bindsym $mod+x move container to output VGA1
+=== Moving containers/workspaces to marks
+To move a container to another container with a specific mark (see <<vim_like_marks>>),
+you can use the following command.
+The window will be moved right after the marked container in the tree, i.e., it ends up
+in the same position as if you had opened a new window when the marked container was
+focused. If the mark is on a split container, the window will appear as a new child
+after the currently focused child within that container.
+move window|container to mark <mark>
+for_window [instance="tabme"] move window to mark target
=== Resizing containers/windows
void cmd_move_con_to_output(I3_CMD, char *name);
+ * Implementation of 'move [window|container] [to] mark <str>'.
+ *
+ */
+void cmd_move_con_to_mark(I3_CMD, char *mark);
* Implementation of 'floating enable|disable|toggle'
# move <direction> [<pixels> [px]]
# move [window|container] [to] workspace [<str>|next|prev|next_on_output|prev_on_output|current]
# move [window|container] [to] output <str>
+# move [window|container] [to] mark <str>
# move [window|container] [to] scratchpad
# move workspace to [output] <str>
# move scratchpad
+ 'mark'
-> call cmd_move_scratchpad()
direction = 'left', 'right', 'up', 'down'
output = string
-> call cmd_move_con_to_output($output)
+state MOVE_TO_MARK:
+ mark = string
+ -> call cmd_move_con_to_mark($mark)
+ * Implementation of 'move [container|window] [to] mark <str>'.
+ *
+ */
+void cmd_move_con_to_mark(I3_CMD, char *mark) {
+ ysuccess(true);
* Implementation of 'floating enable|disable|toggle'