; UNINSTALL routine. Is called before the driver is removed from memory.
; Must return an SER_ERR_xx code in a/x.
+; and:
+; CLOSE: Close the port, disable interrupts and flush the buffer. Called
+; without parameters. Must return an error code in a/x.
; Deactivate DTR and disable 6551 interrupts
-; CLOSE: Close the port, disable interrupts and flush the buffer. Called
-; without parameters. Must return an error code in a/x.
-; Stop interrupts, drop DTR
- lda #%00001010
- jsr write_cmd
-; Initalize buffers.
- jsr InitBuffers
-; Return OK
- lda #<SER_ERR_OK
- tax ; A is zero
- rts
; GET: Will fetch a character from the receive buffer and store it into the
; variable pointer to by ptr1. If no data is available, SER_ERR_NO_DATA is
; UNINSTALL routine. Is called before the driver is removed from memory.
; Must return an SER_ERR_xx code in a/x.
+; and:
+; CLOSE: Close the port, disable interrupts and flush the buffer. Called
+; without parameters. Must return an error code in a/x.
; Deactivate DTR and disable 6551 interrupts
-; CLOSE: Close the port, disable interrupts and flush the buffer. Called
-; without parameters. Must return an error code in a/x.
-; Stop interrupts, drop DTR
- lda #%00001010
- jsr write_cmd
-; Initalize buffers.
- jsr InitBuffers
-; Return OK
- lda #<SER_ERR_OK
- tax ; A is zero
- rts
; GET: Will fetch a character from the receive buffer and store it into the
; variable pointer to by ptr1. If no data is available, SER_ERR_NO_DATA is
; UNINSTALL routine. Is called before the driver is removed from memory.
; Must return an SER_ERR_xx code in a/x.
+; and:
+; CLOSE: Close the port, disable interrupts and flush the buffer. Called
+; without parameters. Must return an error code in a/x.
; Deactivate DTR and disable 6551 interrupts
-; CLOSE: Close the port, disable interrupts and flush the buffer. Called
-; without parameters. Must return an error code in a/x.
-; Stop interrupts, drop DTR
- lda #%00001010
- sta ACIA_CMD
-; Initalize buffers.
- jsr InitBuffers
-; Return OK
- lda #<SER_ERR_OK
- tax ; A is zero
- rts
; GET: Will fetch a character from the receive buffer and store it into the
; variable pointer to by ptr1. If no data is available, SER_ERR_NO_DATA is