.proc _readjoy
- lda #$C3 ; mask for VIA1 JOYBITS: sw0,sw1,sw2,sw4
- ldx #$7F ; mask for VIA2 JOYBIT: sw3
+ lda #$7F ; mask for VIA2 JOYBIT: sw3
+ ldx #$C3 ; mask for VIA1 JOYBITS: sw0,sw1,sw2,sw4
sei ; necessary?
- ldy VIA1_DDRA ; remember the state of DDRA
- sta VIA1_DDRA ; set JOYBITS on this VIA for input
- lda VIA1_JOY ; read JOYBITS: sw0,sw1,sw2,sw4
- sty VIA1_DDRA ; restore the state of DDRA
- and #$3C ; Mask relevant bits...
- sta tmp1 ; ...and save for later
ldy VIA2_DDRB ; remember the date of DDRB
- stx VIA2_DDRB ; set JOYBITS on this VIA for input
+ sta VIA2_DDRB ; set JOYBITS on this VIA for input
lda VIA2_JOY ; read JOYBIT: sw3
sty VIA2_DDRB ; restore the state of DDRB
+ asl ; Shift sw3 into carry
+ ldy VIA1_DDRA ; remember the state of DDRA
+ stx VIA1_DDRA ; set JOYBITS on this VIA for input
+ lda VIA1_JOY ; read JOYBITS: sw0,sw1,sw2,sw4
+ sty VIA1_DDRA ; restore the state of DDRA
cli ; necessary?
- and #$80 ; Mask sw3
- ora tmp1 ; Get sw0, sw1, sw2, sw4
- eor #$BC ; Active states are inverted
+ ror ; Shift sw3 into bit 7
+ and #$9E ; Mask relevant bits
+ eor #$9E ; Active states are inverted