-i3bar - xcb-based status- and ws-bar
+i3bar - xcb-based status- and workspace-bar
It does not sample any status-information itself, so you still need a program like *i3status*(1) or *conky*(1) for that.
-i3bar does not support any color or other markups, so stdin should be plain utf8, one line at a time. If you use *i3status*(1), you therefore should specify 'output_format = none' in the general-section of it's configfile.
+i3bar does not support any color or other markups, so stdin should be plain utf8, one line at a time. If you use *i3status*(1), you therefore should specify 'output_format = none' in the general section of its config file.
Also, you should disable the internal workspace bar of *i3*(1), when using *i3bar* by specifying 'workspace_bar no' in your *i3*-configfile.