE__+ __RODATA_SIZE__)
+ ;;lda #<(__ROM_START__ + __CODE_SIZE__+ __RODATA_SIZE__)
+ sta ptr1
+ lda #>(__DATA_LOAD__)
+ ;;lda #>(__ROM_START__ + __CODE_SIZE__+ __RODATA_SIZE__)
+ sta ptr1+1
+ lda #<(__DATA_RUN__)
+ ;;lda #<(__SRAM_START__)
+ sta ptr2
+ lda #>(__DATA_RUN__)
+ ;;lda #>(__SRAM_START__)
+ sta ptr2+1
+ ldx #>(__DATA_SIZE__)
+ beq @s1 ; no more full pages
+ ; copy one page
+ ldy #0
+ lda (ptr1),y
+ sta (ptr2),y
+ iny
+ bne @l1
+ inc ptr1+1
+ inc ptr2+1
+ dex
+ bne @l2
+ ; copy remaining bytes
+ ; copy one page
+ ldy #0
+ lda (ptr1),y
+ sta (ptr2),y
+ iny
+ cpy #<(__DATA_SIZE__)
+ bne @l3
+; setup the stack
+; lda #<(__RAM_START__ + __DATA_SIZE__ + __BSS_SIZE__)
+ lda #<(__RAM_START__+__RAM_SIZE__)
+ sta sp
+; lda #>(__RAM_START__ + __DATA_SIZE__ + __BSS_SIZE__)
+ lda #>(__RAM_START__+__RAM_SIZE__)
+ sta sp+1 ; Set argument stack ptr
+; Init the Heap
+ jsr initheap
+;jmp *
+; Call module constructors
+ jsr initlib
+; .import initconio
+; jsr initconio
+; Pass an empty command line
+;jmp *
+ jsr push0 ; argc
+ jsr push0 ; argv
+ ldy #4 ; Argument size
+ jsr _main ; call the users code
+; Call module destructors. This is also the _exit entry.
+ jsr donelib ; Run module destructors
+; reset the PCEngine
+ jmp start
+; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+; System V-Blank Interupt
+; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ pha
+ phx
+ phy
+ inc _tickcount
+ bne @s
+ inc _tickcount+1
+ ; Acknowlege interrupt
+ ldaio VDC_CTRL
+ ply
+ plx
+ pla
+ rti
+ rti
+ rti
+ rti
+ .export initmainargs
+ rts
+; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+; hardware vectors
+; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ .segment "VECTORS"
+ ;;.org $fff6
+ .word _irq2 ; $fff6 IRQ2 (External IRQ, BRK)
+ .word _irq1 ; $fff8 IRQ1 (VDC)
+ .word _timer ; $fffa Timer
+ .word _nmi ; $fffc NMI
+ .word start ; $fffe reset
--- /dev/null
+; HuC6280 additional opcodes (use with --cpu 65C02)
+;; lda abs
+.macro ldaio arg1
+ .byte $ad
+ .word arg1
+;; sta abs
+.macro staio arg1
+ .byte $8d
+ .word arg1
+.macro stzio arg1
+ .byte $9c
+ .word arg1
+.macro cla
+ .byte $62
+.macro clx
+ .byte $82
+;; lda (zp)
+.macro ldaind arg1
+ .byte $b2
+ .byte arg1
+.macro cly
+ .byte $c2
+.macro st0 arg1
+ .if (.match (.left (1, arg1), #))
+ ; called with immidiate operand
+ .byte $03
+ .byte (.right (.tcount (arg1)-1, arg1))
+ .else
+ .error "illegal address mode"
+ .endif
+.macro st1 arg1
+ .if (.match (.left (1, arg1), #))
+ ; called with immidiate operand
+ .byte $13
+ .byte (.right (.tcount (arg1)-1, arg1))
+ .else
+ .error "illegal address mode"
+ .endif
+.macro st2 arg1
+ .if (.match (.left (1, arg1), #))
+ ; called with immidiate operand
+ .byte $23
+ .byte (.right (.tcount (arg1)-1, arg1))
+ .else
+ .error "illegal address mode"
+ .endif
+; tam #$xx
+.macro tam arg1
+ .if (.match (.left (1, arg1), #))
+ ; called with immidiate operand
+ .byte $53
+ .byte 1<<(.right (.tcount (arg1)-1, arg1))
+ .else
+ .error "illegal address mode"
+ .endif
+; tii x,y,z
+.macro tii arg1,arg2,arg3
+ .byte $73
+ .word arg1,arg2,arg3
+.macro csh
+ .byte $d4
+.macro set
+ .byte $f4
+.macro _rmb0 arg1
+ .byte $07
+ .byte arg1
+.macro _rmb1 arg1
+ .byte $17
+ .byte arg1
+.macro _rmb2 arg1
+ .byte $27
+ .byte arg1
+.macro _rmb3 arg1
+ .byte $37
+ .byte arg1
+.macro _rmb4 arg1
+ .byte $47
+ .byte arg1
+.macro _rmb5 arg1
+ .byte $57
+ .byte arg1
+.macro _rmb6 arg1
+ .byte $67
+ .byte arg1
+.macro _rmb7 arg1
+ .byte $77
+ .byte arg1
+.macro _smb0 arg1
+ .byte $87
+ .byte arg1
+.macro _smb1 arg1
+ .byte $97
+ .byte arg1
+.macro _smb2 arg1
+ .byte $a7
+ .byte arg1
+.macro _smb3 arg1
+ .byte $b7
+ .byte arg1
+.macro _smb4 arg1
+ .byte $c7
+ .byte arg1
+.macro _smb5 arg1
+ .byte $d7
+ .byte arg1
+.macro _smb6 arg1
+ .byte $e7
+ .byte arg1
+.macro _smb7 arg1
+ .byte $f7
+ .byte arg1
+.macro _bbr0 arg1,arg2
+ .byte $0f ;;,arg1
+ .byte arg1
+ .byte <((arg2)-(*+1))
+.macro _bbs0 arg1,arg2
+ .byte $8f ;;,arg1
+ .byte arg1
+ .byte <((arg2)-(*+1))
+.macro _bbr1 arg1,arg2
+ .byte $1f ;;,arg1
+ .byte arg1
+ .byte <((arg2)-(*+1))
+.macro _bbs1 arg1,arg2
+ .byte $9f ;;,arg1
+ .byte arg1
+ .byte <((arg2)-(*+1))
+.macro _bbr2 arg1,arg2
+ .byte $2f ;;,arg1
+ .byte arg1
+ .byte <((arg2)-(*+1))
+.macro _bbs2 arg1,arg2
+ .byte $af ;;,arg1
+ .byte arg1
+ .byte <((arg2)-(*+1))
+.macro _bbr3 arg1,arg2
+ .byte $3f ;;,arg1
+ .byte arg1
+ .byte <((arg2)-(*+1))
+.macro _bbs3 arg1,arg2
+ .byte $bf ;;,arg1
+ .byte arg1
+ .byte <((arg2)-(*+1))
+.macro _bbr4 arg1,arg2
+ .byte $4f ;;,arg1
+ .byte arg1
+ .byte <((arg2)-(*+1))
+.macro _bbs4 arg1,arg2
+ .byte $cf ;;,arg1
+ .byte arg1
+ .byte <((arg2)-(*+1))
+.macro _bbr5 arg1,arg2
+ .byte $5f ;;,arg1
+ .byte arg1
+ .byte <((arg2)-(*+1))
+.macro _bbs5 arg1,arg2
+ .byte $df ;;,arg1
+ .byte arg1
+ .byte <((arg2)-(*+1))
+.macro _bbr6 arg1,arg2
+ .byte $6f ;;,arg1
+ .byte arg1
+ .byte <((arg2)-(*+1))
+.macro _bbs6 arg1,arg2
+ .byte $ef ;;,arg1
+ .byte arg1
+ .byte <((arg2)-(*+1))
+.macro _bbr7 arg1,arg2
+ .byte $7f ;;,arg1
+ .byte arg1
+ .byte <((arg2)-(*+1))
+.macro _bbs7 arg1,arg2
+ .byte $ff
+ .byte arg1
+ .byte <((arg2)-(*+1))
--- /dev/null
+; File generated by cc65 v 2.9.5
+ .fopt compiler,"cc65 v 2.9.5"
+ .autoimport on
+ .case on
+ .debuginfo off
+ .importzp sp, sreg, regsave, regbank, tmp1, ptr1, ptr2
+ .macpack longbranch
+ .import _joy_masks
+ .import _joy_read
+ .import _clock
+ .export _kbhit
+ .export _cgetc
+.segment "DATA"
+ .byte $00
+ .dword $00000000
+ .byte $00
+; ---------------------------------------------------------------
+; void _getkey (void)
+; ---------------------------------------------------------------
+.segment "CODE"
+.proc __getkey
+.segment "CODE"
+ jsr decsp2
+ ldx #$00
+ lda __lastkey
+ cmp #$00
+ jsr booleq
+ jeq L003F
+ lda #$00
+ jsr _joy_read
+ ldy #$01
+ sta (sp),y
+ ldx #$00
+ lda #$00
+ ldy #$00
+ sta (sp),y
+ ldy #$01
+ ldx #$00
+ lda (sp),y
+ jsr pushax
+ ldx #$00
+ lda _joy_masks+4
+ jsr tosandax
+ stx tmp1
+ ora tmp1
+ jeq L0010
+ ldx #$00
+ lda #$0A
+ ldy #$00
+ sta (sp),y
+ jmp L003A
+L0010: ldy #$01
+ ldx #$00
+ lda (sp),y
+ jsr pushax
+ ldx #$00
+ lda _joy_masks
+ jsr tosandax
+ stx tmp1
+ ora tmp1
+ jeq L0016
+ ldx #$00
+ lda #$01
+ ldy #$00
+ sta (sp),y
+ jmp L003A
+L0016: ldy #$01
+ ldx #$00
+ lda (sp),y
+ jsr pushax
+ ldx #$00
+ lda _joy_masks+2
+ jsr tosandax
+ stx tmp1
+ ora tmp1
+ jeq L001C
+ ldx #$00
+ lda #$03
+ ldy #$00
+ sta (sp),y
+ jmp L003A
+L001C: ldy #$01
+ ldx #$00
+ lda (sp),y
+ jsr pushax
+ ldx #$00
+ lda _joy_masks+3
+ jsr tosandax
+ stx tmp1
+ ora tmp1
+ jeq L0022
+ ldx #$00
+ lda #$04
+ ldy #$00
+ sta (sp),y
+ jmp L003A
+L0022: ldy #$01
+ ldx #$00
+ lda (sp),y
+ jsr pushax
+ ldx #$00
+ lda _joy_masks+1
+ jsr tosandax
+ stx tmp1
+ ora tmp1
+ jeq L0028
+ ldx #$00
+ lda #$02
+ ldy #$00
+ sta (sp),y
+ jmp L003A
+L0028: ldy #$01
+ ldx #$00
+ lda (sp),y
+ jsr pushax
+ ldx #$00
+ lda _joy_masks+7
+ jsr tosandax
+ stx tmp1
+ ora tmp1
+ jeq L002E
+ ldx #$00
+ lda #$14
+ ldy #$00
+ sta (sp),y
+ jmp L003A
+L002E: ldy #$01
+ ldx #$00
+ lda (sp),y
+ jsr pushax
+ ldx #$00
+ lda _joy_masks+5
+ jsr tosandax
+ stx tmp1
+ ora tmp1
+ jeq L0034
+ ldx #$00
+ lda #$15
+ ldy #$00
+ sta (sp),y
+ jmp L003A
+L0034: ldy #$01
+ ldx #$00
+ lda (sp),y
+ jsr pushax
+ ldx #$00
+ lda _joy_masks+6
+ jsr tosandax
+ stx tmp1
+ ora tmp1
+ jeq L003A
+ ldx #$00
+ lda #$16
+ ldy #$00
+ sta (sp),y
+L003A: ldy #$00
+ ldx #$00
+ lda (sp),y
+ cmp #$00
+ jsr boolne
+ jeq L003F
+ ldy #$00
+ ldx #$00
+ lda (sp),y
+ jsr pushax
+ ldx #$00
+ lda _rptkey
+ jsr toseqax
+ jeq L0043
+ lda __chardelay+3
+ sta sreg+1
+ lda __chardelay+2
+ sta sreg
+ ldx __chardelay+1
+ lda __chardelay
+ jsr pusheax
+ jsr _clock
+ jsr tosugteax
+ jeq L0043
+ jmp L003F
+L0043: ldy #$00
+ ldx #$00
+ lda (sp),y
+ sta _rptkey
+ jsr _clock
+ ldy #$06
+ jsr inceaxy
+ sta __chardelay
+ stx __chardelay+1
+ ldy sreg
+ sty __chardelay+2
+ ldy sreg+1
+ sty __chardelay+3
+ ldy #$00
+ ldx #$00
+ lda (sp),y
+ sta __lastkey
+L003F: jsr incsp2
+ rts
+; ---------------------------------------------------------------
+; unsigned char __fastcall__ kbhit (void)
+; ---------------------------------------------------------------
+.segment "CODE"
+.proc _kbhit
+.segment "CODE"
+ jsr __getkey
+ ldx #$00
+ lda __lastkey
+ cmp #$00
+ jsr booleq
+ jeq L004E
+ ldx #$00
+ lda #$00
+ jmp L0052
+ jmp L0052
+L004E: ldx #$00
+ lda #$01
+ jmp L0052
+L0052: rts
+; ---------------------------------------------------------------
+; unsigned char __fastcall__ cgetc (void)
+; ---------------------------------------------------------------
+.segment "CODE"
+.proc _cgetc
+.segment "CODE"
+ jsr decsp1
+L0056: ldx #$00
+ lda __lastkey
+ cmp #$00
+ jsr booleq
+ jeq L0057
+ jsr __getkey
+ jmp L0056
+L0057: ldx #$00
+ lda __lastkey
+ ldy #$00
+ sta (sp),y
+ ldx #$00
+ lda #$00
+ sta __lastkey
+ ldy #$00
+ ldx #$00
+ lda (sp),y
+ jmp L0055
+L0055: jsr incsp1
+ rts
--- /dev/null
+ .export PLOT
+ .include "pcengine.inc"
+ bcs @getpos
+ tya
+ clc
+ adc _plotlo,x
+ lda _plothi,x
+ adc #0
+ sta SCREEN_PTR+1
+ ;clc
+ ;adc _colplot,x
+ ;sta CRAM_PTR
+ ;lda #$23
+ ;sta CRAM_PTR+1
+ ldx CURS_Y
+ ldy CURS_X
+ rts
+ .repeat screenrows,line
+ .byte <($0000+(line*$80))
+ .endrepeat
+ .repeat screenrows,line
+ .byte >($0000+(line*$80))
+ .endrepeat
--- /dev/null
+; Standard joystick driver for the PCEngine
+; Ullrich von Bassewitz, 2002-12-20
+ ;;.include "zeropage.inc"
+ ;;.include "joy-kernel.inc"
+ ;;.include "joy-error.inc"
+ .include "pcengine.inc"
+ .macpack generic
+; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+; Header. Includes jump table
+.segment "CODE"
+; Driver signature
+;; .byte $6A, $6F, $79 ; "joy"
+;; .byte $00 ; Driver API version number
+; Button state masks (8 values)
+;extern const unsigned char joy_masks[8];
+ .export _joy_masks
+ .byte $10 ; JOY_UP
+ .byte $40 ; JOY_DOWN
+ .byte $80 ; JOY_LEFT
+ .byte $20 ; JOY_RIGHT
+ .byte $04 ; ? JOY_FIRE
+ .byte $02 ; ? Future expansion
+ .byte $01 ; ? Future expansion
+ .byte $08 ; ? Future expansion
+; Jump table.
+;; .word INSTALL
+;; .word DEINSTALL
+;; .word COUNT
+;; .word READ
+; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+; Constants
+JOY_COUNT = 4 ; Number of joysticks we support
+; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+; Data.
+;extern const char joy_stddrv[];
+ .export _joy_stddrv
+ .byte 0
+ .export _joy_load_driver
+ .export _joy_unload
+;unsigned char __fastcall__ joy_unload (void);
+;unsigned char __fastcall__ joy_load_driver (const char* driver);
+; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+; INSTALL routine. Is called after the driver is loaded into memory. If
+; possible, check if the hardware is present and determine the amount of
+; memory available.
+; Must return an JOY_ERR_xx code in a/x.
+ lda #<JOY_ERR_OK
+ ldx #>JOY_ERR_OK
+; rts ; Run into DEINSTALL instead
+; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+; DEINSTALL routine. Is called before the driver is removed from memory.
+; Can do cleanup or whatever. Must not return anything.
+ rts
+; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+; COUNT: Return the total number of available joysticks in a/x.
+;unsigned char __fastcall__ joy_count (void);
+ .export _joy_count
+ lda #<JOY_COUNT
+ ldx #>JOY_COUNT
+ rts
+; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+; READ: Read a particular joystick passed in A.
+;unsigned char __fastcall__ joy_read (unsigned char joystick);
+ .export _joy_read
+ pha
+ jsr read_joy
+ pla
+ tax ; Joystick number into X
+ ; return value from buffer
+ lda padbuffer,x
+ ldx #0
+ rts
+ ; reset multitap counter
+ lda #$01
+ sta $1000
+ pha
+ pla
+ nop
+ nop
+ lda #$03
+ sta $1000
+ pha
+ pla
+ nop
+ nop
+ cly
+ lda #$01
+ sta $1000 ; sel = 1
+ pha
+ pla
+ nop
+ nop
+ lda $1000
+ asl a
+ asl a
+ asl a
+ asl a
+ sta padbuffer, y ; store new value
+ stz $1000
+ pha
+ pla
+ nop
+ nop
+ lda $1000
+ and #$0F
+ ora padbuffer, y ; second half of new value
+ eor #$FF
+ sta padbuffer, y ; store new value
+ iny
+ cpy #$05
+ bcc nextpad
+ rts
+ .res 4
--- /dev/null
+#define CH_CROSS 0x10
+#define CH_RTEE 0x17
+#define CH_LTEE 0x0f
+#define CH_ULCORNER 0x10
+#define CH_URCORNER 0x10
+#define CH_LLCORNER 0x10
+#define CH_LRCORNER 0x10
+#define TV_NTSC 0
+#define TV_PAL 1
+#define get_tv() 0
+#define CLOCKS_PER_SEC 50 // ???
+#define CLK_TCK 50 // ?!?
+//#ifndef CH_ENTER
+#define CH_ENTER '\n'
+#define CH_STOP 0x08
+#define CH_F1 0x14
+#define CH_F3 0x15
+#define CH_F5 0x16
+#define CH_F7 0x17
+#define CH_CURS_UP 0x01
+#define CH_CURS_DOWN 0x02
+#ifndef CH_CURS_LEFT
+#define CH_CURS_LEFT 0x03
+#ifndef CH_CURS_RIGHT
+#define CH_CURS_RIGHT 0x04
+#define CH_ESC 8
+#define CH_DEL 20
+/* Color defines */
+#define COLOR_BLACK 0x00
+#define COLOR_WHITE 0x01
+#define COLOR_RED 0x02
+#define COLOR_CYAN 0x03
+#define COLOR_VIOLET 0x04
+#define COLOR_GREEN 0x05
+#define COLOR_BLUE 0x06
+#define COLOR_YELLOW 0x07
+#define COLOR_ORANGE 0x08
+#define COLOR_BROWN 0x09
+#define COLOR_LIGHTRED 0x0A
+#define COLOR_GRAY1 0x0B
+#define COLOR_GRAY2 0x0C
+#define COLOR_GRAY3 0x0F
+#define JOY_FIRE_B 5
+#define JOY_START 6
+#define JOY_SELECT 7
+void __fastcall__ waitvblank(void);
+unsigned char __fastcall__ cpeekcharxy(unsigned char x,unsigned char y);
+unsigned char __fastcall__ cpeekchar(void);
+unsigned char __fastcall__ cpeekcolxy(unsigned char x,unsigned char y);
+unsigned char __fastcall__ cpeekcol(void);
--- /dev/null
+ .include "huc6280.inc"
+; Write VDC register
+ .macro VREG arg1,arg2
+ st0 #arg1
+ st1 #<(arg2)
+ st2 #>(arg2)
+ .endmacro
+_tickcount= $20
+screenrows = (224/8)
+charsperline = (512/8)
+xsize = charsperline
+CURS_X = $30
+CURS_Y = $31
+CRAM_PTR = $34
+RVS = $37
+; huc6270 - Video Display Controller (vdc)
+VDC_MAWR = 0 ; Memory Address Write Register
+VDC_MARR = 1 ; Memory Address Read Register
+VDC_VWR = 2 ; VRAM Write Register
+VDC_VRR = 3 ; VRAM Read Register
+VDC_CR = 4 ; Control Register
+VDC_RCR = 5 ; Raster Counter Register
+VDC_BXR = 6 ; Background X-Scroll Register
+VDC_BYR = 7 ; Background Y-Scroll Register
+VDC_MWR = 8 ; Memory-access Width Register
+VDC_HSR = 9 ; Horizontal Sync Register (?)
+VDC_HDR =10 ; Horizontal Display Register (?)
+VDC_VPR =11 ; (unknown)
+VDC_VDW =12 ; (unknown use)
+VDC_VCR =13 ; (unknown use)
+VDC_DCR =14 ; (DMA) Control Register
+VDC_SOUR =15 ; (DMA) Source Register
+VDC_DESR =16 ; (DMA) Destination Register
+VDC_LENR =17 ; (DMA) Length Register
+VDC_SATB =18 ; Sprite Attribute Table
+VDC_CTRL = $0000
+VDC_DATA_LO = $0002
+VDC_DATA_HI = $0003
+; huc6260 - Video Color Encoder (vce)
+; The DAC has a palette of 512 colours.
+; bitmap of the palette data is this: 0000000gggrrrbbb.
+; You can read and write the DAC-registers.
+VCE_CTRL = $0400 ; write$00 to reset
+VCE_ADDR_LO = $0402 ; LSB of byte offset into palette
+VCE_ADDR_HI = $0403 ; MSB of byte offset into palette
+VCE_DATA_LO = $0404 ; LSB of 16-bit palette data
+VCE_DATA_HI = $0405 ; MSB of 16-bit palette data
+TIMER_COUNT = $0c00
+TIMER_CTRL = $0c01
+JOY_CTRL = $1000
+IRQ_MASK = $1402
+IRQ_STATUS = $1403
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+ ZP: start = $00, size = $1A, type = rw, define = yes;
+ # INES Cartridge Header
+ #HEADER: start = $0, size = $10, file = %O ,fill = yes;
+ # 2 16K ROM Banks
+ # - startup
+ # - code
+ # - rodata
+ # - data (load)
+ # 1 8k CHR Bank
+ ROM0: start = $e000, size = $1ff6, file = %O ,fill = yes, define = yes;
+ # Hardware Vectors at End of 2nd 8K ROM
+ ROMV: start = $fff6, size = $a, file = %O,fill = yes;
+ ROM: start = $6000, size = $8000, file = %O, fill = yes,define=yes;
+ # standard 2k SRAM (-zeropage)
+ # $0100-$0200 cpu stack
+ # $0200-$0500 3 pages for ppu memory write buffer
+ # $0500-$0800 3 pages for cc65 parameter stack
+ #SRAM: start = $0500, size = $0300, define = yes;
+ # additional 8K SRAM Bank
+ # - data (run)
+ # - bss
+ # - heap
+# RAM: start = $2200, size = $1000, define = yes;
+# RAM2: start = $3200, size = $0e00, define = yes;
+ RAM: start = $2200, size = $1e00, define = yes;
+ #HEADER: load = HEADER, type = wprot;
+ #aSTARTUP: load = ROM0, type = wprot, define = yes;
+ STARTUP: load = ROM0, type = wprot, define = yes;
+ CODE: load = ROM, type = wprot, define = yes;
+ RODATA: load = ROM, type = wprot, define = yes;
+ DATA: load = ROM0, run= RAM, type = rw, define = yes;
+# BSS: load = RAM2, type = bss, define = yes;
+ BSS: load = RAM, type = bss, define = yes;
+ VECTORS: load = ROMV, type = rw, define = yes;
+ #CHARS: load = ROM2, type = rw;
+ ZEROPAGE: load = ZP, type = zp, define = yes;
+ CONDES: segment = STARTUP,
+ type=constructor,
+ CONDES: segment = STARTUP,
+ type=destructor,
+ __STACKSIZE__ = $0300; # 3 pages stack
--- /dev/null
+ .include "pcengine.inc"
+ .export psg_init
+ clx
+ stx $0800 ; Select channel
+ stz $0801 ; Clear global balance
+ stz $0802 ; Clear frequency LSB
+ stz $0803 ; Clear frequency MSB
+ stz $0804 ; Clear volume
+ stz $0805 ; Clear balance
+ stz $0807 ; Clear noise control
+ stz $0808 ; Clear LFO frequency
+ stz $0809 ; Clear LFO control
+ cly
+psg_clear_waveform: stz $0806 ; Clear waveform byte
+ iny
+ cpy #$20
+ bne psg_clear_waveform
+ inx
+ cpx #$06
+ bne psg_clear_loop
+ rts
--- /dev/null
+ .export _revers
+ lda #0
+ rts
--- /dev/null
+ .include "pcengine.inc"
+ .export vce_init
+ stz VCE_ADDR_LO ;
+ stz VCE_ADDR_HI ; Set CTA to zero
+ ldy #$01
+vce_clear_bank: ldx #$00
+vce_clear_color: stz VCE_DATA_LO ; Clear color (LSB)
+ stz VCE_DATA_HI ; Clear color (MSB)
+ dex
+ bne vce_clear_color
+ dey
+ bne vce_clear_bank
+ rts
--- /dev/null
+ .include "pcengine.inc"
+HIRES = 1
+ .export vdc_init
+ ;;lda $0000
+ ;;.byte $ad,0,0
+ ldaio VDC_CTRL
+ VREG $00, $0000 ; MAWR
+ VREG $01, $0000 ; MARR
+ VREG $05, $0000 ; CR
+ VREG $06, $0000 ; RCR
+ VREG $07, $0000 ; BXR
+ VREG $08, $0000 ; BYR
+ VREG $09, $0070 ; MAWR
+ VREG $0C, $1702 ; CRTC - VSR
+ VREG $0D, $00DF ; CRTC - VDS
+ VREG $0E, $000C ; CRTC - VDE
+ VREG $0F, $0000 ; DCR
+ .if HIRES
+ VREG $0A, $0C02 ; CRTC - HSR
+ VREG $0B, $043C ; CRTC - HDS
+ lda #$06
+ sta VCE_CTRL
+ .else
+ VREG $0A, $0202 ; CRTC - HSR
+ VREG $0B, $041F ; CRTC - HDS
+ lda #$04
+ sta VCE_CTRL
+ .endif
+ ;;lda $0000
+ ;;.byte $ad,0,0
+ ldaio VDC_CTRL
+ rts
--- /dev/null
+ .byte $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00
+ .byte $7E, $81, $A5, $81, $BD, $99, $81, $7E
+ .byte $7E, $FF, $DB, $FF, $C3, $E7, $FF, $7E
+ .byte $6C, $FE, $FE, $FE, $7C, $38, $10, $00
+ .byte $10, $38, $7C, $FE, $7C, $38, $10, $00
+ .byte $38, $7C, $38, $FE, $FE, $7C, $38, $7C
+ .byte $10, $10, $38, $7C, $FE, $7C, $38, $7C
+ .byte $00, $00, $18, $3C, $3C, $18, $00, $00
+ .byte $FF, $FF, $E7, $C3, $C3, $E7, $FF, $FF
+ .byte $00, $3C, $66, $42, $42, $66, $3C, $00
+ .byte $FF, $C3, $99, $BD, $BD, $99, $C3, $FF
+ .byte $0F, $07, $0F, $7D, $CC, $CC, $CC, $78
+ .byte $3C, $66, $66, $66, $3C, $18, $7E, $18
+ .byte $3F, $33, $3F, $30, $30, $70, $F0, $E0
+ .byte $7F, $63, $7F, $63, $63, $67, $E6, $C0
+ .byte $99, $5A, $3C, $E7, $E7, $3C, $5A, $99
+ .byte $80, $E0, $F8, $FE, $F8, $E0, $80, $00
+ .byte $02, $0E, $3E, $FE, $3E, $0E, $02, $00
+ .byte $18, $3C, $7E, $18, $18, $7E, $3C, $18
+ .byte $66, $66, $66, $66, $66, $00, $66, $00
+ .byte $7F, $DB, $DB, $7B, $1B, $1B, $1B, $00
+ .byte $3E, $63, $38, $6C, $6C, $38, $CC, $78
+ .byte $00, $00, $00, $00, $7E, $7E, $7E, $00
+ .byte $18, $3C, $7E, $18, $7E, $3C, $18, $FF
+ .byte $18, $3C, $7E, $18, $18, $18, $18, $00
+ .byte $18, $18, $18, $18, $7E, $3C, $18, $00
+ .byte $00, $18, $0C, $FE, $0C, $18, $00, $00
+ .byte $00, $30, $60, $FE, $60, $30, $00, $00
+ .byte $00, $00, $C0, $C0, $C0, $FE, $00, $00
+ .byte $00, $24, $66, $FF, $66, $24, $00, $00
+ .byte $00, $18, $3C, $7E, $FF, $FF, $00, $00
+ .byte $00, $FF, $FF, $7E, $3C, $18, $00, $00
+ .byte $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00
+ .byte $30, $78, $78, $78, $30, $00, $30, $00
+ .byte $6C, $6C, $6C, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00
+ .byte $6C, $6C, $FE, $6C, $FE, $6C, $6C, $00
+ .byte $30, $7C, $C0, $78, $0C, $F8, $30, $00
+ .byte $00, $C6, $CC, $18, $30, $66, $C6, $00
+ .byte $38, $6C, $38, $76, $DC, $CC, $76, $00
+ .byte $60, $60, $C0, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00
+ .byte $18, $30, $60, $60, $60, $30, $18, $00
+ .byte $60, $30, $18, $18, $18, $30, $60, $00
+ .byte $00, $66, $3C, $FF, $3C, $66, $00, $00
+ .byte $00, $30, $30, $FC, $30, $30, $00, $00
+ .byte $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $30, $30, $60
+ .byte $00, $00, $00, $FC, $00, $00, $00, $00
+ .byte $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $30, $30, $00
+ .byte $06, $0C, $18, $30, $60, $C0, $80, $00
+ .byte $7C, $C6, $CE, $DE, $F6, $E6, $7C, $00
+ .byte $30, $70, $30, $30, $30, $30, $FC, $00
+ .byte $78, $CC, $0C, $38, $60, $CC, $FC, $00
+ .byte $78, $CC, $0C, $38, $0C, $CC, $78, $00
+ .byte $1C, $3C, $6C, $CC, $FE, $0C, $1E, $00
+ .byte $FC, $C0, $F8, $0C, $0C, $CC, $78, $00
+ .byte $38, $60, $C0, $F8, $CC, $CC, $78, $00
+ .byte $FC, $CC, $0C, $18, $30, $30, $30, $00
+ .byte $78, $CC, $CC, $78, $CC, $CC, $78, $00
+ .byte $78, $CC, $CC, $7C, $0C, $18, $70, $00
+ .byte $00, $30, $30, $00, $00, $30, $30, $00
+ .byte $00, $30, $30, $00, $00, $30, $30, $60
+ .byte $18, $30, $60, $C0, $60, $30, $18, $00
+ .byte $00, $00, $FC, $00, $00, $FC, $00, $00
+ .byte $60, $30, $18, $0C, $18, $30, $60, $00
+ .byte $78, $CC, $0C, $18, $30, $00, $30, $00
+ .byte $7C, $C6, $DE, $DE, $DE, $C0, $78, $00
+ .byte $30, $78, $CC, $CC, $FC, $CC, $CC, $00
+ .byte $FC, $66, $66, $7C, $66, $66, $FC, $00
+ .byte $3C, $66, $C0, $C0, $C0, $66, $3C, $00
+ .byte $F8, $6C, $66, $66, $66, $6C, $F8, $00
+ .byte $7E, $60, $60, $78, $60, $60, $7E, $00
+ .byte $7E, $60, $60, $78, $60, $60, $60, $00
+ .byte $3C, $66, $C0, $C0, $CE, $66, $3E, $00
+ .byte $CC, $CC, $CC, $FC, $CC, $CC, $CC, $00
+ .byte $78, $30, $30, $30, $30, $30, $78, $00
+ .byte $1E, $0C, $0C, $0C, $CC, $CC, $78, $00
+ .byte $E6, $66, $6C, $78, $6C, $66, $E6, $00
+ .byte $60, $60, $60, $60, $60, $60, $7E, $00
+ .byte $C6, $EE, $FE, $FE, $D6, $C6, $C6, $00
+ .byte $C6, $E6, $F6, $DE, $CE, $C6, $C6, $00
+ .byte $38, $6C, $C6, $C6, $C6, $6C, $38, $00
+ .byte $FC, $66, $66, $7C, $60, $60, $F0, $00
+ .byte $78, $CC, $CC, $CC, $DC, $78, $1C, $00
+ .byte $FC, $66, $66, $7C, $6C, $66, $E6, $00
+ .byte $78, $CC, $E0, $70, $1C, $CC, $78, $00
+ .byte $FC, $30, $30, $30, $30, $30, $30, $00
+ .byte $CC, $CC, $CC, $CC, $CC, $CC, $FC, $00
+ .byte $CC, $CC, $CC, $CC, $CC, $78, $30, $00
+ .byte $C6, $C6, $C6, $D6, $FE, $EE, $C6, $00
+ .byte $C6, $C6, $6C, $38, $38, $6C, $C6, $00
+ .byte $CC, $CC, $CC, $78, $30, $30, $78, $00
+ .byte $FE, $06, $0C, $18, $30, $60, $FE, $00
+ .byte $78, $60, $60, $60, $60, $60, $78, $00
+ .byte $C0, $60, $30, $18, $0C, $06, $02, $00
+ .byte $78, $18, $18, $18, $18, $18, $78, $00
+ .byte $10, $38, $6C, $C6, $00, $00, $00, $00
+ .byte $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $FF
+ .byte $30, $30, $18, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00
+ .byte $00, $00, $78, $0C, $7C, $CC, $76, $00
+ .byte $E0, $60, $60, $7C, $66, $66, $DC, $00
+ .byte $00, $00, $78, $CC, $C0, $CC, $78, $00
+ .byte $1C, $0C, $0C, $7C, $CC, $CC, $76, $00
+ .byte $00, $00, $78, $CC, $FC, $C0, $78, $00
+ .byte $38, $6C, $60, $F0, $60, $60, $F0, $00
+ .byte $00, $00, $76, $CC, $CC, $7C, $0C, $F8
+ .byte $E0, $60, $6C, $76, $66, $66, $E6, $00
+ .byte $30, $00, $70, $30, $30, $30, $78, $00
+ .byte $0C, $00, $0C, $0C, $0C, $CC, $CC, $78
+ .byte $E0, $60, $66, $6C, $78, $6C, $E6, $00
+ .byte $70, $30, $30, $30, $30, $30, $78, $00
+ .byte $00, $00, $CC, $FE, $FE, $D6, $C6, $00
+ .byte $00, $00, $F8, $CC, $CC, $CC, $CC, $00
+ .byte $00, $00, $78, $CC, $CC, $CC, $78, $00
+ .byte $00, $00, $DC, $66, $66, $7C, $60, $F0
+ .byte $00, $00, $76, $CC, $CC, $7C, $0C, $1E
+ .byte $00, $00, $DC, $76, $66, $60, $F0, $00
+ .byte $00, $00, $7C, $C0, $78, $0C, $F8, $00
+ .byte $10, $30, $7C, $30, $30, $34, $18, $00
+ .byte $00, $00, $CC, $CC, $CC, $CC, $76, $00
+ .byte $00, $00, $CC, $CC, $CC, $78, $30, $00
+ .byte $00, $00, $C6, $D6, $FE, $FE, $6C, $00
+ .byte $00, $00, $C6, $6C, $38, $6C, $C6, $00
+ .byte $00, $00, $CC, $CC, $CC, $7C, $0C, $F8
+ .byte $00, $00, $FC, $98, $30, $64, $FC, $00
+ .byte $1C, $30, $30, $E0, $30, $30, $1C, $00
+ .byte $18, $18, $18, $00, $18, $18, $18, $00
+ .byte $E0, $30, $30, $1C, $30, $30, $E0, $00
+ .byte $76, $DC, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00
+ .byte $00, $10, $38, $6C, $C6, $C6, $FE, $00
+++ /dev/null
-; Ullrich von Bassewitz, 03.06.1998
-; Heap variables and initialization.
-; FIXME: there should be a way to configure heap from linkerscript!
- .constructor initheap, 24
- .import __RAM_START__, __RAM_SIZE__, __STACKSIZE__ ; Linker generated
- .import __BSS_SIZE__
- .importzp sp
-;; old - remove
- .export __horg, __hptr, __hend, __hfirst, __hlast
- .word __RAM_START__+__BSS_SIZE__+__DATA_SIZE__ ; Linker calculates this symbol
- .word __RAM_START__+__BSS_SIZE__+__DATA_SIZE__ ; Dito
- .word __RAM_START__+__RAM_SIZE__
- .word 0
- .word 0
- .export __heaporg
- .export __heapptr
- .export __heapend
- .export __heapfirst
- .export __heaplast
- .word __RAM_START__+__BSS_SIZE__+__DATA_SIZE__ ; Linker calculates this symbol
- .word __RAM_START__+__BSS_SIZE__+__DATA_SIZE__ ; Linker calculates this symbol
- .word __RAM_START__+__RAM_SIZE__
- .word 0
- .word 0
-; Initialization. Will be called from startup!
- ;sec
- ;lda sp
-; lda #<(__STACKSIZE__)
-; lda #<(__RAM_START__+__RAM_SIZE__)
- lda #<(__RAM_START__+__BSS_SIZE__+__DATA_SIZE__)
- sta __heapend
- sta __hend ; old
-; lda sp+1
-; lda #>(__STACKSIZE__)
-; lda #>(__RAM_START__+__RAM_SIZE__)
- lda #>(__RAM_START__+__BSS_SIZE__+__DATA_SIZE__)
- sta __heapend+1
- sta __hend+1 ; old
- rts
+++ /dev/null
-; Screen size variables
-.export _screensize
- ldx xsize
- ldy ysize
- rts
- .export xsize, ysize
-xsize: .byte 64
-ysize: .byte 28
+++ /dev/null
-; Ullrich von Bassewitz, 06.08.1998
-; CC65 runtime: call function via pointer in ax
- .export callax
- sta vec
- stx vec+1
- jmp (vec) ; jump there
- .res 2
\ No newline at end of file
+++ /dev/null
-; Ullrich von Bassewitz, 21.09.1998
-; clock_t clock (void);
- .include "pcengine.inc"
- .export _clock
- .importzp sreg
-.proc _clock
- ldy #0 ; Byte 3 is always zero
- sty sreg+1
- sty sreg
- ldx _tickcount+1
- lda _tickcount
- rts
+++ /dev/null
- .include "pcengine.inc"
- .export _clrscr
- st0 #VDC_MAWR
- st1 #<$0000
- st2 #>$0000
- st0 #VDC_VWR
- ldy #$40
-rowloop: ldx #$80
- lda #' '
- staio VDC_DATA_LO
- lda #$02
- staio VDC_DATA_HI
- dex
- bne colloop
- dey
- bne rowloop
- rts
+++ /dev/null
-; Ullrich von Bassewitz, 06.08.1998
-; unsigned char __fastcall__ textcolor (unsigned char color);
-; unsigned char __fastcall__ bgcolor (unsigned char color);
-; unsigned char __fastcall__ bordercolor (unsigned char color);
- .export _textcolor, _bgcolor, _bordercolor
- .include "pcengine.inc"
- ldx CHARCOLOR ; get old value
- sta CHARCOLOR ; set new value
- txa
- rts
- ldx BGCOLOR ; get old value
- sta BGCOLOR ; set new value
- asl a
- tay
- lda colors,y
- lda colors+1,y
- txa
- rts
- lda #0
- txa
- rts
- .export colors
-colors: ; G R B
- .word ((0<<6)+(0<<3)+(0)) ; 0 black
- .word ((7<<6)+(7<<3)+(7)) ; 1 white
- .word ((0<<6)+(7<<3)+(0)) ; 2 red
- .word ((7<<6)+(0<<3)+(7)) ; 3 cyan
- .word ((0<<6)+(5<<3)+(7)) ; 4 violett
- .word ((7<<6)+(0<<3)+(0)) ; 5 green
- .word ((0<<6)+(0<<3)+(7)) ; 6 blue
- .word ((7<<6)+(7<<3)+(0)) ; 7 yellow
- .word ((5<<6)+(7<<3)+(0)) ; 8 orange
- .word ((3<<6)+(4<<3)+(3)) ; 9 brown
- .word ((4<<6)+(7<<3)+(4)) ; a light red
- .word ((3<<6)+(3<<3)+(3)) ; b dark grey
- .word ((4<<6)+(4<<3)+(4)) ; c middle grey
- .word ((7<<6)+(4<<3)+(4)) ; d light green
- .word ((4<<6)+(4<<3)+(7)) ; e light blue
- .word ((6<<6)+(6<<3)+(6)) ; f light gray
+++ /dev/null
-; Ullrich von Bassewitz, 20.11.2000
-; CC65 runtime: Support for calling module constructors/destructors
-; The condes routine must be called with the table address in a/x and the
-; size of the table in y. The current implementation limits the table size
-; to 254 bytes (127 vectors) but this shouldn't be problem for now and may
-; be changed later.
-; libinit and libdone call condes with the predefined module constructor and
-; destructor tables, they must be called from the platform specific startup
-; code.
- .export initlib, donelib, condes
- .import callax
-; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-; Initialize library modules
-.proc initlib
- ldy #<(__CONSTRUCTOR_COUNT__*2)
- bne condes
- rts
-; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-; Cleanup library modules
-.proc donelib
- ldy #<(__DESTRUCTOR_COUNT__*2)
- bne condes
- rts
-; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-; Generic table call handler
-.proc condes
- sta getbyt+1
- stx getbyt+2
- sty index
-loop: ldy index
- beq done
- dey
- jsr getbyt
- tax
- dey
- jsr getbyt
- sty index
- jsr callax
- bra loop
- jmp loop
-done: rts
-; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-; Data. The getbyte routine is placed in the data segment cause it's patched
-; at runtime.
-index: .byte 0
- lda $FFFF,y
- rts
-;; callax doesnt work? why?!
-; sta @l+1
-; stx @l+2
-;@l: jmp $dead
+++ /dev/null
- .include "pcengine.inc"
- .import vce_init
- .import psg_init
- .import vdc_init
- .export initconio
- .export _conio_init
- .constructor initconio, 24
- .macpack longbranch
- ;; jsr vdc_init
- jsr vce_init
- jsr psg_init
- jsr conio_init
- jsr set_palette
- st0 #VDC_RCR
- st1 #<$0088
- st2 #>$0088
- rts
- .import colors
- ; Make palette (use VGA palette?)
- ; stz VCE_ADDR_LO
- ; stz VCE_ADDR_HI
- ; clx
- ; cly
- vce_loop: ;; stx VCE_DATA_LO
- ;; sty VCE_DATA_HI
- ; inx
- ; cpx #$00
- ; bne vce_loop
- ; iny
- ; cpy #$02
- ; bne vce_loop
- ldx #0
- .repeat 16
- lda colors,x
- lda colors+1,x
- .endrepeat
- inx
- inx
- cpx #16*2;*5
- jne @lp
-; so it will get linked in
- rts
- .importzp ptr1
- ; Load font
- st0 #VDC_MAWR
- st1 #<$2000
- st2 #>$2000
- ; ptr to font data
- lda #<font
- sta ptr1
- lda #>font
- sta ptr1+1
- st0 #VDC_VWR ; VWR
- ldy #$80 ; 128 chars
- charloop: ldx #$08 ; 8 bytes/char
- lineloop:
- ;;lda [$00] ; read font byte
- ldaind ptr1
- staio VDC_DATA_LO ; bitplane 0
- stzio VDC_DATA_HI ; bitplane 1
- clc ; increment font pointer
- lda ptr1
- adc #$01
- sta ptr1
- lda ptr1+1
- adc #$00
- sta ptr1+1
- dex
- bne lineloop ; next bitplane 0 byte
- ldx #$08 ; fill bitplane 2/3 with 0
- fillloop: st1 #$00
- st2 #$00
- dex
- bne fillloop ; next byte
- dey
- bne charloop ; next character
- ldx #0
- inx
- rts
- .rodata
-font: .include "vga.inc"
+++ /dev/null
-; Ullrich von Bassewitz, 06.08.1998
-; void cputcxy (unsigned char x, unsigned char y, char c);
-; void cputc (char c);
- .export _cputcxy, _cputc, cputdirect, putchar
- .export newline, plot
- .import popa, _gotoxy
- .import PLOT
- .importzp tmp3,tmp4
- .include "pcengine.inc"
- pha ; Save C
- jsr popa ; Get Y
- jsr _gotoxy ; Set cursor, drop x
- pla ; Restore C
-; Plot a character - also used as internal function
-_cputc: cmp #$0d ; CR?
- bne L1
- lda #0
- sta CURS_X
- beq plot ; Recalculate pointers
-L1: cmp #$0a ; LF?
- beq newline ; Recalculate pointers
-; Printable char of some sort
- jsr putchar ; Write the character to the screen
-; Advance cursor position
- ldy CURS_X
- iny
- cpy #xsize
- bne L3
- jsr newline ; new line
- ldy #0 ; + cr
-L3: sty CURS_X
- jmp plot
- ;rts
-; lda #xsize
-; clc
-; bcc L4
-; inc SCREEN_PTR+1
-;; clc
-;L4:; lda #xsize
- ; adc CRAM_PTR
- ; sta CRAM_PTR
- ; bcc L5
- ; inc CRAM_PTR+1
- inc CURS_Y
-; jmp plot
-; rts
-; Set cursor position, calculate RAM pointers
-plot: ldy CURS_X
- ldx CURS_Y
- clc
- jmp PLOT ; Set the new cursor
-; Write one character to the screen without doing anything else, return X
-; position in Y
- ora RVS ; Set revers bit
- tax
- st0 #VDC_MAWR ; Memory Adress Write
- staio VDC_DATA_LO
- lda SCREEN_PTR+1
- staio VDC_DATA_HI
- st0 #VDC_VWR ; VWR
- txa
- staio VDC_DATA_LO ; character
- ;;st2 #$32 ; attrib ?!
- ;;lda #2
- asl a
- asl a
- asl a
- asl a
- and #$f0
- ora #$02
- staio VDC_DATA_HI
- rts
+++ /dev/null
-; Startup code for cc65 (PCEngine version)
-; by Groepaz/Hitmen <groepaz@gmx.net>
-; based on code by Ullrich von Bassewitz <uz@cc65.org>
-; This must be the *first* file on the linker command line
- .export _exit
- .import initlib, donelib
- .import push0, _main, zerobss
- .import initheap
- .import tmp1,tmp2,tmp3
- .import __RAM_START__, __RAM_SIZE__ ; Linker generated
-;; .import __SRAM_START__, __SRAM_SIZE__ ; Linker generated
- .import __ROM0_START__, __ROM0_SIZE__ ; Linker generated
- .import __ROM_START__, __ROM_SIZE__ ; Linker generated
- .import __STARTUP_LOAD__,__STARTUP_RUN__, __STARTUP_SIZE__ ; Linker generated
- .import __CODE_LOAD__,__CODE_RUN__, __CODE_SIZE__ ; Linker generated
- .import __RODATA_LOAD__,__RODATA_RUN__, __RODATA_SIZE__ ; Linker generated
- .import __DATA_LOAD__,__DATA_RUN__, __DATA_SIZE__ ; Linker generated
- .import __BSS_SIZE__
- .include "pcengine.inc"
- .importzp sp
- .importzp ptr1,ptr2
-; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-; Create an empty LOWCODE segment to avoid linker warnings
-.segment "LOWCODE"
-; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-; Place the startup code in a special segment.
-.segment "STARTUP"
-; setup the CPU and System-IRQ
- ; Initialize CPU
- sei
- nop
- csh
- nop
- cld
- nop
- ; Setup stack and memory mapping
- ldx #$FF ; Stack top ($21FF)
- txs
- txa
- tam #0 ; 0000-1FFF = Hardware page
- lda #$F8
- tam #1 ; 2000-3FFF = Work RAM
- lda #$F7
- tam #2 ; 4000-5FFF = Save RAM
- lda #1
- tam #3 ; 6000-7FFF Page 2
- lda #2
- tam #4 ; 8000-9FFF Page 3
- lda #3
- tam #5 ; A000-BFFF Page 4
- lda #4
- tam #6 ; C000-DFFF Page 5
- ; Initialize hardware
- stz TIMER_COUNT ; Timer off
- lda #$07
- sta IRQ_MASK ; Interrupts off
- stz IRQ_STATUS ; Acknowledge timer
- ; Clear work RAM
- stz <$00
- tii $2000, $2001, $1FFF
- ;; i dont know why the heck this one doesnt
- ;; work when called from a constructor :/
- .import vdc_init
- jsr vdc_init
-;; jsr joy_init
- ; Turn on background and VD interrupt/IRQ1
- lda #$05
- sta IRQ_MASK ; IRQ1=on
- cli
-; Clear the BSS data
- jsr zerobss
-; Copy the .data segment to RAM
- lda #<(__DATA_LOAD__)
- ;;lda #<(__ROM0_START__ + __STARTUP_SIZE__+ __CODE_SIZE__+ __RODATA_SIZE__)
- ;;lda #<(__ROM_START__ + __CODE_SIZE__+ __RODATA_SIZE__)
- sta ptr1
- lda #>(__DATA_LOAD__)
- ;;lda #>(__ROM_START__ + __CODE_SIZE__+ __RODATA_SIZE__)
- sta ptr1+1
- lda #<(__DATA_RUN__)
- ;;lda #<(__SRAM_START__)
- sta ptr2
- lda #>(__DATA_RUN__)
- ;;lda #>(__SRAM_START__)
- sta ptr2+1
- ldx #>(__DATA_SIZE__)
- beq @s1 ; no more full pages
- ; copy one page
- ldy #0
- lda (ptr1),y
- sta (ptr2),y
- iny
- bne @l1
- inc ptr1+1
- inc ptr2+1
- dex
- bne @l2
- ; copy remaining bytes
- ; copy one page
- ldy #0
- lda (ptr1),y
- sta (ptr2),y
- iny
- cpy #<(__DATA_SIZE__)
- bne @l3
-; setup the stack
-; lda #<(__RAM_START__ + __DATA_SIZE__ + __BSS_SIZE__)
- lda #<(__RAM_START__+__RAM_SIZE__)
- sta sp
-; lda #>(__RAM_START__ + __DATA_SIZE__ + __BSS_SIZE__)
- lda #>(__RAM_START__+__RAM_SIZE__)
- sta sp+1 ; Set argument stack ptr
-; Init the Heap
- jsr initheap
-;jmp *
-; Call module constructors
- jsr initlib
-; .import initconio
-; jsr initconio
-; Pass an empty command line
-;jmp *
- jsr push0 ; argc
- jsr push0 ; argv
- ldy #4 ; Argument size
- jsr _main ; call the users code
-; Call module destructors. This is also the _exit entry.
- jsr donelib ; Run module destructors
-; reset the PCEngine
- jmp start
-; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-; System V-Blank Interupt
-; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- pha
- phx
- phy
- inc _tickcount
- bne @s
- inc _tickcount+1
- ; Acknowlege interrupt
- ldaio VDC_CTRL
- ply
- plx
- pla
- rti
- rti
- rti
- rti
- .export initmainargs
- rts
-; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-; hardware vectors
-; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- .segment "VECTORS"
- ;;.org $fff6
- .word _irq2 ; $fff6 IRQ2 (External IRQ, BRK)
- .word _irq1 ; $fff8 IRQ1 (VDC)
- .word _timer ; $fffa Timer
- .word _nmi ; $fffc NMI
- .word start ; $fffe reset
+++ /dev/null
-; HuC6280 additional opcodes (use with --cpu 65C02)
-;; lda abs
-.macro ldaio arg1
- .byte $ad
- .word arg1
-;; sta abs
-.macro staio arg1
- .byte $8d
- .word arg1
-.macro stzio arg1
- .byte $9c
- .word arg1
-.macro cla
- .byte $62
-.macro clx
- .byte $82
-;; lda (zp)
-.macro ldaind arg1
- .byte $b2
- .byte arg1
-.macro cly
- .byte $c2
-.macro st0 arg1
- .if (.match (.left (1, arg1), #))
- ; called with immidiate operand
- .byte $03
- .byte (.right (.tcount (arg1)-1, arg1))
- .else
- .error "illegal address mode"
- .endif
-.macro st1 arg1
- .if (.match (.left (1, arg1), #))
- ; called with immidiate operand
- .byte $13
- .byte (.right (.tcount (arg1)-1, arg1))
- .else
- .error "illegal address mode"
- .endif
-.macro st2 arg1
- .if (.match (.left (1, arg1), #))
- ; called with immidiate operand
- .byte $23
- .byte (.right (.tcount (arg1)-1, arg1))
- .else
- .error "illegal address mode"
- .endif
-; tam #$xx
-.macro tam arg1
- .if (.match (.left (1, arg1), #))
- ; called with immidiate operand
- .byte $53
- .byte 1<<(.right (.tcount (arg1)-1, arg1))
- .else
- .error "illegal address mode"
- .endif
-; tii x,y,z
-.macro tii arg1,arg2,arg3
- .byte $73
- .word arg1,arg2,arg3
-.macro csh
- .byte $d4
-.macro set
- .byte $f4
-.macro _rmb0 arg1
- .byte $07
- .byte arg1
-.macro _rmb1 arg1
- .byte $17
- .byte arg1
-.macro _rmb2 arg1
- .byte $27
- .byte arg1
-.macro _rmb3 arg1
- .byte $37
- .byte arg1
-.macro _rmb4 arg1
- .byte $47
- .byte arg1
-.macro _rmb5 arg1
- .byte $57
- .byte arg1
-.macro _rmb6 arg1
- .byte $67
- .byte arg1
-.macro _rmb7 arg1
- .byte $77
- .byte arg1
-.macro _smb0 arg1
- .byte $87
- .byte arg1
-.macro _smb1 arg1
- .byte $97
- .byte arg1
-.macro _smb2 arg1
- .byte $a7
- .byte arg1
-.macro _smb3 arg1
- .byte $b7
- .byte arg1
-.macro _smb4 arg1
- .byte $c7
- .byte arg1
-.macro _smb5 arg1
- .byte $d7
- .byte arg1
-.macro _smb6 arg1
- .byte $e7
- .byte arg1
-.macro _smb7 arg1
- .byte $f7
- .byte arg1
-.macro _bbr0 arg1,arg2
- .byte $0f ;;,arg1
- .byte arg1
- .byte <((arg2)-(*+1))
-.macro _bbs0 arg1,arg2
- .byte $8f ;;,arg1
- .byte arg1
- .byte <((arg2)-(*+1))
-.macro _bbr1 arg1,arg2
- .byte $1f ;;,arg1
- .byte arg1
- .byte <((arg2)-(*+1))
-.macro _bbs1 arg1,arg2
- .byte $9f ;;,arg1
- .byte arg1
- .byte <((arg2)-(*+1))
-.macro _bbr2 arg1,arg2
- .byte $2f ;;,arg1
- .byte arg1
- .byte <((arg2)-(*+1))
-.macro _bbs2 arg1,arg2
- .byte $af ;;,arg1
- .byte arg1
- .byte <((arg2)-(*+1))
-.macro _bbr3 arg1,arg2
- .byte $3f ;;,arg1
- .byte arg1
- .byte <((arg2)-(*+1))
-.macro _bbs3 arg1,arg2
- .byte $bf ;;,arg1
- .byte arg1
- .byte <((arg2)-(*+1))
-.macro _bbr4 arg1,arg2
- .byte $4f ;;,arg1
- .byte arg1
- .byte <((arg2)-(*+1))
-.macro _bbs4 arg1,arg2
- .byte $cf ;;,arg1
- .byte arg1
- .byte <((arg2)-(*+1))
-.macro _bbr5 arg1,arg2
- .byte $5f ;;,arg1
- .byte arg1
- .byte <((arg2)-(*+1))
-.macro _bbs5 arg1,arg2
- .byte $df ;;,arg1
- .byte arg1
- .byte <((arg2)-(*+1))
-.macro _bbr6 arg1,arg2
- .byte $6f ;;,arg1
- .byte arg1
- .byte <((arg2)-(*+1))
-.macro _bbs6 arg1,arg2
- .byte $ef ;;,arg1
- .byte arg1
- .byte <((arg2)-(*+1))
-.macro _bbr7 arg1,arg2
- .byte $7f ;;,arg1
- .byte arg1
- .byte <((arg2)-(*+1))
-.macro _bbs7 arg1,arg2
- .byte $ff
- .byte arg1
- .byte <((arg2)-(*+1))
+++ /dev/null
-; File generated by cc65 v 2.9.5
- .fopt compiler,"cc65 v 2.9.5"
- .autoimport on
- .case on
- .debuginfo off
- .importzp sp, sreg, regsave, regbank, tmp1, ptr1, ptr2
- .macpack longbranch
- .import _joy_masks
- .import _joy_read
- .import _clock
- .export _kbhit
- .export _cgetc
-.segment "DATA"
- .byte $00
- .dword $00000000
- .byte $00
-; ---------------------------------------------------------------
-; void _getkey (void)
-; ---------------------------------------------------------------
-.segment "CODE"
-.proc __getkey
-.segment "CODE"
- jsr decsp2
- ldx #$00
- lda __lastkey
- cmp #$00
- jsr booleq
- jeq L003F
- lda #$00
- jsr _joy_read
- ldy #$01
- sta (sp),y
- ldx #$00
- lda #$00
- ldy #$00
- sta (sp),y
- ldy #$01
- ldx #$00
- lda (sp),y
- jsr pushax
- ldx #$00
- lda _joy_masks+4
- jsr tosandax
- stx tmp1
- ora tmp1
- jeq L0010
- ldx #$00
- lda #$0A
- ldy #$00
- sta (sp),y
- jmp L003A
-L0010: ldy #$01
- ldx #$00
- lda (sp),y
- jsr pushax
- ldx #$00
- lda _joy_masks
- jsr tosandax
- stx tmp1
- ora tmp1
- jeq L0016
- ldx #$00
- lda #$01
- ldy #$00
- sta (sp),y
- jmp L003A
-L0016: ldy #$01
- ldx #$00
- lda (sp),y
- jsr pushax
- ldx #$00
- lda _joy_masks+2
- jsr tosandax
- stx tmp1
- ora tmp1
- jeq L001C
- ldx #$00
- lda #$03
- ldy #$00
- sta (sp),y
- jmp L003A
-L001C: ldy #$01
- ldx #$00
- lda (sp),y
- jsr pushax
- ldx #$00
- lda _joy_masks+3
- jsr tosandax
- stx tmp1
- ora tmp1
- jeq L0022
- ldx #$00
- lda #$04
- ldy #$00
- sta (sp),y
- jmp L003A
-L0022: ldy #$01
- ldx #$00
- lda (sp),y
- jsr pushax
- ldx #$00
- lda _joy_masks+1
- jsr tosandax
- stx tmp1
- ora tmp1
- jeq L0028
- ldx #$00
- lda #$02
- ldy #$00
- sta (sp),y
- jmp L003A
-L0028: ldy #$01
- ldx #$00
- lda (sp),y
- jsr pushax
- ldx #$00
- lda _joy_masks+7
- jsr tosandax
- stx tmp1
- ora tmp1
- jeq L002E
- ldx #$00
- lda #$14
- ldy #$00
- sta (sp),y
- jmp L003A
-L002E: ldy #$01
- ldx #$00
- lda (sp),y
- jsr pushax
- ldx #$00
- lda _joy_masks+5
- jsr tosandax
- stx tmp1
- ora tmp1
- jeq L0034
- ldx #$00
- lda #$15
- ldy #$00
- sta (sp),y
- jmp L003A
-L0034: ldy #$01
- ldx #$00
- lda (sp),y
- jsr pushax
- ldx #$00
- lda _joy_masks+6
- jsr tosandax
- stx tmp1
- ora tmp1
- jeq L003A
- ldx #$00
- lda #$16
- ldy #$00
- sta (sp),y
-L003A: ldy #$00
- ldx #$00
- lda (sp),y
- cmp #$00
- jsr boolne
- jeq L003F
- ldy #$00
- ldx #$00
- lda (sp),y
- jsr pushax
- ldx #$00
- lda _rptkey
- jsr toseqax
- jeq L0043
- lda __chardelay+3
- sta sreg+1
- lda __chardelay+2
- sta sreg
- ldx __chardelay+1
- lda __chardelay
- jsr pusheax
- jsr _clock
- jsr tosugteax
- jeq L0043
- jmp L003F
-L0043: ldy #$00
- ldx #$00
- lda (sp),y
- sta _rptkey
- jsr _clock
- ldy #$06
- jsr inceaxy
- sta __chardelay
- stx __chardelay+1
- ldy sreg
- sty __chardelay+2
- ldy sreg+1
- sty __chardelay+3
- ldy #$00
- ldx #$00
- lda (sp),y
- sta __lastkey
-L003F: jsr incsp2
- rts
-; ---------------------------------------------------------------
-; unsigned char __fastcall__ kbhit (void)
-; ---------------------------------------------------------------
-.segment "CODE"
-.proc _kbhit
-.segment "CODE"
- jsr __getkey
- ldx #$00
- lda __lastkey
- cmp #$00
- jsr booleq
- jeq L004E
- ldx #$00
- lda #$00
- jmp L0052
- jmp L0052
-L004E: ldx #$00
- lda #$01
- jmp L0052
-L0052: rts
-; ---------------------------------------------------------------
-; unsigned char __fastcall__ cgetc (void)
-; ---------------------------------------------------------------
-.segment "CODE"
-.proc _cgetc
-.segment "CODE"
- jsr decsp1
-L0056: ldx #$00
- lda __lastkey
- cmp #$00
- jsr booleq
- jeq L0057
- jsr __getkey
- jmp L0056
-L0057: ldx #$00
- lda __lastkey
- ldy #$00
- sta (sp),y
- ldx #$00
- lda #$00
- sta __lastkey
- ldy #$00
- ldx #$00
- lda (sp),y
- jmp L0055
-L0055: jsr incsp1
- rts
+++ /dev/null
- .export PLOT
- .include "pcengine.inc"
- bcs @getpos
- tya
- clc
- adc _plotlo,x
- lda _plothi,x
- adc #0
- sta SCREEN_PTR+1
- ;clc
- ;adc _colplot,x
- ;sta CRAM_PTR
- ;lda #$23
- ;sta CRAM_PTR+1
- ldx CURS_Y
- ldy CURS_X
- rts
- .repeat screenrows,line
- .byte <($0000+(line*$80))
- .endrepeat
- .repeat screenrows,line
- .byte >($0000+(line*$80))
- .endrepeat
+++ /dev/null
-; Standard joystick driver for the PCEngine
-; Ullrich von Bassewitz, 2002-12-20
- ;;.include "zeropage.inc"
- ;;.include "joy-kernel.inc"
- ;;.include "joy-error.inc"
- .include "pcengine.inc"
- .macpack generic
-; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-; Header. Includes jump table
-.segment "CODE"
-; Driver signature
-;; .byte $6A, $6F, $79 ; "joy"
-;; .byte $00 ; Driver API version number
-; Button state masks (8 values)
-;extern const unsigned char joy_masks[8];
- .export _joy_masks
- .byte $10 ; JOY_UP
- .byte $40 ; JOY_DOWN
- .byte $80 ; JOY_LEFT
- .byte $20 ; JOY_RIGHT
- .byte $04 ; ? JOY_FIRE
- .byte $02 ; ? Future expansion
- .byte $01 ; ? Future expansion
- .byte $08 ; ? Future expansion
-; Jump table.
-;; .word INSTALL
-;; .word DEINSTALL
-;; .word COUNT
-;; .word READ
-; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-; Constants
-JOY_COUNT = 4 ; Number of joysticks we support
-; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-; Data.
-;extern const char joy_stddrv[];
- .export _joy_stddrv
- .byte 0
- .export _joy_load_driver
- .export _joy_unload
-;unsigned char __fastcall__ joy_unload (void);
-;unsigned char __fastcall__ joy_load_driver (const char* driver);
-; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-; INSTALL routine. Is called after the driver is loaded into memory. If
-; possible, check if the hardware is present and determine the amount of
-; memory available.
-; Must return an JOY_ERR_xx code in a/x.
- lda #<JOY_ERR_OK
- ldx #>JOY_ERR_OK
-; rts ; Run into DEINSTALL instead
-; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-; DEINSTALL routine. Is called before the driver is removed from memory.
-; Can do cleanup or whatever. Must not return anything.
- rts
-; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-; COUNT: Return the total number of available joysticks in a/x.
-;unsigned char __fastcall__ joy_count (void);
- .export _joy_count
- lda #<JOY_COUNT
- ldx #>JOY_COUNT
- rts
-; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-; READ: Read a particular joystick passed in A.
-;unsigned char __fastcall__ joy_read (unsigned char joystick);
- .export _joy_read
- pha
- jsr read_joy
- pla
- tax ; Joystick number into X
- ; return value from buffer
- lda padbuffer,x
- ldx #0
- rts
- ; reset multitap counter
- lda #$01
- sta $1000
- pha
- pla
- nop
- nop
- lda #$03
- sta $1000
- pha
- pla
- nop
- nop
- cly
- lda #$01
- sta $1000 ; sel = 1
- pha
- pla
- nop
- nop
- lda $1000
- asl a
- asl a
- asl a
- asl a
- sta padbuffer, y ; store new value
- stz $1000
- pha
- pla
- nop
- nop
- lda $1000
- and #$0F
- ora padbuffer, y ; second half of new value
- eor #$FF
- sta padbuffer, y ; store new value
- iny
- cpy #$05
- bcc nextpad
- rts
- .res 4
+++ /dev/null
-#define CH_CROSS 0x10
-#define CH_RTEE 0x17
-#define CH_LTEE 0x0f
-#define CH_ULCORNER 0x10
-#define CH_URCORNER 0x10
-#define CH_LLCORNER 0x10
-#define CH_LRCORNER 0x10
-#define TV_NTSC 0
-#define TV_PAL 1
-#define get_tv() 0
-#define CLOCKS_PER_SEC 50 // ???
-#define CLK_TCK 50 // ?!?
-//#ifndef CH_ENTER
-#define CH_ENTER '\n'
-#define CH_STOP 0x08
-#define CH_F1 0x14
-#define CH_F3 0x15
-#define CH_F5 0x16
-#define CH_F7 0x17
-#define CH_CURS_UP 0x01
-#define CH_CURS_DOWN 0x02
-#ifndef CH_CURS_LEFT
-#define CH_CURS_LEFT 0x03
-#ifndef CH_CURS_RIGHT
-#define CH_CURS_RIGHT 0x04
-#define CH_ESC 8
-#define CH_DEL 20
-/* Color defines */
-#define COLOR_BLACK 0x00
-#define COLOR_WHITE 0x01
-#define COLOR_RED 0x02
-#define COLOR_CYAN 0x03
-#define COLOR_VIOLET 0x04
-#define COLOR_GREEN 0x05
-#define COLOR_BLUE 0x06
-#define COLOR_YELLOW 0x07
-#define COLOR_ORANGE 0x08
-#define COLOR_BROWN 0x09
-#define COLOR_LIGHTRED 0x0A
-#define COLOR_GRAY1 0x0B
-#define COLOR_GRAY2 0x0C
-#define COLOR_GRAY3 0x0F
-#define JOY_FIRE_B 5
-#define JOY_START 6
-#define JOY_SELECT 7
-void __fastcall__ waitvblank(void);
-unsigned char __fastcall__ cpeekcharxy(unsigned char x,unsigned char y);
-unsigned char __fastcall__ cpeekchar(void);
-unsigned char __fastcall__ cpeekcolxy(unsigned char x,unsigned char y);
-unsigned char __fastcall__ cpeekcol(void);
+++ /dev/null
- .include "huc6280.inc"
-; Write VDC register
- .macro VREG arg1,arg2
- st0 #arg1
- st1 #<(arg2)
- st2 #>(arg2)
- .endmacro
-_tickcount= $20
-screenrows = (224/8)
-charsperline = (512/8)
-xsize = charsperline
-CURS_X = $30
-CURS_Y = $31
-CRAM_PTR = $34
-RVS = $37
-; huc6270 - Video Display Controller (vdc)
-VDC_MAWR = 0 ; Memory Address Write Register
-VDC_MARR = 1 ; Memory Address Read Register
-VDC_VWR = 2 ; VRAM Write Register
-VDC_VRR = 3 ; VRAM Read Register
-VDC_CR = 4 ; Control Register
-VDC_RCR = 5 ; Raster Counter Register
-VDC_BXR = 6 ; Background X-Scroll Register
-VDC_BYR = 7 ; Background Y-Scroll Register
-VDC_MWR = 8 ; Memory-access Width Register
-VDC_HSR = 9 ; Horizontal Sync Register (?)
-VDC_HDR =10 ; Horizontal Display Register (?)
-VDC_VPR =11 ; (unknown)
-VDC_VDW =12 ; (unknown use)
-VDC_VCR =13 ; (unknown use)
-VDC_DCR =14 ; (DMA) Control Register
-VDC_SOUR =15 ; (DMA) Source Register
-VDC_DESR =16 ; (DMA) Destination Register
-VDC_LENR =17 ; (DMA) Length Register
-VDC_SATB =18 ; Sprite Attribute Table
-VDC_CTRL = $0000
-VDC_DATA_LO = $0002
-VDC_DATA_HI = $0003
-; huc6260 - Video Color Encoder (vce)
-; The DAC has a palette of 512 colours.
-; bitmap of the palette data is this: 0000000gggrrrbbb.
-; You can read and write the DAC-registers.
-VCE_CTRL = $0400 ; write$00 to reset
-VCE_ADDR_LO = $0402 ; LSB of byte offset into palette
-VCE_ADDR_HI = $0403 ; MSB of byte offset into palette
-VCE_DATA_LO = $0404 ; LSB of 16-bit palette data
-VCE_DATA_HI = $0405 ; MSB of 16-bit palette data
-TIMER_COUNT = $0c00
-TIMER_CTRL = $0c01
-JOY_CTRL = $1000
-IRQ_MASK = $1402
-IRQ_STATUS = $1403
\ No newline at end of file
+++ /dev/null
- ZP: start = $00, size = $1A, type = rw, define = yes;
- # INES Cartridge Header
- #HEADER: start = $0, size = $10, file = %O ,fill = yes;
- # 2 16K ROM Banks
- # - startup
- # - code
- # - rodata
- # - data (load)
- # 1 8k CHR Bank
- ROM0: start = $e000, size = $1ff6, file = %O ,fill = yes, define = yes;
- # Hardware Vectors at End of 2nd 8K ROM
- ROMV: start = $fff6, size = $a, file = %O,fill = yes;
- ROM: start = $6000, size = $8000, file = %O, fill = yes,define=yes;
- # standard 2k SRAM (-zeropage)
- # $0100-$0200 cpu stack
- # $0200-$0500 3 pages for ppu memory write buffer
- # $0500-$0800 3 pages for cc65 parameter stack
- #SRAM: start = $0500, size = $0300, define = yes;
- # additional 8K SRAM Bank
- # - data (run)
- # - bss
- # - heap
-# RAM: start = $2200, size = $1000, define = yes;
-# RAM2: start = $3200, size = $0e00, define = yes;
- RAM: start = $2200, size = $1e00, define = yes;
- #HEADER: load = HEADER, type = wprot;
- #aSTARTUP: load = ROM0, type = wprot, define = yes;
- STARTUP: load = ROM0, type = wprot, define = yes;
- CODE: load = ROM, type = wprot, define = yes;
- RODATA: load = ROM, type = wprot, define = yes;
- DATA: load = ROM0, run= RAM, type = rw, define = yes;
-# BSS: load = RAM2, type = bss, define = yes;
- BSS: load = RAM, type = bss, define = yes;
- VECTORS: load = ROMV, type = rw, define = yes;
- #CHARS: load = ROM2, type = rw;
- ZEROPAGE: load = ZP, type = zp, define = yes;
- CONDES: segment = STARTUP,
- type=constructor,
- CONDES: segment = STARTUP,
- type=destructor,
- __STACKSIZE__ = $0300; # 3 pages stack
+++ /dev/null
- .include "pcengine.inc"
- .export psg_init
- clx
- stx $0800 ; Select channel
- stz $0801 ; Clear global balance
- stz $0802 ; Clear frequency LSB
- stz $0803 ; Clear frequency MSB
- stz $0804 ; Clear volume
- stz $0805 ; Clear balance
- stz $0807 ; Clear noise control
- stz $0808 ; Clear LFO frequency
- stz $0809 ; Clear LFO control
- cly
-psg_clear_waveform: stz $0806 ; Clear waveform byte
- iny
- cpy #$20
- bne psg_clear_waveform
- inx
- cpx #$06
- bne psg_clear_loop
- rts
+++ /dev/null
- .export _revers
- lda #0
- rts
+++ /dev/null
- .include "pcengine.inc"
- .export vce_init
- stz VCE_ADDR_LO ;
- stz VCE_ADDR_HI ; Set CTA to zero
- ldy #$01
-vce_clear_bank: ldx #$00
-vce_clear_color: stz VCE_DATA_LO ; Clear color (LSB)
- stz VCE_DATA_HI ; Clear color (MSB)
- dex
- bne vce_clear_color
- dey
- bne vce_clear_bank
- rts
+++ /dev/null
- .include "pcengine.inc"
-HIRES = 1
- .export vdc_init
- ;;lda $0000
- ;;.byte $ad,0,0
- ldaio VDC_CTRL
- VREG $00, $0000 ; MAWR
- VREG $01, $0000 ; MARR
- VREG $05, $0000 ; CR
- VREG $06, $0000 ; RCR
- VREG $07, $0000 ; BXR
- VREG $08, $0000 ; BYR
- VREG $09, $0070 ; MAWR
- VREG $0C, $1702 ; CRTC - VSR
- VREG $0D, $00DF ; CRTC - VDS
- VREG $0E, $000C ; CRTC - VDE
- VREG $0F, $0000 ; DCR
- .if HIRES
- VREG $0A, $0C02 ; CRTC - HSR
- VREG $0B, $043C ; CRTC - HDS
- lda #$06
- sta VCE_CTRL
- .else
- VREG $0A, $0202 ; CRTC - HSR
- VREG $0B, $041F ; CRTC - HDS
- lda #$04
- sta VCE_CTRL
- .endif
- ;;lda $0000
- ;;.byte $ad,0,0
- ldaio VDC_CTRL
- rts
+++ /dev/null
- .byte $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00
- .byte $7E, $81, $A5, $81, $BD, $99, $81, $7E
- .byte $7E, $FF, $DB, $FF, $C3, $E7, $FF, $7E
- .byte $6C, $FE, $FE, $FE, $7C, $38, $10, $00
- .byte $10, $38, $7C, $FE, $7C, $38, $10, $00
- .byte $38, $7C, $38, $FE, $FE, $7C, $38, $7C
- .byte $10, $10, $38, $7C, $FE, $7C, $38, $7C
- .byte $00, $00, $18, $3C, $3C, $18, $00, $00
- .byte $FF, $FF, $E7, $C3, $C3, $E7, $FF, $FF
- .byte $00, $3C, $66, $42, $42, $66, $3C, $00
- .byte $FF, $C3, $99, $BD, $BD, $99, $C3, $FF
- .byte $0F, $07, $0F, $7D, $CC, $CC, $CC, $78
- .byte $3C, $66, $66, $66, $3C, $18, $7E, $18
- .byte $3F, $33, $3F, $30, $30, $70, $F0, $E0
- .byte $7F, $63, $7F, $63, $63, $67, $E6, $C0
- .byte $99, $5A, $3C, $E7, $E7, $3C, $5A, $99
- .byte $80, $E0, $F8, $FE, $F8, $E0, $80, $00
- .byte $02, $0E, $3E, $FE, $3E, $0E, $02, $00
- .byte $18, $3C, $7E, $18, $18, $7E, $3C, $18
- .byte $66, $66, $66, $66, $66, $00, $66, $00
- .byte $7F, $DB, $DB, $7B, $1B, $1B, $1B, $00
- .byte $3E, $63, $38, $6C, $6C, $38, $CC, $78
- .byte $00, $00, $00, $00, $7E, $7E, $7E, $00
- .byte $18, $3C, $7E, $18, $7E, $3C, $18, $FF
- .byte $18, $3C, $7E, $18, $18, $18, $18, $00
- .byte $18, $18, $18, $18, $7E, $3C, $18, $00
- .byte $00, $18, $0C, $FE, $0C, $18, $00, $00
- .byte $00, $30, $60, $FE, $60, $30, $00, $00
- .byte $00, $00, $C0, $C0, $C0, $FE, $00, $00
- .byte $00, $24, $66, $FF, $66, $24, $00, $00
- .byte $00, $18, $3C, $7E, $FF, $FF, $00, $00
- .byte $00, $FF, $FF, $7E, $3C, $18, $00, $00
- .byte $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00
- .byte $30, $78, $78, $78, $30, $00, $30, $00
- .byte $6C, $6C, $6C, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00
- .byte $6C, $6C, $FE, $6C, $FE, $6C, $6C, $00
- .byte $30, $7C, $C0, $78, $0C, $F8, $30, $00
- .byte $00, $C6, $CC, $18, $30, $66, $C6, $00
- .byte $38, $6C, $38, $76, $DC, $CC, $76, $00
- .byte $60, $60, $C0, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00
- .byte $18, $30, $60, $60, $60, $30, $18, $00
- .byte $60, $30, $18, $18, $18, $30, $60, $00
- .byte $00, $66, $3C, $FF, $3C, $66, $00, $00
- .byte $00, $30, $30, $FC, $30, $30, $00, $00
- .byte $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $30, $30, $60
- .byte $00, $00, $00, $FC, $00, $00, $00, $00
- .byte $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $30, $30, $00
- .byte $06, $0C, $18, $30, $60, $C0, $80, $00
- .byte $7C, $C6, $CE, $DE, $F6, $E6, $7C, $00
- .byte $30, $70, $30, $30, $30, $30, $FC, $00
- .byte $78, $CC, $0C, $38, $60, $CC, $FC, $00
- .byte $78, $CC, $0C, $38, $0C, $CC, $78, $00
- .byte $1C, $3C, $6C, $CC, $FE, $0C, $1E, $00
- .byte $FC, $C0, $F8, $0C, $0C, $CC, $78, $00
- .byte $38, $60, $C0, $F8, $CC, $CC, $78, $00
- .byte $FC, $CC, $0C, $18, $30, $30, $30, $00
- .byte $78, $CC, $CC, $78, $CC, $CC, $78, $00
- .byte $78, $CC, $CC, $7C, $0C, $18, $70, $00
- .byte $00, $30, $30, $00, $00, $30, $30, $00
- .byte $00, $30, $30, $00, $00, $30, $30, $60
- .byte $18, $30, $60, $C0, $60, $30, $18, $00
- .byte $00, $00, $FC, $00, $00, $FC, $00, $00
- .byte $60, $30, $18, $0C, $18, $30, $60, $00
- .byte $78, $CC, $0C, $18, $30, $00, $30, $00
- .byte $7C, $C6, $DE, $DE, $DE, $C0, $78, $00
- .byte $30, $78, $CC, $CC, $FC, $CC, $CC, $00
- .byte $FC, $66, $66, $7C, $66, $66, $FC, $00
- .byte $3C, $66, $C0, $C0, $C0, $66, $3C, $00
- .byte $F8, $6C, $66, $66, $66, $6C, $F8, $00
- .byte $7E, $60, $60, $78, $60, $60, $7E, $00
- .byte $7E, $60, $60, $78, $60, $60, $60, $00
- .byte $3C, $66, $C0, $C0, $CE, $66, $3E, $00
- .byte $CC, $CC, $CC, $FC, $CC, $CC, $CC, $00
- .byte $78, $30, $30, $30, $30, $30, $78, $00
- .byte $1E, $0C, $0C, $0C, $CC, $CC, $78, $00
- .byte $E6, $66, $6C, $78, $6C, $66, $E6, $00
- .byte $60, $60, $60, $60, $60, $60, $7E, $00
- .byte $C6, $EE, $FE, $FE, $D6, $C6, $C6, $00
- .byte $C6, $E6, $F6, $DE, $CE, $C6, $C6, $00
- .byte $38, $6C, $C6, $C6, $C6, $6C, $38, $00
- .byte $FC, $66, $66, $7C, $60, $60, $F0, $00
- .byte $78, $CC, $CC, $CC, $DC, $78, $1C, $00
- .byte $FC, $66, $66, $7C, $6C, $66, $E6, $00
- .byte $78, $CC, $E0, $70, $1C, $CC, $78, $00
- .byte $FC, $30, $30, $30, $30, $30, $30, $00
- .byte $CC, $CC, $CC, $CC, $CC, $CC, $FC, $00
- .byte $CC, $CC, $CC, $CC, $CC, $78, $30, $00
- .byte $C6, $C6, $C6, $D6, $FE, $EE, $C6, $00
- .byte $C6, $C6, $6C, $38, $38, $6C, $C6, $00
- .byte $CC, $CC, $CC, $78, $30, $30, $78, $00
- .byte $FE, $06, $0C, $18, $30, $60, $FE, $00
- .byte $78, $60, $60, $60, $60, $60, $78, $00
- .byte $C0, $60, $30, $18, $0C, $06, $02, $00
- .byte $78, $18, $18, $18, $18, $18, $78, $00
- .byte $10, $38, $6C, $C6, $00, $00, $00, $00
- .byte $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $FF
- .byte $30, $30, $18, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00
- .byte $00, $00, $78, $0C, $7C, $CC, $76, $00
- .byte $E0, $60, $60, $7C, $66, $66, $DC, $00
- .byte $00, $00, $78, $CC, $C0, $CC, $78, $00
- .byte $1C, $0C, $0C, $7C, $CC, $CC, $76, $00
- .byte $00, $00, $78, $CC, $FC, $C0, $78, $00
- .byte $38, $6C, $60, $F0, $60, $60, $F0, $00
- .byte $00, $00, $76, $CC, $CC, $7C, $0C, $F8
- .byte $E0, $60, $6C, $76, $66, $66, $E6, $00
- .byte $30, $00, $70, $30, $30, $30, $78, $00
- .byte $0C, $00, $0C, $0C, $0C, $CC, $CC, $78
- .byte $E0, $60, $66, $6C, $78, $6C, $E6, $00
- .byte $70, $30, $30, $30, $30, $30, $78, $00
- .byte $00, $00, $CC, $FE, $FE, $D6, $C6, $00
- .byte $00, $00, $F8, $CC, $CC, $CC, $CC, $00
- .byte $00, $00, $78, $CC, $CC, $CC, $78, $00
- .byte $00, $00, $DC, $66, $66, $7C, $60, $F0
- .byte $00, $00, $76, $CC, $CC, $7C, $0C, $1E
- .byte $00, $00, $DC, $76, $66, $60, $F0, $00
- .byte $00, $00, $7C, $C0, $78, $0C, $F8, $00
- .byte $10, $30, $7C, $30, $30, $34, $18, $00
- .byte $00, $00, $CC, $CC, $CC, $CC, $76, $00
- .byte $00, $00, $CC, $CC, $CC, $78, $30, $00
- .byte $00, $00, $C6, $D6, $FE, $FE, $6C, $00
- .byte $00, $00, $C6, $6C, $38, $6C, $C6, $00
- .byte $00, $00, $CC, $CC, $CC, $7C, $0C, $F8
- .byte $00, $00, $FC, $98, $30, $64, $FC, $00
- .byte $1C, $30, $30, $E0, $30, $30, $1C, $00
- .byte $18, $18, $18, $00, $18, $18, $18, $00
- .byte $E0, $30, $30, $1C, $30, $30, $E0, $00
- .byte $76, $DC, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00
- .byte $00, $10, $38, $6C, $C6, $C6, $FE, $00