--- /dev/null
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+=head1 NAME
+ regress-win32.pl -- Helper for Windows regression tests
+ This perl script permits to run test Bacula Client Daemon on Windows.
+ It allows to:
+ - stop/start/upgrade the Bacula Client Daemon
+ - compare to subtree with checksums, attribs and ACL
+ - create test environments
+=head2 USAGE
+ X:\> regress-win32.pl [basedir]
+ or
+ X:\> perl regress-win32.pl [basedir]
+=head2 EXAMPLE
+ regress-win32.pl z:/git # will find z:/git/regress z:/git/bacula
+=head2 INSTALL
+ This perl script needs a Perl distribution on the Windows Client
+ (http://strawberryperl.com)
+ You need to have the following subtree on x:
+ x:/
+ bacula/
+ regress/
+use strict;
+use HTTP::Daemon;
+use HTTP::Status;
+use HTTP::Response;
+use HTTP::Headers;
+use File::Copy;
+use Pod::Usage;
+use Cwd 'chdir';
+use File::Find;
+use Digest::MD5;
+my $base = shift || 'x:';
+#if (! -d "$base/bacula" || ! -d "$base/regress") {
+# pod2usage(-verbose => 2,
+# -exitval => 1,
+# -message => "Can't find bacula or regress dir on $base\n");
+# stop the fd service
+sub stop_fd
+ return `net stop bacula-fd`;
+# copy binaries for a new fd
+sub install_fd
+ copy("$base/bacula/src/win32/release32/bacula-fd.exe",
+ "c:/Program Files/bacula/bacula-fd.exe");
+ copy("$base/bacula/src/win32/release32/bacula.dll",
+ "c:/Program Files/bacula/bacula.dll");
+# start the fd service
+sub start_fd
+ return `net start bacula-fd`;
+# convert \ to / and strip the path
+sub strip_base
+ my ($data, $path) = @_;
+ $data =~ s!\\!/!sg;
+ $data =~ s!\Q$path!!sig;
+ return $data;
+# initialize the weird directory for runscript test
+sub init_weird_runscript_test
+ my ($r) = shift;
+ if ($r->url !~ m!^/init_weird_runscript_test\?source=([\w+:/]+)$!) {
+ return "Incorrect url\n";
+ }
+ my $source = $1;
+ if (!chdir($source)) {
+ return "Can't access to $source $!\n";
+ }
+ if (-d "weird_runcript") {
+ system("rmdir /Q /S weird_runcript");
+ }
+ mkdir("weird_runcript");
+ if (!chdir("weird_runcript")) {
+ return "Can't access to $source $!\n";
+ }
+ open(FP, ">test.bat") or return "ERROR\n";
+ print FP "\@echo off\n";
+ print FP "echo hello \%1\n";
+ close(FP);
+ copy("test.bat", "test space.bat") or return "ERROR\n";
+ copy("test.bat", "test2 space.bat") or return "ERROR\n";
+ copy("test.bat", "testé.bat") or return "ERROR\n";
+ mkdir("dir space") or return "ERROR\n";
+ copy("test.bat", "dir space") or return "ERROR\n";
+ copy("testé.bat","dir space") or return "ERROR\n";
+ copy("test2 space.bat", "dir space") or return "ERROR\n";
+ mkdir("Évoilà") or return "ERROR\n";
+ copy("test.bat", "Évoilà") or return "ERROR\n";
+ copy("testé.bat","Évoilà") or return "ERROR\n";
+ copy("test2 space.bat", "Évoilà") or return "ERROR\n";
+ mkdir("Éwith space") or return "ERROR\n";
+ copy("test.bat", "Éwith space") or return "ERROR\n";
+ copy("testé.bat","Éwith space") or return "ERROR\n";
+ copy("test2 space.bat", "Éwith space") or return "ERROR\n";
+ return "OK\n";
+# init the Attrib test by creating some files and settings attributes
+sub init_attrib_test
+ my ($r) = shift;
+ if ($r->url !~ m!^/init_attrib_test\?source=([\w+:/]+)$!) {
+ return "Incorrect url\n";
+ }
+ my $source = $1;
+ if (!chdir($source)) {
+ return "Can't access to $source $!\n";
+ }
+ # cleanup the old directory if any
+ if (-d "attrib_test") {
+ system("rmdir /Q /S attrib_test");
+ }
+ mkdir("attrib_test");
+ chdir("attrib_test");
+ mkdir("hidden");
+ mkdir("hidden/something");
+ system("attrib +H hidden");
+ mkdir("readonly");
+ mkdir("readonly/something");
+ system("attrib +R readonly");
+ mkdir("normal");
+ mkdir("normal/something");
+ system("attrib -R -H -S normal");
+ mkdir("system");
+ mkdir("system/something");
+ system("attrib +S system");
+ mkdir("readonly_hidden");
+ mkdir("readonly_hidden/something");
+ system("attrib +R +H readonly_hidden");
+ my $ret = `attrib /S /D`;
+ $ret = strip_base($ret, $source);
+ return "OK\n$ret\n";
+sub md5sum
+ my $file = shift;
+ open(FILE, $file) or return "Can't open $file $!";
+ binmode(FILE);
+ return Digest::MD5->new->addfile(*FILE)->hexdigest;
+my ($src, $dst);
+my $error="";
+sub wanted
+ my $f = $File::Find::name;
+ $f =~ s!^\Q$src\E/?!!i;
+ if (-f "$src/$f") {
+ if (! -f "$dst/$f") {
+ $error .= "$dst/$f is missing\n";
+ } else {
+ my $a = md5sum("$src/$f");
+ my $b = md5sum("$dst/$f");
+ if ($a ne $b) {
+ $error .= "$src/$f $a\n$dst/$f $b\n";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+# Compare two directories, make checksums, compare attribs and ACLs
+sub compare
+ my ($r) = shift;
+ if ($r->url !~ m!^/compare\?source=([\w+:/]+);dest=([\w+:/]+)$!) {
+ return "Incorrect url\n";
+ }
+ my ($source, $dest) = ($1, $2);
+ if (!Cwd::chdir($source)) {
+ return "Can't access to $source $!\n";
+ }
+ my $src_attrib = `attrib /D /S`;
+ $src_attrib = strip_base($src_attrib, $source);
+ if (!Cwd::chdir($dest)) {
+ return "Can't access to $dest $!\n";
+ }
+ my $dest_attrib = `attrib /D /S`;
+ $dest_attrib = strip_base($dest_attrib, $dest);
+ if ($src_attrib ne $dest_attrib) {
+ return "ERR\n$src_attrib\n=========\n$dest_attrib\n";
+ }
+ ($src, $dst, $error) = ($source, $dest, '');
+ find(\&wanted, $source);
+ if ($error) {
+ return "ERR\n$error";
+ } else {
+ return "OK\n";
+ }
+# When adding an action, fill this hash with the right function
+my %action_list = (
+ stop => \&stop_fd,
+ start => \&start_fd,
+ install => \&install_fd,
+ compare => \&compare,
+ init_attrib_test => \&init_attrib_test,
+ init_weird_runscript_test => \&init_weird_runscript_test,
+ );
+# handle client request
+sub handle_client
+ my ($c, $ip) = @_ ;
+ my $action;
+ my $r = $c->get_request ;
+ if (!$r) {
+ $c->send_error(RC_FORBIDDEN) ;
+ return;
+ }
+ if ($r->url->path !~ m!^/(\w+)!) {
+ $c->send_error(RC_NOT_FOUND) ;
+ return;
+ }
+ $action = $1;
+ if (($r->method eq 'GET')
+ and $action_list{$action})
+ {
+ my $ret = $action_list{$action}($r);
+ my $h = HTTP::Headers->new('Content-Type' => 'text/plain') ;
+ my $r = HTTP::Response->new(HTTP::Status::RC_OK,
+ 'OK', $h, $ret) ;
+ $c->send_response($r) ;
+ } else {
+ $c->send_error(RC_NOT_FOUND) ;
+ }
+ $c->close;
+my $d = HTTP::Daemon->new ( LocalPort => 8091,
+ ReuseAddr => 1)
+ || die "E : Can't bind $!" ;
+my $olddir = Cwd::cwd();
+while (1) {
+ chdir($olddir);
+ my ($c, $ip) = $d->accept ;
+ if ($c and $ip) {
+ handle_client($c, $ip) ;
+ }
+ close($c) ;