PADDL6 = $17 ;POT6 "
PADDL7 = $18 ;POT7 "
+; cc65 runtime zero page variables
-.importzp COLCRS_5200
-.importzp ROWCRS_5200
+COLCRS_5200 = $19
+ROWCRS_5200 = $1A
+SAVMSC = $1B ; pointer to screen memory (conio)
; Page #2
__RESERVED_MEMORY__: type = export, value = $0200; # space for display list and 20x24 screen buffer
- ZP: file = "", start = $0019, size = $00E7, define = yes;
+ ZP: file = "", start = $001D, size = $00E3, define = yes;
RAM: file = "", start = $021C, size = $4000 - __STACKSIZE__ - __RESERVED_MEMORY__ - $021C, define = yes;
ROM: file = %O, start = $C000 - __CARTSIZE__, size = __CARTSIZE__ - $18, define = yes, fill = yes, fillval = $FF;
CARTNAME: file = %O, start = $BFE8, size = $0014 fill = yes, fillval = $40;
--- /dev/null
+ .include ""
+SCREEN_BUF_SIZE = 20 * 24
+ .code
+ .export screen_setup_20x24
+ ; initialize SAVMSC
+ lda #<SCREEN_BUF
+ sta SAVMSC
+ lda #>SCREEN_BUF
+ sta SAVMSC+1
+ ; initialize cursor position
+ lda #0
+ sta COLCRS_5200
+ sta ROWCRS_5200
+ ; clear screen buffer
+ ldy #<(SCREEN_BUF_SIZE-1)
+ ldx #>(SCREEN_BUF_SIZE-1)
+clrscr: sta (SAVMSC),y
+ dey
+ cpy #$FF
+ bne clrscr
+ dex
+ cpx #$FF
+ bne clrscr
+ ; set display list
+ lda #<dlist
+ sta SDLSTL
+ lda #>dlist
+ sta SDLSTH
+ rts
+ .segment "RODATA"
+; display list for 20x24 text mode
+dlist: .repeat 3
+ .byte DL_BLK8
+ .endrepeat
+ .byte DL_CHR20x8x2 | DL_LMS
+ .word SCREEN_BUF
+ .repeat 23
+ .byte DL_CHR20x8x2
+ .endrepeat
+ .byte DL_JVB
+ .word dlist
+; end of display list
+.assert ((* >> 10) = (dlist >> 10)), error, "Display list crosses 1K boundary"
+ .end
--- /dev/null
+; adapted from Atari version
+; Christian Groessler, 2014
+; void cputcxy (unsigned char x, unsigned char y, char c);
+; void cputc (char c);
+ .include ""
+ .export _cputcxy, _cputc
+ .export plot, cputdirect, putchar
+ .import popa, _gotoxy, mul20
+ .importzp ptr4
+ .import setcursor
+ .constructor screen_setup, 26
+ .import screen_setup_20x24
+screen_setup = screen_setup_20x24
+ pha ; Save C
+ jsr popa ; Get Y
+ jsr _gotoxy ; Set cursor, drop x
+ pla ; Restore C
+ cmp #$0D ; CR
+ bne L4
+ lda #0
+ sta COLCRS_5200
+ beq plot ; return
+L4: cmp #$0A ; LF
+ beq newline
+ cmp #ATEOL ; Atari-EOL?
+ beq newline
+ tay
+ rol a
+ rol a
+ rol a
+ rol a
+ and #3
+ tax
+ tya
+ and #$9f
+ ora ataint,x
+cputdirect: ; accepts screen code
+ jsr putchar
+; advance cursor
+ inc COLCRS_5200
+ lda COLCRS_5200
+ cmp #40
+ bcc plot
+ lda #0
+ sta COLCRS_5200
+ .export newline
+ inc ROWCRS_5200
+ lda ROWCRS_5200
+ cmp #24
+ bne plot
+ lda #0
+ sta ROWCRS_5200
+plot: jsr setcursor
+ ldy COLCRS_5200
+ ldx ROWCRS_5200
+ rts
+; turn off cursor, update screen, turn on cursor
+ pha ; save char
+ lda ROWCRS_5200
+ jsr mul20 ; destroys tmp4
+ clc
+ adc SAVMSC ; add start of screen memory
+ sta ptr4
+ txa
+ adc SAVMSC+1
+ sta ptr4+1
+ pla ; get char again
+ ldy COLCRS_5200
+ sta (ptr4),y
+ jmp setcursor
+ .rodata
+ataint: .byte 64,0,32,96
; Startup code for cc65 (Atari5200 version)
-; by Christian Groessler (, 2014
+; Christian Groessler (, 2014
.export _exit, start
.include ""
.include ""
-; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-; Place the startup code in a special segment.
-.segment "STARTUP"
; Clear the BSS data
_exit: jsr donelib ; Run module destructors
-; Reset the NES
- jmp start
+; A 5200 program isn't supposed to exit.
+halt: jmp halt
--- /dev/null
+; Christian Groessler, April 2014
+; mul20
+; multiplies A by 20 and returns result in AX
+; uses tmp4
+ .importzp tmp4
+ .export mul20,loc_tmp
+.proc mul20
+ ldx #0
+ stx tmp4
+ sta loc_tmp
+ asl a
+ rol tmp4
+ asl a
+ rol tmp4 ; val * 4
+ adc loc_tmp
+ bcc L1
+ inc tmp4 ; val * 5
+L1: asl a
+ rol tmp4 ; val * 10
+ asl a
+ rol tmp4 ; val * 20
+ ldx tmp4
+ rts
+ .bss
+loc_tmp:.res 1
--- /dev/null
+ .include ""
+ .export setcursor
+ .import cursor ; from conio/_cursor.s
+.proc setcursor
+ rts
+.if 0
+ ldy #0
+ lda ROWCRS_5200
+ jsr mul20
+ clc
+; adc SAVMSC ; add start of screen memory
+; sta OLDADR
+ txa
+; adc SAVMSC+1
+; sta OLDADR+1
+ lda COLCRS_5200
+; adc OLDADR
+; sta OLDADR
+ bcc nc
+; inc OLDADR+1
+nc:;;; lda (OLDADR),y
+; sta OLDCHR
+ ldx cursor ; current cursor setting as requested by the user
+ beq off
+ ldx #0
+ beq cont
+off: inx
+cont:;;; stx CRSINH ; update system variable
+ beq turnon
+ and #$7f ; clear high bit / inverse flag
+finish: ;;;sta (OLDADR),y ; update on-screen display
+ rts
+turnon: ora #$80 ; set high bit / inverse flag
+ bne finish