and is harder to review for completeness. Subsequently it makes restores
more complex.
+Item 1: Extend the verify code to make it possible to verify
+ older jobs, not only the last one that has finished
+ Date: 10 April 2009
+ Origin: Ralf Gross (Ralf-Lists <at>
+ Status: not implemented or documented
+ What: At the moment a VolumeToCatalog job compares only the
+ last job with the data in the catalog. It's not possible
+ to compare the data (md5sums) of an older volume with the
+ data in the catalog.
+ Why: If a verify job fails, one has to immediately check the
+ source of the problem, fix it and rerun the verify job.
+ This has to happen before the next backup of the
+ verified backup job starts.
+ More important: It's not possible to check jobs that are
+ kept for a long time (archiv). If a jobid could be
+ specified for a verify job, older backups/tapes could be
+ checked on a regular base.
+ Notes: verify documentation:
+ VolumeToCatalog: This level causes Bacula to read the file
+ attribute data written to the Volume from the last Job [...]
+ Verify Job = <Job-Resource-Name> If you run a verify job
+ without this directive, the last job run will be compared
+ with the catalog, which means that you must immediately
+ follow a backup by a verify command. If you specify a Verify
+ Job Bacula will find the last job with that name that ran [...]
+ example bconsole verify dialog:
+ Run Verify job
+ JobName: VerifyServerXXX
+ Level: VolumeToCatalog
+ Client: ServerXXX-fd
+ FileSet: ServerXXX-Vol1
+ Pool: Full (From Job resource)
+ Storage: Neo4100 (From Pool resource)
+ Verify Job: ServerXXX-Vol1
+ Verify List:
+ When: 2009-04-20 09:03:04
+ Priority: 10
+ OK to run? (yes/mod/no): m
+ Parameters to modify:
+ 1: Level
+ 2: Storage
+ 3: Job
+ 4: FileSet
+ 5: Client
+ 6: When
+ 7: Priority
+ 8: Pool
+ 9: Verify Job
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