.include "tgi-kernel.inc"
.include "tgi-error.inc"
- .export tgi_clear_ptr
.importzp ptr1
+ .interruptor tgi_irq ; Export as IRQ handler
_tgi_pagecount: .res 1 ; Number of available screen pages
_tgi_fontsizex: .res 1 ; System font X size
_tgi_fontsizey: .res 1 ; System font Y size
-tgi_driver_var_size = * - tgi_driver_vars
tgi_circle: jmp $0000
tgi_textstyle: jmp $0000
tgi_outtext: jmp $0000
+tgi_irq: .byte $60, $00, $00 ; RTS plus two dummy bytes
; Driver header signature
tgi_sig: .byte $74, $67, $69, TGI_API_VERSION ; "tgi", version
-tgi_sig_len = * - tgi_sig
; Check the driver signature
- ldy #tgi_sig_len-1
+ ldy #.sizeof(tgi_sig)-1
@L0: lda (ptr1),y
cmp tgi_sig,y
bne tgi_inv_drv
; Copy the jump vectors
ldx #0
@L1: inx ; Skip JMP opcode
jsr copy ; Copy one byte
jsr copy ; Copy one byte
+ cpx #(TGI_HDR::JUMPTAB + .sizeof(TGI_HDR::JUMPTAB))
bne @L1
-; Call the driver install routine
+; Call the driver install routine. It may update header variables, so we copy
+; them after this call.
- jsr tgi_install ; Call driver install routine, may...
- ; ...update variables
- jsr tgi_set_ptr ; Set ptr1 to tgi_drv
+ jsr tgi_install
-; Copy variables. Beware: We are using internal knowledge about variable
-; layout here!
+; Copy variables from the driver header for faster access.
- ldx #0
+ jsr tgi_set_ptr ; Set ptr1 to tgi_drv
+ ldy #(TGI_HDR::VARS + .sizeof(TGI_HDR::VARS) - 1)
+ ldx #.sizeof(TGI_HDR::VARS)-1
@L3: lda (ptr1),y
sta tgi_driver_vars,x
- iny
- inx
- cpx #tgi_driver_var_size
- bne @L3
+ dey
+ dex
+ bpl @L3
+; Install the IRQ vector if the driver needs it.
+ lda tgi_irq+2 ; Check high byte of IRQ vector
+ beq @L4 ; Jump if vector invalid
+ lda #$4C ; Jump opcode
+ sta tgi_irq ; Activate IRQ routine
-; Initialize variables
+; Initialize some other variables
lda #$00
- ldx #7-1
-@L4: sta _tgi_error,x ; Clear error/mode/curx/cury/textdir
+@L4: ldx #8-1
+@L5: sta _tgi_error,x ; Clear error/mode/curx/cury/textdir
- bpl @L4
+ bpl @L5
jsr _tgi_done ; Switch off graphics
jsr tgi_uninstall ; Allow the driver to clean up
+ lda #$60 ; RTS opcode
+ sta tgi_irq ; Disable IRQ entry point
; Clear driver pointer and error code
-tgi_clear_ptr: ; External entry point
lda #$00
sta _tgi_drv
sta _tgi_drv+1
.include "tgi-kernel.inc"
+ .include "tgi-error.inc"
.include "modload.inc"
- .import tgi_clear_ptr
-.proc _tgi_unload
- jsr _tgi_done ; Switch off graphics
- jsr tgi_uninstall ; Allow the driver to clean up
+ lda _tgi_drv
+ ora _tgi_drv
+ beq no_driver ; No driver
lda _tgi_drv
- ldx _tgi_drv+1
- jsr _mod_free ; Free the driver
+ pha
+ lda _tgi_drv+1
+ pha ; Save pointer to driver
+ jsr _tgi_uninstall ; Uninstall the driver
+ pla
+ tax
+ pla
+ jmp _mod_free ; Free the driver
- jmp tgi_clear_ptr ; Clear the driver pointer and exit
+ sta _tgi_error
+ rts