msgid "Please select language."
msgstr "言語を選択してください"
-msgid "Step 2 - acceptance of a license"
-msgstr "Step 2 - ラインセンスの承諾"
+msgid "Step 2 - add API instances"
+msgstr "Step 2 - add API instances"
msgid "Step 3 - params of Bacula database connection"
msgstr "Step 3 - Baculaデータベース接続情報入力"
msgid "Select host"
msgstr "Select host"
+msgid "OAuth2 scopes (space separated):"
+msgstr "OAuth2 scopes (space separated):"
+msgid "Please enter OAuth2 scopes."
+msgstr "Please enter OAuth2 scopes."
msgid "Select host"
msgstr "Wybierz host"
+msgid "OAuth2 scopes (space separated):"
+msgstr "Zakresy OAuth2 (oddzielone spacją):"
+msgid "Please enter OAuth2 scopes."
+msgstr "Proszę wprowadzić zakresy OAuth2."
msgid "Please select language."
msgstr "Por favor, selecione o idioma desejado."
-msgid "Step 2 - acceptance of a license"
-msgstr "Passo 2 - Aceitar termos de licença"
+msgid "Step 2 - add API instances"
+msgstr "Step 2 - add API instances"
msgid "Step 3 - params of Bacula database connection"
msgstr "Passo 3 - Configuração da conexão com o banco de dados do Bacula"
msgid "Select host"
msgstr "Select host"
+msgid "OAuth2 scopes (space separated):"
+msgstr "OAuth2 scopes (space separated):"
+msgid "Please enter OAuth2 scopes."
+msgstr "Please enter OAuth2 scopes."