* code of mod_load before accessing any of these additional struct members.
struct mod_ctrl {
- /* Parameters passed into the loader routine. The second pointer
- * (callerdata) is an opaque pointer that may be used by the caller to
+ /* Parameters passed into the loader routine. The member callerdata
+ * is an opaque 16 bit datatype that may be used by the caller to
* pass data through to the read routine. The read routine is used by the
* loader to load any required data. There are several calls where the
- * read routine is called with a size of 1, so you may choose to make this
- * a special case when implementing read().
+ * read routine is passed a count of 1, so you may choose to make this
+ * a special case when implementing read(). The read() should return the
+ * number of bytes actually read. If the return value differs from the
+ * passed count, this is considered an error.
+ * NOTE: read() is designed so that the POSIX read() routine can be used
+ * for this vector, if you're loading from disk.
- unsigned char (*read) (struct mod_ctrl*, void* buffer, unsigned size);
- void* callerdata;
+ int (*read) (int callerdata, void* buffer, unsigned count);
+ int callerdata;
/* Parameters set by the loader routine */
- void* module; /* Pointer to module data */
- unsigned module_size; /* Total size of loaded module */
- unsigned module_id; /* Module id */
+ void* module; /* Pointer to module data */
+ unsigned module_size; /* Total size of loaded module */
+ unsigned module_id; /* Module id */
void mod_free (void* module);
/* Free a loaded module. Note: The given pointer is the pointer to the
- * module memory, not a pointer to a control structure.
+ * module memory, not a pointer to a control structure.
-; PushCtrl: Push the address of the control structure onto the C stack.
+; PushCallerData: Push the callerdata member from control structure onto the
+; C stack.
- lda Ctrl
- ldx Ctrl+1
+ lda (Ctrl),y
+ tax
+ dey
+ lda (Ctrl),y
jmp pushax
ldx #>__ZP_START__
+; ReadByte: Read one byte with error checking into InputByte and A.
+; ReadAndCheckError: Call read with the current C stack and check for errors.
+ReadSize: .res 2
+; C->read (C->callerdata, &B, 1)
+ jsr PushCallerData
+ lda #<InputByte
+ ldx #>InputByte
+ jsr pushax
+ ldx #0
+ lda #1
+; This is a second entry point used by the other calls to Read
+ sta ReadSize
+ stx ReadSize+1
+ jsr pushax
+ jsr Read
+; Check the return code and bail out in case of problems
+ cmp ReadSize
+ bne @L1
+ cpx ReadSize+1
+ beq @L2 ; Jump if ok
+ bne CleanupAndExit
+; Done
+@L2: lda InputByte ; If called ReadByte, load the byte read
+Done: rts
; FormatError: Bail out with an o65 format error
-; ReadByte: Read one byte with error checking into InputByte and A.
-; ReadAndCheckError: Call read with the current C stack and check for errors.
-; C->read (C, &B, 1)
- jsr PushCtrl
- lda #<InputByte
- ldx #>InputByte
- jsr pushax
- jsr push1
-; This is a second entry point used by the other calls to Read
- jsr Read
-; Check the return code and bail out in case of problems
- tax
- beq @L1 ; Jump if ok
- bne CleanupAndExit
-; Done
-@L1: lda InputByte ; If called ReadByte, load the byte read
-Done: rts
; RelocSeg: Relocate the segment pointed to by a/x
lda (Ctrl),y
sta Read+2
-; Read the o65 header: C->read (C, &H, sizeof (H))
+; Read the o65 header: C->read (C->callerdata, &H, sizeof (H))
- jsr PushCtrl
+ jsr PushCallerData
lda #<Header
ldx #>Header
jsr pushax
lda #O65_HDR_SIZE
- jsr pusha0 ; Always less than 256
+ ldx #0 ; Always less than 256
jsr ReadAndCheckError ; Bails out in case of errors
; We read the o65 header successfully. Validate it.
; Load code and data segment into memory. The sum of the sizes of
; code+data segment is still in TPtr.
-; C->read (C, C->module, H.tlen + H.dlen)
+; C->read (C->callerdata, C->module, H.tlen + H.dlen)
- jsr PushCtrl
+ jsr PushCallerData
lda Module
ldx Module+1
jsr pushax
lda TPtr
ldx TPtr+1
- jsr pushax
jsr ReadAndCheckError ; Bails out in case of errors
; We've got the code and data segments in memory. Next section contains