echo ""
echo "After slapd started, try"
echo ""
-echo " ldapsearch -x -H ldap://localhost:$PORT -b '' -s base namingContexts"
+echo " ldapsearch -x -H ldap://:$PORT/ -b '' -s base namingContexts"
echo ""
echo "and browse the directory using the last base that appears;"
echo "you may also try to bind as administrator of each subdirectory"
echo ""
echo "Starting slapd on port $PORT"
-$SRCDIR/servers/slapd/slapd -f $CONF -h "ldap://localhost:$PORT/" -d $DEBUG
+$SRCDIR/servers/slapd/slapd -f $CONF -h "ldap://:$PORT/" -d $DEBUG
echo "Waiting 2 secs for everything to shut down ..."
sleep 2