.importzp sreg, ptr1, tmp1
_div: jsr tosdivax ; Division-operator does most of the work
- lda sreg ; Unsigned remainder is in sreg
- ldx sreg+1
- ldy ptr1 ; transfer quotient to sreg
- sty sreg
- ldy ptr1+1
- sty sreg+1
+ ldy sreg ; low byte remainder from sreg
+ sta sreg ; store low byte quotient to sreg
+ lda sreg+1 ; high byte remainder from sreg
+ stx sreg+1 ; store high byte quotient to sreg
+ tax ; high byte remainder to x
+ tya ; low byte remainder to a
; Adjust the sign of the remainder.
; It must be the same as the sign of the dividend.
jmp negax ; Result is negative, adjust the sign
Pos: rts