are not longer supported by Baculum.
From this reason good to check if used web server for Baculum is set to using
MD5 type passwords in HTTP Basic authentication.
+c) Why time fields values contain invalid date/time values?
+ This case can mean that timezone is not set for PHP in php.ini file or the
+timezone value needs correction. To fix it please add (or update) "date.timezone"
+value in php.ini file. For example:
+date.timezone = "Europe/Warsaw"
$timezone = 'UTC';
if (!ini_get('date.timezone')) {
- if (strtoupper(substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3)) != 'WIN') {
- exec('date +%Z', $tz, $retcode);
- if ($retcode === 0 && count($tz) === 1) {
- $timezone = $tz[0];
- }
- }