- LONG status;
- HKEY key_handle;
- WCHAR *buf;
- DWORD buf_len;
- DWORD type;
- status = RegOpenKeyW(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, L"SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\BackupRestore\\DLLPaths", &key_handle);
- if (status != ERROR_SUCCESS)
- {
- _JobMessageNull(M_ERROR, "Cannot get key for Exchange DLL path, result = %08x\n", status);
- return bRC_Error;
- }
- type = REG_EXPAND_SZ;
- status = RegQueryValueExW(key_handle, L"esebcli2", NULL, &type, NULL, &buf_len);
- if (status != ERROR_SUCCESS)
- {
- _JobMessageNull(M_ERROR, "Cannot get key for Exchange DLL path, result = %08x\n", status);
- return bRC_Error;
- }
- buf_len += 2;
- buf = new WCHAR[buf_len];
- type = REG_EXPAND_SZ;
- status = RegQueryValueExW(key_handle, L"esebcli2", NULL, &type, (LPBYTE)buf, &buf_len);
- if (status != ERROR_SUCCESS)
- {
- _JobMessageNull(M_ERROR, "Cannot get key for Exchange DLL path, result = %08x\n", status);
- delete buf;
- return bRC_Error;
- }
+ LONG status;
+ HKEY key_handle;
+ WCHAR *buf;
+ DWORD buf_len;
+ DWORD type;
+ status = RegOpenKeyW(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, L"SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\BackupRestore\\DLLPaths", &key_handle);
+ if (status != ERROR_SUCCESS)
+ {
+ _JobMessageNull(M_ERROR, "Cannot get key for Exchange DLL path, result = %08x\n", status);
+ return bRC_Error;
+ }
+ type = REG_EXPAND_SZ;
+ status = RegQueryValueExW(key_handle, L"esebcli2", NULL, &type, NULL, &buf_len);
+ if (status != ERROR_SUCCESS)
+ {
+ _JobMessageNull(M_ERROR, "Cannot get key for Exchange DLL path, result = %08x\n", status);
+ return bRC_Error;
+ }
+ buf_len += 2;
+ buf = new WCHAR[buf_len];
+ type = REG_EXPAND_SZ;
+ status = RegQueryValueExW(key_handle, L"esebcli2", NULL, &type, (LPBYTE)buf, &buf_len);
+ if (status != ERROR_SUCCESS)
+ {
+ _JobMessageNull(M_ERROR, "Cannot get key for Exchange DLL path, result = %08x\n", status);
+ delete buf;
+ return bRC_Error;
+ }
printf("Got value %S\n", buf);
- // strictly speaking, a REG_EXPAND_SZ should be run through ExpandEnvironmentStrings
- h = LoadLibraryW(buf);
- delete buf;
- if (!h) {
- return bRC_Error;
- }
- HrESEBackupRestoreGetNodes = (HrESEBackupRestoreGetNodes_t)GetProcAddress(h, "HrESEBackupRestoreGetNodes");
- HrESEBackupPrepare = (HrESEBackupPrepare_t)GetProcAddress(h, "HrESEBackupPrepare");
- HrESEBackupEnd = (HrESEBackupEnd_t)GetProcAddress(h, "HrESEBackupEnd");
- HrESEBackupSetup = (HrESEBackupSetup_t)GetProcAddress(h, "HrESEBackupSetup");
- HrESEBackupGetLogAndPatchFiles = (HrESEBackupGetLogAndPatchFiles_t)GetProcAddress(h, "HrESEBackupGetLogAndPatchFiles");
- HrESEBackupTruncateLogs = (HrESEBackupTruncateLogs_t)GetProcAddress(h, "HrESEBackupTruncateLogs");
- HrESEBackupInstanceEnd = (HrESEBackupInstanceEnd_t)GetProcAddress(h, "HrESEBackupInstanceEnd");
- HrESEBackupOpenFile = (HrESEBackupOpenFile_t)GetProcAddress(h, "HrESEBackupOpenFile");
- HrESEBackupReadFile = (HrESEBackupReadFile_t)GetProcAddress(h, "HrESEBackupReadFile");
- HrESEBackupCloseFile = (HrESEBackupCloseFile_t)GetProcAddress(h, "HrESEBackupCloseFile");
- HrESERestoreOpen = (HrESERestoreOpen_t)GetProcAddress(h, "HrESERestoreOpen");
- HrESERestoreReopen = (HrESERestoreReopen_t)GetProcAddress(h, "HrESERestoreReopen");
- HrESERestoreComplete = (HrESERestoreComplete_t)GetProcAddress(h, "HrESERestoreComplete");
- HrESERestoreClose = (HrESERestoreClose_t)GetProcAddress(h, "HrESERestoreClose");
- HrESERestoreSaveEnvironment = (HrESERestoreSaveEnvironment_t)GetProcAddress(h, "HrESERestoreSaveEnvironment");
- HrESERestoreGetEnvironment = (HrESERestoreGetEnvironment_t)GetProcAddress(h, "HrESERestoreGetEnvironment");
- HrESERestoreAddDatabase = (HrESERestoreAddDatabase_t)GetProcAddress(h, "HrESERestoreAddDatabase");
- HrESERestoreOpenFile = (HrESERestoreOpenFile_t)GetProcAddress(h, "HrESERestoreOpenFile");
- return bRC_OK;
+ // strictly speaking, a REG_EXPAND_SZ should be run through ExpandEnvironmentStrings
+ h = LoadLibraryW(buf);
+ delete buf;
+ if (!h) {
+ return bRC_Error;
+ }
+ HrESEBackupRestoreGetNodes = (HrESEBackupRestoreGetNodes_t)GetProcAddress(h, "HrESEBackupRestoreGetNodes");
+ HrESEBackupPrepare = (HrESEBackupPrepare_t)GetProcAddress(h, "HrESEBackupPrepare");
+ HrESEBackupEnd = (HrESEBackupEnd_t)GetProcAddress(h, "HrESEBackupEnd");
+ HrESEBackupSetup = (HrESEBackupSetup_t)GetProcAddress(h, "HrESEBackupSetup");
+ HrESEBackupGetLogAndPatchFiles = (HrESEBackupGetLogAndPatchFiles_t)GetProcAddress(h, "HrESEBackupGetLogAndPatchFiles");
+ HrESEBackupTruncateLogs = (HrESEBackupTruncateLogs_t)GetProcAddress(h, "HrESEBackupTruncateLogs");
+ HrESEBackupInstanceEnd = (HrESEBackupInstanceEnd_t)GetProcAddress(h, "HrESEBackupInstanceEnd");
+ HrESEBackupOpenFile = (HrESEBackupOpenFile_t)GetProcAddress(h, "HrESEBackupOpenFile");
+ HrESEBackupReadFile = (HrESEBackupReadFile_t)GetProcAddress(h, "HrESEBackupReadFile");
+ HrESEBackupCloseFile = (HrESEBackupCloseFile_t)GetProcAddress(h, "HrESEBackupCloseFile");
+ HrESERestoreOpen = (HrESERestoreOpen_t)GetProcAddress(h, "HrESERestoreOpen");
+ HrESERestoreReopen = (HrESERestoreReopen_t)GetProcAddress(h, "HrESERestoreReopen");
+ HrESERestoreComplete = (HrESERestoreComplete_t)GetProcAddress(h, "HrESERestoreComplete");
+ HrESERestoreClose = (HrESERestoreClose_t)GetProcAddress(h, "HrESERestoreClose");
+ HrESERestoreSaveEnvironment = (HrESERestoreSaveEnvironment_t)GetProcAddress(h, "HrESERestoreSaveEnvironment");
+ HrESERestoreGetEnvironment = (HrESERestoreGetEnvironment_t)GetProcAddress(h, "HrESERestoreGetEnvironment");
+ HrESERestoreAddDatabase = (HrESERestoreAddDatabase_t)GetProcAddress(h, "HrESERestoreAddDatabase");
+ HrESERestoreOpenFile = (HrESERestoreOpenFile_t)GetProcAddress(h, "HrESERestoreOpenFile");
+ return bRC_OK;
char *
ESEErrorMessage(HRESULT result)
- switch (result)
- {
- case 0:
- return "No error.";
- case hrLogfileHasBadSignature:
- return "Log file has bad signature. Check that no stale files are left in the Exchange data/log directories.";
- case hrCBDatabaseInUse:
- return "Database in use. Make sure database is dismounted.";
- case hrRestoreAtFileLevel:
- return "File must be restored using Windows file I/O calls.";
- case hrMissingFullBackup:
- return "Exchange reports that no previous full backup has been done.";
- case hrBackupInProgress:
- return "Exchange backup already in progress.";
- case hrLogfileNotContiguous:
- return "Existing log file is not contiguous. Check that no stale files are left in the Exchange data/log directories.";
- case hrCBDatabaseNotFound:
- return "Database not found. Check that the Database you are trying to restore actually exists in the Storage Group you are restoring to.";
- default:
- return "Unknown error.";
- }
+ switch (result)
+ {
+ case 0:
+ return "No error.";
+ case hrLogfileHasBadSignature:
+ return "Log file has bad signature. Check that no stale files are left in the Exchange data/log directories.";
+ case hrCBDatabaseInUse:
+ return "Database in use. Make sure database is dismounted.";
+ case hrRestoreAtFileLevel:
+ return "File must be restored using Windows file I/O calls.";
+ case hrMissingFullBackup:
+ return "Exchange reports that no previous full backup has been done.";
+ case hrBackupInProgress:
+ return "Exchange backup already in progress.";
+ case hrLogfileNotContiguous:
+ return "Existing log file is not contiguous. Check that no stale files are left in the Exchange data/log directories.";
+ case hrCBDatabaseNotFound:
+ return "Database not found. Check that the Database you are trying to restore actually exists in the Storage Group you are restoring to.";
+ default:
+ return "Unknown error.";
+ }
-#define BACKUP_TYPE_FULL 0x1
+#define BACKUP_TYPE_FULL 0x1
#define ESE_RESTORE_KEEP_LOG_FILES 0x00020000
//#include <windef.h>
- uint32_t ulSize;
- char *pvData;
+ uint32_t ulSize;
+ char *pvData;
- WCHAR *wszName;
- uint32_t fFlags;
- ESE_ICON_DESCRIPTION iconDescription;
- struct BACKUP_NODE_TREE *pNextNode;
- struct BACKUP_NODE_TREE *pChildNode;
+ WCHAR *wszName;
+ uint32_t fFlags;
+ ESE_ICON_DESCRIPTION iconDescription;
+ struct BACKUP_NODE_TREE *pNextNode;
+ struct BACKUP_NODE_TREE *pChildNode;
- WCHAR *wszDatabaseDisplayName;
- uint32_t cwDatabaseStreams;
- WCHAR *wszDatabaseStreams;
- GUID rguidDatabase;
- uint32_t *rgIconIndexDatabase;
- uint32_t fDatabaseFlags;
+ WCHAR *wszDatabaseDisplayName;
+ uint32_t cwDatabaseStreams;
+ WCHAR *wszDatabaseStreams;
+ GUID rguidDatabase;
+ uint32_t *rgIconIndexDatabase;
+ uint32_t fDatabaseFlags;
- uint64_t hInstanceId;
- //RPC_STRING wszInstanceName;
- WCHAR *wszInstanceName;
- uint32_t ulIconIndexInstance;
- uint32_t cDatabase;
- uint32_t cIconDescription;
- ESE_ICON_DESCRIPTION *rgIconDescription;
+ uint64_t hInstanceId;
+ //RPC_STRING wszInstanceName;
+ WCHAR *wszInstanceName;
+ uint32_t ulIconIndexInstance;
+ uint32_t cDatabase;
+ uint32_t cIconDescription;
+ ESE_ICON_DESCRIPTION *rgIconDescription;
- recoverInvalid = 0,
- recoverNotStarted = 1,
- recoverStarted = 2,
- recoverEnded = 3,
- recoverStatusMax
+ recoverInvalid = 0,
+ recoverNotStarted = 1,
+ recoverStarted = 2,
+ recoverEnded = 3,
+ recoverStatusMax
- WCHAR * m_wszRestoreLogPath;
- WCHAR * m_wszSrcInstanceName;
- uint32_t m_cDatabases;
- WCHAR **m_wszDatabaseDisplayName;
- GUID * m_rguidDatabase;
- WCHAR * m_wszRestoreInstanceSystemPath;
- WCHAR * m_wszRestoreInstanceLogPath;
- WCHAR * m_wszTargetInstanceName;
- WCHAR ** m_wszDatabaseStreamsS;
- WCHAR ** m_wszDatabaseStreamsD;
- uint32_t m_ulGenLow;
- uint32_t m_ulGenHigh;
- WCHAR * m_wszLogBaseName;
- time_t m_timeLastRestore;
- RECOVER_STATUS m_statusLastRecover;
- HRESULT m_hrLastRecover;
- time_t m_timeLastRecover;
- WCHAR * m_wszAnnotation;
+ WCHAR * m_wszRestoreLogPath;
+ WCHAR * m_wszSrcInstanceName;
+ uint32_t m_cDatabases;
+ WCHAR **m_wszDatabaseDisplayName;
+ GUID * m_rguidDatabase;
+ WCHAR * m_wszRestoreInstanceSystemPath;
+ WCHAR * m_wszRestoreInstanceLogPath;
+ WCHAR * m_wszTargetInstanceName;
+ WCHAR ** m_wszDatabaseStreamsS;
+ WCHAR ** m_wszDatabaseStreamsD;
+ uint32_t m_ulGenLow;
+ uint32_t m_ulGenHigh;
+ WCHAR * m_wszLogBaseName;
+ time_t m_timeLastRestore;
+ RECOVER_STATUS m_statusLastRecover;
+ HRESULT m_hrLastRecover;
+ time_t m_timeLastRecover;
+ WCHAR * m_wszAnnotation;
typedef HANDLE HCCX;
typedef HRESULT (WINAPI *HrESEBackupRestoreGetNodes_t)
- WCHAR* wszComputerName,
- BACKUP_NODE_TREE* pBackupNodeTree
+ WCHAR* wszComputerName,
+ BACKUP_NODE_TREE* pBackupNodeTree
typedef HRESULT (WINAPI *HrESEBackupPrepare_t)
- WCHAR* wszBackupServer,
- WCHAR* wszBackupAnnotation,
- uint32_t *pcInstanceInfo,
- INSTANCE_BACKUP_INFO **paInstanceInfo,
- HCCX *phccxBackupContext
+ WCHAR* wszBackupServer,
+ WCHAR* wszBackupAnnotation,
+ uint32_t *pcInstanceInfo,
+ INSTANCE_BACKUP_INFO **paInstanceInfo,
+ HCCX *phccxBackupContext
typedef HRESULT (WINAPI *HrESEBackupEnd_t)
- HCCX hccsBackupContext
+ HCCX hccsBackupContext
typedef HRESULT (WINAPI *HrESEBackupSetup_t)
- HCCX hccsBackupContext,
- uint64_t hInstanceID,
- uint32_t btBackupType
+ HCCX hccsBackupContext,
+ uint64_t hInstanceID,
+ uint32_t btBackupType
typedef HRESULT (WINAPI *HrESEBackupGetLogAndPatchFiles_t)
- HCCX hccsBackupContext,
- WCHAR** pwszFiles
+ HCCX hccsBackupContext,
+ WCHAR** pwszFiles
typedef HRESULT (WINAPI *HrESEBackupInstanceEnd_t)
- HCCX hccsBackupContext,
- uint32_t fFlags
+ HCCX hccsBackupContext,
+ uint32_t fFlags
typedef HRESULT (WINAPI *HrESEBackupOpenFile_t)
- HCCX hccsBackupContext,
- WCHAR* wszFileName,
- uint32_t cbReadHintSize,
- uint32_t cSections,
- void** rghFile,
- uint64_t* rgliSectionSize
+ HCCX hccsBackupContext,
+ WCHAR* wszFileName,
+ uint32_t cbReadHintSize,
+ uint32_t cSections,
+ void** rghFile,
+ uint64_t* rgliSectionSize
typedef HRESULT (WINAPI *HrESEBackupReadFile_t)
- HCCX hccsBackupContext,
- void* hFile,
- void* pvBuffer,
- uint32_t cbBuffer,
- uint32_t* pcbRead
+ HCCX hccsBackupContext,
+ void* hFile,
+ void* pvBuffer,
+ uint32_t cbBuffer,
+ uint32_t* pcbRead
typedef HRESULT (WINAPI *HrESEBackupCloseFile_t)
- HCCX hccsBackupContext,
- void* hFile
+ HCCX hccsBackupContext,
+ void* hFile
typedef HRESULT (WINAPI *HrESEBackupTruncateLogs_t)
- HCCX hccsBackupContext
+ HCCX hccsBackupContext
typedef HRESULT (WINAPI *HrESERestoreOpen_t)
- WCHAR* wszBackupServer,
- WCHAR* wszBackupAnnotation,
- WCHAR* wszSrcInstanceName,
- WCHAR* wszRestoreLogPath,
- HCCX* phccxRestoreContext
+ WCHAR* wszBackupServer,
+ WCHAR* wszBackupAnnotation,
+ WCHAR* wszSrcInstanceName,
+ WCHAR* wszRestoreLogPath,
+ HCCX* phccxRestoreContext
typedef HRESULT (WINAPI *HrESERestoreReopen_t)
- WCHAR* wszBackupServer,
- WCHAR* wszBackupAnnotation,
- WCHAR* wszRestoreLogPath,
- HCCX* phccxRestoreContext
+ WCHAR* wszBackupServer,
+ WCHAR* wszBackupAnnotation,
+ WCHAR* wszRestoreLogPath,
+ HCCX* phccxRestoreContext
typedef HRESULT (WINAPI *HrESERestoreClose_t)
- HCCX phccxRestoreContext,
- uint32_t fRestoreAbort
+ HCCX phccxRestoreContext,
+ uint32_t fRestoreAbort
typedef HRESULT (WINAPI *HrESERestoreComplete_t)
- HCCX phccxRestoreContext,
- WCHAR* wszCheckpointFilePath,
- WCHAR* wszLogFilePath,
- WCHAR* wszTargetInstanceName,
- uint32_t fFlags
+ HCCX phccxRestoreContext,
+ WCHAR* wszCheckpointFilePath,
+ WCHAR* wszLogFilePath,
+ WCHAR* wszTargetInstanceName,
+ uint32_t fFlags
typedef HRESULT (WINAPI *HrESERestoreSaveEnvironment_t)
- HCCX phccxRestoreContext
+ HCCX phccxRestoreContext
typedef HRESULT (WINAPI *HrESERestoreGetEnvironment_t)
- HCCX phccxRestoreContext,
- RESTORE_ENVIRONMENT **ppRestoreEnvironment
+ HCCX phccxRestoreContext,
+ RESTORE_ENVIRONMENT **ppRestoreEnvironment
typedef HRESULT (WINAPI *HrESERestoreAddDatabase_t)
- HCCX phccxRestoreContext,
- WCHAR* wszDatabaseDisplayName,
- GUID guidDatabase,
- WCHAR* wszDatabaseStreamsS,
- WCHAR** wszDatabaseStreamsD
+ HCCX phccxRestoreContext,
+ WCHAR* wszDatabaseDisplayName,
+ GUID guidDatabase,
+ WCHAR* wszDatabaseStreamsS,
+ WCHAR** wszDatabaseStreamsD
typedef HRESULT (WINAPI *HrESERestoreOpenFile_t)
- HCCX phccxRestoreContext,
- WCHAR* wszFileName,
- uint32_t cSections,
- void* rghFile
+ HCCX phccxRestoreContext,
+ WCHAR* wszFileName,
+ uint32_t cSections,
+ void* rghFile
dbi_node_t::dbi_node_t(char *name, node_t *parent_node) : node_t(name, NODE_TYPE_DATABASE_INFO, parent_node)
- restore_display_name = NULL;
- restore_input_streams = NULL;
- buffer = NULL;
+ restore_display_name = NULL;
+ restore_input_streams = NULL;
+ buffer = NULL;
- if (buffer != NULL)
- delete buffer;
- if (restore_input_streams != NULL)
- delete restore_input_streams;
- if (restore_display_name != NULL)
- delete restore_display_name;
+ if (buffer != NULL)
+ delete buffer;
+ if (restore_input_streams != NULL)
+ delete restore_input_streams;
+ if (restore_display_name != NULL)
+ delete restore_display_name;
dbi_node_t::startBackupFile(exchange_fd_context_t *context, struct save_pkt *sp)
- time_t now = time(NULL);
- _DebugMessage(100, "startBackupNode_DBI state = %d\n", state);
- if (context->job_level == 'F') {
- sp->fname = full_path;
- sp->link = full_path;
- sp->statp.st_mode = 0700 | S_IFREG;
- sp->statp.st_ctime = now;
- sp->statp.st_mtime = now;
- sp->statp.st_atime = now;
- sp->statp.st_size = (uint64_t)-1;
- sp->type = FT_REG;
- return bRC_OK;
- }
- else
- {
- bfuncs->setBaculaValue(context->bpContext, bVarFileSeen, (void *)full_path);
- return bRC_Seen;
- }
+ time_t now = time(NULL);
+ _DebugMessage(100, "startBackupNode_DBI state = %d\n", state);
+ if (context->job_level == 'F') {
+ sp->fname = full_path;
+ sp->link = full_path;
+ sp->statp.st_mode = 0700 | S_IFREG;
+ sp->statp.st_ctime = now;
+ sp->statp.st_mtime = now;
+ sp->statp.st_atime = now;
+ sp->statp.st_size = (uint64_t)-1;
+ sp->type = FT_REG;
+ return bRC_OK;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ bfuncs->setBaculaValue(context->bpContext, bVarFileSeen, (void *)full_path);
+ return bRC_Seen;
+ }
dbi_node_t::endBackupFile(exchange_fd_context_t *context)
- _DebugMessage(100, "endBackupNode_DBI state = %d\n", state);
+ _DebugMessage(100, "endBackupNode_DBI state = %d\n", state);
- context->current_node = parent;
+ context->current_node = parent;
- return bRC_OK;
+ return bRC_OK;
dbi_node_t::createFile(exchange_fd_context_t *context, struct restore_pkt *rp)
- _DebugMessage(0, "createFile_DBI state = %d\n", state);
+ _DebugMessage(0, "createFile_DBI state = %d\n", state);
- rp->create_status = CF_EXTRACT;
+ rp->create_status = CF_EXTRACT;
- return bRC_OK;
+ return bRC_OK;
dbi_node_t::endRestoreFile(exchange_fd_context_t *context)
- _DebugMessage(0, "endRestoreFile_DBI state = %d\n", state);
+ _DebugMessage(0, "endRestoreFile_DBI state = %d\n", state);
- context->current_node = parent;
+ context->current_node = parent;
- return bRC_OK;
+ return bRC_OK;
dbi_node_t::pluginIoOpen(exchange_fd_context_t *context, struct io_pkt *io)
- uint32_t len;
- WCHAR *ptr;
- WCHAR *stream;
- //char tmp[512];
- buffer_pos = 0;
- buffer_size = 65536;
- buffer = new char[buffer_size];
- if (context->job_type == JOB_TYPE_BACKUP)
- {
- ptr = (WCHAR *)buffer;
- len = snwprintf(ptr, (buffer_size - buffer_pos) / 2, L"DatabaseBackupInfo\n");
- if (len < 0)
- goto fail;
- buffer_pos += len * 2;
- ptr += len;
- len = snwprintf(ptr, (buffer_size - buffer_pos) / 2, L"%d\n", EXCHANGE_PLUGIN_VERSION);
- if (len < 0)
- goto fail;
- buffer_pos += len * 2;
- ptr += len;
- len = snwprintf(ptr, (buffer_size - buffer_pos) / 2, L"%s\n", dbi->wszDatabaseDisplayName);
- if (len < 0)
- goto fail;
- buffer_pos += len * 2;
- ptr += len;
- len = snwprintf(ptr, (buffer_size - buffer_pos) / 2, L"%08x-%04x-%04x-%02x%02x-%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x\n",
- dbi->rguidDatabase.Data1, dbi->rguidDatabase.Data2, dbi->rguidDatabase.Data3,
- dbi->rguidDatabase.Data4[0], dbi->rguidDatabase.Data4[1],
- dbi->rguidDatabase.Data4[2], dbi->rguidDatabase.Data4[3],
- dbi->rguidDatabase.Data4[4], dbi->rguidDatabase.Data4[5],
- dbi->rguidDatabase.Data4[6], dbi->rguidDatabase.Data4[7]);
- if (len < 0)
- goto fail;
- buffer_pos += len * 2;
- ptr += len;
- stream = dbi->wszDatabaseStreams;
- while (*stream)
- {
- len = snwprintf(ptr, (buffer_size - buffer_pos) / 2, L"%s\n", stream);
- if (len < 0)
- goto fail;
- buffer_pos += len * 2;
- ptr += len;
- stream += wcslen(stream) + 1;
- }
- buffer_size = buffer_pos;
- buffer_pos = 0;
- }
- io->status = 0;
- io->io_errno = 0;
- return bRC_OK;
+ uint32_t len;
+ WCHAR *ptr;
+ WCHAR *stream;
+ //char tmp[512];
+ buffer_pos = 0;
+ buffer_size = 65536;
+ buffer = new char[buffer_size];
+ if (context->job_type == JOB_TYPE_BACKUP)
+ {
+ ptr = (WCHAR *)buffer;
+ len = snwprintf(ptr, (buffer_size - buffer_pos) / 2, L"DatabaseBackupInfo\n");
+ if (len < 0)
+ goto fail;
+ buffer_pos += len * 2;
+ ptr += len;
+ len = snwprintf(ptr, (buffer_size - buffer_pos) / 2, L"%d\n", EXCHANGE_PLUGIN_VERSION);
+ if (len < 0)
+ goto fail;
+ buffer_pos += len * 2;
+ ptr += len;
+ len = snwprintf(ptr, (buffer_size - buffer_pos) / 2, L"%s\n", dbi->wszDatabaseDisplayName);
+ if (len < 0)
+ goto fail;
+ buffer_pos += len * 2;
+ ptr += len;
+ len = snwprintf(ptr, (buffer_size - buffer_pos) / 2, L"%08x-%04x-%04x-%02x%02x-%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x\n",
+ dbi->rguidDatabase.Data1, dbi->rguidDatabase.Data2, dbi->rguidDatabase.Data3,
+ dbi->rguidDatabase.Data4[0], dbi->rguidDatabase.Data4[1],
+ dbi->rguidDatabase.Data4[2], dbi->rguidDatabase.Data4[3],
+ dbi->rguidDatabase.Data4[4], dbi->rguidDatabase.Data4[5],
+ dbi->rguidDatabase.Data4[6], dbi->rguidDatabase.Data4[7]);
+ if (len < 0)
+ goto fail;
+ buffer_pos += len * 2;
+ ptr += len;
+ stream = dbi->wszDatabaseStreams;
+ while (*stream)
+ {
+ len = snwprintf(ptr, (buffer_size - buffer_pos) / 2, L"%s\n", stream);
+ if (len < 0)
+ goto fail;
+ buffer_pos += len * 2;
+ ptr += len;
+ stream += wcslen(stream) + 1;
+ }
+ buffer_size = buffer_pos;
+ buffer_pos = 0;
+ }
+ io->status = 0;
+ io->io_errno = 0;
+ return bRC_OK;
- io->status = 0;
- io->io_errno = 1;
- return bRC_Error;
+ io->status = 0;
+ io->io_errno = 1;
+ return bRC_Error;
dbi_node_t::pluginIoRead(exchange_fd_context_t *context, struct io_pkt *io)
- io->status = 0;
- io->io_errno = 0;
+ io->status = 0;
+ io->io_errno = 0;
- io->status = MIN(io->count, (int)(buffer_size - buffer_pos));
- if (io->status == 0)
- return bRC_OK;
- memcpy(io->buf, buffer + buffer_pos, io->status);
- buffer_pos += io->status;
+ io->status = MIN(io->count, (int)(buffer_size - buffer_pos));
+ if (io->status == 0)
+ return bRC_OK;
+ memcpy(io->buf, buffer + buffer_pos, io->status);
+ buffer_pos += io->status;
- return bRC_OK;
+ return bRC_OK;
dbi_node_t::pluginIoWrite(exchange_fd_context_t *context, struct io_pkt *io)
- memcpy(&buffer[buffer_pos], io->buf, io->count);
- buffer_pos += io->count;
- io->status = io->count;
- io->io_errno = 0;
- return bRC_OK;
+ memcpy(&buffer[buffer_pos], io->buf, io->count);
+ buffer_pos += io->count;
+ io->status = io->count;
+ io->io_errno = 0;
+ return bRC_OK;
dbi_node_t::pluginIoClose(exchange_fd_context_t *context, struct io_pkt *io)
- WCHAR tmp[128];
- WCHAR *ptr;
- WCHAR eol;
- int wchars_read;
- int version;
- int stream_buf_count;
- WCHAR *streams_start;
- if (context->job_type == JOB_TYPE_RESTORE)
- {
- // need to think about making this buffer overflow proof...
- _DebugMessage(100, "analyzing DatabaseBackupInfo\n");
- ptr = (WCHAR *)buffer;
- if (swscanf(ptr, L"%127[^\n]%c%n", tmp, &eol, &wchars_read) != 2)
- goto restore_fail;
- ptr += wchars_read;
- _DebugMessage(150, "Header = %S\n", tmp);
- // verify that header == "DatabaseBackupInfo"
- if (swscanf(ptr, L"%127[^\n]%c%n", tmp, &eol, &wchars_read) != 2)
- goto restore_fail;
- if (swscanf(tmp, L"%d%c", &version, &eol) != 1)
- {
- version = 0;
- _DebugMessage(150, "Version = 0 (inferred)\n");
- }
- else
- {
- ptr += wchars_read;
- _DebugMessage(150, "Version = %d\n", version);
- if (swscanf(ptr, L"%127[^\n]%c%n", tmp, &eol, &wchars_read) != 2)
- goto restore_fail;
- }
- restore_display_name = new WCHAR[wchars_read];
- swscanf(ptr, L"%127[^\n]", restore_display_name);
- _DebugMessage(150, "Database Display Name = %S\n", restore_display_name);
- ptr += wchars_read;
- if (swscanf(ptr, L"%127[^\n]%c%n", tmp, &eol, &wchars_read) != 2)
- goto restore_fail;
- if (swscanf(ptr, L"%8x-%4x-%4x-%2x%2x-%2x%2x%2x%2x%2x%2x",
- &restore_guid.Data1, &restore_guid.Data2, &restore_guid.Data3,
- &restore_guid.Data4[0], &restore_guid.Data4[1],
- &restore_guid.Data4[2], &restore_guid.Data4[3],
- &restore_guid.Data4[4], &restore_guid.Data4[5],
- &restore_guid.Data4[6], &restore_guid.Data4[7]) != 11)
- {
- goto restore_fail;
- }
- _DebugMessage(150, "GUID = %08x-%04x-%04x-%02x%02x-%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x\n",
- restore_guid.Data1, restore_guid.Data2, restore_guid.Data3,
- restore_guid.Data4[0], restore_guid.Data4[1],
- restore_guid.Data4[2], restore_guid.Data4[3],
- restore_guid.Data4[4], restore_guid.Data4[5],
- restore_guid.Data4[6], restore_guid.Data4[7]);
- ptr += wchars_read;
- stream_buf_count = 1;
- streams_start = ptr;
- while (ptr < (WCHAR *)(buffer + buffer_pos) && swscanf(ptr, L"%127[^\n]%c%n", tmp, &eol, &wchars_read) == 2)
- {
- _DebugMessage(150, "File = %S\n", tmp);
- ptr += wchars_read;
- stream_buf_count += wchars_read;
- }
- restore_input_streams = new WCHAR[stream_buf_count];
- ptr = streams_start;
- stream_buf_count = 0;
- while (ptr < (WCHAR *)(buffer + buffer_pos) && swscanf(ptr, L"%127[^\n]%c%n", tmp, &eol, &wchars_read) == 2)
- {
- snwprintf(&restore_input_streams[stream_buf_count], 65535, L"%s", tmp);
- ptr += wchars_read;
- stream_buf_count += wchars_read;
- }
- restore_input_streams[stream_buf_count] = 0;
- _DebugMessage(100, "done analyzing DatabasePluginInfo\n");
- }
- delete buffer;
- buffer = NULL;
- return bRC_OK;
+ WCHAR tmp[128];
+ WCHAR *ptr;
+ WCHAR eol;
+ int wchars_read;
+ int version;
+ int stream_buf_count;
+ WCHAR *streams_start;
+ if (context->job_type == JOB_TYPE_RESTORE)
+ {
+ // need to think about making this buffer overflow proof...
+ _DebugMessage(100, "analyzing DatabaseBackupInfo\n");
+ ptr = (WCHAR *)buffer;
+ if (swscanf(ptr, L"%127[^\n]%c%n", tmp, &eol, &wchars_read) != 2)
+ goto restore_fail;
+ ptr += wchars_read;
+ _DebugMessage(150, "Header = %S\n", tmp);
+ // verify that header == "DatabaseBackupInfo"
+ if (swscanf(ptr, L"%127[^\n]%c%n", tmp, &eol, &wchars_read) != 2)
+ goto restore_fail;
+ if (swscanf(tmp, L"%d%c", &version, &eol) != 1)
+ {
+ version = 0;
+ _DebugMessage(150, "Version = 0 (inferred)\n");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ptr += wchars_read;
+ _DebugMessage(150, "Version = %d\n", version);
+ if (swscanf(ptr, L"%127[^\n]%c%n", tmp, &eol, &wchars_read) != 2)
+ goto restore_fail;
+ }
+ restore_display_name = new WCHAR[wchars_read];
+ swscanf(ptr, L"%127[^\n]", restore_display_name);
+ _DebugMessage(150, "Database Display Name = %S\n", restore_display_name);
+ ptr += wchars_read;
+ if (swscanf(ptr, L"%127[^\n]%c%n", tmp, &eol, &wchars_read) != 2)
+ goto restore_fail;
+ if (swscanf(ptr, L"%8x-%4x-%4x-%2x%2x-%2x%2x%2x%2x%2x%2x",
+ &restore_guid.Data1, &restore_guid.Data2, &restore_guid.Data3,
+ &restore_guid.Data4[0], &restore_guid.Data4[1],
+ &restore_guid.Data4[2], &restore_guid.Data4[3],
+ &restore_guid.Data4[4], &restore_guid.Data4[5],
+ &restore_guid.Data4[6], &restore_guid.Data4[7]) != 11)
+ {
+ goto restore_fail;
+ }
+ _DebugMessage(150, "GUID = %08x-%04x-%04x-%02x%02x-%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x\n",
+ restore_guid.Data1, restore_guid.Data2, restore_guid.Data3,
+ restore_guid.Data4[0], restore_guid.Data4[1],
+ restore_guid.Data4[2], restore_guid.Data4[3],
+ restore_guid.Data4[4], restore_guid.Data4[5],
+ restore_guid.Data4[6], restore_guid.Data4[7]);
+ ptr += wchars_read;
+ stream_buf_count = 1;
+ streams_start = ptr;
+ while (ptr < (WCHAR *)(buffer + buffer_pos) && swscanf(ptr, L"%127[^\n]%c%n", tmp, &eol, &wchars_read) == 2)
+ {
+ _DebugMessage(150, "File = %S\n", tmp);
+ ptr += wchars_read;
+ stream_buf_count += wchars_read;
+ }
+ restore_input_streams = new WCHAR[stream_buf_count];
+ ptr = streams_start;
+ stream_buf_count = 0;
+ while (ptr < (WCHAR *)(buffer + buffer_pos) && swscanf(ptr, L"%127[^\n]%c%n", tmp, &eol, &wchars_read) == 2)
+ {
+ snwprintf(&restore_input_streams[stream_buf_count], 65535, L"%s", tmp);
+ ptr += wchars_read;
+ stream_buf_count += wchars_read;
+ }
+ restore_input_streams[stream_buf_count] = 0;
+ _DebugMessage(100, "done analyzing DatabasePluginInfo\n");
+ }
+ delete buffer;
+ buffer = NULL;
+ return bRC_OK;
- _JobMessage(M_ERROR, "Format of %s is incorrect", full_path);
- delete buffer;
- buffer = NULL;
- return bRC_Error;
+ _JobMessage(M_ERROR, "Format of %s is incorrect", full_path);
+ delete buffer;
+ buffer = NULL;
+ return bRC_Error;
#define PLUGIN_LICENSE "Bacula GPLv2"
#define PLUGIN_AUTHOR "James Harper"
-#define PLUGIN_DATE "September 2008"
+#define PLUGIN_DATE "September 2008"
#define PLUGIN_VERSION "1"
#define PLUGIN_DESCRIPTION "Exchange Plugin"
/* Entry points into plugin */
- newPlugin, /* new plugin instance */
- freePlugin, /* free plugin instance */
+ newPlugin, /* new plugin instance */
+ freePlugin, /* free plugin instance */
loadPlugin(bInfo *lbinfo, bFuncs *lbfuncs, pInfo **pinfo, pFuncs **pfuncs)
- bRC retval;
- bfuncs = lbfuncs; /* set Bacula funct pointers */
- binfo = lbinfo;
- *pinfo = &pluginInfo;
- *pfuncs = &pluginFuncs;
- retval = loadExchangeApi();
- if (retval != bRC_OK)
- {
- printf("Cannot load Exchange DLL\n");
- return retval;
- }
- return retval;
+ bRC retval;
+ bfuncs = lbfuncs; /* set Bacula funct pointers */
+ binfo = lbinfo;
+ *pinfo = &pluginInfo;
+ *pfuncs = &pluginFuncs;
+ retval = loadExchangeApi();
+ if (retval != bRC_OK)
+ {
+ printf("Cannot load Exchange DLL\n");
+ return retval;
+ }
+ return retval;
- return bRC_OK;
+ return bRC_OK;
void *
b_malloc(const char *file, int lone, size_t size)
- return NULL;
+ return NULL;
void *
sm_malloc(const char *file, int lone, size_t size)
- return NULL;
+ return NULL;
static bRC newPlugin(bpContext *ctx)
- exchange_fd_context_t *context;
- bRC retval = bRC_OK;
- DWORD size;
- int JobId = 0;
- ctx->pContext = new exchange_fd_context_t;
- context = (exchange_fd_context_t *)ctx->pContext;
- context->bpContext = ctx;
- context->job_since = 0;
- context->notrunconfull_option = false;
- bfuncs->getBaculaValue(ctx, bVarJobId, (void *)&JobId);
- _DebugMessage(0, "newPlugin JobId=%d\n", JobId);
- bfuncs->registerBaculaEvents(ctx, 1, 2, 0);
- context->computer_name = new WCHAR[size];
- GetComputerNameW(context->computer_name, &size);
- context->current_node = NULL;
- context->root_node = NULL;
- return retval;
+ exchange_fd_context_t *context;
+ bRC retval = bRC_OK;
+ DWORD size;
+ int JobId = 0;
+ ctx->pContext = new exchange_fd_context_t;
+ context = (exchange_fd_context_t *)ctx->pContext;
+ context->bpContext = ctx;
+ context->job_since = 0;
+ context->notrunconfull_option = false;
+ bfuncs->getBaculaValue(ctx, bVarJobId, (void *)&JobId);
+ _DebugMessage(0, "newPlugin JobId=%d\n", JobId);
+ bfuncs->registerBaculaEvents(ctx, 1, 2, 0);
+ context->computer_name = new WCHAR[size];
+ GetComputerNameW(context->computer_name, &size);
+ context->current_node = NULL;
+ context->root_node = NULL;
+ return retval;
static bRC freePlugin(bpContext *ctx)
- exchange_fd_context_t *context = (exchange_fd_context_t *)ctx->pContext;
- int JobId = 0;
- bfuncs->getBaculaValue(ctx, bVarJobId, (void *)&JobId);
- _DebugMessage(100, "freePlugin JobId=%d\n", JobId);
- delete context;
- return bRC_OK;
+ exchange_fd_context_t *context = (exchange_fd_context_t *)ctx->pContext;
+ int JobId = 0;
+ bfuncs->getBaculaValue(ctx, bVarJobId, (void *)&JobId);
+ _DebugMessage(100, "freePlugin JobId=%d\n", JobId);
+ delete context;
+ return bRC_OK;
static bRC getPluginValue(bpContext *ctx, pVariable var, void *value)
- exchange_fd_context_t *context = (exchange_fd_context_t *)ctx->pContext;
- _DebugMessage(100, "getPluginValue var=%d\n", var);
- return bRC_OK;
+ exchange_fd_context_t *context = (exchange_fd_context_t *)ctx->pContext;
+ _DebugMessage(100, "getPluginValue var=%d\n", var);
+ return bRC_OK;
static bRC setPluginValue(bpContext *ctx, pVariable var, void *value)
- exchange_fd_context_t *context = (exchange_fd_context_t *)ctx->pContext;
- _DebugMessage(100, "setPluginValue var=%d\n", var);
- return bRC_OK;
+ exchange_fd_context_t *context = (exchange_fd_context_t *)ctx->pContext;
+ _DebugMessage(100, "setPluginValue var=%d\n", var);
+ return bRC_OK;
static bRC handlePluginEvent(bpContext *ctx, bEvent *event, void *value)
- exchange_fd_context_t *context = (exchange_fd_context_t *)ctx->pContext;
- char *name;
- int i, intval;
- int accurate;
- switch (event->eventType) {
- case bEventJobStart:
- _DebugMessage(0, "JobStart=%s\n", (char *)value);
- break;
- case bEventJobEnd:
- _DebugMessage(0, "JobEnd\n");
- break;
- case bEventStartBackupJob:
- _DebugMessage(0, "BackupStart\n");
- bfuncs->getBaculaValue(ctx, bVarAccurate, (void *)&accurate);
- context->accurate = accurate;
- context->job_type = JOB_TYPE_BACKUP;
- // level should have been specified by now - check it
- // if level is D or I, since should have been specified too
- switch (context->job_level)
- {
- case 'F':
- if (context->notrunconfull_option) {
- context->truncate_logs = false;
- } else {
- context->truncate_logs = true;
- }
- break;
- case 'D':
- context->truncate_logs = false;
- break;
- case 'I':
- context->truncate_logs = false;
- break;
- default:
- _DebugMessage(0, "Invalid job level %c\n", context->job_level);
- return bRC_Error;
- }
- break;
- case bEventEndBackupJob:
- _DebugMessage(0, "BackupEnd\n");
- break;
- case bEventLevel:
- intval = (intptr_t)value;
- _DebugMessage(0, "JobLevel=%c %d\n", intval, intval);
- context->job_level = intval;
- break;
- case bEventSince:
- intval = (intptr_t)value;
- _DebugMessage(0, "since=%d\n", intval);
- context->job_since = (time_t)value;
- break;
- case bEventStartRestoreJob:
- _DebugMessage(0, "StartRestoreJob\n");
- context->job_type = JOB_TYPE_RESTORE;
- break;
- case bEventEndRestoreJob:
- _DebugMessage(0, "EndRestoreJob\n");
- break;
- /* Plugin command e.g. plugin = <plugin-name>:<name-space>:command */
- case bEventRestoreCommand:
- _DebugMessage(0, "restore\n"); // command=%s\n", (char *)value);
- break;
- case bEventBackupCommand:
- {
- _DebugMessage(0, "backup command=%s\n", (char *)value);
- char *command = new char[strlen((char *)value)];
- strcpy(command, (char *)value);
- char *plugin_name = strtok((char *)command, ":");
- char *path = strtok(NULL, ":");
- char *option;
- while ((option = strtok(NULL, ":")) != NULL)
- {
- _DebugMessage(100, "option %s\n", option);
- if (stricmp(option, "notrunconfull") == 0)
- {
- context->notrunconfull_option = true;
- }
- else
- {
- _JobMessage(M_WARNING, "Unknown plugin option '%s'\n", option);
- }
- }
- _DebugMessage(0, "name = %s\n", plugin_name);
- _DebugMessage(0, "path = %s\n", path);
- if (*path != '/')
- {
- _JobMessage(M_ERROR, "Path does not begin with a '/'\n");
- return bRC_Error;
- }
- for (i = 0; i < 6; i++)
- context->path_bits[i] = NULL;
- char *path_bit = strtok(path, "/");
- for (i = 0; path_bit != NULL && i < 6; i++)
- {
- context->path_bits[i] = new char[strlen(path_bit) + 1];
- strcpy(context->path_bits[i], path_bit);
- path_bit = strtok(NULL, "/");
- }
- if (i < 2 || i > 4)
- {
- _JobMessage(M_ERROR, "Invalid plugin backup path\n");
- return bRC_Error;
- }
- context->root_node = new root_node_t(context->path_bits[0]);
- context->current_node = context->root_node;
- }
- break;
+ exchange_fd_context_t *context = (exchange_fd_context_t *)ctx->pContext;
+ char *name;
+ int i, intval;
+ int accurate;
+ switch (event->eventType) {
+ case bEventJobStart:
+ _DebugMessage(0, "JobStart=%s\n", (char *)value);
+ break;
+ case bEventJobEnd:
+ _DebugMessage(0, "JobEnd\n");
+ break;
+ case bEventStartBackupJob:
+ _DebugMessage(0, "BackupStart\n");
+ bfuncs->getBaculaValue(ctx, bVarAccurate, (void *)&accurate);
+ context->accurate = accurate;
+ context->job_type = JOB_TYPE_BACKUP;
+ // level should have been specified by now - check it
+ // if level is D or I, since should have been specified too
+ switch (context->job_level)
+ {
+ case 'F':
+ if (context->notrunconfull_option) {
+ context->truncate_logs = false;
+ } else {
+ context->truncate_logs = true;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'D':
+ context->truncate_logs = false;
+ break;
+ case 'I':
+ context->truncate_logs = false;
+ break;
+ default:
+ _DebugMessage(0, "Invalid job level %c\n", context->job_level);
+ return bRC_Error;
+ }
+ break;
+ case bEventEndBackupJob:
+ _DebugMessage(0, "BackupEnd\n");
+ break;
+ case bEventLevel:
+ intval = (intptr_t)value;
+ _DebugMessage(0, "JobLevel=%c %d\n", intval, intval);
+ context->job_level = intval;
+ break;
+ case bEventSince:
+ intval = (intptr_t)value;
+ _DebugMessage(0, "since=%d\n", intval);
+ context->job_since = (time_t)value;
+ break;
+ case bEventStartRestoreJob:
+ _DebugMessage(0, "StartRestoreJob\n");
+ context->job_type = JOB_TYPE_RESTORE;
+ break;
+ case bEventEndRestoreJob:
+ _DebugMessage(0, "EndRestoreJob\n");
+ break;
+ /* Plugin command e.g. plugin = <plugin-name>:<name-space>:command */
+ case bEventRestoreCommand:
+ _DebugMessage(0, "restore\n"); // command=%s\n", (char *)value);
+ break;
+ case bEventBackupCommand:
+ {
+ _DebugMessage(0, "backup command=%s\n", (char *)value);
+ char *command = new char[strlen((char *)value)];
+ strcpy(command, (char *)value);
+ char *plugin_name = strtok((char *)command, ":");
+ char *path = strtok(NULL, ":");
+ char *option;
+ while ((option = strtok(NULL, ":")) != NULL)
+ {
+ _DebugMessage(100, "option %s\n", option);
+ if (stricmp(option, "notrunconfull") == 0)
+ {
+ context->notrunconfull_option = true;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ _JobMessage(M_WARNING, "Unknown plugin option '%s'\n", option);
+ }
+ }
+ _DebugMessage(0, "name = %s\n", plugin_name);
+ _DebugMessage(0, "path = %s\n", path);
+ if (*path != '/')
+ {
+ _JobMessage(M_ERROR, "Path does not begin with a '/'\n");
+ return bRC_Error;
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < 6; i++)
+ context->path_bits[i] = NULL;
+ char *path_bit = strtok(path, "/");
+ for (i = 0; path_bit != NULL && i < 6; i++)
+ {
+ context->path_bits[i] = new char[strlen(path_bit) + 1];
+ strcpy(context->path_bits[i], path_bit);
+ path_bit = strtok(NULL, "/");
+ }
+ if (i < 2 || i > 4)
+ {
+ _JobMessage(M_ERROR, "Invalid plugin backup path\n");
+ return bRC_Error;
+ }
+ context->root_node = new root_node_t(context->path_bits[0]);
+ context->current_node = context->root_node;
+ }
+ break;
- _JobMessage(M_ERROR, "unknown event=%d\n", event->eventType);
+ _JobMessage(M_ERROR, "unknown event=%d\n", event->eventType);
bfuncs->getBaculaValue(ctx, bVarFDName, (void *)&name);
return bRC_OK;
static bRC
startBackupFile(bpContext *ctx, struct save_pkt *sp)
- bRC retval;
- exchange_fd_context_t *context = (exchange_fd_context_t *)ctx->pContext;
- node_t *current_node;
- _DebugMessage(100, "startBackupFile, cmd = %s\n", sp->cmd);
- if (sp->pkt_size != sizeof(struct save_pkt) || sp->pkt_end != sizeof(struct save_pkt))
- {
- _JobMessage(M_FATAL, "save_pkt size mismatch - sizeof(struct save_pkt) = %d, pkt_size = %d, pkt_end = %d\n", sizeof(struct save_pkt), sp->pkt_size, sp->pkt_end);
- return bRC_Error;
- }
- //context->root_node = new root_node_t(PLUGIN_PATH_PREFIX_BASE);
- //context->current_node = context->root_node;
- do {
- current_node = context->current_node;
- retval = current_node->startBackupFile(context, sp);
- if (retval == bRC_Seen)
- endBackupFile(ctx);
- } while (current_node != context->current_node);
- _DebugMessage(100, "startBackupFile done - type = %d, fname = %s, retval = %d\n", sp->type, sp->fname, retval);
- return retval;
+ bRC retval;
+ exchange_fd_context_t *context = (exchange_fd_context_t *)ctx->pContext;
+ node_t *current_node;
+ _DebugMessage(100, "startBackupFile, cmd = %s\n", sp->cmd);
+ if (sp->pkt_size != sizeof(struct save_pkt) || sp->pkt_end != sizeof(struct save_pkt))
+ {
+ _JobMessage(M_FATAL, "save_pkt size mismatch - sizeof(struct save_pkt) = %d, pkt_size = %d, pkt_end = %d\n", sizeof(struct save_pkt), sp->pkt_size, sp->pkt_end);
+ return bRC_Error;
+ }
+ //context->root_node = new root_node_t(PLUGIN_PATH_PREFIX_BASE);
+ //context->current_node = context->root_node;
+ do {
+ current_node = context->current_node;
+ retval = current_node->startBackupFile(context, sp);
+ if (retval == bRC_Seen)
+ endBackupFile(ctx);
+ } while (current_node != context->current_node);
+ _DebugMessage(100, "startBackupFile done - type = %d, fname = %s, retval = %d\n", sp->type, sp->fname, retval);
+ return retval;
static bRC endBackupFile(bpContext *ctx)
- bRC retval;
- exchange_fd_context_t *context = (exchange_fd_context_t *)ctx->pContext;
- node_t *current_node;
- _DebugMessage(100, "endBackupFile\n");
- do {
- current_node = context->current_node;
- retval = current_node->endBackupFile(context);
- } while (current_node != context->current_node);
- _DebugMessage(100, "endBackupFile done - retval = %d\n", retval);
- return retval;
+ bRC retval;
+ exchange_fd_context_t *context = (exchange_fd_context_t *)ctx->pContext;
+ node_t *current_node;
+ _DebugMessage(100, "endBackupFile\n");
+ do {
+ current_node = context->current_node;
+ retval = current_node->endBackupFile(context);
+ } while (current_node != context->current_node);
+ _DebugMessage(100, "endBackupFile done - retval = %d\n", retval);
+ return retval;
static bRC pluginIO(bpContext *ctx, struct io_pkt *io)
- bRC retval = bRC_OK;
- exchange_fd_context_t *context = (exchange_fd_context_t *)ctx->pContext;
- if (io->pkt_size != sizeof(struct io_pkt) || io->pkt_end != sizeof(struct io_pkt))
- {
- _JobMessage(M_ERROR, "io_pkt size mismatch - sizeof(struct io_pkt) = %d, pkt_size = %d, pkt_end = %d\n", sizeof(struct io_pkt), io->pkt_size, io->pkt_end);
- }
- switch(io->func) {
- case IO_OPEN:
- _DebugMessage(100, "IO_OPEN\n");
- retval = context->current_node->pluginIoOpen(context, io);
- break;
- case IO_READ:
- //_DebugMessage(100, "IO_READ buf=%p len=%d\n", io->buf, io->count);
- retval = context->current_node->pluginIoRead(context, io);
- break;
- case IO_WRITE:
- //_DebugMessage(100, "IO_WRITE buf=%p len=%d\n", io->buf, io->count);
- retval = context->current_node->pluginIoWrite(context, io);
- break;
- case IO_CLOSE:
- _DebugMessage(100, "IO_CLOSE\n");
- retval = context->current_node->pluginIoClose(context, io);
- break;
- }
- return retval;
+ bRC retval = bRC_OK;
+ exchange_fd_context_t *context = (exchange_fd_context_t *)ctx->pContext;
+ if (io->pkt_size != sizeof(struct io_pkt) || io->pkt_end != sizeof(struct io_pkt))
+ {
+ _JobMessage(M_ERROR, "io_pkt size mismatch - sizeof(struct io_pkt) = %d, pkt_size = %d, pkt_end = %d\n", sizeof(struct io_pkt), io->pkt_size, io->pkt_end);
+ }
+ switch(io->func) {
+ case IO_OPEN:
+ _DebugMessage(100, "IO_OPEN\n");
+ retval = context->current_node->pluginIoOpen(context, io);
+ break;
+ case IO_READ:
+ //_DebugMessage(100, "IO_READ buf=%p len=%d\n", io->buf, io->count);
+ retval = context->current_node->pluginIoRead(context, io);
+ break;
+ case IO_WRITE:
+ //_DebugMessage(100, "IO_WRITE buf=%p len=%d\n", io->buf, io->count);
+ retval = context->current_node->pluginIoWrite(context, io);
+ break;
+ case IO_CLOSE:
+ _DebugMessage(100, "IO_CLOSE\n");
+ retval = context->current_node->pluginIoClose(context, io);
+ break;
+ }
+ return retval;
static bRC startRestoreFile(bpContext *ctx, const char *cmd)
- exchange_fd_context_t *context = (exchange_fd_context_t *)ctx->pContext;
- _DebugMessage(100, "startRestoreFile\n");
+ exchange_fd_context_t *context = (exchange_fd_context_t *)ctx->pContext;
+ _DebugMessage(100, "startRestoreFile\n");
- return bRC_OK;
+ return bRC_OK;
static bRC endRestoreFile(bpContext *ctx)
- bRC retval;
- exchange_fd_context_t *context = (exchange_fd_context_t *)ctx->pContext;
- node_t *current_node;
- _DebugMessage(100, "endRestoreFile\n");
- do {
- current_node = context->current_node;
- retval = current_node->endRestoreFile(context);
- } while (current_node != context->current_node);
- _DebugMessage(100, "endRestoreFile done - retval = %d\n", retval);
- return retval;
+ bRC retval;
+ exchange_fd_context_t *context = (exchange_fd_context_t *)ctx->pContext;
+ node_t *current_node;
+ _DebugMessage(100, "endRestoreFile\n");
+ do {
+ current_node = context->current_node;
+ retval = current_node->endRestoreFile(context);
+ } while (current_node != context->current_node);
+ _DebugMessage(100, "endRestoreFile done - retval = %d\n", retval);
+ return retval;
static bRC createFile(bpContext *ctx, struct restore_pkt *rp)
- bRC retval;
- exchange_fd_context_t *context = (exchange_fd_context_t *)ctx->pContext;
- node_t *current_node;
- char **path_bits;
- int count;
- int i;
- _DebugMessage(100, "createFile - type = %d, ofname = %s\n", rp->type, rp->ofname);
- if (rp->pkt_size != sizeof(struct restore_pkt) || rp->pkt_end != sizeof(struct restore_pkt))
- {
- _JobMessage(M_ERROR, "restore_pkt size mismatch - sizeof(struct restore_pkt) = %d, pkt_size = %d, pkt_end = %d\n", sizeof(struct restore_pkt), rp->pkt_size, rp->pkt_end);
- }
- for (i = 0; i < 6; i++)
- {
- context->path_bits[i] = NULL;
- }
- path_bits = splitString((char *)rp->ofname, '/', 7, &count);
- _DebugMessage(100, "count = %d\n", count);
- for (i = 1; i < count; i++)
- {
- _DebugMessage(150, "%d = '%s'\n", i, path_bits[i]);
- context->path_bits[i - 1] = path_bits[i];
- }
- if (context->current_node == NULL)
- {
- context->root_node = new root_node_t(context->path_bits[0]);
- context->current_node = context->root_node;
- }
- do {
- current_node = context->current_node;
- retval = current_node->createFile(context, rp);
- } while (current_node != context->current_node);
- _DebugMessage(100, "createFile done - retval = %d\n", retval);
- return retval;
+ bRC retval;
+ exchange_fd_context_t *context = (exchange_fd_context_t *)ctx->pContext;
+ node_t *current_node;
+ char **path_bits;
+ int count;
+ int i;
+ _DebugMessage(100, "createFile - type = %d, ofname = %s\n", rp->type, rp->ofname);
+ if (rp->pkt_size != sizeof(struct restore_pkt) || rp->pkt_end != sizeof(struct restore_pkt))
+ {
+ _JobMessage(M_ERROR, "restore_pkt size mismatch - sizeof(struct restore_pkt) = %d, pkt_size = %d, pkt_end = %d\n", sizeof(struct restore_pkt), rp->pkt_size, rp->pkt_end);
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < 6; i++)
+ {
+ context->path_bits[i] = NULL;
+ }
+ path_bits = splitString((char *)rp->ofname, '/', 7, &count);
+ _DebugMessage(100, "count = %d\n", count);
+ for (i = 1; i < count; i++)
+ {
+ _DebugMessage(150, "%d = '%s'\n", i, path_bits[i]);
+ context->path_bits[i - 1] = path_bits[i];
+ }
+ if (context->current_node == NULL)
+ {
+ context->root_node = new root_node_t(context->path_bits[0]);
+ context->current_node = context->root_node;
+ }
+ do {
+ current_node = context->current_node;
+ retval = current_node->createFile(context, rp);
+ } while (current_node != context->current_node);
+ _DebugMessage(100, "createFile done - retval = %d\n", retval);
+ return retval;
static bRC setFileAttributes(bpContext *ctx, struct restore_pkt *rp)
- exchange_fd_context_t *context = (exchange_fd_context_t *)ctx->pContext;
- _DebugMessage(100, "setFileAttributes\n");
- return bRC_OK;
+ exchange_fd_context_t *context = (exchange_fd_context_t *)ctx->pContext;
+ _DebugMessage(100, "setFileAttributes\n");
+ return bRC_OK;
#include "node.h"
struct exchange_fd_context_t {
- struct bpContext *bpContext;
- WCHAR *computer_name;
- char *path_bits[6];
- root_node_t *root_node;
- node_t *current_node;
- int job_type;
- int job_level;
- time_t job_since;
- bool notrunconfull_option;
- bool truncate_logs;
- bool accurate;
+ struct bpContext *bpContext;
+ WCHAR *computer_name;
+ char *path_bits[6];
+ root_node_t *root_node;
+ node_t *current_node;
+ int job_type;
+ int job_level;
+ time_t job_since;
+ bool notrunconfull_option;
+ bool truncate_logs;
+ bool accurate;
static inline char *tocharstring(WCHAR *src)
- char *tmp = new char[wcslen(src) + 1];
- wcstombs(tmp, src, wcslen(src) + 1);
- return tmp;
+ char *tmp = new char[wcslen(src) + 1];
+ wcstombs(tmp, src, wcslen(src) + 1);
+ return tmp;
static inline WCHAR *towcharstring(char *src)
- WCHAR *tmp = new WCHAR[strlen(src) + 1];
- mbstowcs(tmp, src, strlen(src) + 1);
- return tmp;
+ WCHAR *tmp = new WCHAR[strlen(src) + 1];
+ mbstowcs(tmp, src, strlen(src) + 1);
+ return tmp;
file_node_t::file_node_t(char *name, node_t *parent_node) : node_t(name, NODE_TYPE_FILE, parent_node)
- backup_file_handle = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;
- restore_file_handle = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;
- restore_at_file_level = FALSE;
+ backup_file_handle = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;
+ restore_file_handle = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;
+ restore_at_file_level = FALSE;
- if (backup_file_handle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
- {
- //_DebugMessage(100, "closing file handle in destructor\n");
- CloseHandle(backup_file_handle);
- }
- if (restore_file_handle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
- {
- //_DebugMessage(100, "closing file handle in destructor\n");
- if (restore_at_file_level)
- {
- CloseHandle(restore_file_handle);
- }
- else
- {
- // maybe one day
- }
- }
+ if (backup_file_handle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
+ {
+ //_DebugMessage(100, "closing file handle in destructor\n");
+ CloseHandle(backup_file_handle);
+ }
+ if (restore_file_handle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
+ {
+ //_DebugMessage(100, "closing file handle in destructor\n");
+ if (restore_at_file_level)
+ {
+ CloseHandle(restore_file_handle);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // maybe one day
+ }
+ }
file_node_t::startBackupFile(exchange_fd_context_t *context, struct save_pkt *sp)
- time_t now = time(NULL);
- _DebugMessage(100, "startBackupNode_FILE state = %d\n", state);
- if (context->job_level == 'F' || parent->type == NODE_TYPE_STORAGE_GROUP) {
- sp->fname = full_path;
- sp->link = full_path;
- _DebugMessage(100, "fname = %s\n", sp->fname);
- sp->statp.st_mode = 0700 | S_IFREG;
- sp->statp.st_ctime = now;
- sp->statp.st_mtime = now;
- sp->statp.st_atime = now;
- sp->statp.st_size = (uint64_t)-1;
- sp->type = FT_REG;
- return bRC_OK;
- } else {
- bfuncs->setBaculaValue(context->bpContext, bVarFileSeen, (void *)full_path);
- return bRC_Seen;
- }
+ time_t now = time(NULL);
+ _DebugMessage(100, "startBackupNode_FILE state = %d\n", state);
+ if (context->job_level == 'F' || parent->type == NODE_TYPE_STORAGE_GROUP) {
+ sp->fname = full_path;
+ sp->link = full_path;
+ _DebugMessage(100, "fname = %s\n", sp->fname);
+ sp->statp.st_mode = 0700 | S_IFREG;
+ sp->statp.st_ctime = now;
+ sp->statp.st_mtime = now;
+ sp->statp.st_atime = now;
+ sp->statp.st_size = (uint64_t)-1;
+ sp->type = FT_REG;
+ return bRC_OK;
+ } else {
+ bfuncs->setBaculaValue(context->bpContext, bVarFileSeen, (void *)full_path);
+ return bRC_Seen;
+ }
file_node_t::endBackupFile(exchange_fd_context_t *context)
- _DebugMessage(100, "endBackupNode_FILE state = %d\n", state);
+ _DebugMessage(100, "endBackupNode_FILE state = %d\n", state);
- context->current_node = parent;
+ context->current_node = parent;
- return bRC_OK;
+ return bRC_OK;
file_node_t::createFile(exchange_fd_context_t *context, struct restore_pkt *rp)
- //HrESERestoreOpenFile with name of log file
+ //HrESERestoreOpenFile with name of log file
- _DebugMessage(0, "createFile_FILE state = %d\n", state);
- rp->create_status = CF_EXTRACT;
- return bRC_OK;
+ _DebugMessage(0, "createFile_FILE state = %d\n", state);
+ rp->create_status = CF_EXTRACT;
+ return bRC_OK;
file_node_t::endRestoreFile(exchange_fd_context_t *context)
- _DebugMessage(0, "endRestoreFile_FILE state = %d\n", state);
- context->current_node = parent;
- return bRC_OK;
+ _DebugMessage(0, "endRestoreFile_FILE state = %d\n", state);
+ context->current_node = parent;
+ return bRC_OK;
file_node_t::pluginIoOpen(exchange_fd_context_t *context, struct io_pkt *io)
- HRESULT result;
- HANDLE handle;
- char *tmp = new char[wcslen(filename) + 1];
- wcstombs(tmp, filename, wcslen(filename) + 1);
- _DebugMessage(0, "pluginIoOpen_FILE - filename = %s\n", tmp);
- io->status = 0;
- io->io_errno = 0;
- if (context->job_type == JOB_TYPE_BACKUP)
- {
- _DebugMessage(10, "Calling HrESEBackupOpenFile\n");
- result = HrESEBackupOpenFile(hccx, filename, 65535, 1, &backup_file_handle, §ion_size);
- if (result)
- {
- _JobMessage(M_ERROR, "HrESEBackupOpenFile failed with error 0x%08x - %s\n", result, ESEErrorMessage(result));
- backup_file_handle = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;
- io->io_errno = 1;
- return bRC_Error;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- _DebugMessage(10, "Calling HrESERestoreOpenFile for '%s'\n", tmp);
- result = HrESERestoreOpenFile(hccx, filename, 1, &restore_file_handle);
- if (result == hrRestoreAtFileLevel)
- {
- restore_at_file_level = true;
- _DebugMessage(100, "Calling CreateFileW for '%s'\n", tmp);
- if (handle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
- {
- _JobMessage(M_ERROR, "CreateFile failed");
- return bRC_Error;
- }
- restore_file_handle = (void *)handle;
- return bRC_OK;
- }
- else if (result == 0)
- {
- _JobMessage(M_ERROR, "Exchange File IO API not yet supported for restore\n");
- restore_at_file_level = false;
- return bRC_Error;
- }
- else
- {
- _JobMessage(M_ERROR, "HrESERestoreOpenFile failed with error 0x%08x - %s\n", result, ESEErrorMessage(result));
- return bRC_Error;
- }
- }
- return bRC_OK;
+ HRESULT result;
+ HANDLE handle;
+ char *tmp = new char[wcslen(filename) + 1];
+ wcstombs(tmp, filename, wcslen(filename) + 1);
+ _DebugMessage(0, "pluginIoOpen_FILE - filename = %s\n", tmp);
+ io->status = 0;
+ io->io_errno = 0;
+ if (context->job_type == JOB_TYPE_BACKUP)
+ {
+ _DebugMessage(10, "Calling HrESEBackupOpenFile\n");
+ result = HrESEBackupOpenFile(hccx, filename, 65535, 1, &backup_file_handle, §ion_size);
+ if (result)
+ {
+ _JobMessage(M_ERROR, "HrESEBackupOpenFile failed with error 0x%08x - %s\n", result, ESEErrorMessage(result));
+ backup_file_handle = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;
+ io->io_errno = 1;
+ return bRC_Error;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ _DebugMessage(10, "Calling HrESERestoreOpenFile for '%s'\n", tmp);
+ result = HrESERestoreOpenFile(hccx, filename, 1, &restore_file_handle);
+ if (result == hrRestoreAtFileLevel)
+ {
+ restore_at_file_level = true;
+ _DebugMessage(100, "Calling CreateFileW for '%s'\n", tmp);
+ if (handle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
+ {
+ _JobMessage(M_ERROR, "CreateFile failed");
+ return bRC_Error;
+ }
+ restore_file_handle = (void *)handle;
+ return bRC_OK;
+ }
+ else if (result == 0)
+ {
+ _JobMessage(M_ERROR, "Exchange File IO API not yet supported for restore\n");
+ restore_at_file_level = false;
+ return bRC_Error;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ _JobMessage(M_ERROR, "HrESERestoreOpenFile failed with error 0x%08x - %s\n", result, ESEErrorMessage(result));
+ return bRC_Error;
+ }
+ }
+ return bRC_OK;
file_node_t::pluginIoRead(exchange_fd_context_t *context, struct io_pkt *io)
- HRESULT result;
- uint32_t readLength;
- io->status = 0;
- io->io_errno = 0;
- _DebugMessage(200, "Calling HrESEBackupReadFile\n");
- result = HrESEBackupReadFile(hccx, backup_file_handle, io->buf, io->count, &readLength);
- if (result)
- {
- io->io_errno = 1;
- return bRC_Error;
- }
- io->status = readLength;
- size += readLength;
- return bRC_OK;
+ HRESULT result;
+ uint32_t readLength;
+ io->status = 0;
+ io->io_errno = 0;
+ _DebugMessage(200, "Calling HrESEBackupReadFile\n");
+ result = HrESEBackupReadFile(hccx, backup_file_handle, io->buf, io->count, &readLength);
+ if (result)
+ {
+ io->io_errno = 1;
+ return bRC_Error;
+ }
+ io->status = readLength;
+ size += readLength;
+ return bRC_OK;
file_node_t::pluginIoWrite(exchange_fd_context_t *context, struct io_pkt *io)
- DWORD bytes_written;
- io->io_errno = 0;
- if (!restore_at_file_level)
- return bRC_Error;
- if (!WriteFile(restore_file_handle, io->buf, io->count, &bytes_written, NULL))
- {
- _JobMessage(M_ERROR, "Write Error");
- return bRC_Error;
- }
- if (bytes_written != (DWORD)io->count)
- {
- _JobMessage(M_ERROR, "Short write");
- return bRC_Error;
- }
- io->status = bytes_written;
- return bRC_OK;
+ DWORD bytes_written;
+ io->io_errno = 0;
+ if (!restore_at_file_level)
+ return bRC_Error;
+ if (!WriteFile(restore_file_handle, io->buf, io->count, &bytes_written, NULL))
+ {
+ _JobMessage(M_ERROR, "Write Error");
+ return bRC_Error;
+ }
+ if (bytes_written != (DWORD)io->count)
+ {
+ _JobMessage(M_ERROR, "Short write");
+ return bRC_Error;
+ }
+ io->status = bytes_written;
+ return bRC_OK;
file_node_t::pluginIoClose(exchange_fd_context_t *context, struct io_pkt *io)
- if (context->job_type == JOB_TYPE_BACKUP)
- {
- _DebugMessage(100, "Calling HrESEBackupCloseFile\n");
- HrESEBackupCloseFile(hccx, backup_file_handle);
- backup_file_handle = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;
- return bRC_OK;
- }
- else
- {
- if (restore_at_file_level)
- {
- CloseHandle(restore_file_handle);
- restore_file_handle = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;
- return bRC_OK;
- }
- else
- {
- return bRC_OK;
- }
- }
+ if (context->job_type == JOB_TYPE_BACKUP)
+ {
+ _DebugMessage(100, "Calling HrESEBackupCloseFile\n");
+ HrESEBackupCloseFile(hccx, backup_file_handle);
+ backup_file_handle = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;
+ return bRC_OK;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (restore_at_file_level)
+ {
+ CloseHandle(restore_file_handle);
+ restore_file_handle = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;
+ return bRC_OK;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return bRC_OK;
+ }
+ }
node_t::node_t(char *name, int type)
- this->type = type;
- state = 0;
- parent = NULL;
- this->name = bstrdup(name);
- full_path = make_full_path();
- size = 0;
- level = 0;
+ this->type = type;
+ state = 0;
+ parent = NULL;
+ this->name = bstrdup(name);
+ full_path = make_full_path();
+ size = 0;
+ level = 0;
node_t::node_t(char *name, int type, node_t *parent_node)
- this->type = type;
- state = 0;
- parent = parent_node;
- this->name = bstrdup(name);
- full_path = make_full_path();
- size = 0;
- level = parent->level + 1;
+ this->type = type;
+ state = 0;
+ parent = parent_node;
+ this->name = bstrdup(name);
+ full_path = make_full_path();
+ size = 0;
+ level = parent->level + 1;
- delete name;
- delete full_path;
+ delete name;
+ delete full_path;
char *
- node_t *curr_node;
- int len;
- char *retval;
+ node_t *curr_node;
+ int len;
+ char *retval;
- for (len = 0, curr_node = this; curr_node != NULL; curr_node = curr_node->parent)
- {
- len += strlen(curr_node->name) + 1;
- }
- if (type == NODE_TYPE_FILE || type == NODE_TYPE_DATABASE_INFO)
- {
- retval = new char[len + 1];
- retval[len] = 0;
- }
- else
- {
- retval = new char[len + 2];
- retval[len] = '/';
- retval[len + 1] = 0;
- }
- for (curr_node = this; curr_node != NULL; curr_node = curr_node->parent)
- {
- len -= strlen(curr_node->name);
- memcpy(retval + len, curr_node->name, strlen(curr_node->name));
- retval[--len] = '/';
- }
- return retval;
+ for (len = 0, curr_node = this; curr_node != NULL; curr_node = curr_node->parent)
+ {
+ len += strlen(curr_node->name) + 1;
+ }
+ if (type == NODE_TYPE_FILE || type == NODE_TYPE_DATABASE_INFO)
+ {
+ retval = new char[len + 1];
+ retval[len] = 0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ retval = new char[len + 2];
+ retval[len] = '/';
+ retval[len + 1] = 0;
+ }
+ for (curr_node = this; curr_node != NULL; curr_node = curr_node->parent)
+ {
+ len -= strlen(curr_node->name);
+ memcpy(retval + len, curr_node->name, strlen(curr_node->name));
+ retval[--len] = '/';
+ }
+ return retval;
node_t::pluginIoOpen(exchange_fd_context_t *context, struct io_pkt *io)
- _DebugMessage(100, "pluginIoOpen_Node\n");
- io->status = 0;
- io->io_errno = 0;
- return bRC_OK;
+ _DebugMessage(100, "pluginIoOpen_Node\n");
+ io->status = 0;
+ io->io_errno = 0;
+ return bRC_OK;
node_t::pluginIoRead(exchange_fd_context_t *context, struct io_pkt *io)
- _DebugMessage(100, "pluginIoRead_Node\n");
- io->status = 0;
- io->io_errno = 0;
- return bRC_OK;
+ _DebugMessage(100, "pluginIoRead_Node\n");
+ io->status = 0;
+ io->io_errno = 0;
+ return bRC_OK;
node_t::pluginIoWrite(exchange_fd_context_t *context, struct io_pkt *io)
- _DebugMessage(100, "pluginIoWrite_Node\n");
- io->status = 0;
- io->io_errno = 1;
- return bRC_Error;
+ _DebugMessage(100, "pluginIoWrite_Node\n");
+ io->status = 0;
+ io->io_errno = 1;
+ return bRC_Error;
node_t::pluginIoClose(exchange_fd_context_t *context, struct io_pkt *io)
- _DebugMessage(100, "pluginIoClose_Node\n");
- io->status = 0;
- io->io_errno = 0;
- return bRC_OK;
+ _DebugMessage(100, "pluginIoClose_Node\n");
+ io->status = 0;
+ io->io_errno = 0;
+ return bRC_OK;
* Written by James Harper, October 2008
-#define NODE_TYPE_ROOT 1
-#define NODE_TYPE_STORE 4
-#define NODE_TYPE_FILE 6
+#define NODE_TYPE_ROOT 1
+#define NODE_TYPE_STORE 4
+#define NODE_TYPE_FILE 6
class node_t {
- int type;
- int state;
- node_t *parent;
- char *name;
- char *full_path;
- size_t size;
- int level;
- node_t(char *name, int type);
- node_t(char *name, int type, node_t *parent_node);
- virtual ~node_t();
- char *make_full_path();
- virtual bRC startBackupFile(exchange_fd_context_t *context, struct save_pkt *sp) = 0;
- virtual bRC endBackupFile(exchange_fd_context_t *context) = 0;
- virtual bRC createFile(exchange_fd_context_t *context, struct restore_pkt *rp) = 0;
- virtual bRC endRestoreFile(exchange_fd_context_t *context) = 0;
- virtual bRC pluginIoOpen(exchange_fd_context_t *context, struct io_pkt *io);
- virtual bRC pluginIoRead(exchange_fd_context_t *context, struct io_pkt *io);
- virtual bRC pluginIoWrite(exchange_fd_context_t *context, struct io_pkt *io);
- virtual bRC pluginIoClose(exchange_fd_context_t *context, struct io_pkt *io);
+ int type;
+ int state;
+ node_t *parent;
+ char *name;
+ char *full_path;
+ size_t size;
+ int level;
+ node_t(char *name, int type);
+ node_t(char *name, int type, node_t *parent_node);
+ virtual ~node_t();
+ char *make_full_path();
+ virtual bRC startBackupFile(exchange_fd_context_t *context, struct save_pkt *sp) = 0;
+ virtual bRC endBackupFile(exchange_fd_context_t *context) = 0;
+ virtual bRC createFile(exchange_fd_context_t *context, struct restore_pkt *rp) = 0;
+ virtual bRC endRestoreFile(exchange_fd_context_t *context) = 0;
+ virtual bRC pluginIoOpen(exchange_fd_context_t *context, struct io_pkt *io);
+ virtual bRC pluginIoRead(exchange_fd_context_t *context, struct io_pkt *io);
+ virtual bRC pluginIoWrite(exchange_fd_context_t *context, struct io_pkt *io);
+ virtual bRC pluginIoClose(exchange_fd_context_t *context, struct io_pkt *io);
class file_node_t : public node_t {
- WCHAR *filename;
- HCCX hccx;
- VOID *backup_file_handle;
- VOID *restore_file_handle;
- uint64_t section_size;
- bool restore_at_file_level;
- file_node_t(char *name, node_t *parent_node);
- virtual ~file_node_t();
- bRC startBackupFile(exchange_fd_context_t *context, struct save_pkt *sp);
- bRC endBackupFile(exchange_fd_context_t *context);
- bRC createFile(exchange_fd_context_t *context, struct restore_pkt *rp);
- bRC endRestoreFile(exchange_fd_context_t *context);
- bRC pluginIoOpen(exchange_fd_context_t *context, struct io_pkt *io);
- bRC pluginIoRead(exchange_fd_context_t *context, struct io_pkt *io);
- bRC pluginIoWrite(exchange_fd_context_t *context, struct io_pkt *io);
- bRC pluginIoClose(exchange_fd_context_t *context, struct io_pkt *io);
+ WCHAR *filename;
+ HCCX hccx;
+ VOID *backup_file_handle;
+ VOID *restore_file_handle;
+ uint64_t section_size;
+ bool restore_at_file_level;
+ file_node_t(char *name, node_t *parent_node);
+ virtual ~file_node_t();
+ bRC startBackupFile(exchange_fd_context_t *context, struct save_pkt *sp);
+ bRC endBackupFile(exchange_fd_context_t *context);
+ bRC createFile(exchange_fd_context_t *context, struct restore_pkt *rp);
+ bRC endRestoreFile(exchange_fd_context_t *context);
+ bRC pluginIoOpen(exchange_fd_context_t *context, struct io_pkt *io);
+ bRC pluginIoRead(exchange_fd_context_t *context, struct io_pkt *io);
+ bRC pluginIoWrite(exchange_fd_context_t *context, struct io_pkt *io);
+ bRC pluginIoClose(exchange_fd_context_t *context, struct io_pkt *io);
class dbi_node_t : public node_t {
- char *buffer;
- uint32_t buffer_size;
- uint32_t buffer_pos;
- WCHAR *restore_display_name;
- GUID restore_guid;
- WCHAR *restore_input_streams;
- WCHAR *restore_output_streams;
- dbi_node_t(char *name, node_t *parent_node);
- virtual ~dbi_node_t();
- bRC startBackupFile(exchange_fd_context_t *context, struct save_pkt *sp);
- bRC endBackupFile(exchange_fd_context_t *context);
- bRC createFile(exchange_fd_context_t *context, struct restore_pkt *rp);
- bRC endRestoreFile(exchange_fd_context_t *context);
- bRC pluginIoOpen(exchange_fd_context_t *context, struct io_pkt *io);
- bRC pluginIoRead(exchange_fd_context_t *context, struct io_pkt *io);
- bRC pluginIoWrite(exchange_fd_context_t *context, struct io_pkt *io);
- bRC pluginIoClose(exchange_fd_context_t *context, struct io_pkt *io);
+ char *buffer;
+ uint32_t buffer_size;
+ uint32_t buffer_pos;
+ WCHAR *restore_display_name;
+ GUID restore_guid;
+ WCHAR *restore_input_streams;
+ WCHAR *restore_output_streams;
+ dbi_node_t(char *name, node_t *parent_node);
+ virtual ~dbi_node_t();
+ bRC startBackupFile(exchange_fd_context_t *context, struct save_pkt *sp);
+ bRC endBackupFile(exchange_fd_context_t *context);
+ bRC createFile(exchange_fd_context_t *context, struct restore_pkt *rp);
+ bRC endRestoreFile(exchange_fd_context_t *context);
+ bRC pluginIoOpen(exchange_fd_context_t *context, struct io_pkt *io);
+ bRC pluginIoRead(exchange_fd_context_t *context, struct io_pkt *io);
+ bRC pluginIoWrite(exchange_fd_context_t *context, struct io_pkt *io);
+ bRC pluginIoClose(exchange_fd_context_t *context, struct io_pkt *io);
class store_node_t : public node_t {
- HCCX hccx;
- WCHAR *stream_ptr;
- file_node_t *file_node;
- dbi_node_t *dbi_node;
- WCHAR *out_stream_ptr;
- store_node_t(char *name, node_t *parent_node);
- virtual ~store_node_t();
- bRC startBackupFile(exchange_fd_context_t *context, struct save_pkt *sp);
- bRC endBackupFile(exchange_fd_context_t *context);
- bRC createFile(exchange_fd_context_t *context, struct restore_pkt *rp);
- bRC endRestoreFile(exchange_fd_context_t *context);
+ HCCX hccx;
+ WCHAR *stream_ptr;
+ file_node_t *file_node;
+ dbi_node_t *dbi_node;
+ WCHAR *out_stream_ptr;
+ store_node_t(char *name, node_t *parent_node);
+ virtual ~store_node_t();
+ bRC startBackupFile(exchange_fd_context_t *context, struct save_pkt *sp);
+ bRC endBackupFile(exchange_fd_context_t *context);
+ bRC createFile(exchange_fd_context_t *context, struct restore_pkt *rp);
+ bRC endRestoreFile(exchange_fd_context_t *context);
class storage_group_node_t : public node_t {
- HCCX hccx;
- store_node_t *store_node;
- file_node_t *file_node;
- uint32_t current_dbi;
- WCHAR *logfiles;
- WCHAR *logfile_ptr;
- RESTORE_ENVIRONMENT *restore_environment;
- WCHAR *service_name;
- WCHAR *storage_group_name;
- WCHAR *saved_log_path;
- storage_group_node_t *next;
- storage_group_node_t(char *name, node_t *parent_node);
- virtual ~storage_group_node_t();
- bRC startBackupFile(exchange_fd_context_t *context, struct save_pkt *sp);
- bRC endBackupFile(exchange_fd_context_t *context);
- bRC createFile(exchange_fd_context_t *context, struct restore_pkt *rp);
- bRC endRestoreFile(exchange_fd_context_t *context);
+ HCCX hccx;
+ store_node_t *store_node;
+ file_node_t *file_node;
+ uint32_t current_dbi;
+ WCHAR *logfiles;
+ WCHAR *logfile_ptr;
+ RESTORE_ENVIRONMENT *restore_environment;
+ WCHAR *service_name;
+ WCHAR *storage_group_name;
+ WCHAR *saved_log_path;
+ storage_group_node_t *next;
+ storage_group_node_t(char *name, node_t *parent_node);
+ virtual ~storage_group_node_t();
+ bRC startBackupFile(exchange_fd_context_t *context, struct save_pkt *sp);
+ bRC endBackupFile(exchange_fd_context_t *context);
+ bRC createFile(exchange_fd_context_t *context, struct restore_pkt *rp);
+ bRC endRestoreFile(exchange_fd_context_t *context);
class service_node_t : public node_t {
- uint32_t ibi_count;
- HCCX hccx;
- uint32_t current_ibi;
- storage_group_node_t *first_storage_group_node;
- service_node_t(char *name, node_t *parent_node);
- virtual ~service_node_t();
- bRC startBackupFile(exchange_fd_context_t *context, struct save_pkt *sp);
- bRC endBackupFile(exchange_fd_context_t *context);
- bRC createFile(exchange_fd_context_t *context, struct restore_pkt *rp);
- bRC endRestoreFile(exchange_fd_context_t *context);
+ uint32_t ibi_count;
+ HCCX hccx;
+ uint32_t current_ibi;
+ storage_group_node_t *first_storage_group_node;
+ service_node_t(char *name, node_t *parent_node);
+ virtual ~service_node_t();
+ bRC startBackupFile(exchange_fd_context_t *context, struct save_pkt *sp);
+ bRC endBackupFile(exchange_fd_context_t *context);
+ bRC createFile(exchange_fd_context_t *context, struct restore_pkt *rp);
+ bRC endRestoreFile(exchange_fd_context_t *context);
class root_node_t : public node_t {
- service_node_t *service_node;
+ service_node_t *service_node;
- root_node_t(char *name);
- virtual ~root_node_t();
- bRC startBackupFile(exchange_fd_context_t *context, struct save_pkt *sp);
- bRC endBackupFile(exchange_fd_context_t *context);
+ root_node_t(char *name);
+ virtual ~root_node_t();
+ bRC startBackupFile(exchange_fd_context_t *context, struct save_pkt *sp);
+ bRC endBackupFile(exchange_fd_context_t *context);
- bRC createFile(exchange_fd_context_t *context, struct restore_pkt *rp);
- bRC endRestoreFile(exchange_fd_context_t *context);
+ bRC createFile(exchange_fd_context_t *context, struct restore_pkt *rp);
+ bRC endRestoreFile(exchange_fd_context_t *context);
root_node_t::root_node_t(char *name) : node_t(name, NODE_TYPE_ROOT)
- service_node = NULL;
+ service_node = NULL;
root_node_t::startBackupFile(exchange_fd_context_t *context, struct save_pkt *sp)
- bRC retval = bRC_OK;
- time_t now;
+ bRC retval = bRC_OK;
+ time_t now;
- _DebugMessage(100, "startBackupNode_ROOT state = %d\n", state);
- switch(state)
- {
- case 0:
- if (strcmp(PLUGIN_PATH_PREFIX_BASE, name) != 0)
- {
- _JobMessage(M_ERROR, "Invalid backup path specified, must start with '/" PLUGIN_PATH_PREFIX_BASE "/'\n");
- state = 999;
- return bRC_Error;
- }
- // check that service_node == NULL
- service_node = new service_node_t(bstrdup(context->path_bits[level + 1]), this);
- state = 1;
- // fall through
- case 1:
- context->current_node = service_node;
- break;
- case 2:
- now = time(NULL);
- sp->fname = full_path;
- sp->link = full_path;
- sp->statp.st_mode = 0700 | S_IFDIR;
- sp->statp.st_ctime = now;
- sp->statp.st_mtime = now;
- sp->statp.st_atime = now;
- sp->statp.st_size = 0;
- sp->type = FT_DIREND;
- break;
- case 999:
- return bRC_Error;
- default:
- _JobMessage(M_ERROR, "Invalid state %d", state);
- state = 999;
- }
- return retval;
+ _DebugMessage(100, "startBackupNode_ROOT state = %d\n", state);
+ switch(state)
+ {
+ case 0:
+ if (strcmp(PLUGIN_PATH_PREFIX_BASE, name) != 0)
+ {
+ _JobMessage(M_ERROR, "Invalid backup path specified, must start with '/" PLUGIN_PATH_PREFIX_BASE "/'\n");
+ state = 999;
+ return bRC_Error;
+ }
+ // check that service_node == NULL
+ service_node = new service_node_t(bstrdup(context->path_bits[level + 1]), this);
+ state = 1;
+ // fall through
+ case 1:
+ context->current_node = service_node;
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ now = time(NULL);
+ sp->fname = full_path;
+ sp->link = full_path;
+ sp->statp.st_mode = 0700 | S_IFDIR;
+ sp->statp.st_ctime = now;
+ sp->statp.st_mtime = now;
+ sp->statp.st_atime = now;
+ sp->statp.st_size = 0;
+ sp->type = FT_DIREND;
+ break;
+ case 999:
+ return bRC_Error;
+ default:
+ _JobMessage(M_ERROR, "Invalid state %d", state);
+ state = 999;
+ }
+ return retval;
root_node_t::endBackupFile(exchange_fd_context_t *context)
- bRC retval = bRC_OK;
+ bRC retval = bRC_OK;
- _DebugMessage(100, "endBackupNode_ROOT state = %d\n", state);
- switch(state)
- {
- case 1:
- state = 2;
- retval = bRC_More;
- // free service_node here?
- break;
- case 2:
- retval = bRC_OK;
- break;
- case 999:
- retval = bRC_Error;
- default:
- _JobMessage(M_ERROR, "Invalid state %d", state);
- state = 999;
- return bRC_Error;
- }
- return retval;
+ _DebugMessage(100, "endBackupNode_ROOT state = %d\n", state);
+ switch(state)
+ {
+ case 1:
+ state = 2;
+ retval = bRC_More;
+ // free service_node here?
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ retval = bRC_OK;
+ break;
+ case 999:
+ retval = bRC_Error;
+ default:
+ _JobMessage(M_ERROR, "Invalid state %d", state);
+ state = 999;
+ return bRC_Error;
+ }
+ return retval;
root_node_t::createFile(exchange_fd_context_t *context, struct restore_pkt *rp)
- _DebugMessage(0, "createFile_ROOT state = %d\n", state);
- switch (state)
- {
- case 0:
- if (strcmp(name, PLUGIN_PATH_PREFIX_BASE) != 0)
- {
- _JobMessage(M_ERROR, "Invalid restore path specified, must start with '/" PLUGIN_PATH_PREFIX_BASE "/'\n");
- state = 999;
- return bRC_Error;
- }
- service_node = new service_node_t(bstrdup(context->path_bits[level + 1]), this);
- context->current_node = service_node;
- return bRC_OK;
- case 1:
- rp->create_status = CF_CREATED;
- return bRC_OK;
- case 999:
- return bRC_Error;
- default:
- _JobMessage(M_ERROR, "Invalid state %d", state);
- state = 999;
- }
- return bRC_Error;
+ _DebugMessage(0, "createFile_ROOT state = %d\n", state);
+ switch (state)
+ {
+ case 0:
+ if (strcmp(name, PLUGIN_PATH_PREFIX_BASE) != 0)
+ {
+ _JobMessage(M_ERROR, "Invalid restore path specified, must start with '/" PLUGIN_PATH_PREFIX_BASE "/'\n");
+ state = 999;
+ return bRC_Error;
+ }
+ service_node = new service_node_t(bstrdup(context->path_bits[level + 1]), this);
+ context->current_node = service_node;
+ return bRC_OK;
+ case 1:
+ rp->create_status = CF_CREATED;
+ return bRC_OK;
+ case 999:
+ return bRC_Error;
+ default:
+ _JobMessage(M_ERROR, "Invalid state %d", state);
+ state = 999;
+ }
+ return bRC_Error;
root_node_t::endRestoreFile(exchange_fd_context_t *context)
- _DebugMessage(0, "endRestoreFile_ROOT state = %d\n", state);
- switch (state)
- {
- case 0:
- delete service_node;
- state = 1;
- return bRC_OK;
- case 1:
- return bRC_OK;
- default:
- _JobMessage(M_ERROR, "Invalid state %d", state);
- state = 999;
- }
- return bRC_Error;
+ _DebugMessage(0, "endRestoreFile_ROOT state = %d\n", state);
+ switch (state)
+ {
+ case 0:
+ delete service_node;
+ state = 1;
+ return bRC_OK;
+ case 1:
+ return bRC_OK;
+ default:
+ _JobMessage(M_ERROR, "Invalid state %d", state);
+ state = 999;
+ }
+ return bRC_Error;
service_node_t::service_node_t(char *name, node_t *parent_node) : node_t(name, NODE_TYPE_SERVICE, parent_node)
- current_ibi = 0;
- hccx = NULL;
- ibi = NULL;
- ibi_count = 0;
- first_storage_group_node = NULL;
+ current_ibi = 0;
+ hccx = NULL;
+ ibi = NULL;
+ ibi_count = 0;
+ first_storage_group_node = NULL;
service_node_t::startBackupFile(exchange_fd_context_t *context, struct save_pkt *sp)
- HRESULT result;
- _DebugMessage(100, "startBackupNode_SERVICE state = %d\n", state);
- switch(state)
- {
- case 0:
- if (strcmp(PLUGIN_PATH_PREFIX_SERVICE, name) != 0)
- {
- _JobMessage(M_ERROR, "Invalid restore path specified, must start with /" PLUGIN_PATH_PREFIX_BASE "/" PLUGIN_PATH_PREFIX_SERVICE "/\n");
- return bRC_Error;
- }
- // convert name to a wide string
- _DebugMessage(100, "Calling HrESEBackupPrepare\n");
- result = HrESEBackupPrepare(context->computer_name, PLUGIN_PATH_PREFIX_SERVICE_W, &ibi_count, &ibi, &hccx);
- if (result != 0)
- {
- _JobMessage(M_ERROR, "HrESEBackupPrepare failed with error 0x%08x - %s\n", result, ESEErrorMessage(result));
- return bRC_Error;
- }
- state = 1;
- // fall through
- case 1:
- if (context->path_bits[level + 1] == NULL)
- {
- _DebugMessage(100, "No specific storage group specified - backing them all up\n");
- char *tmp = new char[wcslen(ibi[current_ibi].wszInstanceName) + 1];
- wcstombs(tmp, ibi[current_ibi].wszInstanceName, wcslen(ibi[current_ibi].wszInstanceName) + 1);
- first_storage_group_node = new storage_group_node_t(tmp, this);
- delete tmp;
- _DebugMessage(100, "storage group name = %s\n", first_storage_group_node->name);
- first_storage_group_node->ibi = &ibi[current_ibi];
- first_storage_group_node->hccx = hccx;
- context->current_node = first_storage_group_node;
- }
- else
- {
- char *tmp = NULL;
- for (current_ibi = 0; current_ibi < ibi_count; current_ibi++)
- {
- tmp = new char[wcslen(ibi[current_ibi].wszInstanceName) + 1];
- wcstombs(tmp, ibi[current_ibi].wszInstanceName, wcslen(ibi[current_ibi].wszInstanceName) + 1);
- if (stricmp(tmp, context->path_bits[level + 1]) == 0)
- break;
- }
- first_storage_group_node = new storage_group_node_t(tmp, this);
- delete tmp;
- if (current_ibi == ibi_count)
- {
- _JobMessage(M_ERROR, "Invalid Storage Group '%s'\n", context->path_bits[level + 1]);
- return bRC_Error;
- }
- _DebugMessage(100, "storage group name = %s\n", first_storage_group_node->name);
- first_storage_group_node->ibi = &ibi[current_ibi];
- first_storage_group_node->hccx = hccx;
- context->current_node = first_storage_group_node;
- }
- break;
- case 2:
- time_t now = time(NULL);
- sp->fname = full_path;
- sp->link = full_path;
- sp->statp.st_mode = 0700 | S_IFDIR;
- sp->statp.st_ctime = now;
- sp->statp.st_mtime = now;
- sp->statp.st_atime = now;
- sp->statp.st_size = 0;
- sp->statp.st_nlink = 1;
- //sp->statp.st_blocks = 0;
- sp->type = FT_DIREND;
- break;
- }
- _DebugMessage(100, "ending startBackupNode_SERVICE state = %d\n", state);
- return bRC_OK;
+ HRESULT result;
+ _DebugMessage(100, "startBackupNode_SERVICE state = %d\n", state);
+ switch(state)
+ {
+ case 0:
+ if (strcmp(PLUGIN_PATH_PREFIX_SERVICE, name) != 0)
+ {
+ _JobMessage(M_ERROR, "Invalid restore path specified, must start with /" PLUGIN_PATH_PREFIX_BASE "/" PLUGIN_PATH_PREFIX_SERVICE "/\n");
+ return bRC_Error;
+ }
+ // convert name to a wide string
+ _DebugMessage(100, "Calling HrESEBackupPrepare\n");
+ result = HrESEBackupPrepare(context->computer_name, PLUGIN_PATH_PREFIX_SERVICE_W, &ibi_count, &ibi, &hccx);
+ if (result != 0)
+ {
+ _JobMessage(M_ERROR, "HrESEBackupPrepare failed with error 0x%08x - %s\n", result, ESEErrorMessage(result));
+ return bRC_Error;
+ }
+ state = 1;
+ // fall through
+ case 1:
+ if (context->path_bits[level + 1] == NULL)
+ {
+ _DebugMessage(100, "No specific storage group specified - backing them all up\n");
+ char *tmp = new char[wcslen(ibi[current_ibi].wszInstanceName) + 1];
+ wcstombs(tmp, ibi[current_ibi].wszInstanceName, wcslen(ibi[current_ibi].wszInstanceName) + 1);
+ first_storage_group_node = new storage_group_node_t(tmp, this);
+ delete tmp;
+ _DebugMessage(100, "storage group name = %s\n", first_storage_group_node->name);
+ first_storage_group_node->ibi = &ibi[current_ibi];
+ first_storage_group_node->hccx = hccx;
+ context->current_node = first_storage_group_node;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ char *tmp = NULL;
+ for (current_ibi = 0; current_ibi < ibi_count; current_ibi++)
+ {
+ tmp = new char[wcslen(ibi[current_ibi].wszInstanceName) + 1];
+ wcstombs(tmp, ibi[current_ibi].wszInstanceName, wcslen(ibi[current_ibi].wszInstanceName) + 1);
+ if (stricmp(tmp, context->path_bits[level + 1]) == 0)
+ break;
+ }
+ first_storage_group_node = new storage_group_node_t(tmp, this);
+ delete tmp;
+ if (current_ibi == ibi_count)
+ {
+ _JobMessage(M_ERROR, "Invalid Storage Group '%s'\n", context->path_bits[level + 1]);
+ return bRC_Error;
+ }
+ _DebugMessage(100, "storage group name = %s\n", first_storage_group_node->name);
+ first_storage_group_node->ibi = &ibi[current_ibi];
+ first_storage_group_node->hccx = hccx;
+ context->current_node = first_storage_group_node;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ time_t now = time(NULL);
+ sp->fname = full_path;
+ sp->link = full_path;
+ sp->statp.st_mode = 0700 | S_IFDIR;
+ sp->statp.st_ctime = now;
+ sp->statp.st_mtime = now;
+ sp->statp.st_atime = now;
+ sp->statp.st_size = 0;
+ sp->statp.st_nlink = 1;
+ //sp->statp.st_blocks = 0;
+ sp->type = FT_DIREND;
+ break;
+ }
+ _DebugMessage(100, "ending startBackupNode_SERVICE state = %d\n", state);
+ return bRC_OK;
service_node_t::endBackupFile(exchange_fd_context_t *context)
- HRESULT result;
- bRC retval = bRC_OK;
- _DebugMessage(100, "endBackupNode_SERVICE state = %d\n", state);
- switch(state)
- {
- case 0:
- // should never happen
- break;
- case 1:
- // free node->storage_group_node
- if (context->path_bits[level + 1] == NULL)
- {
- current_ibi++;
- if (current_ibi == ibi_count)
- state = 2;
- }
- else
- state = 2;
- retval = bRC_More;
- break;
- case 2:
- _DebugMessage(100, "calling HrESEBackupEnd\n");
- result = HrESEBackupEnd(hccx);
- if (result != 0)
- {
- _JobMessage(M_ERROR, "HrESEBackupEnd failed with error 0x%08x - %s\n", result, ESEErrorMessage(result));
- return bRC_Error;
- }
- context->current_node = parent;
- retval = bRC_OK;
- break;
- }
- return retval;
+ HRESULT result;
+ bRC retval = bRC_OK;
+ _DebugMessage(100, "endBackupNode_SERVICE state = %d\n", state);
+ switch(state)
+ {
+ case 0:
+ // should never happen
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ // free node->storage_group_node
+ if (context->path_bits[level + 1] == NULL)
+ {
+ current_ibi++;
+ if (current_ibi == ibi_count)
+ state = 2;
+ }
+ else
+ state = 2;
+ retval = bRC_More;
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ _DebugMessage(100, "calling HrESEBackupEnd\n");
+ result = HrESEBackupEnd(hccx);
+ if (result != 0)
+ {
+ _JobMessage(M_ERROR, "HrESEBackupEnd failed with error 0x%08x - %s\n", result, ESEErrorMessage(result));
+ return bRC_Error;
+ }
+ context->current_node = parent;
+ retval = bRC_OK;
+ break;
+ }
+ return retval;
service_node_t::createFile(exchange_fd_context_t *context, struct restore_pkt *rp)
- storage_group_node_t *curr_sg, *prev_sg;
- _DebugMessage(0, "createFile_SERVICE state = %d\n", state);
- if (strcmp(name, "Microsoft Information Store") != 0)
- {
- _JobMessage(M_ERROR, "Invalid restore path specified, must start with '/" PLUGIN_PATH_PREFIX_BASE "/" PLUGIN_PATH_PREFIX_SERVICE "/'\n", state);
- return bRC_Error;
- }
- for(;;)
- {
- switch (state)
- {
- case 0:
- if (context->path_bits[level + 1] == NULL)
- {
- state = 1;
- break;
- }
- for (prev_sg = NULL, curr_sg = first_storage_group_node; curr_sg != NULL; prev_sg = curr_sg, curr_sg = curr_sg->next)
- {
- if (strcmp(curr_sg->name, context->path_bits[level + 1]) == 0)
- {
- break;
- }
- }
- if (curr_sg == NULL)
- {
- curr_sg = new storage_group_node_t(bstrdup(context->path_bits[level + 1]), this);
- if (prev_sg == NULL)
- first_storage_group_node = curr_sg;
- else
- prev_sg->next = curr_sg;
- }
- context->current_node = curr_sg;
- return bRC_OK;
- case 1:
- rp->create_status = CF_CREATED;
- return bRC_OK;
- }
- }
- return bRC_Error;
+ storage_group_node_t *curr_sg, *prev_sg;
+ _DebugMessage(0, "createFile_SERVICE state = %d\n", state);
+ if (strcmp(name, "Microsoft Information Store") != 0)
+ {
+ _JobMessage(M_ERROR, "Invalid restore path specified, must start with '/" PLUGIN_PATH_PREFIX_BASE "/" PLUGIN_PATH_PREFIX_SERVICE "/'\n", state);
+ return bRC_Error;
+ }
+ for(;;)
+ {
+ switch (state)
+ {
+ case 0:
+ if (context->path_bits[level + 1] == NULL)
+ {
+ state = 1;
+ break;
+ }
+ for (prev_sg = NULL, curr_sg = first_storage_group_node; curr_sg != NULL; prev_sg = curr_sg, curr_sg = curr_sg->next)
+ {
+ if (strcmp(curr_sg->name, context->path_bits[level + 1]) == 0)
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (curr_sg == NULL)
+ {
+ curr_sg = new storage_group_node_t(bstrdup(context->path_bits[level + 1]), this);
+ if (prev_sg == NULL)
+ first_storage_group_node = curr_sg;
+ else
+ prev_sg->next = curr_sg;
+ }
+ context->current_node = curr_sg;
+ return bRC_OK;
+ case 1:
+ rp->create_status = CF_CREATED;
+ return bRC_OK;
+ }
+ }
+ return bRC_Error;
service_node_t::endRestoreFile(exchange_fd_context_t *context)
- _DebugMessage(0, "endRestoreFile_SERVICE state = %d\n", state);
- switch(state)
- {
- case 0:
- return bRC_Error;
- case 1:
- context->current_node = parent;
- return bRC_OK;
- }
- return bRC_Error;
+ _DebugMessage(0, "endRestoreFile_SERVICE state = %d\n", state);
+ switch(state)
+ {
+ case 0:
+ return bRC_Error;
+ case 1:
+ context->current_node = parent;
+ return bRC_OK;
+ }
+ return bRC_Error;
storage_group_node_t::storage_group_node_t(char *name, node_t *parent_node) : node_t(name, NODE_TYPE_STORAGE_GROUP, parent_node)
- ibi = NULL;
- store_node = NULL;
- current_dbi = 0;
- restore_environment = NULL;
- saved_log_path = NULL;
- next = NULL;
+ ibi = NULL;
+ store_node = NULL;
+ current_dbi = 0;
+ restore_environment = NULL;
+ saved_log_path = NULL;
+ next = NULL;
- if (dbi_node != NULL)
- delete dbi_node;
+ if (dbi_node != NULL)
+ delete dbi_node;
- if (file_node != NULL)
- delete file_node;
+ if (file_node != NULL)
+ delete file_node;
storage_group_node_t::startBackupFile(exchange_fd_context_t *context, struct save_pkt *sp)
- HRESULT result;
- int len;
- WCHAR *tmp_logfiles, *tmp_logfile_ptr;
- char *tmp;
+ HRESULT result;
+ int len;
+ WCHAR *tmp_logfiles, *tmp_logfile_ptr;
+ char *tmp;
- for(;;)
- {
- _DebugMessage(100, "startBackupNode_STORAGE_GROUP state = %d, name = %s\n", state, name);
- switch(state)
- {
- case 0:
- current_dbi = 0;
- store_node = NULL;
- logfile_ptr = NULL;
- if (context->job_level == 'F')
- {
- _DebugMessage(100, "Calling HrESEBackupSetup (BACKUP_TYPE_FULL)\n");
- result = HrESEBackupSetup(hccx, ibi->hInstanceId, BACKUP_TYPE_FULL);
- state = 1;
- }
- else
- {
- _DebugMessage(100, "Calling HrESEBackupSetup (BACKUP_TYPE_LOGS_ONLY)\n");
- result = HrESEBackupSetup(hccx, ibi->hInstanceId, BACKUP_TYPE_LOGS_ONLY);
- if (context->accurate)
- state = 1;
- else
- state = 2;
- }
- if (result != 0)
- {
- _JobMessage(M_ERROR, "HrESEBackupSetup failed with error 0x%08x - %s\n", result, ESEErrorMessage(result));
- state = 999;
- return bRC_Error;
- }
- break;
- case 1:
- if (context->path_bits[level + 1] == NULL)
- {
- _DebugMessage(100, "No specific database specified - backing them all up\n");
- DATABASE_BACKUP_INFO *dbi = &ibi->rgDatabase[current_dbi];
- char *tmp = new char[wcslen(dbi->wszDatabaseDisplayName) + 1];
- wcstombs(tmp, dbi->wszDatabaseDisplayName, wcslen(dbi->wszDatabaseDisplayName) + 1);
- store_node = new store_node_t(tmp, this);
- store_node->dbi = dbi;
- store_node->hccx = hccx;
- context->current_node = store_node;
- }
- else
- {
- char *tmp = NULL;
- for (current_dbi = 0; current_dbi < ibi->cDatabase; current_dbi++)
- {
- dbi = &ibi->rgDatabase[current_dbi];
- char *tmp = new char[wcslen(dbi->wszDatabaseDisplayName) + 1];
- wcstombs(tmp, dbi->wszDatabaseDisplayName, wcslen(dbi->wszDatabaseDisplayName) + 1);
- if (stricmp(tmp, context->path_bits[level + 1]) == 0)
- break;
- delete tmp;
- }
- if (current_dbi == ibi->cDatabase)
- {
- _JobMessage(M_ERROR, "Invalid Database '%s'\n", context->path_bits[level + 1]);
- return bRC_Error;
- }
- store_node = new store_node_t(tmp, this);
- _DebugMessage(100, "Database name = %s\n", store_node->name);
- delete tmp;
- store_node->hccx = hccx;
- store_node->dbi = dbi;
- context->current_node = store_node;
- }
- return bRC_OK;
- case 2:
- _DebugMessage(100, "Calling HrESEBackupGetLogAndPatchFiles\n");
- result = HrESEBackupGetLogAndPatchFiles(hccx, &tmp_logfiles);
- if (result != 0)
- {
- _JobMessage(M_ERROR, "HrESEBackupGetLogAndPatchFiles failed with error 0x%08x - %s\n", result, ESEErrorMessage(result));
- return bRC_Error;
- }
- for (len = 0, tmp_logfile_ptr = tmp_logfiles; *tmp_logfile_ptr != 0; tmp_logfile_ptr += wcslen(tmp_logfile_ptr) + 1)
- {
- len += wcslen(tmp_logfile_ptr) + 1;
- }
- logfiles = new WCHAR[len + 1];
- logfile_ptr = logfiles;
- for (tmp_logfile_ptr = tmp_logfiles; *tmp_logfile_ptr != 0; tmp_logfile_ptr += wcslen(tmp_logfile_ptr) + 1)
- {
- // check file modification date
- HANDLE handle;
- FILETIME modified_time;
- //int64_t tmp_time;
- __int64 tmp_time;
- bool include_file;
- include_file = false;
- if (context->job_since == 0)
- include_file = true;
- if (!include_file)
- {
- if (handle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
- {
- //_JobMessage(M_WARNING, "Could not open '%S' to check last modified date (0x%08x), including anyway\n", tmp_logfile_ptr, GetLastError());
- include_file = true;
- }
- }
- if (!include_file)
- {
- if (GetFileTime(handle, NULL, NULL, &modified_time) == 0)
- {
- //_JobMessage(M_WARNING, "Could check last modified date for '%S' (0x%08x), including anyway\n", tmp_logfile_ptr, GetLastError());
- include_file = true;
- }
- }
- if (!include_file)
- {
- tmp_time = (((int64_t)modified_time.dwHighDateTime) << 32) | modified_time.dwLowDateTime;
- tmp_time -= 116444736000000000LL;
- tmp_time /= 10000000;
- if (tmp_time > context->job_since)
- {
- include_file = true;
- }
- }
- if (include_file)
- {
- memcpy(logfile_ptr, tmp_logfile_ptr, (wcslen(tmp_logfile_ptr) + 1) * 2);
- logfile_ptr += wcslen(logfile_ptr) + 1;
- //_DebugMessage(100, "Including file %S\n", logfile_ptr);
- }
- else
- {
- if (context->accurate) {
- tmp = new char[strlen(full_path) + wcslen(tmp_logfile_ptr) + 1];
- strcpy(tmp, full_path);
- wcstombs(tmp + strlen(full_path), tmp_logfile_ptr, wcslen(tmp_logfile_ptr) + 1);
- _JobMessage(M_WARNING, "Marking '%s' as seen\n", tmp);
- bfuncs->setBaculaValue(context->bpContext, bVarFileSeen, (void *)tmp);
- delete tmp;
- }
- }
+ for(;;)
+ {
+ _DebugMessage(100, "startBackupNode_STORAGE_GROUP state = %d, name = %s\n", state, name);
+ switch(state)
+ {
+ case 0:
+ current_dbi = 0;
+ store_node = NULL;
+ logfile_ptr = NULL;
+ if (context->job_level == 'F')
+ {
+ _DebugMessage(100, "Calling HrESEBackupSetup (BACKUP_TYPE_FULL)\n");
+ result = HrESEBackupSetup(hccx, ibi->hInstanceId, BACKUP_TYPE_FULL);
+ state = 1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ _DebugMessage(100, "Calling HrESEBackupSetup (BACKUP_TYPE_LOGS_ONLY)\n");
+ result = HrESEBackupSetup(hccx, ibi->hInstanceId, BACKUP_TYPE_LOGS_ONLY);
+ if (context->accurate)
+ state = 1;
+ else
+ state = 2;
+ }
+ if (result != 0)
+ {
+ _JobMessage(M_ERROR, "HrESEBackupSetup failed with error 0x%08x - %s\n", result, ESEErrorMessage(result));
+ state = 999;
+ return bRC_Error;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ if (context->path_bits[level + 1] == NULL)
+ {
+ _DebugMessage(100, "No specific database specified - backing them all up\n");
+ DATABASE_BACKUP_INFO *dbi = &ibi->rgDatabase[current_dbi];
+ char *tmp = new char[wcslen(dbi->wszDatabaseDisplayName) + 1];
+ wcstombs(tmp, dbi->wszDatabaseDisplayName, wcslen(dbi->wszDatabaseDisplayName) + 1);
+ store_node = new store_node_t(tmp, this);
+ store_node->dbi = dbi;
+ store_node->hccx = hccx;
+ context->current_node = store_node;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ char *tmp = NULL;
+ for (current_dbi = 0; current_dbi < ibi->cDatabase; current_dbi++)
+ {
+ dbi = &ibi->rgDatabase[current_dbi];
+ char *tmp = new char[wcslen(dbi->wszDatabaseDisplayName) + 1];
+ wcstombs(tmp, dbi->wszDatabaseDisplayName, wcslen(dbi->wszDatabaseDisplayName) + 1);
+ if (stricmp(tmp, context->path_bits[level + 1]) == 0)
+ break;
+ delete tmp;
+ }
+ if (current_dbi == ibi->cDatabase)
+ {
+ _JobMessage(M_ERROR, "Invalid Database '%s'\n", context->path_bits[level + 1]);
+ return bRC_Error;
+ }
+ store_node = new store_node_t(tmp, this);
+ _DebugMessage(100, "Database name = %s\n", store_node->name);
+ delete tmp;
+ store_node->hccx = hccx;
+ store_node->dbi = dbi;
+ context->current_node = store_node;
+ }
+ return bRC_OK;
+ case 2:
+ _DebugMessage(100, "Calling HrESEBackupGetLogAndPatchFiles\n");
+ result = HrESEBackupGetLogAndPatchFiles(hccx, &tmp_logfiles);
+ if (result != 0)
+ {
+ _JobMessage(M_ERROR, "HrESEBackupGetLogAndPatchFiles failed with error 0x%08x - %s\n", result, ESEErrorMessage(result));
+ return bRC_Error;
+ }
+ for (len = 0, tmp_logfile_ptr = tmp_logfiles; *tmp_logfile_ptr != 0; tmp_logfile_ptr += wcslen(tmp_logfile_ptr) + 1)
+ {
+ len += wcslen(tmp_logfile_ptr) + 1;
+ }
+ logfiles = new WCHAR[len + 1];
+ logfile_ptr = logfiles;
+ for (tmp_logfile_ptr = tmp_logfiles; *tmp_logfile_ptr != 0; tmp_logfile_ptr += wcslen(tmp_logfile_ptr) + 1)
+ {
+ // check file modification date
+ HANDLE handle;
+ FILETIME modified_time;
+ //int64_t tmp_time;
+ __int64 tmp_time;
+ bool include_file;
+ include_file = false;
+ if (context->job_since == 0)
+ include_file = true;
+ if (!include_file)
+ {
+ if (handle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
+ {
+ //_JobMessage(M_WARNING, "Could not open '%S' to check last modified date (0x%08x), including anyway\n", tmp_logfile_ptr, GetLastError());
+ include_file = true;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!include_file)
+ {
+ if (GetFileTime(handle, NULL, NULL, &modified_time) == 0)
+ {
+ //_JobMessage(M_WARNING, "Could check last modified date for '%S' (0x%08x), including anyway\n", tmp_logfile_ptr, GetLastError());
+ include_file = true;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!include_file)
+ {
+ tmp_time = (((int64_t)modified_time.dwHighDateTime) << 32) | modified_time.dwLowDateTime;
+ tmp_time -= 116444736000000000LL;
+ tmp_time /= 10000000;
+ if (tmp_time > context->job_since)
+ {
+ include_file = true;
+ }
+ }
+ if (include_file)
+ {
+ memcpy(logfile_ptr, tmp_logfile_ptr, (wcslen(tmp_logfile_ptr) + 1) * 2);
+ logfile_ptr += wcslen(logfile_ptr) + 1;
+ //_DebugMessage(100, "Including file %S\n", logfile_ptr);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (context->accurate) {
+ tmp = new char[strlen(full_path) + wcslen(tmp_logfile_ptr) + 1];
+ strcpy(tmp, full_path);
+ wcstombs(tmp + strlen(full_path), tmp_logfile_ptr, wcslen(tmp_logfile_ptr) + 1);
+ _JobMessage(M_WARNING, "Marking '%s' as seen\n", tmp);
+ bfuncs->setBaculaValue(context->bpContext, bVarFileSeen, (void *)tmp);
+ delete tmp;
+ }
+ }
- if (handle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
- CloseHandle(handle);
+ if (handle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
+ CloseHandle(handle);
- }
- *logfile_ptr = 0;
- logfile_ptr = logfiles;
- state = 3;
- break;
- case 3:
- tmp = new char[wcslen(logfile_ptr) + 1];
- wcstombs(tmp, logfile_ptr, wcslen(logfile_ptr) + 1);
- file_node = new file_node_t(tmp, this);
- delete tmp;
- file_node->hccx = hccx;
- file_node->filename = logfile_ptr;
- context->current_node = file_node;
- return bRC_OK;
- case 4:
- time_t now = time(NULL);
- sp->fname = full_path;
- sp->link = full_path;
- _DebugMessage(100, "fname = %s\n", sp->fname);
- sp->statp.st_mode = 0700 | S_IFDIR;
- sp->statp.st_ctime = now;
- sp->statp.st_mtime = now;
- sp->statp.st_atime = now;
- sp->statp.st_size = 0;
- //sp->statp.st_blocks = 0;
- sp->type = FT_DIREND;
- return bRC_OK;
- }
- }
+ }
+ *logfile_ptr = 0;
+ logfile_ptr = logfiles;
+ state = 3;
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ tmp = new char[wcslen(logfile_ptr) + 1];
+ wcstombs(tmp, logfile_ptr, wcslen(logfile_ptr) + 1);
+ file_node = new file_node_t(tmp, this);
+ delete tmp;
+ file_node->hccx = hccx;
+ file_node->filename = logfile_ptr;
+ context->current_node = file_node;
+ return bRC_OK;
+ case 4:
+ time_t now = time(NULL);
+ sp->fname = full_path;
+ sp->link = full_path;
+ _DebugMessage(100, "fname = %s\n", sp->fname);
+ sp->statp.st_mode = 0700 | S_IFDIR;
+ sp->statp.st_ctime = now;
+ sp->statp.st_mtime = now;
+ sp->statp.st_atime = now;
+ sp->statp.st_size = 0;
+ //sp->statp.st_blocks = 0;
+ sp->type = FT_DIREND;
+ return bRC_OK;
+ }
+ }
storage_group_node_t::endBackupFile(exchange_fd_context_t *context)
- HRESULT result;
- bRC retval = bRC_Error;
+ HRESULT result;
+ bRC retval = bRC_Error;
- _DebugMessage(100, "endBackupNode_STORAGE_GROUP state = %d\n", state);
+ _DebugMessage(100, "endBackupNode_STORAGE_GROUP state = %d\n", state);
- switch(state)
- {
- case 0:
- // should never happen
- break;
- case 1:
- // free node->storage_group_node
- if (context->path_bits[level + 1] == NULL)
- {
- current_dbi++;
- if (current_dbi == ibi->cDatabase)
- state = 2;
- }
- else
- state = 2;
- retval = bRC_More;
- break;
- case 2:
- // should never happen
- break;
- case 3:
- delete file_node;
- logfile_ptr += wcslen(logfile_ptr) + 1;
- if (*logfile_ptr == 0)
- state = 4;
- retval = bRC_More;
- break;
- case 4:
- if (context->truncate_logs)
- {
- _DebugMessage(100, "Calling HrESEBackupTruncateLogs\n");
- result = HrESEBackupTruncateLogs(hccx);
- if (result != 0)
- {
- _JobMessage(M_ERROR, "HrESEBackupTruncateLogs failed with error 0x%08x - %s\n", result, ESEErrorMessage(result));
- }
- else
- {
- _JobMessage(M_INFO, "Truncated database logs for Storage Group %s\n", name);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- _JobMessage(M_INFO, "Did NOT truncate database logs for Storage Group %s\n", name);
- }
- _DebugMessage(100, "Calling HrESEBackupInstanceEnd\n");
- result = HrESEBackupInstanceEnd(hccx, ESE_BACKUP_INSTANCE_END_SUCCESS);
- if (result != 0)
- {
- _JobMessage(M_ERROR, "HrESEBackupInstanceEnd failed with error 0x%08x - %s\n", result, ESEErrorMessage(result));
- return bRC_Error;
- }
- retval = bRC_OK;
- context->current_node = parent;
- break;
- }
- return retval;
+ switch(state)
+ {
+ case 0:
+ // should never happen
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ // free node->storage_group_node
+ if (context->path_bits[level + 1] == NULL)
+ {
+ current_dbi++;
+ if (current_dbi == ibi->cDatabase)
+ state = 2;
+ }
+ else
+ state = 2;
+ retval = bRC_More;
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ // should never happen
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ delete file_node;
+ logfile_ptr += wcslen(logfile_ptr) + 1;
+ if (*logfile_ptr == 0)
+ state = 4;
+ retval = bRC_More;
+ break;
+ case 4:
+ if (context->truncate_logs)
+ {
+ _DebugMessage(100, "Calling HrESEBackupTruncateLogs\n");
+ result = HrESEBackupTruncateLogs(hccx);
+ if (result != 0)
+ {
+ _JobMessage(M_ERROR, "HrESEBackupTruncateLogs failed with error 0x%08x - %s\n", result, ESEErrorMessage(result));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ _JobMessage(M_INFO, "Truncated database logs for Storage Group %s\n", name);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ _JobMessage(M_INFO, "Did NOT truncate database logs for Storage Group %s\n", name);
+ }
+ _DebugMessage(100, "Calling HrESEBackupInstanceEnd\n");
+ result = HrESEBackupInstanceEnd(hccx, ESE_BACKUP_INSTANCE_END_SUCCESS);
+ if (result != 0)
+ {
+ _JobMessage(M_ERROR, "HrESEBackupInstanceEnd failed with error 0x%08x - %s\n", result, ESEErrorMessage(result));
+ return bRC_Error;
+ }
+ retval = bRC_OK;
+ context->current_node = parent;
+ break;
+ }
+ return retval;
storage_group_node_t::createFile(exchange_fd_context_t *context, struct restore_pkt *rp)
- HRESULT result;
- int len;
+ HRESULT result;
+ int len;
- _DebugMessage(0, "createFile_STORAGE_GROUP state = %d\n", state);
+ _DebugMessage(0, "createFile_STORAGE_GROUP state = %d\n", state);
- if (strcmp(context->path_bits[level], name) != 0)
- {
- _DebugMessage(0, "Different storage group - switching back to parent\n", state);
- saved_log_path = new WCHAR[wcslen(restore_environment->m_wszRestoreLogPath) + 1];
- wcscpy(saved_log_path, restore_environment->m_wszRestoreLogPath);
- _DebugMessage(100, "Calling HrESERestoreSaveEnvironment\n");
- result = HrESERestoreSaveEnvironment(hccx);
- if (result != 0)
- {
- _JobMessage(M_ERROR, "HrESERestoreSaveEnvironment failed with error 0x%08x - %s\n", result, ESEErrorMessage(result));
- state = 999;
- rp->create_status = CF_CREATED;
- return bRC_OK;
- }
- _DebugMessage(100, "Calling HrESERestoreClose\n");
- result = HrESERestoreClose(hccx, RESTORE_CLOSE_NORMAL);
- if (result != 0)
- {
- _JobMessage(M_ERROR, "HrESERestoreClose failed with error 0x%08x - %s\n", result, ESEErrorMessage(result));
- state = 999;
- rp->create_status = CF_CREATED;
- return bRC_OK;
- }
- context->current_node = parent;
- return bRC_OK;
- }
- if (saved_log_path != NULL)
- {
- _DebugMessage(0, "Calling HrESERestoreReopen\n");
- result = HrESERestoreReopen(context->computer_name, service_name, saved_log_path, &hccx);
- if (result != 0)
- {
- _JobMessage(M_ERROR, "HrESERestoreReopen failed with error 0x%08x - %s\n", result, ESEErrorMessage(result));
- state = 999;
- saved_log_path = NULL;
- rp->create_status = CF_CREATED;
- return bRC_OK;
- }
- _DebugMessage(0, "Calling HrESERestoreGetEnvironment\n");
- result = HrESERestoreGetEnvironment(hccx, &restore_environment);
- if (result != 0)
- {
- _JobMessage(M_ERROR, "HrESERestoreGetEnvironment failed with error 0x%08x - %s\n", result, ESEErrorMessage(result));
- state = 999;
- saved_log_path = NULL;
- rp->create_status = CF_CREATED;
- return bRC_OK;
- }
- saved_log_path = NULL;
- }
+ if (strcmp(context->path_bits[level], name) != 0)
+ {
+ _DebugMessage(0, "Different storage group - switching back to parent\n", state);
+ saved_log_path = new WCHAR[wcslen(restore_environment->m_wszRestoreLogPath) + 1];
+ wcscpy(saved_log_path, restore_environment->m_wszRestoreLogPath);
+ _DebugMessage(100, "Calling HrESERestoreSaveEnvironment\n");
+ result = HrESERestoreSaveEnvironment(hccx);
+ if (result != 0)
+ {
+ _JobMessage(M_ERROR, "HrESERestoreSaveEnvironment failed with error 0x%08x - %s\n", result, ESEErrorMessage(result));
+ state = 999;
+ rp->create_status = CF_CREATED;
+ return bRC_OK;
+ }
+ _DebugMessage(100, "Calling HrESERestoreClose\n");
+ result = HrESERestoreClose(hccx, RESTORE_CLOSE_NORMAL);
+ if (result != 0)
+ {
+ _JobMessage(M_ERROR, "HrESERestoreClose failed with error 0x%08x - %s\n", result, ESEErrorMessage(result));
+ state = 999;
+ rp->create_status = CF_CREATED;
+ return bRC_OK;
+ }
+ context->current_node = parent;
+ return bRC_OK;
+ }
+ if (saved_log_path != NULL)
+ {
+ _DebugMessage(0, "Calling HrESERestoreReopen\n");
+ result = HrESERestoreReopen(context->computer_name, service_name, saved_log_path, &hccx);
+ if (result != 0)
+ {
+ _JobMessage(M_ERROR, "HrESERestoreReopen failed with error 0x%08x - %s\n", result, ESEErrorMessage(result));
+ state = 999;
+ saved_log_path = NULL;
+ rp->create_status = CF_CREATED;
+ return bRC_OK;
+ }
+ _DebugMessage(0, "Calling HrESERestoreGetEnvironment\n");
+ result = HrESERestoreGetEnvironment(hccx, &restore_environment);
+ if (result != 0)
+ {
+ _JobMessage(M_ERROR, "HrESERestoreGetEnvironment failed with error 0x%08x - %s\n", result, ESEErrorMessage(result));
+ state = 999;
+ saved_log_path = NULL;
+ rp->create_status = CF_CREATED;
+ return bRC_OK;
+ }
+ saved_log_path = NULL;
+ }
- for (;;)
- {
- switch (state)
- {
- case 0:
- if (context->path_bits[level + 2] == NULL)
- {
- _JobMessage(M_ERROR, "Unexpected log file '%s%s' - expecting database\n", full_path, context->path_bits[level + 1]);
- state = 999;
- break;
- }
- service_name = new WCHAR[strlen(parent->name) + 1];
- storage_group_name = new WCHAR[strlen(name) + 1];
- mbstowcs(service_name, parent->name, strlen(parent->name) + 1);
- mbstowcs(storage_group_name, name, strlen(name) + 1);
- _DebugMessage(0, "Calling HrESERestoreOpen\n");
- result = HrESERestoreOpen(context->computer_name, service_name, storage_group_name, NULL, &hccx);
- if (result != 0)
- {
- _JobMessage(M_ERROR, "HrESERestoreOpen failed with error 0x%08x - %s\n", result, ESEErrorMessage(result));
- state = 999;
- break;
- }
- _DebugMessage(0, "Calling HrESERestoreGetEnvironment\n");
- result = HrESERestoreGetEnvironment(hccx, &restore_environment);
- if (result != 0)
- {
- _JobMessage(M_ERROR, "HrESERestoreGetEnvironment failed with error 0x%08x - %s\n", result, ESEErrorMessage(result));
- state = 999;
- break;
- }
- state = 1;
- break;
- case 1:
- if (context->path_bits[level + 2] == NULL)
- {
- state = 2;
- break;
- }
- store_node = new store_node_t(bstrdup(context->path_bits[level + 1]), this);
- store_node->hccx = hccx;
- context->current_node = store_node;
- return bRC_OK;
- case 2:
- if (context->path_bits[level + 2] != NULL)
- {
- _JobMessage(M_ERROR, "Unexpected file '%s'\n", full_path);
- state = 999;
- break;
- }
- if (context->path_bits[level + 1] == NULL)
- {
- state = 3;
- break;
- }
- state = 2;
- file_node = new file_node_t(bstrdup(context->path_bits[level + 1]), this);
- file_node->hccx = hccx;
- int i;
- for (i = strlen(file_node->name) - 1; i >= 0; i--)
- {
- if (file_node->name[i] == '\\')
- {
- i++;
- break;
- }
- }
- len = wcslen(restore_environment->m_wszRestoreLogPath) + strlen(file_node->name + i) + 1 + 1;
- file_node->filename = new WCHAR[len];
- wcscpy(file_node->filename, restore_environment->m_wszRestoreLogPath);
- wcscat(file_node->filename, L"\\");
- mbstowcs(&file_node->filename[wcslen(file_node->filename)], file_node->name + i, strlen(file_node->name + i) + 1);
- context->current_node = file_node;
- return bRC_OK;
- case 3:
- if (rp->type != FT_DIREND)
- {
- _JobMessage(M_ERROR, "Unexpected file '%s'\n", full_path);
- state = 999;
- break;
- }
- // must be the storage group node
- _DebugMessage(100, "Calling HrESERestoreSaveEnvironment\n");
- result = HrESERestoreSaveEnvironment(hccx);
- if (result != 0)
- {
- _JobMessage(M_ERROR, "HrESERestoreSaveEnvironment failed with error 0x%08x - %s\n", result, ESEErrorMessage(result));
- state = 999;
- break;
- }
+ for (;;)
+ {
+ switch (state)
+ {
+ case 0:
+ if (context->path_bits[level + 2] == NULL)
+ {
+ _JobMessage(M_ERROR, "Unexpected log file '%s%s' - expecting database\n", full_path, context->path_bits[level + 1]);
+ state = 999;
+ break;
+ }
+ service_name = new WCHAR[strlen(parent->name) + 1];
+ storage_group_name = new WCHAR[strlen(name) + 1];
+ mbstowcs(service_name, parent->name, strlen(parent->name) + 1);
+ mbstowcs(storage_group_name, name, strlen(name) + 1);
+ _DebugMessage(0, "Calling HrESERestoreOpen\n");
+ result = HrESERestoreOpen(context->computer_name, service_name, storage_group_name, NULL, &hccx);
+ if (result != 0)
+ {
+ _JobMessage(M_ERROR, "HrESERestoreOpen failed with error 0x%08x - %s\n", result, ESEErrorMessage(result));
+ state = 999;
+ break;
+ }
+ _DebugMessage(0, "Calling HrESERestoreGetEnvironment\n");
+ result = HrESERestoreGetEnvironment(hccx, &restore_environment);
+ if (result != 0)
+ {
+ _JobMessage(M_ERROR, "HrESERestoreGetEnvironment failed with error 0x%08x - %s\n", result, ESEErrorMessage(result));
+ state = 999;
+ break;
+ }
+ state = 1;
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ if (context->path_bits[level + 2] == NULL)
+ {
+ state = 2;
+ break;
+ }
+ store_node = new store_node_t(bstrdup(context->path_bits[level + 1]), this);
+ store_node->hccx = hccx;
+ context->current_node = store_node;
+ return bRC_OK;
+ case 2:
+ if (context->path_bits[level + 2] != NULL)
+ {
+ _JobMessage(M_ERROR, "Unexpected file '%s'\n", full_path);
+ state = 999;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (context->path_bits[level + 1] == NULL)
+ {
+ state = 3;
+ break;
+ }
+ state = 2;
+ file_node = new file_node_t(bstrdup(context->path_bits[level + 1]), this);
+ file_node->hccx = hccx;
+ int i;
+ for (i = strlen(file_node->name) - 1; i >= 0; i--)
+ {
+ if (file_node->name[i] == '\\')
+ {
+ i++;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ len = wcslen(restore_environment->m_wszRestoreLogPath) + strlen(file_node->name + i) + 1 + 1;
+ file_node->filename = new WCHAR[len];
+ wcscpy(file_node->filename, restore_environment->m_wszRestoreLogPath);
+ wcscat(file_node->filename, L"\\");
+ mbstowcs(&file_node->filename[wcslen(file_node->filename)], file_node->name + i, strlen(file_node->name + i) + 1);
+ context->current_node = file_node;
+ return bRC_OK;
+ case 3:
+ if (rp->type != FT_DIREND)
+ {
+ _JobMessage(M_ERROR, "Unexpected file '%s'\n", full_path);
+ state = 999;
+ break;
+ }
+ // must be the storage group node
+ _DebugMessage(100, "Calling HrESERestoreSaveEnvironment\n");
+ result = HrESERestoreSaveEnvironment(hccx);
+ if (result != 0)
+ {
+ _JobMessage(M_ERROR, "HrESERestoreSaveEnvironment failed with error 0x%08x - %s\n", result, ESEErrorMessage(result));
+ state = 999;
+ break;
+ }
- _DebugMessage(100, "Calling HrESERestoreComplete\n");
- result = HrESERestoreComplete(hccx, restore_environment->m_wszRestoreLogPath,
- restore_environment->m_wszRestoreLogPath, storage_group_name, ESE_RESTORE_COMPLETE_ATTACH_DBS);
- if (result != 0)
- {
- _JobMessage(M_ERROR, "HrESERestoreComplete failed with error 0x%08x - %s\n", result, ESEErrorMessage(result));
- state = 999;
- break;
- }
- else
- {
- _JobMessage(M_INFO, "Storage Group '%s' restored successfully\n", name);
- }
+ _DebugMessage(100, "Calling HrESERestoreComplete\n");
+ result = HrESERestoreComplete(hccx, restore_environment->m_wszRestoreLogPath,
+ restore_environment->m_wszRestoreLogPath, storage_group_name, ESE_RESTORE_COMPLETE_ATTACH_DBS);
+ if (result != 0)
+ {
+ _JobMessage(M_ERROR, "HrESERestoreComplete failed with error 0x%08x - %s\n", result, ESEErrorMessage(result));
+ state = 999;
+ break;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ _JobMessage(M_INFO, "Storage Group '%s' restored successfully\n", name);
+ }
- _DebugMessage(100, "Calling HrESERestoreClose\n");
- result = HrESERestoreClose(hccx, RESTORE_CLOSE_NORMAL);
- if (result != 0)
- {
- _JobMessage(M_ERROR, "HrESERestoreClose failed with error 0x%08x - %s\n", result, ESEErrorMessage(result));
- state = 999;
- break;
- }
+ _DebugMessage(100, "Calling HrESERestoreClose\n");
+ result = HrESERestoreClose(hccx, RESTORE_CLOSE_NORMAL);
+ if (result != 0)
+ {
+ _JobMessage(M_ERROR, "HrESERestoreClose failed with error 0x%08x - %s\n", result, ESEErrorMessage(result));
+ state = 999;
+ break;
+ }
- rp->create_status = CF_CREATED;
- return bRC_OK;
- case 999:
- rp->create_status = CF_CREATED;
- return bRC_OK;
- }
- }
+ rp->create_status = CF_CREATED;
+ return bRC_OK;
+ case 999:
+ rp->create_status = CF_CREATED;
+ return bRC_OK;
+ }
+ }
storage_group_node_t::endRestoreFile(exchange_fd_context_t *context)
- _DebugMessage(0, "endRestoreFile_STORAGE_GROUP state = %d\n", state);
- switch (state)
- {
- case 0:
- return bRC_Error;
- case 1:
- return bRC_OK;
- case 2:
- return bRC_OK;
- case 3:
- context->current_node = parent;
- return bRC_OK;
- case 999:
- return bRC_OK;
- }
+ _DebugMessage(0, "endRestoreFile_STORAGE_GROUP state = %d\n", state);
+ switch (state)
+ {
+ case 0:
+ return bRC_Error;
+ case 1:
+ return bRC_OK;
+ case 2:
+ return bRC_OK;
+ case 3:
+ context->current_node = parent;
+ return bRC_OK;
+ case 999:
+ return bRC_OK;
+ }
- return bRC_Error;
+ return bRC_Error;
store_node_t::store_node_t(char *name, node_t *parent_node) : node_t(name, NODE_TYPE_STORE, parent_node)
- dbi = NULL;
- hccx = NULL;
- dbi_node = NULL;
- file_node = NULL;
+ dbi = NULL;
+ hccx = NULL;
+ dbi_node = NULL;
+ file_node = NULL;
- if (dbi_node != NULL)
- delete dbi_node;
+ if (dbi_node != NULL)
+ delete dbi_node;
- if (file_node != NULL)
- delete file_node;
+ if (file_node != NULL)
+ delete file_node;
store_node_t::startBackupFile(exchange_fd_context_t *context, struct save_pkt *sp)
- char *tmp;
- _DebugMessage(100, "startBackupNode_STORE state = %d\n", state);
- switch(state)
- {
- case 0:
- stream_ptr = dbi->wszDatabaseStreams;
- state = 1;
- // fall through
- case 1:
- dbi_node = new dbi_node_t("DatabaseBackupInfo", this);
- dbi_node->dbi = dbi;
- context->current_node = dbi_node;
- break;
- case 2:
- tmp = new char[wcslen(stream_ptr) + 1];
- wcstombs(tmp, stream_ptr, wcslen(stream_ptr) + 1);
- file_node = new file_node_t(tmp, this);
- file_node->hccx = hccx;
- file_node->filename = stream_ptr;
- context->current_node = file_node;
- break;
- case 3:
- if (context->job_level == 'F')
- {
- time_t now = time(NULL);
- sp->fname = full_path;
- sp->link = full_path;
- sp->statp.st_mode = 0700 | S_IFDIR;
- sp->statp.st_ctime = now;
- sp->statp.st_mtime = now;
- sp->statp.st_atime = now;
- sp->statp.st_size = 0;
- sp->type = FT_DIREND;
- }
- else
- {
- bfuncs->setBaculaValue(context->bpContext, bVarFileSeen, (void *)full_path);
- return bRC_Seen;
- }
- break;
- }
- return bRC_OK;
+ char *tmp;
+ _DebugMessage(100, "startBackupNode_STORE state = %d\n", state);
+ switch(state)
+ {
+ case 0:
+ stream_ptr = dbi->wszDatabaseStreams;
+ state = 1;
+ // fall through
+ case 1:
+ dbi_node = new dbi_node_t("DatabaseBackupInfo", this);
+ dbi_node->dbi = dbi;
+ context->current_node = dbi_node;
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ tmp = new char[wcslen(stream_ptr) + 1];
+ wcstombs(tmp, stream_ptr, wcslen(stream_ptr) + 1);
+ file_node = new file_node_t(tmp, this);
+ file_node->hccx = hccx;
+ file_node->filename = stream_ptr;
+ context->current_node = file_node;
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ if (context->job_level == 'F')
+ {
+ time_t now = time(NULL);
+ sp->fname = full_path;
+ sp->link = full_path;
+ sp->statp.st_mode = 0700 | S_IFDIR;
+ sp->statp.st_ctime = now;
+ sp->statp.st_mtime = now;
+ sp->statp.st_atime = now;
+ sp->statp.st_size = 0;
+ sp->type = FT_DIREND;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ bfuncs->setBaculaValue(context->bpContext, bVarFileSeen, (void *)full_path);
+ return bRC_Seen;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ return bRC_OK;
store_node_t::endBackupFile(exchange_fd_context_t *context)
- _DebugMessage(100, "endBackupNode_STORE state = %d\n", state);
- bRC retval = bRC_OK;
- switch(state)
- {
- case 0:
- // should never happen
- break;
- case 1:
- state = 2;
- retval = bRC_More;
- break;
- case 2:
- delete file_node;
- stream_ptr += wcslen(stream_ptr) + 1;
- if (*stream_ptr == 0)
- state = 3;
- retval = bRC_More;
- break;
- case 3:
- //delete dbi_node;
- context->current_node = parent;
- break;
- }
- return retval;
+ _DebugMessage(100, "endBackupNode_STORE state = %d\n", state);
+ bRC retval = bRC_OK;
+ switch(state)
+ {
+ case 0:
+ // should never happen
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ state = 2;
+ retval = bRC_More;
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ delete file_node;
+ stream_ptr += wcslen(stream_ptr) + 1;
+ if (*stream_ptr == 0)
+ state = 3;
+ retval = bRC_More;
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ //delete dbi_node;
+ context->current_node = parent;
+ break;
+ }
+ return retval;
store_node_t::createFile(exchange_fd_context_t *context, struct restore_pkt *rp)
- _DebugMessage(0, "createFile_STORE state = %d\n", state);
- if (strcmp(context->path_bits[level - 1], parent->name) != 0)
- {
- _DebugMessage(0, "Different storage group - switching back to parent\n", state);
- context->current_node = parent;
- return bRC_OK;
- }
- for (;;)
- {
- switch (state)
- {
- case 0:
- if (strcmp("DatabaseBackupInfo", context->path_bits[level + 1]) != 0)
- {
- _JobMessage(M_ERROR, "DatabaseBackupInfo file must exist and must be first in directory\n");
- state = 999;
- break;
- }
- dbi_node = new dbi_node_t(bstrdup(context->path_bits[level + 1]), this);
- context->current_node = dbi_node;
- return bRC_OK;
- case 1:
- if (strcmp(context->path_bits[level - 1], parent->name) != 0)
- {
- _JobMessage(M_ERROR, "Unexpected Storage Group Change\n");
- state = 999;
- break;
- }
- if (*stream_ptr != 0)
- {
- // verify that stream_ptr == context->path_bits[level + 1];
- _DebugMessage(150, "stream_ptr = %S\n", stream_ptr);
- _DebugMessage(150, "out_stream_ptr = %S\n", out_stream_ptr);
- file_node = new file_node_t(bstrdup(context->path_bits[level + 1]), this);
- file_node->hccx = hccx;
- file_node->filename = out_stream_ptr;
- context->current_node = file_node;
- return bRC_OK;
- }
- else
- {
- _JobMessage(M_ERROR, "Extra file found '%s'\n", full_path);
- state = 999;
- break;
- }
- case 2:
- if (rp->type != FT_DIREND)
- {
- _JobMessage(M_ERROR, "Unexpected file '%s'\n", full_path);
- state = 999;
- break;
- }
- rp->create_status = CF_CREATED;
- return bRC_OK;
- case 999:
- if (strcmp(context->path_bits[level], name) != 0)
- {
- _DebugMessage(0, "End of Store when in error state - switching back to parent\n", state);
- context->current_node = parent;
- return bRC_OK;
- }
- rp->create_status = CF_CREATED;
- return bRC_OK;
- }
- }
+ _DebugMessage(0, "createFile_STORE state = %d\n", state);
+ if (strcmp(context->path_bits[level - 1], parent->name) != 0)
+ {
+ _DebugMessage(0, "Different storage group - switching back to parent\n", state);
+ context->current_node = parent;
+ return bRC_OK;
+ }
+ for (;;)
+ {
+ switch (state)
+ {
+ case 0:
+ if (strcmp("DatabaseBackupInfo", context->path_bits[level + 1]) != 0)
+ {
+ _JobMessage(M_ERROR, "DatabaseBackupInfo file must exist and must be first in directory\n");
+ state = 999;
+ break;
+ }
+ dbi_node = new dbi_node_t(bstrdup(context->path_bits[level + 1]), this);
+ context->current_node = dbi_node;
+ return bRC_OK;
+ case 1:
+ if (strcmp(context->path_bits[level - 1], parent->name) != 0)
+ {
+ _JobMessage(M_ERROR, "Unexpected Storage Group Change\n");
+ state = 999;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (*stream_ptr != 0)
+ {
+ // verify that stream_ptr == context->path_bits[level + 1];
+ _DebugMessage(150, "stream_ptr = %S\n", stream_ptr);
+ _DebugMessage(150, "out_stream_ptr = %S\n", out_stream_ptr);
+ file_node = new file_node_t(bstrdup(context->path_bits[level + 1]), this);
+ file_node->hccx = hccx;
+ file_node->filename = out_stream_ptr;
+ context->current_node = file_node;
+ return bRC_OK;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ _JobMessage(M_ERROR, "Extra file found '%s'\n", full_path);
+ state = 999;
+ break;
+ }
+ case 2:
+ if (rp->type != FT_DIREND)
+ {
+ _JobMessage(M_ERROR, "Unexpected file '%s'\n", full_path);
+ state = 999;
+ break;
+ }
+ rp->create_status = CF_CREATED;
+ return bRC_OK;
+ case 999:
+ if (strcmp(context->path_bits[level], name) != 0)
+ {
+ _DebugMessage(0, "End of Store when in error state - switching back to parent\n", state);
+ context->current_node = parent;
+ return bRC_OK;
+ }
+ rp->create_status = CF_CREATED;
+ return bRC_OK;
+ }
+ }
store_node_t::endRestoreFile(exchange_fd_context_t *context)
- HRESULT result;
- _DebugMessage(0, "endRestoreFile_STORE state = %d\n", state);
- for (;;)
- {
- switch (state)
- {
- case 0:
- state = 1;
- _DebugMessage(0, "Calling HrESERestoreAddDatabase\n");
- result = HrESERestoreAddDatabase(hccx, dbi_node->restore_display_name, dbi_node->restore_guid, dbi_node->restore_input_streams, &dbi_node->restore_output_streams);
- if (result != 0)
- {
- _JobMessage(M_ERROR, "HrESERestoreAddDatabase failed with error 0x%08x - %s\n", result, ESEErrorMessage(result));
- state = 999;
- break;
- }
- stream_ptr = dbi_node->restore_input_streams;
- out_stream_ptr = dbi_node->restore_output_streams;
- return bRC_OK;
- case 1:
- if (*stream_ptr != 0)
- {
- delete file_node;
- file_node = NULL;
- stream_ptr += wcslen(stream_ptr) + 1;
- out_stream_ptr += wcslen(out_stream_ptr) + 1;
- if (*stream_ptr == 0)
- state = 2;
- return bRC_OK;
- }
- else
- {
- state = 999;
- break;
- }
- case 2:
- context->current_node = parent;
- return bRC_OK;
- case 999:
- return bRC_OK;
- }
- }
+ HRESULT result;
+ _DebugMessage(0, "endRestoreFile_STORE state = %d\n", state);
+ for (;;)
+ {
+ switch (state)
+ {
+ case 0:
+ state = 1;
+ _DebugMessage(0, "Calling HrESERestoreAddDatabase\n");
+ result = HrESERestoreAddDatabase(hccx, dbi_node->restore_display_name, dbi_node->restore_guid, dbi_node->restore_input_streams, &dbi_node->restore_output_streams);
+ if (result != 0)
+ {
+ _JobMessage(M_ERROR, "HrESERestoreAddDatabase failed with error 0x%08x - %s\n", result, ESEErrorMessage(result));
+ state = 999;
+ break;
+ }
+ stream_ptr = dbi_node->restore_input_streams;
+ out_stream_ptr = dbi_node->restore_output_streams;
+ return bRC_OK;
+ case 1:
+ if (*stream_ptr != 0)
+ {
+ delete file_node;
+ file_node = NULL;
+ stream_ptr += wcslen(stream_ptr) + 1;
+ out_stream_ptr += wcslen(out_stream_ptr) + 1;
+ if (*stream_ptr == 0)
+ state = 2;
+ return bRC_OK;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ state = 999;
+ break;
+ }
+ case 2:
+ context->current_node = parent;
+ return bRC_OK;
+ case 999:
+ return bRC_OK;
+ }
+ }