--- /dev/null
+# Test the fill command in btape
+. scripts/functions
+change_jobname $JobName
+# Increase block size to 262144
+cp ${cwd}/bin/bacula-sd.conf ${cwd}/tmp/1
+sed -e 's%64512%262144%' ${cwd}/tmp/1 >${cwd}/bin/bacula-sd.conf
+if test "$debug" -eq 1 ; then
+ $bin/btape -c bin/bacula-sd.conf DDS-4 <<END_OF_DATA | tee ${cwd}/tmp/log1.out
+ $bin/btape -c bin/bacula-sd.conf DDS-4 <<END_OF_DATA >${cwd}/tmp/log1.out 2>&1
+grep "^The last block on the tape matches\. Test succeeded\." ${cwd}/tmp/log1.out >/dev/null 2>&1
+if [ $? != 0 ] ; then
+ echo " "
+ echo " "
+ echo " !!!!! btape fill test failed!!! !!!!! "
+ echo " !!!!! btape fill test failed!!! !!!!! " >>test.out
+ echo " "
+ echo " ===== btape fill test OK ===== "
+ echo " ===== btape fill test OK ===== " >>test.out
+ scripts/cleanup