As there are may be many objects under {{EX:cn=Monitor}}, a search
with a narrower search criteria may be more appropriate.
+Support for the monitor backend is included in slapd(8) in default
+builds. The monitor backend may also be built as a loadable module.
+The remainder of this section assumes slapd(8) was with with monitor
+backend support (e.g., {{EX:--enable-monitor=yes}}, the default),
+or build as a module (e.g., {{EX:--enable-monitor=mod}} and loaded
+into slapd(8).
H2: Configuration
-These {{slapd.conf}}(5) options apply to the monitor backend database. That is,
-they must follow a {{EX:database monitor}} line and come before any subsequent
-{{backend}} or {{database}} lines.
+These {{slapd.conf}}(5) options apply to the monitor backend database.
+That is, they must follow a {{EX:database monitor}} line and come
+before any subsequent {{backend}} or {{database}} lines.
-As opposed to most databases, the monitor database can be instantiated only
-once, i.e. only one occurrence of {{EX:database monitor}} can occur in
-the {{slapd.conf}}(5) file. Moreover, the suffix of the database cannot be
-explicitly set by means of the suffix directive. The suffix is automatically
-set to {{EX:cn=Monitor}}
+As opposed to most databases, the monitor database can be instantiated
+only once, i.e. only one occurrence of {{EX:database monitor}}
+can occur in the {{slapd.conf}}(5) file. Moreover, the suffix of
+the database cannot be explicitly set by means of the suffix
+directive. The suffix is automatically set to {{EX:cn=Monitor}}
-The monitor backend honors access control semantics as indicated in
-{{slapd.access}}(5), including the disclose access privilege, on all currently
-implemented operations.
+The monitor backend honors access control semantics as indicated
+in {{slapd.access}}(5), including the disclose access privilege,
+on all currently implemented operations.
For understanding how to do the following with dynamic configuration,
see {{SECT:Configuring slapd}}
-H3: Enabling the monitor backend
-Enable at configure:
-> configure --enable-monitor
-Or if you have enabled modules, put in {{slapd.conf}}(5):
-> # Load dynamic backend modules:
-> modulepath /usr/local/libexec/openldap
-> moduleload
-Also ensure that the {{core.schema}} file is loaded. The monitor backend
-relies on some standard track {{attributeTypes}} that must be already defined
-when the backend is started.
+Also ensure that the {{core.schema}} file is loaded. The monitor
+backend relies on some standard track {{attributeTypes}} that must
+be already defined when the backend is started.
H3: Activate the monitor database
H2: Available Subsystems
-There are various subsytems you can explicitly query for, with most information
-being held in the {{monitoredInfo}} attribute.
+There are various subsytems you can explicitly query for, with most
+information being held in the {{monitoredInfo}} attribute.
H3: Backends
-The main entry contains the type of backends enabled at compile time;
-the subentries, for each backend, contain the type of the backend.
-It should also contain the modules that have been loaded if dynamic
-backends are enabled.
+The main entry contains the type of backends enabled at compile
+time; the subentries, for each backend, contain the type of the
+backend. It should also contain the modules that have been loaded
+if dynamic backends are enabled.
For example:
-Backend 1:
> dn: cn=Backend 1,cn=Backends,cn=Monitor
> structuralObjectClass: monitoredObject
> monitoredInfo: ldif
> entryDN: cn=Backend 1,cn=Backends,cn=Monitor
> subschemaSubentry: cn=Subschema
> hasSubordinates: FALSE
-Backend 2:
> dn: cn=Backend 2,cn=Backends,cn=Monitor
> structuralObjectClass: monitoredObject
> monitoredInfo: hdb
> entryDN: cn=Backend 2,cn=Backends,cn=Monitor
> subschemaSubentry: cn=Subschema
> hasSubordinates: FALSE
-Backend 3:
> # Backend 3, Backends, Monitor
> dn: cn=Backend 3,cn=Backends,cn=Monitor
> structuralObjectClass: monitoredObject
> subschemaSubentry: cn=Subschema
> hasSubordinates: FALSE
+In this example, the server has three backends: 1) a {{ldif}} backend,
+2) a {{hdb}} backend, and 3) a {{monitor}} backend.
H3: Connections
The main entry is empty; it should contain some statistics on the number