.include "tgi-kernel.inc"
- .import popax
.importzp ptr1, ptr2, ptr3, ptr4
+ .import popax
+ .import _tgi_getmaxx, _tgi_getmaxy
.export _tgi_bar
- sta ptr4 ; Get the coordinates
+ sta ptr4 ; Y2
stx ptr4+1
jsr popax
- sta ptr3
+ sta ptr3 ; X2
stx ptr3+1
jsr popax
- sta ptr2
+ sta ptr2 ; Y1
stx ptr2+1
jsr popax
- sta ptr1
+ sta ptr1 ; X1
stx ptr1+1
- jmp tgi_line ; Call the driver
+; Make sure X1 is less than X2. Swap both if not.
+ lda ptr3
+ cmp ptr1
+ lda ptr3+1
+ sbc ptr1+1
+ bpl @L1
+ lda ptr3
+ ldy ptr1
+ sta ptr1
+ sty ptr3
+ lda ptr3+1
+ ldy ptr1+1
+ sta ptr1+1
+ sty ptr3+1
+; Make sure Y1 is less than Y2. Swap both if not.
+@L1: lda ptr4
+ cmp ptr2
+ lda ptr4+1
+ sbc ptr2+1
+ bpl @L2
+ lda ptr4
+ ldy ptr2
+ sta ptr2
+ sty ptr4
+ lda ptr4+1
+ ldy ptr2+1
+ sta ptr2+1
+ sty ptr4+1
+; Check if X2 or Y2 are negative. If so, the bar is completely out of screen.
+@L2: lda ptr4+1
+ ora ptr3+1
+ bmi @L9 ; Bail out
+; Check if X1 is negative. If so, clip it to the left border (zero).
+ lda #$00
+ bit ptr1+1
+ bpl @L3
+ sta ptr1
+ sta ptr1+1
+; Dito for Y1
+@L3: bit ptr2+1
+ bpl @L4
+ sta ptr2
+ sta ptr2+1
+; Check if X2 is larger than the maximum x coord. If so, clip it.
+@L4: lda ptr3
+ cmp _tgi_xres
+ lda ptr3+1
+ sbc _tgi_xres+1
+ bcs @L5
+ jsr _tgi_getmaxx
+ sta ptr3
+ stx ptr3+1
+; Check if Y2 is larger than the maximum y coord. If so, clip it.
+@L5: lda ptr4
+ cmp _tgi_yres
+ lda ptr4+1
+ sbc _tgi_yres+1
+ bcs @L6
+ jsr _tgi_getmaxy
+ sta ptr4
+ stx ptr4+1
+; The coordinates are now valid. Call the driver.
+@L6: jmp tgi_bar
+; Error exit
+@L9: rts