+ cmp_tree
=head1 NAME
return 0;
+=head2 cmp_tree([ $args ])
+Compares the tree layout before and after an operation inside a subtest.
+The following arguments can be passed:
+=over 4
+=item layout_before
+Required argument. The initial layout to be created. For example,
+'H[ V[ a* S[ b c ] d ] e ]' or 'V[a b] T[c d*]'.
+The layout will be converted to a JSON file which will be passed to i3's
+append_layout command.
+The syntax's rules, assertions and limitations are:
+=over 8
+=item 1.
+Upper case letters H, V, S, T mean horizontal, vertical, stacked and tabbed
+layout respectively. They must be followed by an opening square bracket and must
+be closed with a closing square bracket.
+Each of the non-leaf containers is marked with their corresponding letter
+followed by a number indicating the position of the container relative to other
+containers of the same type. For example, 'H[V[xxx] V[xxx] H[xxx]]' will mark
+the non-leaf containers as H1, V1, V2, H2.
+=item 2.
+Spaces are ignored.
+=item 3.
+Other alphanumeric characters mean a new window which uses the provided
+character for its class and name. Eg 'H[a b]' will open windows with classes 'a'
+and 'b' inside a horizontal split. Windows use a single character for their
+class, eg 'H[xxx]' will open 3 windows with class 'x'.
+=item 4.
+Asterisks after a window mean that the window must be focused after the layout
+is loaded. Currently, focusing non-leaf containers must be done manually, in the
+callback (C<cb>) function.
+=item cb
+Subroutine to be called after the layout provided by C<layout_before> is created
+but before the resulting layout (C<layout_after>) is checked.
+=item layout_after
+Required argument. The final layout in which the tree is expected to be after
+the callback is called. Uses the same syntax with C<layout_before>.
+For non-leaf containers, their layout (horizontal, vertical, stacked, tabbed)
+is compared with the corresponding letter (H, V, S, T).
+For leaf containers, their name is compared with the provided alphanumeric.
+=item ws
+The workspace in which the layout will be created. Will switch focus to it. If
+not provided, a new one is created.
+=item msg
+Message to prepend to the subtest's name. If not empty, it will be followed by ': '.
+=item dont_kill
+By default, all windows are killed before the C<layout_before> layout is loaded.
+Set to 1 to avoid this.
+sub cmp_tree {
+ local $Test::Builder::Level = $Test::Builder::Level + 1;
+ my %args = @_;
+ my $ws = $args{ws};
+ if (defined($ws)) {
+ cmd "workspace $ws";
+ } else {
+ $ws = fresh_workspace;
+ }
+ my $msg = '';
+ if ($args{msg}) {
+ $msg = $args{msg} . ': ';
+ }
+ die unless $args{layout_before};
+ die unless $args{layout_after};
+ kill_all_windows unless $args{dont_kill};
+ my @windows = create_layout($args{layout_before});
+ Test::More::subtest $msg . $args{layout_before} . ' -> ' . $args{layout_after} => sub {
+ $args{cb}->(\@windows) if $args{cb};
+ verify_layout($args{layout_after}, $ws);
+ };
+ return @windows;
+sub create_layout {
+ my $layout = shift;
+ my $focus;
+ my @windows = ();
+ my $r = '';
+ my $depth = 0;
+ my %layout_counts = (H => 0, V => 0, S => 0, T => 0);
+ foreach my $char (split('', $layout)) {
+ if ($char eq 'H') {
+ $r = $r . '{"layout": "splith",';
+ $r = $r . '"marks": ["H' . ++$layout_counts{H} . '"],';
+ } elsif ($char eq 'V') {
+ $r = $r . '{"layout": "splitv",';
+ $r = $r . '"marks": ["V' . ++$layout_counts{V} . '"],';
+ } elsif ($char eq 'S') {
+ $r = $r . '{"layout": "stacked",';
+ $r = $r . '"marks": ["S' . ++$layout_counts{S} . '"],';
+ } elsif ($char eq 'T') {
+ $r = $r . '{"layout": "tabbed",';
+ $r = $r . '"marks": ["T' . ++$layout_counts{T} . '"],';
+ } elsif ($char eq '[') {
+ $depth++;
+ $r = $r . '"nodes": [';
+ } elsif ($char eq ']') {
+ # End of nodes array: delete trailing comma.
+ chop $r;
+ # When we are at depth 0 we need to split using newlines, making
+ # multiple "JSON texts".
+ $depth--;
+ $r = $r . ']}' . ($depth == 0 ? "\n" : ',');
+ } elsif ($char eq ' ') {
+ } elsif ($char eq '*') {
+ $focus = $windows[$#windows];
+ } elsif ($char =~ /[[:alnum:]]/) {
+ push @windows, $char;
+ $r = $r . '{"swallows": [{';
+ $r = $r . '"class": "^' . "$char" . '$"';
+ $r = $r . '}]},';
+ } else {
+ die "Could not understand $char";
+ }
+ }
+ die "Invalid layout, depth is $depth > 0" unless $depth == 0;
+ Test::More::diag($r);
+ my ($fh, $tmpfile) = tempfile("layout-XXXXXX", UNLINK => 1);
+ print $fh "$r\n";
+ close($fh);
+ my $return = cmd "append_layout $tmpfile";
+ die 'Could not parse layout json file' unless $return->[0]->{success};
+ my @result_windows;
+ push @result_windows, open_window(wm_class => "$_", name => "$_") foreach @windows;
+ cmd '[class=' . $focus . '] focus' if $focus;
+ return @result_windows;
+sub verify_layout {
+ my ($layout, $ws) = @_;
+ my $nodes = get_ws_content($ws);
+ my %counters;
+ my $depth = 0;
+ my $node;
+ foreach my $char (split('', $layout)) {
+ my $node_name;
+ my $node_layout;
+ if ($char eq 'H') {
+ $node_layout = 'splith';
+ } elsif ($char eq 'V') {
+ $node_layout = 'splitv';
+ } elsif ($char eq 'S') {
+ $node_layout = 'stacked';
+ } elsif ($char eq 'T') {
+ $node_layout = 'tabbed';
+ } elsif ($char eq '[') {
+ $depth++;
+ delete $counters{$depth};
+ } elsif ($char eq ']') {
+ $depth--;
+ } elsif ($char eq ' ') {
+ } elsif ($char eq '*') {
+ $tester->is_eq($node->{focused}, 1, 'Correct node focused');
+ } elsif ($char =~ /[[:alnum:]]/) {
+ $node_name = $char;
+ } else {
+ die "Could not understand $char";
+ }
+ if ($node_layout || $node_name) {
+ if (exists($counters{$depth})) {
+ $counters{$depth} = $counters{$depth} + 1;
+ } else {
+ $counters{$depth} = 0;
+ }
+ $node = $nodes->[$counters{0}];
+ for my $i (1 .. $depth) {
+ $node = $node->{nodes}->[$counters{$i}];
+ }
+ if ($node_layout) {
+ $tester->is_eq($node->{layout}, $node_layout, "Layouts match in depth $depth, node number " . $counters{$depth});
+ } else {
+ $tester->is_eq($node->{name}, $node_name, "Names match in depth $depth, node number " . $counters{$depth});
+ }
+ }
+ }
=head1 AUTHOR
--- /dev/null
+# vim:ts=4:sw=4:expandtab
+# Please read the following documents before working on tests:
+# •
+# (or docs/testsuite)
+# •
+# (alternatively: perldoc ./testcases/lib/
+# •
+# (or docs/ipc)
+# •
+# (unless you are already familiar with Perl)
+# Contains various tests that use the cmp_tree subroutine.
+# Ticket: #3503
+use i3test;
+sub sanity_check {
+ local $Test::Builder::Level = $Test::Builder::Level + 1;
+ my ($layout, $focus_idx) = @_;
+ my @windows = cmp_tree(
+ msg => 'Sanity check',
+ layout_before => $layout,
+ layout_after => $layout);
+ is($x->input_focus, $windows[$focus_idx]->id, 'Correct window focused') if $focus_idx >= 0;
+sanity_check('H[ V[ a* V[ b c ] d ] e ]', 0);
+sanity_check('H[ a b c d* ]', 3);
+sanity_check('V[a b] V[c d*]', 3);
+sanity_check('T[a b] S[c*]', 2);
+ msg => 'Simple focus test',
+ layout_before => 'H[a b] V[c* d]',
+ layout_after => 'H[a* b] V[c d]',
+ cb => sub {
+ cmd '[class=a] focus';
+ });
+ msg => 'Simple move test',
+ layout_before => 'H[a b] V[c* d]',
+ layout_after => 'H[a b] V[d c*]',
+ cb => sub {
+ cmd 'move down';
+ });
+ msg => 'Move from horizontal to vertical',
+ layout_before => 'H[a b] V[c d*]',
+ layout_after => 'H[b] V[c d a*]',
+ cb => sub {
+ cmd '[class=a] focus';
+ cmd 'move right, move right';
+ });
+ msg => 'Move unfocused non-leaf container',
+ layout_before => 'S[a b] V[c d* T[e f g]]',
+ layout_after => 'S[a T[e f g] b] V[c d*]',
+ cb => sub {
+ cmd '[con_mark=T1] move up, move up, move left, move up';
+ });
+ msg => 'Simple swap test',
+ layout_before => 'H[a b] V[c d*]',
+ layout_after => 'H[a d*] V[c b]',
+ cb => sub {
+ cmd '[class=b] swap with id ' . $_[0][3]->{id};
+ });
+ msg => 'Swap non-leaf containers',
+ layout_before => 'S[a b] V[c d*]',
+ layout_after => 'V[c d*] S[a b]',
+ cb => sub {
+ cmd '[con_mark=S1] swap with mark V1';
+ });
+ msg => 'Swap nested non-leaf containers',
+ layout_before => 'S[a b] V[c d* T[e f g]]',
+ layout_after => 'T[e f g] V[c d* S[a b]]',
+ cb => sub {
+ cmd '[con_mark=S1] swap with mark T1';
+ });