the URI of the provider" we actually mean it. (unlike the rest of the
documentation, where we're just kidding around, of course...)
> objectClass: olcSyncProvConfig
> olcOverlay: syncprov
-Note: You must have all your servers set to the same time via {{}}
+Note: All of your servers' clocks must be tightly synchronized using
+e.g. NTP {{}}, atomic clock, or some other reliable
+time reference.
+Note: As stated in {{slapd-config}}(5), URLs specified in {{olcSyncRepl}}
+directives are the URLs of the servers from which to replicate. These
+must exactly match the URLs {{slapd}} listens on ({{-h}} in {{SECT:Command-Line Options}}).
+Otherwise slapd may attempt to replicate from itself, causing a loop.
H3: MirrorMode