_tgi_textdir: .res 1 ; Current text direction
; The following two store an 8.8 fixed point value in the first two bytes,
; and a rounded integer value in the third byte. The latter is passed to the
-; driver to scale the bitmap font. The variables are expected to be in
+; driver to scale the bitmap font. The variables are expected to be in
; this order and adjacent.
_tgi_textmagw: .res 3 ; Text magnification for the width
_tgi_textmagh: .res 3 ; Text magnification for the height
; The following two must also be in exactly this order
-_tgi_charheight: .res 1 ; Char height of system font
_tgi_charwidth: .res 1 ; Char width of system font
+_tgi_charheight: .res 1 ; Char height of system font
; The following variables are copied from the driver header for faster access
; fontwidth and fontheight are expected to be in order and adjacent.