-; Since the functions above are copied to $200, the current contents of this
-; memory area must be saved into backup storage. Calculate the amount of
-; space necessary.
-.if .sizeof (c256kcopycode) > .sizeof (c256kcheckcode)
-backupspace = .sizeof (c256kcopycode)
-backupspace = .sizeof (c256kcheckcode)
curpage: .res 2 ; Current page number
curbank: .res 1 ; Current bank
-backup: .res backupspace ; Backup area of data in the location
- ; where the copy and check routines will be
window: .res 256 ; Memory "window"
+; Since the functions above are copied to $200, the current contents of this
+; memory area must be saved into backup storage. Allocate enough space.
+backup: .res .max (.sizeof (c256kcopycode), .sizeof (c256kcheckcode))
; ------------------------------------------------------------------------