/* The MSP430X port uses a callback function to configure its tick interrupt.\r
This allows the application to choose the tick interrupt source.\r
-configTICK_INTERRUPT_VECTOR must also be set in FreeRTOSConfig.h to the correct\r
-interrupt vector for the chosen tick interrupt source. This implementation of\r
+configTICK_VECTOR must also be set in FreeRTOSConfig.h to the correct interrupt\r
+vector for the chosen tick interrupt source. This implementation of\r
vApplicationSetupTimerInterrupt() generates the tick from timer A0, so in this\r
-case configTICK_INTERRUPT_VECTOR is set to TIMER0_A0_VECTOR. */\r
+case configTICK_VECTOR is set to TIMER0_A0_VECTOR. */\r
+#define configTICK_VECTOR TIMER0_A0_VECTOR\r
extern void vConfigureTimerForRunTimeStats( void );\r
extern unsigned long ulGetRunTimeStatsTime( void );\r
/* The maximum number of lines of text that can be displayed on the LCD. */\r
#define mainMAX_LCD_LINES ( 8 )\r
+/* Just used to ensure parameters are passed into tasks correctly. */\r
+#define mainTASK_PARAMETER_CHECK_VALUE ( ( void * ) 0xDEAD )\r
/* Create the LCD, button poll and register test tasks, as described at\r
the top of this file. */\r
- xTaskCreate( prvLCDTask, ( signed char * ) "LCD", configMINIMAL_STACK_SIZE * 2, NULL, mainLCD_TASK_PRIORITY, NULL );\r
+ xTaskCreate( prvLCDTask, ( signed char * ) "LCD", configMINIMAL_STACK_SIZE * 2, mainTASK_PARAMETER_CHECK_VALUE, mainLCD_TASK_PRIORITY, NULL );\r
xTaskCreate( prvButtonPollTask, ( signed char * ) "BPoll", configMINIMAL_STACK_SIZE, NULL, tskIDLE_PRIORITY, NULL );\r
xTaskCreate( vRegTest1Task, ( signed char * ) "Reg1", configMINIMAL_STACK_SIZE, NULL, 0, NULL );\r
xTaskCreate( vRegTest2Task, ( signed char * ) "Reg2", configMINIMAL_STACK_SIZE, NULL, 0, NULL );\r
can be viewed in the terminal IO window within the IAR Embedded Workbench. */\r
printf( "%d bytes of heap space remain unallocated\n", ( int ) xPortGetFreeHeapSize() );\r
fflush( stdout );\r
+ \r
+ /* Just as a test of the port, and for no functional reason, check the task\r
+ parameter contains its expected value. */\r
+ if( pvParameters != mainTASK_PARAMETER_CHECK_VALUE )\r
+ {\r
+ halLcdPrintLine( "Invalid parameter", ucLine, OVERWRITE_TEXT );\r
+ ucLine++; \r
+ }\r
for( ;; )\r