our %k_re = ( dbi => qr/^(dbi:(Pg|mysql):(?:\w+=[\w\d\.-]+;?)+)$/i,
user => qr/^([\w\d\.-]+)$/i,
- password => qr/^(.*)$/i,
+ password => qr/^(.*)$/,
fv_write_path => qr!^([/\w\d\.-]*)$!,
template_dir => qr!^([/\w\d\.-]+)$!,
debug => qr/^(on)?$/,
bconsole => qr!^(.+)?$!,
syslog_file => qr!^(.+)?$!,
log_dir => qr!^(.+)?$!,
+ wiki_url => qr!(.*)$!,
stat_job_table => qr!^(\w*)$!,
display_log_time => qr!^(on)?$!,
enable_security => qr/^(on)?$/,
my $all = $self->dbh_selectall_hashref($query, 'volumename');
$row->{volumes} = [ values %$all ] ;
+ $row->{wiki_url} = $self->{info}->{wiki_url};
$self->display($row, "display_job_zoom.tpl");
+ebl Add a wiki option to integrate a link to jobs documentation
+ directly in bweb.
ebl Add brestore_xxx tables to sql scripts
ebl Add a batch=1 option to bresto.pl to fill bresto tables
<tr><td>bconsole :</td>
<td> <input class="formulaire" type='text' value='<TMPL_VAR bconsole>' size='64' name='bconsole'>
+ <tr><td>wiki_url :</td>
+ <td> <input class="formulaire" title="use a wiki for jobs documentation?" type='text' name='wiki_url' value='<TMPL_VAR wiki_url>'>
+ </td></tr>
<tr><td>display_log_time :</td>
<td> <input class="formulaire" title="display log timestamp" type='checkbox' name='display_log_time' <TMPL_IF display_log_time> checked='checked' value='on' </TMPL_IF> >
<tr><td title="This folder must be writable by apache user and must be accessible on /bweb/fv">fv_write_path :</td> <td> <TMPL_VAR fv_write_path> </td></tr>
<tr><td title="You can choose the Job table that you want to use to get statistics">stat_job_table :</td> <td> <TMPL_IF stat_job_table><TMPL_VAR stat_job_table><TMPL_ELSE>Job</TMPL_IF> </td></tr>
<tr><td title="/path/to/bconsole -n -c /path/to/bconsole.conf">bconsole :</td> <td> <TMPL_VAR bconsole> </td></tr>
+ <tr><td title="use a wiki for jobs documentation ?">wiki_url :</td> <td> <TMPL_VAR wiki_url> </td></tr>
<tr><td title="display timestamp in job log">display_log_time :</td> <td> <TMPL_VAR display_log_time> </td></tr>
<tr><td title="user managment">security :</td> <td> <TMPL_VAR enable_security> </td></tr>
<tr><td title="user filter">security acl :</td> <td> <TMPL_VAR enable_security_acl> </td></tr>
+<TMPL_IF wiki_url>
+ <td>
+ <a href="<TMPL_VAR wiki_url><TMPL_VAR Client>" title='View doc'><img src='/bweb/doc.png' alt='view doc'></a>View Doc
+ </td>
<form name="rerun" action='bweb.pl?' onsubmit="document.getElementById('rerun_level').value=joblevelname['<TMPL_VAR NAME=Level>']">
<input type='hidden' name='storage' value='<TMPL_VAR storage>'>