; Christian Groessler, Dec-2001
-; converted to driver interface Nov-2013
+; converted to driver interface Dec-2013
; RS232 routines using the R: device (currently tested with an 850 only)
.include "ser-error.inc"
.include "atari.inc"
-.macro pushall
- php
- pha
- txa
- pha
- tya
- pha
-.macro pullall
- pla
- tay
- pla
- tax
- pla
- plp
-.ifdef __ATARIXL__
-.macro print_string text
-.macro print_string text
- .local @start, @cont
- jmp @cont
-@start: .byte text, ATEOL
-@cont: php
- pha
- txa
- pha
- tya
- pha
- ldx #0 ; channel 0
- lda #<@start
- sta ICBAL,x ; address
- lda #>@start
- sta ICBAH,x
- lda #<(@cont - @start)
- sta ICBLL,x ; length
- lda #>(@cont - @start)
- sta ICBLH,x
- lda #PUTCHR
- sta ICCOM,x
- jsr CIOV
- pla
- tay
- pla
- tax
- pla
- plp
; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Header. Includes jump table
rdev: .byte "R:", ATEOL, 0
-bauds: .byte 1 ; SER_BAUD_45_5
- .byte 2 ; SER_BAUD_50
- .byte 4 ; SER_BAUD_75
- .byte 5 ; SER_BAUD_110
- .byte 6 ; SER_BAUD_134_5
- .byte 7 ; SER_BAUD_150
- .byte 8 ; SER_BAUD_300
- .byte 9 ; SER_BAUD_600
- .byte 10 ; SER_BAUD_1200
- .byte 11 ; SER_BAUD_1800
- .byte 12 ; SER_BAUD_2400
- .byte 0 ; SER_BAUD_3600
- .byte 13 ; SER_BAUD_4800
- .byte 0 ; SER_BAUD_7200
- .byte 14 ; SER_BAUD_9600
- .byte 0 ; SER_BAUD_19200
- .byte 0 ; SER_BAUD_38400
- .byte 0 ; SER_BAUD_57600
- .byte 0 ; SER_BAUD_115200
- .byte 0 ; SER_BAUD_230400
- .byte 0 ; SER_BAUD_31250
- .byte 0 ; SER_BAUD_62500
- .byte 3 ; SER_BAUD_56_875
-num_bauds = * - bauds
+bauds: .byte 1 ; SER_BAUD_45_5
+ .byte 2 ; SER_BAUD_50
+ .byte 4 ; SER_BAUD_75
+ .byte 5 ; SER_BAUD_110
+ .byte 6 ; SER_BAUD_134_5
+ .byte 7 ; SER_BAUD_150
+ .byte 8 ; SER_BAUD_300
+ .byte 9 ; SER_BAUD_600
+ .byte 10 ; SER_BAUD_1200
+ .byte 11 ; SER_BAUD_1800
+ .byte 12 ; SER_BAUD_2400
+ .byte 0 ; SER_BAUD_3600
+ .byte 13 ; SER_BAUD_4800
+ .byte 0 ; SER_BAUD_7200
+ .byte 14 ; SER_BAUD_9600
+ .byte 0 ; SER_BAUD_19200
+ .byte 0 ; SER_BAUD_38400
+ .byte 0 ; SER_BAUD_57600
+ .byte 0 ; SER_BAUD_115200
+ .byte 0 ; SER_BAUD_230400
+ .byte 0 ; SER_BAUD_31250
+ .byte 0 ; SER_BAUD_62500
+ .byte 3 ; SER_BAUD_56_875
+num_bauds = * - bauds
- .byte 48 ; SER_BITS_5
- .byte 32 ; SER_BITS_6
- .byte 16 ; SER_BITS_7
- .byte 0 ; SER_BITS_8
-num_databits = * - databits
+ .byte 48 ; SER_BITS_5
+ .byte 32 ; SER_BITS_6
+ .byte 16 ; SER_BITS_7
+ .byte 0 ; SER_BITS_8
+num_databits = * - databits
- .byte 0 ; SER_PAR_NONE
- .byte 4+1 ; SER_PAR_ODD
- .byte 2+8 ; SER_PAR_EVEN
- ;.byte 0 ; SER_PAR_MARK
- ;.byte 0 ; SER_PAR_SPACE
-num_parities = * - parities
+ .byte 0 ; SER_PAR_NONE
+ .byte 4+1 ; SER_PAR_ODD
+ .byte 2+8 ; SER_PAR_EVEN
+ ;.byte 0 ; SER_PAR_MARK
+ ;.byte 0 ; SER_PAR_SPACE
+num_parities = * - parities
- rts
+ rts
; Must return an SER_ERR_xx code in a/x.
- jsr do_open
- bne openerr
+ jsr do_open
+ bne openerr
; set line parameters
lda rshand
; set baud rate, word size, stop bits and ready monitoring
- ; build ICAX1 value
- jsr dump
- jsr print_open_txt
- jsr print_iocb_txt
- jsr dump_iocb_num
- jsr nl
- lda (ptr1),y
- cmp #num_bauds
- bcs invbaud
- tay
- lda bauds,y
- beq invbaud
- sta ICAX1,x
+ ; build ICAX1 value
+ lda (ptr1),y
+ cmp #num_bauds
+ bcs invbaud
- lda (ptr1),y
- cmp #num_databits
- bcs init_err
+ tay
+ lda bauds,y
+ beq invbaud
+ sta ICAX1,x
- tay
- lda databits,y
- ora ICAX1,x
- sta ICAX1,x
+ lda (ptr1),y
+ cmp #num_databits
+ bcs init_err
- lda (ptr1),y
- clc
- ror a
- ror a
- ora ICAX1,x
- sta ICAX1,x
+ tay
+ lda databits,y
+ ora ICAX1,x
+ sta ICAX1,x
- jsr dump_aux1
+ lda (ptr1),y
+ clc
+ ror a
+ ror a
+ ora ICAX1,x
+ sta ICAX1,x
lda #36 ; xio 36, baud rate
sta ICCOM,x
- lda #0
+ lda #0
;ICAX2 = 0, monitor nothing
- sta ICAX2,x
+ sta ICAX2,x
sta ICBLL,x
sta ICBLH,x
sta ICBAL,x
; set translation and parity
lda (ptr1),y
- cmp #num_parities
- bcs init_err
+ cmp #num_parities
+ bcs init_err
- tay
- lda parities,y
- ora #32 ; no translation
+ tay
+ lda parities,y
+ ora #32 ; no translation
sta ICAX1,x
- jsr dump_aux1
lda #38 ; xio 38, translation and parity
sta ICCOM,x
jsr my_CIOV
inverr: jmp my___inviocb
- ; @@@ need to close IOCB here
+ ; @@@ need to close IOCB here
jsr my_fddecusage ; decrement usage counter of fd as open failed
; CLOSE: Close the port, disable interrupts and flush the buffer. Called
; without parameters. Must return an error code in a/x.
+; SER_UNINSTALL routine. Is called before the driver is removed from memory.
+; Must return an SER_ERR_xx code in a/x.
- pushall
- print_string "SER_CLOSE called"
- pullall
lda rshand
cmp #$ff
beq @done
- pushall
- print_string "SER_CLOSE do work"
- pullall
ldx rshand+1
- ;jsr my_pushax
jsr my__close
ldx #$ff
stx rshand
stx cm_run
@done: lda #<SER_ERR_OK
ldx #>SER_ERR_OK
- pushall
- print_string "SER_CLOSE returns"
- pullall
ldy rshand
cpy #$ff
- bne @work ; work only if initialized
- bne nierr
+ beq ni_err ; work only if initialized
-@work: lda rshand
+ lda rshand
ldx #0
jsr my_fdtoiocb
- lda #SER_ERR_OVERFLOW ; there is no large selection of serial error codes... :-/
+ lda #SER_ERR_OVERFLOW ; there is no large selection of serial error codes... :-/
ldx #0
-nierr: ldx #0
+ni_err: lda #SER_ERR_NOT_OPEN
+ ldx #0
ldy rshand
cpy #$ff
- bne @work ; work only if initialized
- bne nierr
+ beq ni_err ; work only if initialized
-@work: pha ; char to write
+ pha ; remember char to write
lda rshand
ldx #0
jsr my_fdtoiocb
- jsr print_put_txt
- pla
- pha
- jsr dump_hex ; dump char to write
- jsr print_iocb_txt
- jsr dump_iocb_num
- jsr nl
lda cm_run ; concurrent mode already running?
bne @go
jsr ena_cm ; turn on concurrent mode
pla ; get the char back
jsr my_CIOV ; go do it
bmi ser_error
- lda #0
- tax
+ lda #0
+ tax
; Must return an SER_ERR_xx code in a/x.
- ;print_string "SER_INSTALL with error"
- ;brk
- ;lda #42
- ;ldx #0
- ;rts
; check if R: device is installed
ldy #0
search: lda HATABS,y ; get device name
cmp #'R'
tax ; A is zero
-; SER_UNINSTALL routine. Is called before the driver is removed from memory.
-; Must return an SER_ERR_xx code in a/x.
- pushall
- print_string "SER_UNINSTALL called"
- pullall
-.macro print_string2 addr, len
- ldx #0 ; channel 0
- lda #<addr
- sta ICBAL,x ; address
- lda #>addr
- sta ICBAH,x
- lda #<len
- sta ICBLL,x ; length
- lda #>len
- sta ICBLH,x
- lda #PUTCHR
- sta ICCOM,x
- jsr CIOV
-.macro push_ptr1
- lda ptr1+1
- pha
- lda ptr1
- pha
-.macro pull_ptr1
- pla
- sta ptr1
- pla
- sta ptr1+1
-.macro push_ptr2und1
- lda ptr2+1
- pha
- lda ptr2
- pha
- lda ptr1+1
- pha
- sta ptr2+1
- tax
- lda ptr1
- pha
- sta ptr2
-.macro pull_ptr2und1
- pla
- sta ptr1
- pla
- sta ptr1+1
- pla
- sta ptr2
- pla
- sta ptr2+1
-nl_txt: .byte ATEOL
-nl_txt_len = * - nl_txt
-nl: pushall
- print_string2 nl_txt, nl_txt_len
- pullall
- rts
-iocb_txt: .byte " IOCB number: "
-iocb_txt_len = * - iocb_txt
- pushall
- print_string2 iocb_txt, iocb_txt_len
- pullall
- rts
-open_txt: .byte "OPEN"
-open_txt_len = * - open_txt
- pushall
- print_string2 open_txt, open_txt_len
- pullall
- rts
-put_txt: .byte "PUT "
-put_txt_len = * - put_txt
- pushall
- print_string2 put_txt, put_txt_len
- pullall
- rts
-aux1_txt: .byte "AUX1: "
-aux1_txt_len = * - aux1_txt
- pushall
- print_string2 aux1_txt,aux1_txt_len
- tsx
- lda $103,x
- jsr dump_hex_low
- jsr nl
- pullall
- rts
- pushall
- txa
- jsr dump_hex_low
- pullall
- rts
- pushall
- tsx
- lda $103,x
- jsr dump_hex_low
- pullall
- rts
-; no need to preserve regs
- tax
- push_ptr1
- lda #<outbuf
- sta ptr1
- lda #>outbuf
- sta ptr1+1
- txa
- jsr hex8
- ldx #0 ; channel 0
- lda #2
- sta ICBLL,x ; length
- lda #0
- sta ICBLH,x
- lda #<outbuf
- sta ICBAL,x ; address
- lda #>outbuf
- sta ICBAH,x
- lda #PUTCHR
- sta ICCOM,x
- jsr CIOV
- pull_ptr1
- rts
-; lda (ptr1),y
- pushall
- push_ptr2und1
-.ifndef __ATARIXL__
- tay
- lda #<outbuf
- sta ptr1
- lda #>outbuf
- sta ptr1+1
- ; ptr1 - pointer to string buffer
- ; ptr2 - pointer to rs232 params
- tya
- jsr hex16
- lda #':'
- sta (ptr1),y
- iny
- lda #' '
- sta (ptr1),y
- iny
- lda #' '
- sta (ptr1),y
- lda ptr1
- clc
- adc #3
- sta ptr1
- bcc @f
- inc ptr1+1
-.repeat 5
- ldy #0
- lda (ptr2),y
- jsr hex8
- lda #' '
- sta (ptr1),y
- inc ptr1
- bne *+4
- inc ptr1+1
- inc ptr2
- bne *+4
- inc ptr2+1
- lda #ATEOL
- sta (ptr1),y
- inc ptr1
- bne *+4
- inc ptr1+1
- ldx #0 ; channel 0
- lda ptr1
- sec
- sbc #<outbuf
- sta ICBLL,x ; length
- lda ptr1+1
- sbc #>outbuf
- sta ICBLH,x
- lda #<outbuf
- sta ICBAL,x ; address
- lda #>outbuf
- sta ICBAH,x
- lda #PUTCHR
- sta ICCOM,x
- jsr CIOV
- pull_ptr2und1
- pullall
- rts
; enable concurrent rs232 mode
; gets iocb index in X
jmp my_CIOV
.endproc ;ena_cm
-;* Unterprogramm: HEX16 *
-;* Aufgabe: 16-bit Binärzahl in String wandeln (hexadezimal) *
-;* Übergabe: ptr1 - Zeiger auf 4-byte Zielpuffer *
-;* AX - zu wandelnde Zahl (high X, low A) *
-;* Zurück: ptr1 - Zeiger hinter Hexstring *
-;* Y - 0 *
-;* Benutzt: HEX8 *
-;* *
-;* alle Register zerstört *
- pha
- txa
- jsr hex8
- pla
- ;fall into hex8
-;* Unterprogramm: HEX8 *
-;* Aufgabe: 8-bit Binärzahl in String wandeln (hexadezimal) *
-;* Übergabe: ptr1 - Zeiger auf 2-byte Zielpuffer *
-;* A - zu wandelnde Zahl *
-;* Zurück: ptr1 - Zeiger hinter Hexstring *
-;* Y - 0 *
-;* *
-;* alle Register zerstört *
- tax
- lsr a
- lsr a
- lsr a
- lsr a
- cmp #10
- bcc hex_1
- clc
- adc #'A'-10
- bne hex_2
-hex_1: adc #'0'
-hex_2: ldy #0
- sta (ptr1),y
- inc ptr1
- bne hex_3
- inc ptr1+1
-hex_3: txa
- and #15
- cmp #10
- bcc hex_4
- clc
- adc #'A'-10
- bne hex_5
-hex_4: adc #'0'
-hex_5: ldy #0
- sta (ptr1),y
- inc ptr1
- bne hex_6
- inc ptr1+1
-hex_6: rts
-outbuf: .res 48