-static LUTIL_PASSWD_CHK_FUNC chk_k5key;
-static const struct berval scheme = BER_BVC("{K5KEY}");
+static LUTIL_PASSWD_CHK_FUNC k5key_chk;
+static LUTIL_PASSWD_HASH_FUNC k5key_hash;
+static const struct berval k5key_scheme = BER_BVC("{K5KEY}");
/* This password scheme stores no data in the userPassword attribute
* other than the scheme name. It assumes the invoking entry is a
* storage so we can retrieve it here. The Operation provides all
* the necessary context for us to get Entry from the database.
-static int chk_k5key(
+static int k5key_chk(
const struct berval *sc,
const struct berval *passwd,
const struct berval *cred,
be_entry_release_r( op, e );
return rc;
+static int k5key_hash(
+ const struct berval *scheme,
+ const struct berval *passwd,
+ struct berval *hash,
+ const char **text )
+ ber_dupbv( hash, (struct berval *)&k5key_scheme );
#endif /* DO_KRB5 */
static int smbk5pwd_exop_passwd(
#ifdef DO_KRB5
smbk5pwd.on_bi.bi_op_bind = smbk5pwd_op_bind;
- lutil_passwd_add( (struct berval *)&scheme, chk_k5key, NULL );
+ lutil_passwd_add( (struct berval *)&k5key_scheme, k5key_chk, k5key_hash );
return overlay_register( &smbk5pwd );