%define _sbindir /opt/bacula/bin
%define _bindir /opt/bacula/bin
%define _subsysdir /opt/bacula/working
-%define sqlite_bindir /opt/bacula/sqlite
%define _mandir /usr/share/man
%define sysconf_dir /opt/bacula/etc
%define script_dir /opt/bacula/scripts
%define _sbindir %_prefix/sbin
%define _bindir %_prefix/bin
%define _subsysdir /var/lock/subsys
-%define sqlite_bindir %_libdir/bacula/sqlite
%define _mandir %_prefix/share/man
%define sysconf_dir /etc/bacula
%define script_dir %_libdir/bacula
BuildRequires: sqlite-devel
-%if %{mysql} && ! %{mysql4} && ! %{mysql5}
-BuildRequires: mysql-devel >= 3.23
-%if %{mysql} && %{mysql4}
-BuildRequires: mysql-devel >= 4.0
-%if %{mysql} && %{mysql5}
-BuildRequires: mysql-devel >= 5.0
+%if %{mysql}
+BuildRequires: mysql-devel
%if %{postgresql} && %{wb3}
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_sbindir}
#mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_bindir}
-%if %{sqlite}
-mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{sqlite_bindir}
%if %{client_only}
%attr(-, root, %{daemon_group}) %{script_dir}/make_sqlite3_tables
%attr(-, root, %{daemon_group}) %{script_dir}/drop_sqlite3_tables
%attr(-, root, %{daemon_group}) %{script_dir}/update_sqlite3_tables
%if %{postgresql}
%if %{sqlite}
%pre sqlite
-# are we upgrading from sqlite to sqlite3?
-if [ -s %{working_dir}/bacula.db ] && [ -s %{sqlite_bindir}/sqlite ];then
- echo "This version of bacula-sqlite involves an upgrade to sqlite3."
- echo "Your catalog database file is not compatible with sqlite3, thus"
- echo "you will need to dump the data, delete the old file, and re-run"
- echo "this rpm upgrade."
- echo ""
- echo "Backing up your current database..."
- echo ".dump" | %{sqlite_bindir}/sqlite %{working_dir}/bacula.db > %{working_dir}/bacula_backup.sql
- mv %{working_dir}/bacula.db %{working_dir}/bacula.db.old
- echo "Your catalog data has been saved in %{working_dir}/bacula_backup.sql and your"
- echo "catalog file has been renamed %{working_dir}/bacula.db.old."
- echo ""
- echo "Please re-run this rpm package upgrade."
- echo "After the upgrade is complete, restore your catalog"
- echo "with the following commands:"
- echo "%{script_dir}/drop_sqlite3_tables"
- echo "cd %{working_dir}"
- echo "%{sqlite_bindir}/sqlite3 $* bacula.db < bacula_backup.sql"
- echo "chown bacula.bacula bacula.db"
- exit 1
# test for bacula database older than version 10 and sqlite3
-if [ -s %{working_dir}/bacula.db ] && [ -s %{sqlite_bindir}/sqlite3 ];then
- DB_VER=`echo "select * from Version;" | %{sqlite_bindir}/sqlite3 2>/dev/null %{working_dir}/bacula.db | tail -n 1`
+if [ -s %{working_dir}/bacula.db ]; then
+ DB_VER=`echo "select * from Version;" | sqlite3 2>/dev/null %{working_dir}/bacula.db | tail -n 1`
%if %{postgresql}
-%if %{sqlite}
%if ! %{client_only}
# check for and copy %{sysconf_dir}/console.conf to bconsole.conf
%if %{sqlite}
# test for an existing database
if [ -s %{working_dir}/bacula.db ]; then
- DB_VER=`echo "select * from Version;" | %{sqlite_bindir}/sqlite3 2>/dev/null %{working_dir}/bacula.db | tail -n 1`
+ DB_VER=`echo "select * from Version;" | sqlite3 2>/dev/null %{working_dir}/bacula.db | tail -n 1`
# check to see if we need to upgrade a 2.x database
if [ "$DB_VER" -lt "11" ] && [ "$DB_VER" -ge "10" ]; then
echo "This release requires an upgrade to your bacula database."
echo "Backing up your current database..."
- echo ".dump" | %{sqlite_bindir}/sqlite3 %{working_dir}/bacula.db | bzip2 > %{working_dir}/bacula_backup.sql.bz2
+ echo ".dump" | sqlite3 %{working_dir}/bacula.db | bzip2 > %{working_dir}/bacula_backup.sql.bz2
echo "Upgrading bacula database ..."
echo "If bacula works correctly you can remove the backup file %{working_dir}/bacula_backup.sql.bz2"
/sbin/chkconfig --del bacula-fd
/sbin/chkconfig --del bacula-sd
-%if %{mysql}
-%postun mysql
-%if %{sqlite}
-%postun sqlite
-%if %{postgresql}
-%postun postgresql