+; Dummy version, there is no visible cursor in the default CONIO screen
+; 28-May-2014, Christian Groessler <chris@groessler.org>
- .include "atari5200.inc"
- .export setcursor
- .import cursor ; from conio/_cursor.s
+ .export setcursor
.proc setcursor
- rts
-.if 0
- ldy #0
- lda ROWCRS_5200
- jsr mul20
- clc
-; adc SAVMSC ; add start of screen memory
-; sta OLDADR
- txa
-; adc SAVMSC+1
-; sta OLDADR+1
- lda COLCRS_5200
-; adc OLDADR
-; sta OLDADR
- bcc nc
-; inc OLDADR+1
-nc:;;; lda (OLDADR),y
-; sta OLDCHR
- ldx cursor ; current cursor setting as requested by the user
- beq off
- ldx #0
- beq cont
-off: inx
-cont:;;; stx CRSINH ; update system variable
- beq turnon
- and #$7f ; clear high bit / inverse flag
-finish: ;;;sta (OLDADR),y ; update on-screen display
-turnon: ora #$80 ; set high bit / inverse flag
- bne finish