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+ $(MAKE) $@ || (echo ""; echo ""; echo " ====== Error in `pwd` ======"; \
+ echo ""; echo ""; exit 1;)); \
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--- /dev/null
+2014-02-03 Philippe Chauvat <pchauvat@neuchatel>
+ * README: Creation.
--- /dev/null
+This directory is intended to contain specific class, data, informations
+about the "new" layout documentation for the manuals.
+A copy of the latex book class is built which will include a front page.
+This front page is located into the images/svg directory (source file) and
+the result is pushed to images/pdf directory. If you want to know more about this
+please read the README file in the images/svg directory.
--- /dev/null
+%% This is file `borgmanual.cls',
+%% This file is a modified copy of the book.cls class.
+%% The original source files were:
+%% classes.dtx (with options: `book')
+%% This is a generated file.
+%% Copyright 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001
+%% The LaTeX3 Project and any individual authors listed elsewhere
+%% in this file.
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+ January\or February\or March\or April\or May\or June\or
+ July\or August\or September\or October\or November\or December\fi
+ \space\number\day, \number\year}
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+\def\devman{\mbacula{} Developers Manual}
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+\def\problemsman{\mbacula{} Problem Resolution Guide}
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+%%% will display
+%%% Console Configuration chapter (chapter 30 on page 269)
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of the Console, and at the current time, the only Resource Record defined
is the Director resource, which gives the Console the name and address of
the Director. For more information on configuration of the Console
-program, please see the \ilink{Console Configuration
-File}{ConsoleConfChapter} Chapter of this document.
+program, please see the \borgxrlink{Console Configuration}{ConsoleConfChapter}
+{main}{chapter} of the \mainman{}.
\section{Running the Console Program}
\index[general]{Running the Console Program}
This can be helpful for testing because once the Director starts and the
Python interpreter is initialized, there is no other way to make it
accept any changes to the startup script {\bf}. For more
- details on Python scripting, please see the \ilink{Python
- Scripting}{PythonChapter} chapter of this manual.
+ details on Python scripting, please see the \borgxrlink{Python Scripting}
+ {PythonChapter}{misc}{chapter} of the \miscman{}.
\item [query]
specified, you will be prompted. The {\bf all} specification tells the
restore command to restore all files. If it is not specified, you will
be prompted for the files to restore. For details of the {\bf restore}
- command, please see the \ilink{Restore Chapter}{RestoreChapter} of this
- manual.
+ command, please see the \borgxrlink{Restore}{RestoreChapter}{main}{chapter}
+ of the \mainman{}.
The client keyword initially specifies the client from which the backup
was made and the client to which the restore will be make. However,
%% # $ % & ~ _ ^ \ { }
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- \Huge{Bacula Console and Operators Guide}
- \begin{center}
- \large{The Leading Open Source Backup Solution. }
- \end{center}
+\title{Bacula$^{\normalsize \textregistered}$ Console and Operators Guide}
\author{Kern Sibbald}
\date{\vspace{1.0in}\today \\
This manual documents Bacula version \input{version} \\
- Copyright \copyright 1999-2010, Free Software Foundation Europe
+ Copyright {\copyright} 1999-2010, Free Software Foundation Europe
e.V. \\
+ Bacula {\textregistered} is a registered trademark of Kern Sibbald.\\
Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the
GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.2 published by the Free Software Foundation;
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\addcontentsline{toc}{subsubsection}{Installing and Configuring MySQL}
For the details of installing and configuring MySQL, please see the
-\ilink{Installing and Configuring MySQL}{_ChapterStart} chapter of
-this manual.
+\borgxrlink{Installing and Configuring MySQL}{MySqlChapter}{main}{chapter} of
+the \mainman{}.
\subsection{Installing and Configuring PostgreSQL}
\index[general]{PostgreSQL!Installing and Configuring }
\addcontentsline{toc}{subsubsection}{Installing and Configuring PostgreSQL}
For the details of installing and configuring PostgreSQL, please see the
-\ilink{Installing and Configuring PostgreSQL}{_ChapterStart10}
-chapter of this manual.
+\borgxrlink{Installing and Configuring PostgreSQL}{PostgreSqlChapter}{main}{chapter}
+ of the \mainman{}.
\subsection{Installing and Configuring SQLite}
\index[general]{Installing and Configuring SQLite }
\addcontentsline{toc}{subsubsection}{Installing and Configuring SQLite}
For the details of installing and configuring SQLite, please see the
-\ilink{Installing and Configuring SQLite}{_ChapterStart33} chapter of
-this manual.
+\borgxrlink{Installing and Configuring SQLite}{SqlLiteChapter}{main}{chapter} of
+the \mainman{}.
\subsection{Internal Bacula Catalog}
\index[general]{Catalog!Internal Bacula }
\index[general]{Internal Bacula Catalog }
\addcontentsline{toc}{subsubsection}{Internal Bacula Catalog}
-Please see the
-\ilink{Internal Bacula Database}{_ChapterStart42} chapter of this
-manual for more details.
+Please see the \borgxrlink{Internal Bacula Database}{sec:InternalBaculaDatabase}{misc}{section} of the \miscman{} for more details.
\subsection{Database Table Design}
\index[general]{Design!Database Table }
\parskip 10pt
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-\title{\includegraphics{\idir bacula-logo.eps} \\ \bigskip
- \Huge{Bacula}$^{\normalsize \textregistered}$ \Huge{Developer's Guide}
- \begin{center}
- \large{The Leading Open Source Backup Solution. }
- \end{center}
+\title{Bacula$^{\normalsize \textregistered}$ Developer's Guide}
\author{Kern Sibbald}
\date{\vspace{1.0in}\today \\
%% # $ % & ~ _ ^ \ { }
\topmargin -0.5in
\oddsidemargin 0.0in
+\newfont{\bighead}{cmr17 at 36pt}
+\parskip 10pt
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+\title{Bacula$^{\normalsize \textregistered}$ Developer's Guide}
+\author{Kern Sibbald}
+\date{\vspace{1.0in}\today \\
+ This manual documents Bacula version \input{version} \\
+ \vspace{0.2in}
+ Copyright {\copyright} 1999-2010, Free Software Foundation Europe
+ e.V. \\
+ Bacula {\textregistered} is a registered trademark of Kern Sibbald.\\
+ \vspace{0.2in}
+ Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the
+ GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.2 published by the Free Software Foundation;
+ with no Invariant Sections, no Front-Cover Texts, and no Back-Cover Texts.
+ A copy of the license is included in the section entitled "GNU Free Documentation License".
If you want to understand why it is not a good idea to force a
push to the repository, look at the following picture:
-\includegraphics[width=0.85\textwidth]{\idir git-edit-commit.eps}
The above graphic has three lines of circles. Each circle represents
a commit, and time runs from the left to the right. The top line
shows the repository just before you are going to do a push. Note the
- \includegraphics[width=12cm]{\idir bat-brestore}
+ \includegraphics[width=\linewidth]{bat-brestore}
\caption{Bat Brestore Panel}
-\chapter{Bacula Porting Notes}
+\chapter{Bacula Porting Notes}\label{PortingChapter}
\index{Notes!Bacula Porting}
\index{Bacula Porting Notes}
-\addcontentsline{lof}{figure}{Smart Memory Allocation with Orphaned Buffer
-\includegraphics{\idir smartall.eps}
\chapter{Smart Memory Allocation}
\index{Smart Memory Allocation With Orphaned Buffer Detection }
\addcontentsline{toc}{section}{Smart Memory Allocation With Orphaned Buffer
+\addcontentsline{lof}{figure}{Smart Memory Allocation with Orphaned Buffer
Few things are as embarrassing as a program that leaks, yet few errors are so
easy to commit or as difficult to track down in a large, complicated program
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For more detailed information on what SCSI devices you have please see
-the \ilink{Linux SCSI Tricks}{SCSITricks} section of the Tape Testing
-chapter of this manual.
+the \borgxrlink{Linux SCSI Tricks}{SCSITricks}{problems}{section} of the
+ \borgxrlink{Tape Testing}{TapeTestingChapter}{problems}{chapter} of the
+ \problemsman{}.
Under FreeBSD, you can use:
1.32f-5 and later.
Please see the
-\ilink{ Tape Testing}{FreeBSDTapes} chapter of this manual for
+\borgxrlink{Tape Testing}{FreeBSDTapes}{problems}{chapter} of the \problemsman{} for
{\bf important} information concerning your tape drive before doing the
autochanger testing.
your system. An overall view of the resources can be seen in the following:
\addcontentsline{lof}{figure}{Bacula Objects}
-\includegraphics{\idir bacula-objects.eps}
\section{Character Sets}
Here is sort of a picture of what names/passwords in which files/Resources
must match up:
-\includegraphics{\idir Conf-Diagram.eps}
In the left column, you will find the Director, Storage, and Client resources,
with their names and passwords -- these are all in {\bf bacula-dir.conf}. In
For more details on running the console and its commands, please see the
-\ilink{Bacula Console}{_ConsoleChapter} chapter of this manual.
+\borgxrlink{Bacula Console}{_ConsoleChapter}{console}{chapter} of the \consoleman{}.
\section{Sample Console Configuration File}
\parskip 10pt
\parindent 0pt
-\title{\includegraphics{\idir bacula-logo.eps} \\ \bigskip
- \Huge{Bacula}$^{\normalsize \textregistered}$ \Huge{Bacula Main Reference}
- \begin{center}
- \large{The Leading Open Source Backup Solution. }
- \end{center}
+\title{Bacula$^{\normalsize \textregistered}$ Main Reference}
\author{Kern Sibbald}
\item Test your tape drive for compatibility with Bacula by using the test
- command in the \ilink{btape}{btape} program.
+ command in the See the \borgxrlink{btape}{btape}{utility}{section} of the \utilityman{}.
\item Better than doing the above is to walk through the nine steps in the
- \ilink{Tape Testing}{TapeTestingChapter} chapter of the manual. It
+ \borgxrlink{Tape Testing}{TapeTestingChapter}{problems}{chapter} of the \problemsman{}. It
may take you a bit of time, but it will eliminate surprises.
\item Test the end of tape handling of your tape drive by using the
- fill command in the \ilink{btape}{btape} program.
+ \texttt{fill} command in the \borgxrlink{btape program}{btape}{utility}{section} (Part of the \utilityman{})
\item If you are using a Linux 2.4 kernel, make sure that /lib/tls is disabled. Bacula
does not work with this library. See the second point under
\ilink{ Supported Operating Systems.}{SupportedOSes}
\item After installing and experimenting with Bacula, read and work carefully
through the examples in the
\ilink{Tutorial}{TutorialChapter} chapter of this manual.
-\item Learn what each of the \ilink{Bacula Utility Programs}{_UtilityChapter}
+\item Learn what each of the \borgxrlinkdocument{Bacula Utility Programs}{_UtilityChapter}{utility}{chapter}
\item Set up reasonable retention periods so that your catalog does not grow
to be too big. See the following three chapters:\\
- DirAddresses = {
- ip = { addr =; port = 1205;}
+ DirAddresses = {
+ ip = {addr =; port = 1205;}
ipv4 = {
addr =; port = http;}
ipv6 = {
addr =
port = 1205
- ip = { addr = }
- ip = { addr = 201:220:222::2 }
+ ip = {addr = }
+ ip = {addr = 201:220:222::2 }
ip = {
addr =
capacity planning, billings, etc. See \ilink{Statistics chapter} for
additional information.
- See the \ilink{ Configuration chapter}{Time} of this manual for additional
+ See the \ilink{Configuration chapter}{Time} of this manual for additional
details of time specification.
The default is 5 years.
- \includegraphics[width=13cm]{\idir different_time.eps}
+ \includegraphics[width=\linewidth]{different_time}
\caption{Job time control directives}
You can use following options may be specified in the body
of the runscript:\\
-Options & Value & Default & Information \\
-Runs On Success & Yes/No & {\it Yes} & Run command if JobStatus is successful\\
-Runs On Failure & Yes/No & {\it No} & Run command if JobStatus isn't successful\\
-Runs On Client & Yes/No & {\it Yes} & Run command on client\\
-Runs When & Before|After|Always|\textsl{AfterVSS} & {\it Never} & When run commands\\
-Fail Job On Error & Yes/No & {\it Yes} & Fail job if script returns
- something different from 0 \\
-Command & & & Path to your script\\
-Console & & & Console command\\
- \\
Any output sent by the command to standard output will be included in the
Bacula job report. The command string must be a valid program name or name
You can use these following shortcuts:\\
-Keyword & RunsOnSuccess & RunsOnFailure & FailJobOnError & Runs On Client & RunsWhen \\
-Run Before Job & & & Yes & No & Before \\
-Run After Job & Yes & No & & No & After \\
-Run After Failed Job & No & Yes & & No & After \\
-Client Run Before Job & & & Yes & Yes & Before \\
-Client Run After Job & Yes & No & & Yes & After \\
RunScript {
substitution as described above for the {\bf RunScript} directive.
An example of the use of this directive is given in the
- \ilink{Tips Chapter}{JobNotification} of this manual.
+ \borgxrlink{Tips}{JobNotification}{problems}{chapter} of the \problemsman{}.
See the {\bf Run After Failed Job} if you
want to run a script after the job has terminated with any
An example of the use of this directive is given in the
- \ilink{Tips Chapter}{JobNotification} of this manual.
+ \borgxrlink{Tips}{JobNotification}{problems}{chapter} of the \problemsman{}.
\item [Client Run Before Job = \lt{}command\gt{}]
Director, Client, or Storage resources will also apply in addition to
the limit specified here. The default is set to 1, but you may set it
to a larger number. We strongly recommend that you read the WARNING
- documented under \ilink{ Maximum Concurrent Jobs}{DirMaxConJobs} in the
+ documented under \ilink{Maximum Concurrent Jobs}{DirMaxConJobs} in the
Director's resource.
\item [Reschedule On Error = \lt{}yes\vb{}no\gt{}]
- \includegraphics[width=13cm]{\idir duplicate-real.eps}
+ \includegraphics[width=\linewidth]{duplicate-real}
\caption{Allow Duplicate Jobs usage}
keep these points in mind:
-\item See \ilink{Running Concurrent Jobs}{ConcurrentJobs} on how to setup
- concurrent jobs.
+\item See \borgxrlink{Running Concurrent Jobs}{ConcurrentJobs}{problems}{section} on how to setup
+ concurrent jobs in the \problemsman{}.
\item Bacula concurrently runs jobs of only one priority at a time. It
will not simultaneously run a priority 1 and a priority 2 job.
shorter {\bf Volume Retention} period. The shortest retention period of the
three takes precedence. The time may be expressed in seconds, minutes,
hours, days, weeks, months, quarters, or years. See the
- \ilink{ Configuration chapter}{Time} of this manual for
+ \ilink{Configuration chapter}{Time} of this manual for
additional details of time specification.
The default is 60 days.
The Job retention period is specified as seconds, minutes, hours, days,
weeks, months, quarters, or years. See the
- \ilink{ Configuration chapter}{Time} of this manual for
+ \ilink{Configuration chapter}{Time} of this manual for
additional details of time specification.
The default is 180 days.
created, changing the value in the bacula-dir.conf file will not change what
is stored for the Volume. To change the value for an existing Volume you
must use the
- \ilink{\bf update volume}{UpdateCommand} command in the Console.
+ \borgxrlink{update volume}{UpdateCommand}{console}{command} in the \consoleman{}.
\item [Catalog Files = \lt{}yes\vb{}no\gt{}]
\index[dir]{Catalog Files}
begin with a dollar sign ({\bf \$}) or a left bracket ({\bf [}). If you
specify variable expansion characters, you should always enclose the
format with double quote characters ({\bf "}). For more details on
- variable expansion, please see the \ilink{Variable
- Expansion}{VarsChapter} Chapter of this manual.
+ variable expansion, please see the \borgxrlink{Variable
+ Expansion}{VarsChapter}{misc}{chapter} of the \miscman{}.
If no variable expansion characters are found in the string, the Volume
name will be formed from the {\bf format} string appended with the
File-0002}, ...
With the exception of Job specific variables, you can test your {\bf
- LabelFormat} by using the \ilink{var command}{var} the Console Chapter
- of this manual.
+ LabelFormat} by using the \borgxrlink{var}{var}{console}{command} in the
+ \consoleman{}.
In almost all cases, you should enclose the format specification (part
after the equal sign) in double quotes. Please note that this directive
# from root to your address. See the "mail" and "operator"
# directives in the Messages resource.
-Director { # define myself
+Director { # define myself
Name = rufus-dir
QueryFile = "/home/kern/bacula/bin/query.sql"
WorkingDirectory = "/home/kern/bacula/bin/working"
FileSet {
Name = "Full Set"
Include {
- Options { signature=SHA1}
+ Options {signature=SHA1}
# Put your list of files here, one per line or include an
# external list with:
In addition, if you want to use concurrent jobs that write to several
different volumes at the same time, you will need to understand a number
of other details. An example of such a configuration is given
-at the end of this chapter under \ilink{Concurrent Disk
+at the end of this chapter under \ilink{Concurrent Disk Jobs}{ConcurrentDiskJobs}.
\subsection{Pool Options to Limit the Volume Usage}
\index[general]{Usage!Pool Options to Limit the Volume }
In version 1.37 and later, it is probably much better to use Python scripting
and the NewVolume event since generating Volume labels in a Python script is
much easier than trying to figure out Counter variables. See the
-\ilink{Python Scripting}{PythonChapter} chapter of this manual for more
+\borgxrlink{Python Scripting}{PythonChapter}{misc}{chapter} of the \miscman{}
Please note that automatic Volume labeling can also be used with tapes, but
You may want to test your expressions prior to running your
backup by using the bwild program. Please see the
- \ilink{Utilities}{bwild} chapter of this manual for
- more. You can also test your full FileSet definition by using
- the \ilink{estimate}{estimate} command in the Console
- chapter of this manual.
+ \borgxrlink{Utilities}{bwild}{utility}{chapter} of the \utilityman{} for
+ more information. You can also test your full FileSet definition by using
+ the \borgxrlink{estimate}{estimate}{console}{command} in the \consoleman{}.
It is recommended to enclose the string in double quotes.
\item [wilddir=\lt{}string\gt{}]
You may want to test your expressions prior to running your
backup by using the bwild program. Please see the
- \ilink{Utilities}{bwild} chapter of this manual for
- more. You can also test your full FileSet definition by using
- the \ilink{estimate}{estimate} command in the Console
- chapter of this manual.
+ \borgxrlink{Utilities}{bwild}{utility}{chapter} of the \utilityman{} for
+ more information. You can also test your full FileSet definition by using
+ the \borgxrlink{estimate}{estimate}{console}{command} in the \consoleman{}.
An example of excluding with the WildDir option on Win32 machines is
presented below.
You may want to test your expressions prior to running your
backup by using the bwild program. Please see the
- \ilink{Utilities}{bwild} chapter of this manual for
- more. You can also test your full FileSet definition by using
- the \ilink{estimate}{estimate} command in the Console
- chapter of this manual.
- An example of excluding with the WildFile option on Win32 machines is
+ \borgxrlink{Utilities}{bwild}{utility}{chapter} of the \utilityman{} for
+ more information. You can also test your full FileSet definition by using
+ the \borgxrlink{estimate}{estimate}{console}{command} in the \consoleman{}.
+ An example of excluding with the WildFile option on Win32 machines is
presented below.
\item [regex=\lt{}string\gt{}]
another, and in addition, regular expressions are complicated,
so you may want to test your expressions prior to running your
backup by using the bregex program. Please see the
- \ilink{Utilities}{bwild} chapter of this manual for
- more. You can also test your full FileSet definition by using
- the \ilink{estimate}{estimate} command in the Console
- chapter of this manual.
+ \borgxrlink{Utilities}{bwild}{utility}{chapter} of the \utilityman{} for
+ more information. You can also test your full FileSet definition by using
+ the \borgxrlink{estimate}{estimate}{console}{command} in the \consoleman{}.
You find yourself using a lot of Regex statements, which will cost quite a lot
of CPU time, we recommend you simplify them if you can, or better yet
another, and in addition, regular expressions are complicated,
so you may want to test your expressions prior to running your
backup by using the bregex program. Please see the
- \ilink{Utilities}{bregex} chapter of this manual for
- more.
+ \borgxrlink{bregex}{bregex}{utility}{command} of the \utilityman{} more.
\item [regexdir=\lt{}string\gt{}]
another, and in addition, regular expressions are complicated,
so you may want to test your expressions prior to running your
backup by using the bregex program. Please see the
- \ilink{Utilities}{bregex} chapter of this manual for
- more.
+ \borgxrlink{bregex}{bregex}{utility}{command} of the \utilityman{} more.
\item [exclude=yes\vb{}no]
Thanks to Thiago Lima for summarizing the above items for us. If you are
having difficulties getting includes or excludes to work, you might want to
try using the {\bf estimate job=xxx listing} command documented in the
-\ilink{Console chapter}{estimate} of this manual.
+\borgxrlink{estimate}{estimate}{console}{command} of \consoleman{}.
On Win32 systems, if you move a directory or file or rename a file into the
set of files being backed up, and a Full backup has already been made, Bacula
If you wish to get an idea of what your FileSet will really backup or if your
exclusion rules will work correctly, you can test it by using the {\bf
estimate} command in the Console program. See the
-\ilink{estimate}{estimate} in the Console chapter of this
+\borgxrlink{estimate}{estimate}{console}{command} of \consoleman{}.
As an example, suppose you add the following test FileSet:
\addcontentsline{lof}{figure}{Bacula Applications}
-\includegraphics{\idir bacula-applications.eps}
(thanks to Aristedes Maniatis for this graphic and the one below)
% TODO: move the thanks to Credits section in preface
with an interactive file restore. It also has most of the capabilities
of the shell console, allows command completion with tabulation, and
gives you instant help about the command you are typing. For more
- details see the \ilink{Bacula Console Design Document}{_ConsoleChapter}.
+ details see the \borgxrlinkdocument{Bacula Console Design Document}{_ConsoleChapter}{console}{Chapter}.
\subsection*{Bacula File}
The packages for MySQL and PostgreSQL are available for several operating
Alternatively, installing from the
- source is quite easy, see the \ilink{ Installing and Configuring
+ source is quite easy, see the \ilink{Installing and Configuring
MySQL}{MySqlChapter} chapter of this document for the details. For
more information on MySQL, please see:
\elink{}{}. Or see the \ilink{
see: \elink{}{}.
Configuring and building SQLite is even easier. For the details of
- configuring SQLite, please see the \ilink{ Installing and Configuring
+ configuring SQLite, please see the \ilink{Installing and Configuring
SQLite}{SqlLiteChapter} chapter of this document.
\subsection*{Bacula Monitor}
resources (or objects). The following presents an overall picture of this:
\addcontentsline{lof}{figure}{Bacula Objects}
-\includegraphics{\idir bacula-objects.eps}
\section{Conventions Used in this Document}
\index[general]{Conventions Used in this Document }
If you are reading this manual as supplied in a released version of the
software, the above paragraph holds true. If you are reading the online
version of the manual,
-\elink{}{}, please bear in
+\elink{}{}, please bear in
mind that this version describes the current version in development (in the
CVS) that may contain features not in the released version. Just the same, it
generally lags behind the code a bit.
\ilink{Installing Bacula}{InstallChapter}, then
\ilink{How to Configure Bacula}{ConfigureChapter}, and finally the
chapter on
-\ilink{ Running Bacula}{TutorialChapter}.
+\ilink{Running Bacula}{TutorialChapter}.
\index[general]{Terminology }
easily restored. This function is particularly useful if certain
Volumes or Jobs have exceeded their retention period and have been
pruned or purged from the Catalog. Scanning data from Volumes into the
- Catalog is done by using the {\bf bscan} program. See the \ilink{ bscan
- section}{bscan} of the Bacula Utilities Chapter of this manual for more
+ Catalog is done by using the {\bf bscan} program. See the \borgxrlink{bscan}
+{bscan}{utility}{section} of the \utilityman{} for more
\item [Volume]
Bacula is a backup, restore and verification program and is not a
complete disaster recovery system in itself, but it can be a key part of one
if you plan carefully and follow the instructions included in the
-\ilink{ Disaster Recovery}{RescueChapter} Chapter of this manual.
+\ilink{Disaster Recovery}{RescueChapter} Chapter of this manual.
With proper planning, as mentioned in the Disaster Recovery chapter,
Bacula can be a central component of your disaster recovery system. For
information. It also maintains the Catalog.
\addcontentsline{lof}{figure}{Interactions between Bacula Services}
-\includegraphics{\idir flow.eps}
%% # $ % & ~ _ ^ \ { }
\topmargin -0.5in
\oddsidemargin 0.0in
\textheight 10in
\textwidth 6.5in
% \usepackage[linkcolor=black,colorlinks=true]{hyperref}
\newindex{dir}{ddx}{dnd}{Director Index}
\newindex{fd}{fdx}{fnd}{File Daemon Index}
+\title{Bacula$^{\normalsize \textregistered}$ Main Reference}
+\author{Kern Sibbald}
+\date{\vspace{1.0in}\today \\
+ This manual documents Bacula version \input{version} \\
+ \vspace{0.2in}
+ Copyright {\copyright} 1999-2010, Free Software Foundation Europe
+ e.V. \\
+ Bacula {\textregistered} is a registered trademark of Kern Sibbald.\\
+ \vspace{0.2in}
+ Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the
+ GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.2 published by the Free Software Foundation;
+ with no Invariant Sections, no Front-Cover Texts, and no Back-Cover Texts.
+ A copy of the license is included in the section entitled "GNU Free Documentation License".
The {\bf bsmtp} program is provided as part of {\bf Bacula}. For
additional details, please see the
-\ilink{ bsmtp -- Customizing Your Email Messages}{bsmtp} section of
+\borgxrlink{bsmtp -- Customizing Your Email Messages}{bsmtp}{utility}{section} of
the Bacula Utility Programs chapter of this manual. Please test any {\bf
mailcommand} that you use to ensure that your bsmtp gateway accepts the
addressing form that you use. Certain programs such as Exim can be very
For example:
Include {
- Options { compression=LZO }
+ Options {compression=LZO }
File = /home
File = /data
- \includegraphics[width=10cm]{\idir tray-monitor}
+ \includegraphics[width=0.8\linewidth]{tray-monitor}
\caption{New tray monitor}
- \includegraphics[width=10cm]{\idir tray-monitor1}
+ \includegraphics[width=0.8\linewidth]{tray-monitor1}
\caption{Run a Job through the new tray monitor}
- \includegraphics[width=12cm]{\idir bat-brestore}
+ \includegraphics[width=0.8\linewidth]{bat-brestore}
\caption{Bat Brestore Panel}
in the table. The old ``Media'' view is now known as ``Pool''.
- \includegraphics[width=13cm]{\idir bat-mediaview.eps}
+ \includegraphics[width=0.8\linewidth]{bat-mediaview}
By double-clicking on a volume (on the Media list, in the Autochanger content
or in the Job information panel), you can access a detailed overview of your
-Volume. (cf \ref{fig:mediainfo}.)
+Volume. (cf figure \vref{fig:mediainfo}.)
- \includegraphics[width=13cm]{\idir bat11.eps}
+ \includegraphics[width=0.8\linewidth]{bat11}
\caption{Media information}
By double-clicking on a Job record (on the Job run list or in the Media
information panel), you can access a detailed overview of your Job. (cf
+figure \vref{fig:jobinfo}.)
- \includegraphics[width=13cm]{\idir bat12.eps}
+ \includegraphics[width=0.8\linewidth]{bat12}
\caption{Job information}
\subsubsection{Autochanger Content View}
By double-clicking on a Storage record (on the Storage list panel), you can
-access a detailed overview of your Autochanger. (cf \ref{fig:jobinfo}.)
+access a detailed overview of your Autochanger. (cf figure \vref{fig:jobinfo}.)
- \includegraphics[width=13cm]{\idir bat13.eps}
+ \includegraphics[width=0.8\linewidth]{bat13}
\caption{Autochanger content}
maximum allowed time that a job can run depending on the level.
\addcontentsline{lof}{figure}{Job time control directives}
-\includegraphics{\idir different_time.eps}
\subsubsection{Statistics Enhancements}
\index[general]{Statistics Enhancements}
workstation or any other Bacula daemon that is configured.
\addcontentsline{lof}{figure}{Bacula Tray Monitor}
-\includegraphics{\idir Bacula-tray-monitor.eps}
% TODO: image may be too wide for 6" wide printed page.
The image shows a tray-monitor configured for three daemons. By clicking on
catalog entries for a volume. You'd usually do this when you want to reuse a
Bacula volume, because there's no point in keeping a list of files that USED TO
BE on a tape. Or, if the catalog is starting to get too big, you could prune
-the oldest jobs to save space. Manual pruning is done with the \ilink{ prune
- command}{ManualPruning} in the console. (thanks to Bryce Denney for the
-above explanation).
+the oldest jobs to save space. Manual pruning is done with the
+\borgxrlink{prune}{ManualPruning}{console}{command} in the \consoleman{}
+ (thanks to Bryce Denney for the above explanation).
\section{Pruning Directives}
\index[general]{Pruning Directives }
Verify, ... jobs. However, in addition to the console restore command,
there is a standalone program named {\bf bextract}, which also permits
restoring files. For more information on this program, please see the
-\ilink{Bacula Utility Programs}{bextract} chapter of this manual. We
+\borgxrlink{bextract}{bextract}{utility}{command} in the \utilityman{}. We
don't particularly recommend the {\bf bextract} program because it
lacks many of the features of the normal Bacula restore, such as the
ability to restore Win32 files to Unix systems, and the ability to
which allows you to list the contents of your Volumes. Finally, if you
have an old Volume that is no longer in the catalog, you can restore the
catalog entries using the program named {\bf bscan}, documented in the same
-\ilink{Bacula Utility Programs}{bscan} chapter.
+\borgxrlink{bscan}{bscan}{utility}{command} in the \utilityman{}.
In general, to restore a file or a set of files, you must run a {\bf restore}
job. That is a job with {\bf Type = Restore}. As a consequence, you will need
-Orignal filename & New filename & RegexWhere & Comments \\
-\texttt{c:/system.ini} & \texttt{c:/system.old.ini} & \texttt{/.ini\$/.old.ini/} & \$ matches end of name\\
-\texttt{/prod/u01/pdata/} & \texttt{/rect/u01/rdata} & \texttt{/prod/rect/,/pdata/rdata/} & uses two regexp\\
-\texttt{/prod/u01/pdata/} & \texttt{/rect/u01/rdata} & \texttt{!/prod/!/rect/!,/pdata/rdata/} & use \texttt{!} as separator\\
-\texttt{C:/WINNT} & \texttt{d:/WINNT} & \texttt{/c:/d:/i} & case insensitive pattern match \\
%\subsubsection{Using group}
%Like with Perl or Sed, you can make submatch with \texttt{()},
Assuming the above does not resolve the problem, you will need to restore
or rebuild your catalog. Note, if it is a matter of some
inconsistencies in the Bacula tables rather than a broken database, then
- running \ilink{dbcheck}{dbcheck} might help, but you will need to ensure
+ running the \borgxrlink{dbcheck}{dbcheck}{utility}{command}\footnote{\utilityman{}} might help, but you will need to ensure
that your database indexes are properly setup. Please see
the \ilink{Database Performance Issues}{DatabasePerformance} sections
of this manual for more details.
\item [Solution without a Job Listing]
If you do not have a job listing, then it is a bit more difficult.
- Either you use the \ilink{bscan}{bscan} program to scan the contents
+ Either you use the \borgxrlink{bscan}{bscan}{utility}{program} to scan the contents
of your tape into a database, which can be very time consuming
- depending on the size of the tape, or you can use the \ilink{bls}{bls}
- program to list everything on the tape, and reconstruct a bootstrap
+ depending on the size of the tape, or you can use the \borgxrlink{bls}{bls}{utility}{program}
+ to list everything on the tape, and reconstruct a bootstrap
file from the bls listing for the file or files you want following
the instructions given above.
When the above is complete, you can begin bscanning your Volumes. Please
-see the \ilink{bscan}{bscan} section of the Volume Utility Tools of this
-chapter for more details.
+see the \borgxrlink{bscan}{bscan}{utility}{section} of the \utilityman{}.
such as FreeBSD or Solaris, the Offline On Unmount will leave the drive
with no tape, and Bacula will not be able to properly open the drive and
may fail the job. For more information on this problem, please see the
- \ilink{description of Offline On Unmount}{NoTapeInDrive} in the Tape
- Testing chapter.
+ \borgxrlink{description of Offline On Unmount}{NoTapeInDrive}{problems}{subsection}
+ in the \borgxrlink{Tape Testing}{TapeTestingChapter}{problems}{chapter} of the \problemsman{}.
\item [Close on Poll= {\it yes\vb{}no}]
\index[sd]{Close on Poll}
such as FreeBSD or Solaris, the Offline On Unmount will leave the drive
with no tape, and Bacula will not be able to properly open the drive and
may fail the job. For more information on this problem, please see the
- \ilink{description of Offline On Unmount}{NoTapeInDrive} in the Tape
- Testing chapter.
+ \borgxrlink{description of Offline On Unmount}{NoTapeInDrive}{problems}{subsection}
+ in the \borgxrlink{Tape Testing}{TapeTestingChapter}{problems}{chapter} of the \problemsman{}.
\item [Maximum Concurrent Jobs = \lt{}number\gt{}]
\index[sd]{Device Maximum Concurrent Jobs}
\addcontentsline{lot}{table}{Autochangers Known to Work with Bacula}
- \hline
-\multicolumn{1}{|c| }{\bf OS } & \multicolumn{1}{c| }{\bf Man. } &
-\multicolumn{1}{c| }{\bf Media } & \multicolumn{1}{c| }{\bf Model } &
-\multicolumn{1}{c| }{\bf Slots } & \multicolumn{1}{c| }{\bf Cap/Slot } \\
- \hline {Linux } & {Adic } & {DDS-3} & {Adic 1200G } & {12} & {-} \\
- \hline {Linux } & {Adic } & {DLT} & {FastStore 4000 } & {7} & {20GB} \\
- \hline {Linux } & {Adic } & {LTO-1/2, SDLT 320 } & {Adic Scalar 24 } & {24} & {100GB } \\
- \hline {Linux } & {Adic } & {LTO-2 } & {Adic FastStor 2, Sun Storedge L8 } & {8} & {200GB } \\
- \hline {Linux } & {BDT } & {AIT } & {BDT ThinStor } & {?} & {200GB } \\
- \hline {- } & {CA-VM } & {?? } & {Tape } & {??} & {?? } \\
- \hline {Linux } & {Dell} & {DLT VI,LTO-2,LTO3} & {PowerVault 122T/132T/136T } & {-} & {100GB } \\
- \hline {Linux } & {Dell} & {LTO-2} & {PowerVault 124T } & {-} & {200GB } \\
- \hline {- } & {DFSMS } & {?? } & {VM RMM} & {-} & {?? } \\
- \hline {Linux } & {Exabyte } & {VXA2 } & {VXA PacketLoader 1x10 2U } & {10} & {80/160GB } \\
- \hline {- } & {Exabyte } & {LTO } & {Magnum 1x7 LTO Tape Auotloader } & {7} & {200/400GB } \\
- \hline {Linux } & {Exabyte } & {AIT-2 } & {215A } & {15 (2 drives)} & {50GB } \\
- \hline {Linux } & {HP } & {DDS-4 } & {SureStore DAT-40X6 } & {6 } & {40GB } \\
- \hline {Linux } & {HP } & {Ultrium-2/LTO } & {MSL 6000/ 60030/ 5052 } & {28 } & {200/400GB } \\
- \hline {- } & {HP } & {DLT } & {A4853 DLT } & {30} & {40/70GB } \\
- \hline {Linux } & {HP (Compaq) } & {DLT VI } & {Compaq TL-895 } & {96+4 import export} & {35/70GB } \\
- \hline {z/VM } & {IBM } & {?? } & {IBM Tape Manager } & {-} & {?? } \\
- \hline {z/VM } & {IBM } & {?? } & {native tape } & {-} & {?? } \\
- \hline {Linux } & {IBM } & {LTO } & {IBM 3581 Ultrium Tape Loader } & {7} & {200/400GB } \\
- \hline {FreeBSD 5.4} & {IBM } & {DLT} & {IBM 3502-R14 -- rebranded ATL L-500} & {14} & {35/70GB } \\
- \hline {Linux} & {IBM } & {???} & {IBM TotalStorage 3582L23} & {??} & {?? } \\
- \hline {Debian} & {Overland } & {LTO } & {Overland LoaderXpress LTO/DLT8000 } & {10-19} & {40-100GB } \\
- \hline {Fedora} & {Overland } & {LTO } & {Overland PowerLoader LTO-2 } & {10-19} & {200/400GB } \\
- \hline {FreeBSD 5.4-Stable} & {Overland} & {LTO-2} & {Overland Powerloader tape} & {17} & {100GB } \\
- \hline {- } & {Overland} & {LTO } & {Overland Neo2000 LTO } & {26-30} & {100GB } \\
- \hline {Linux} & {Quantum } & {DLT-S4} & {Superloader 3} & {16} & {800/1600GB } \\
- \hline {Linux} & {Quantum } & {LTO-2} & {Superloader 3} & {16} & {200/400GB } \\
- \hline {Linux} & {Quantum } & {LTO-3 } & {PX502 } & {??} & {?? } \\
- \hline {FreeBSD 4.9 } & {QUALSTAR TLS-4210 (Qualstar) } & {AIT1: 36GB, AIT2: 50GB all
-uncomp } & {QUALSTAR TLS-4210 } & {12} & {AIT1: 36GB, AIT2: 50GB all uncomp }\\
- \hline {Linux } & {Skydata } & {DLT } & {ATL-L200 } & {8} & {40/80 } \\
- \hline {- } & {Sony } & {DDS-4 } & {TSL-11000 } & {8} & {40GB } \\
- \hline {Linux } & {Sony } & {AIT-2} & {LIB-304(SDX-500C) } & {?} & {200GB } \\
- \hline {Linux } & {Sony } & {AIT-3} & {LIB-D81) } & {?} & {200GB } \\
- \hline {FreeBSD 4.9-STABLE } & {Sony } & {AIT-1 } & {TSL-SA300C } & {4} & {45/70GB }\\
- \hline {- } & {Storagetek } & {DLT } & {Timberwolf DLT } & {6} & {40/70 } \\
- \hline {- } & {Storagetek } & {?? } & {ACSLS } & {??} & {?? } \\
- \hline {Solaris } & {Sun } & {4mm DLT } & {Sun Desktop Archive Python 29279 } & {4} & {20GB } \\
- \hline {Linux } & {Tandberg } & {DLT VI } & {VS 640 } & {8?} & {35/70GB } \\
- \hline {Linux 2.6.x } & {Tandberg Data } & {SLR100 } & {SLR100 Autoloader } & {8} & {50/100GB }\\
\addcontentsline{lot}{table}{Supported Tape Drives}
- \hline
-\multicolumn{1}{|c| }{\bf OS } & \multicolumn{1}{c| }{\bf Man. } &
-\multicolumn{1}{c| }{\bf Media } & \multicolumn{1}{c| }{\bf Model } &
-\multicolumn{1}{c| }{\bf Capacity } \\
- \hline {- } & {ADIC } & {DLT } & {Adic Scalar 100 DLT } & {100GB } \\
- \hline {- } & {ADIC } & {DLT } & {Adic Fastor 22 DLT } & {- } \\
- \hline {FreeBSD 5.4-RELEASE-p1 amd64 } & {Certance} & {LTO } & {AdicCertance CL400 LTO Ultrium 2 } & {200GB } \\
- \hline {- } & {- } & {DDS } & {Compaq DDS 2,3,4 } & {- } \\
- \hline {SuSE 8.1 Pro} & {Compaq} & {AIT } & {Compaq AIT 35 LVD } & {35/70GB } \\
- \hline {- } & {HP } & {Travan 4 } & {Colorado T4000S } & {- } \\
- \hline {- } & {HP } & {DLT } & {HP DLT drives } & {- } \\
- \hline {- } & {HP } & {LTO } & {HP LTO Ultrium drives } & {- } \\
- \hline {- } & {IBM} & {??} & {3480, 3480XL, 3490, 3490E, 3580 and 3590 drives} & {- } \\
- \hline {FreeBSD 4.10 RELEASE } & {HP } & {DAT } & {HP StorageWorks DAT72i } & {- } \\
- \hline {- } & {Overland } & {LTO } & {LoaderXpress LTO } & {- } \\
- \hline {- } & {Overland } & {- } & {Neo2000 } & {- } \\
- \hline {- } & {OnStream } & {- } & {OnStream drives (see below) } & {- } \\
- \hline {FreeBSD 4.11-Release} & {Quantum } & {SDLT } & {SDLT320 } & {160/320GB } \\
- \hline {- } & {Quantum } & {DLT } & {DLT-8000 } & {40/80GB } \\
- \hline {Linux } & {Seagate } & {DDS-4 } & {Scorpio 40 } & {20/40GB } \\
- \hline {FreeBSD 4.9 STABLE } & {Seagate } & {DDS-4 } & {STA2401LW } & {20/40GB } \\
- \hline {FreeBSD 5.2.1 pthreads patched RELEASE } & {Seagate } & {AIT-1 } & {STA1701W} & {35/70GB } \\
- \hline {Linux } & {Sony } & {DDS-2,3,4 } & {- } & {4-40GB } \\
- \hline {Linux } & {Tandberg } & {- } & {Tandbert MLR3 } & {- } \\
- \hline {FreeBSD } & {Tandberg } & {- } & {Tandberg SLR6 } & {- } \\
- \hline {Solaris } & {Tandberg } & {- } & {Tandberg SLR75 } & {- } \\
- \hline
There is a list of \ilink{supported autochangers}{Models} in the Supported
Autochangers chapter of this document, where you will find other tape drives
lose data when Bacula spans tapes. This is because the unpatched pthreads
library fails to return a warning status to Bacula that the end of the tape is
near. This problem is fixed in FreeBSD systems released after 4.11. Please see the
-\ilink{Tape Testing Chapter}{FreeBSDTapes} of this manual for
-{\bf important} information on how to configure your tape drive for
-compatibility with Bacula.
+\borgxrlink{Tape testing}{FreeBSDTapes}{problems}{section} of \problemsman{}
+for {\bf important} information on how to configure your tape drive for
+compatibility with \mbacula{}.
\section{Supported Autochangers}
\index[general]{Autochangers!Supported }
required to use (but you may) the same name in your Bacula conf resources.
-Media Type & Drive Type & Media Capacity & Transfer Rate \\ \hline
-DDS-1 & DAT & 2 GB & ?? GB/hr \\ \hline
-DDS-2 & DAT & 4 GB & ?? GB/hr \\ \hline
-DDS-3 & DAT & 12 GB & 5.4 GB/hr \\ \hline
-Travan 40 & Travan & 20 GB & ?? GB/hr \\ \hline
-DDS-4 & DAT & 20 GB & 11 GB/hr \\ \hline
-VXA-1 & Exabyte & 33 GB & 11 GB/hr \\ \hline
-DAT-72 & DAT & 36 GB & 13 GB/hr \\ \hline
-DLT IV & DLT8000 & 40 GB & 22 GB/hr \\ \hline
-VXA-2 & Exabyte & 80 GB & 22 GB/hr \\ \hline
-Half-high Ultrium 1 & LTO 1 & 100 GB & 27 GB/hr \\ \hline
-Ultrium 1 & LTO 1 & 100 GB & 54 GB/hr \\ \hline
-Super DLT 1 & SDLT 220 & 110 GB & 40 GB/hr \\ \hline
-VXA-3 & Exabyte & 160 GB & 43 GB/hr \\ \hline
-Super DLT I & SDLT 320 & 160 GB & 58 GB/hr \\ \hline
-Ultrium 2 & LTO 2 & 200 GB & 108 GB/hr \\ \hline
-Super DLT II & SDLT 600 & 300 GB & 127 GB/hr \\ \hline
-VXA-4 & Exabyte & 320 GB & 86 GB/hr \\ \hline
-Ultrium 3 & LTO 3 & 400 GB & 216 GB/hr \\ \hline
\item For FreeBSD older than version 5.0,
please see some {\bf important} considerations in the
- \ilink{ Tape Modes on FreeBSD}{FreeBSDTapes} section of the
- Tape Testing chapter of this manual.
+ \borgxrlink{Tape Modes on FreeBSD}{FreeBSDTapes}{problems}{section} of \problemsman{}.
\item MS Windows Director and Storage daemon are available
in the binary Client installer
\item For MacOSX see \elink{ for obtaining the packages}{}
-See the Porting chapter of the Bacula Developer's Guide for information on
-porting to other systems.
+See the \borgxrlink{Porting}{PortingChapter}{developers}{chapter} of the \devman{} for
+ information on porting to other systems.
If you have a older Red Hat Linux system running the 2.4.x kernel and you have
the directory {\bf /lib/tls} installed on your system (normally by default),
--- /dev/null
+\multicolumn{1}{|c|}{\textbf{Media Type}}
+& \multicolumn{1}{c|}{\textbf{Drive Type}}
+& \multicolumn{1}{c|}{\textbf{Media Capacity}}
+& \multicolumn{1}{c|}{\textbf{Transfer Rate}} \\
+\multicolumn{1}{|c|}{\textbf{Media Type}}
+& \multicolumn{1}{c|}{\textbf{Drive Type}}
+& \multicolumn{1}{c|}{\textbf{Media Capacity}}
+& \multicolumn{1}{c|}{\textbf{Transfer Rate}} \\
+DDS-1 & DAT & 2 GB & ?? GB/hr \\ \hline
+DDS-2 & DAT & 4 GB & ?? GB/hr \\ \hline
+DDS-3 & DAT & 12 GB & 5.4 GB/hr \\ \hline
+Travan 40 & Travan & 20 GB & ?? GB/hr \\ \hline
+DDS-4 & DAT & 20 GB & 11 GB/hr \\ \hline
+VXA-1 & Exabyte & 33 GB & 11 GB/hr \\ \hline
+DAT-72 & DAT & 36 GB & 13 GB/hr \\ \hline
+DLT IV & DLT8000 & 40 GB & 22 GB/hr \\ \hline
+VXA-2 & Exabyte & 80 GB & 22 GB/hr \\ \hline
+Half-high Ultrium 1 & LTO 1 & 100 GB & 27 GB/hr \\ \hline
+Ultrium 1 & LTO 1 & 100 GB & 54 GB/hr \\ \hline
+Super DLT 1 & SDLT 220 & 110 GB & 40 GB/hr \\ \hline
+VXA-3 & Exabyte & 160 GB & 43 GB/hr \\ \hline
+Super DLT I & SDLT 320 & 160 GB & 58 GB/hr \\ \hline
+Ultrium 2 & LTO 2 & 200 GB & 108 GB/hr \\ \hline
+Super DLT II & SDLT 600 & 300 GB & 127 GB/hr \\ \hline
+VXA-4 & Exabyte & 320 GB & 86 GB/hr \\ \hline
+Ultrium 3 & LTO 3 & 400 GB & 216 GB/hr \\
--- /dev/null
+\multicolumn{1}{|c|}{\textbf{Orignal filename}}
+& \multicolumn{1}{c|}{\textbf{New filename}}
+& \multicolumn{1}{c|}{\textbf{RegexWhere}}
+& \multicolumn{1}{c|}{\textbf{Comments}} \\
+\multicolumn{1}{|c|}{\textbf{Orignal filename}}
+& \multicolumn{1}{c|}{\textbf{New filename}}
+& \multicolumn{1}{c|}{\textbf{RegexWhere}}
+& \multicolumn{1}{c|}{\textbf{Comments}} \\
+\texttt{c:/system.ini} & \texttt{c:/system.old.ini} & \texttt{/.ini\$/.old.ini/} & \$ matches end of name\\
+\texttt{/prod/u01/pdata/} & \texttt{/rect/u01/rdata} & \texttt{/prod/rect/,/pdata/rdata/} & uses two regexp\\
+\texttt{/prod/u01/pdata/} & \texttt{/rect/u01/rdata} & \texttt{!/prod/!/rect/!,/pdata/rdata/} & use \texttt{!} as separator\\
+\texttt{C:/WINNT} & \texttt{d:/WINNT} & \texttt{/c:/d:/i} & case insensitive pattern match \\
--- /dev/null
+ \hline
+ \multicolumn{1}{|c|}{\bf Backup OS} &
+ \multicolumn{1}{c|}{\bf Restore OS} &
+ \multicolumn{1}{c|}{\bf Results} \\
+ \endfirsthead
+ \hline
+ \multicolumn{1}{|c|}{\bf Backup OS} &
+ \multicolumn{1}{c|}{\bf Restore OS} &
+ \multicolumn{1}{c|}{\bf Results} \\
+ \endhead
+ \multicolumn{3}{c}{\emph{Cont. on next page}} \\
+ \endfoot
+ \hline
+ \caption{WinNT/2K/XP Restore Portability Status} \\
+ \endlastfoot
+ \hline \multicolumn{3}{|l|}{\textbf{\emph{Win Me}}} \\
+ \hline {WinMe} & {WinMe} & {Works} \\
+ \hline {WinMe} & {WinNT} & {Works (SYSTEM permissions)} \\
+ \hline {WinMe} & {WinXP} & {Works (SYSTEM permissions)} \\
+ \hline {WinMe} & {Linux} & {Works (SYSTEM permissions)} \\
+ \hline \multicolumn{3}{|l|}{\textbf{\emph{Win XP}}} \\
+ \hline {WinXP} & {WinXP} & {Works} \\
+ \hline {WinXP} & {WinNT} & {Works (all files OK, but got "The data is invalid"
+ message)} \\
+ \hline {WinXP} & {WinMe} & {Error: Win32 data stream not supported.} \\
+ \hline {WinXP} & {WinMe} & {Works if {\bf Portable=yes} specified during backup.} \\
+ \hline {WinXP} & {Linux} & {Error: Win32 data stream not supported.} \\
+ \hline {WinXP} & {Linux} & {Works if {\bf Portable=yes} specified during backup.}\\
+ \hline \multicolumn{3}{|l|}{\textbf{\emph{Win NT}}} \\
+ \hline {WinNT} & {WinNT} & {Works} \\
+ \hline {WinNT} & {WinXP} & {Works} \\
+ \hline {WinNT} & {WinMe} & {Error: Win32 data stream not supported.} \\
+ \hline {WinNT} & {WinMe} & {Works if {\bf Portable=yes} specified during backup.}\\
+ \hline {WinNT} & {Linux} & {Error: Win32 data stream not supported.} \\
+ \hline {WinNT} & {Linux} & {Works if {\bf Portable=yes} specified during backup.}\\
+ \hline \multicolumn{3}{|l|}{\textbf{\emph{Linux}}} \\
+ \hline {Linux} & {Linux} & {Works} \\
+ \hline {Linux} & {WinNT} & {Works (SYSTEM permissions)} \\
+ \hline {Linux} & {WinMe} & {Works} \\
+ \hline {Linux} & {WinXP} & {Works (SYSTEM permissions)} \\
--- /dev/null
+& \multicolumn{1}{c|}{\textbf{Value}}
+& \multicolumn{1}{c|}{\textbf{Default}}
+& \multicolumn{1}{c|}{\textbf{Information}} \\
+& \multicolumn{1}{c|}{\textbf{Value}}
+& \multicolumn{1}{c|}{\textbf{Default}}
+& \multicolumn{1}{c|}{\textbf{Information}} \\
+Runs On Success & Yes / No & {\it Yes} & Run command if JobStatus is successful\\
+Runs On Failure & Yes / No & {\it No} & Run command if JobStatus isn't successful\\
+Runs On Client & Yes / No & {\it Yes} & Run command on client\\
+Runs When & Before | After | Always | \textsl{AfterVSS} & {\it Never} & When run commands\\
+Fail Job On Error & Yes/No & {\it Yes} & Fail job if script returns
+ something different from 0 \\
+Command & & & Path to your script\\
+Console & & & Console command\\
--- /dev/null
+& \multicolumn{1}{Y|}{\textbf{Runs on Success}}
+& \multicolumn{1}{Y|}{\textbf{Runs on Failure}}
+& \multicolumn{1}{Y|}{\textbf{Fail job on Error}}
+& \multicolumn{1}{Y|}{\textbf{Runs on Client}}
+& \multicolumn{1}{Y|}{\textbf{Runs When}}
+& \multicolumn{1}{Y|}{\textbf{Runs on Success}}
+& \multicolumn{1}{Y|}{\textbf{Runs on Failure}}
+& \multicolumn{1}{Y|}{\textbf{Fail job on Error}}
+& \multicolumn{1}{Y|}{\textbf{Runs on Client}}
+& \multicolumn{1}{Y|}{\textbf{Runs When}}
+Run Before Job & & & Yes & No & Before \\
+Run After Job & Yes & No & & No & After \\
+Run After Failed Job & No & Yes & & No & After \\
+Client Run Before Job & & & Yes & Yes & Before \\
+Client Run After Job & Yes & No & & Yes & After \\
--- /dev/null
+ \hline
+ \multicolumn{1}{|c|}{\bf O.S.}
+ & \multicolumn{1}{c|}{\bf Man.}
+ &\multicolumn{1}{c|}{\bf Media}
+ & \multicolumn{1}{c|}{\bf Model}
+ & \multicolumn{1}{c|}{\bf Slots}
+ & \multicolumn{1}{c|}{\bf Cap / Slot } \\
+ \hline
+ \multicolumn{1}{|c|}{\bf O.S.}
+ & \multicolumn{1}{c|}{\bf Man.}
+ &\multicolumn{1}{c|}{\bf Media}
+ & \multicolumn{1}{c|}{\bf Model}
+ & \multicolumn{1}{c|}{\bf Slots}
+ & \multicolumn{1}{c|}{\bf Cap / Slot } \\
+Linux & Adic & DDS-3 & Adic 1200G & 12 & --- \\
+ \hline Linux & Adic & DLT & FastStore 4000 & 7 & 20GB \\
+ \hline Linux & Adic & LTO-1/2, SDLT 320 & Adic Scalar 24 & 24 & 100GB \\
+ \hline Linux & Adic & LTO-2 & Adic FastStor 2, Sun Storedge L8 & 8 & 200GB \\
+ \hline Linux & BDT & AIT & BDT ThinStor & ? & 200GB \\
+ \hline --- & CA-VM & ?? & Tape & ?? & ?? \\
+ \hline Linux & Dell & DLT VI,LTO-2,LTO3 & PowerVault 122T/132T/136T & --- & 100GB \\
+ \hline Linux & Dell & LTO-2 & PowerVault 124T & --- & 200GB \\
+ \hline --- & DFSMS & ?? & VM RMM & --- & ?? \\
+ \hline Linux & Exabyte & VXA2 & VXA PacketLoader 1x10 2U & 10 & 80/160GB \\
+ \hline --- & Exabyte & LTO & Magnum 1x7 LTO Tape Auotloader & 7 & 200/400GB \\
+ \hline Linux & Exabyte & AIT-2 & 215A & 15 (2 drives) & 50GB \\
+ \hline Linux & HP & DDS-4 & SureStore DAT-40X6 & 6 & 40GB \\
+ \hline Linux & HP & Ultrium-2/LTO & MSL 6000/ 60030/ 5052 & 28 & 200/400GB \\
+ \hline --- & HP & DLT & A4853 DLT & 30 & 40/70GB \\
+ \hline Linux & HP (Compaq) & DLT VI & Compaq TL-895 & 96+4 import export & 35/70GB \\
+ \hline z/VM & IBM & ?? & IBM Tape Manager & --- & ?? \\
+ \hline z/VM & IBM & ?? & native tape & --- & ?? \\
+ \hline Linux & IBM & LTO & IBM 3581 Ultrium Tape Loader & 7 & 200/400GB \\
+ \hline FreeBSD 5.4 & IBM & DLT & IBM 3502-R14 -- rebranded ATL L-500 & 14 & 35/70GB \\
+ \hline Linux & IBM & ??? & IBM TotalStorage 3582L23 & ?? & ?? \\
+ \hline Debian & Overland & LTO & Overland LoaderXpress LTO/DLT8000 & 10-19 & 40-100GB \\
+ \hline Fedora & Overland & LTO & Overland PowerLoader LTO-2 & 10-19 & 200/400GB \\
+ \hline FreeBSD 5.4-Stable & Overland & LTO-2 & Overland Powerloader tape & 17 & 100GB \\
+ \hline --- & Overland & LTO & Overland Neo2000 LTO & 26-30 & 100GB \\
+ \hline Linux & Quantum & DLT-S4 & Superloader 3 & 16 & 800/1600GB \\
+ \hline Linux & Quantum & LTO-2 & Superloader 3 & 16 & 200/400GB \\
+ \hline Linux & Quantum & LTO-3 & PX502 & ?? & ?? \\
+ \hline FreeBSD 4.9 & QUALSTAR TLS-4210 (Qualstar) & AIT1: 36GB, AIT2: 50GB all
+uncomp & QUALSTAR TLS-4210 & 12 & AIT1: 36GB, AIT2: 50GB all uncomp \\
+ \hline Linux & Skydata & DLT & ATL-L200 & 8 & 40/80 \\
+ \hline - & Sony & DDS-4 & TSL-11000 & 8 & 40GB \\
+ \hline Linux & Sony & AIT-2 & LIB-304(SDX-500C) & ? & 200GB \\
+ \hline Linux & Sony & AIT-3 & LIB-D81) & ? & 200GB \\
+ \hline FreeBSD 4.9-STABLE & Sony & AIT-1 & TSL-SA300C & 4 & 45/70GB \\
+ \hline --- & Storagetek & DLT & Timberwolf DLT & 6 & 40/70 \\
+ \hline --- & Storagetek & ?? & ACSLS & ?? & ?? \\
+ \hline Solaris & Sun & 4mm DLT & Sun Desktop Archive Python 29279 & 4 & 20GB \\
+ \hline Linux & Tandberg & DLT VI & VS 640 & 8? & 35/70GB \\
+ \hline Linux 2.6.x & Tandberg Data & SLR100 & SLR100 Autoloader & 8 & 50/100GB \\
--- /dev/null
+ \hline
+ \multicolumn{1}{|c|}{\bf OS}
+ & \multicolumn{1}{c|}{\bf Man.}
+ & \multicolumn{1}{c|}{\bf Media}
+ & \multicolumn{1}{c|}{\bf Model}
+ & \multicolumn{1}{c| }{\bf Capacity} \\
+ \hline
+ \endfirsthead
+ \hline
+ \multicolumn{1}{|c|}{\bf OS}
+ & \multicolumn{1}{c|}{\bf Man.}
+ & \multicolumn{1}{c|}{\bf Media}
+ & \multicolumn{1}{c|}{\bf Model }
+ & \multicolumn{1}{c| }{\bf Capacity } \\
+ \hline
+ \endhead
+ \endfoot
+ \hline
+ \endlastfoot
+ -- & ADIC & DLT & Adic Scalar 100 DLT & 100GB \\
+ \hline -- & ADIC & DLT & Adic Fastor 22 DLT & -- \\
+ \hline FreeBSD 5.4-RELEASE-p1 amd64 & Certance & LTO & AdicCertance CL400 LTO Ultrium 2 & 200GB \\
+ \hline -- & -- & DDS & Compaq DDS 2,3,4 & -- \\
+ \hline SuSE 8.1 Pro & Compaq & AIT & Compaq AIT 35 LVD & 35/70GB \\
+ \hline -- & HP & Travan 4 & Colorado T4000S & -- \\
+ \hline -- & HP & DLT & HP DLT drives & -- \\
+ \hline -- & HP & LTO & HP LTO Ultrium drives & -- \\
+ \hline -- & IBM & ?? & 3480, 3480XL, 3490, 3490E, 3580 and 3590 drives & -- \\
+ \hline FreeBSD 4.10 RELEASE & HP & DAT & HP StorageWorks DAT72i & -- \\
+ \hline -- & Overland & LTO & LoaderXpress LTO & -- \\
+ \hline -- & Overland & -- & Neo2000 & -- \\
+ \hline -- & OnStream & -- & OnStream drives (see below) & -- \\
+ \hline FreeBSD 4.11-Release & Quantum & SDLT & SDLT320 & 160/320GB \\
+ \hline -- & Quantum & DLT & DLT-8000 & 40/80GB \\
+ \hline Linux & Seagate & DDS-4 & Scorpio 40 & 20/40GB \\
+ \hline FreeBSD 4.9 STABLE & Seagate & DDS-4 & STA2401LW & 20/40GB \\
+ \hline FreeBSD 5.2.1 pthreads patched RELEASE & Seagate & AIT-1 & STA1701W & 35/70GB \\
+ \hline Linux & Sony & DDS-2,3,4 & -- & 4-40GB \\
+ \hline Linux & Tandberg & -- & Tandbert MLR3 & -- \\
+ \hline FreeBSD & Tandberg & -- & Tandberg SLR6 & -- \\
+ \hline Solaris & Tandberg & -- & Tandberg SLR75 & -- \\
Before running Bacula for the first time in production, we recommend that you
run the {\bf test} command in the {\bf btape} program as described in the
-\ilink{Utility Program Chapter}{btape} of this manual. This will
+\borgxrlink{Utility Program}{btape}{utility}{chapter} of the \utilityman{}. This will
help ensure that Bacula functions correctly with your tape drive. If you have
a modern HP, Sony, or Quantum DDS or DLT tape drive running on Linux or
Solaris, you can probably skip this test as Bacula is well tested with these
Details of the console program's commands are explained in the
-\ilink{Console Chapter}{_ConsoleChapter} of this manual.
+\borgxrlink{Console}{_ConsoleChapter}{console}{chapter} of the \consoleman{}.
\section{Running a Job}
For some important tips on changing names and passwords, and a diagram of what
names and passwords must match, please see
-\ilink{Authorization Errors}{AuthorizationErrors} in the FAQ chapter
-of this manual.
+\borgxrlink{Authorization Errors}{AuthorizationErrors}{problems}{chapter} in the \problemsman{}.
\section{When The Tape Fills}
It is also possible to add media to the pool without physically labeling the
Volumes. This can be done with the {\bf add} command. For more information,
please see the
-\ilink{Console Chapter}{_ConsoleChapter} of this manual.
+\borgxrlink{Console}{_ConsoleChapter}{console}{chapter} of the \consoleman{}.
icon. The actual name of the icon will vary from one release version to
-\includegraphics{\idir win32-nsis.eps} bacula-win32-5.xx.0.exe
+\includegraphics{win32-nsis} bacula-win32-5.xx.0.exe
\item Once launched, the installer wizard will ask you if you want to install
\addcontentsline{lof}{figure}{Windows Client Setup Wizard}
-\includegraphics{\idir win32-welcome.eps}
\item Next you will be asked to select the installation type.
\addcontentsline{lof}{figure}{Windows Installation Type}
-\includegraphics{\idir win32-installation-type.eps}
\item If you proceed, you will be asked to select the components to be
installed. You may install the Bacula program (Bacula File Service) and or
\addcontentsline{lof}{figure}{Windows Component Selection Dialog}
-\includegraphics{\idir win32-pkg.eps}
\item If you are installing for the first time, you will be asked to
\addcontentsline{lof}{figure}{Windows Configure}
-\includegraphics{\idir win32-config.eps}
\item While the various files are being loaded, you will see the following
\addcontentsline{lof}{figure}{Windows Install Progress}
- \includegraphics{\idir win32-installing.eps}
+ \includegraphics[width=0.8\linewidth]{win32-installing}
\item Finally, the finish dialog will appear:
\addcontentsline{lof}{figure}{Windows Client Setup Completed}
- \includegraphics{\idir win32-finish.eps}
+ \includegraphics[width=0.8\linewidth]{win32-finish}
That should complete the installation process. When the Bacula File Server is
-ready to serve files, an icon \includegraphics{\idir idle.eps} representing a
+ready to serve files, an icon \includegraphics{idle} representing a
cassette (or tape) will appear in the system tray
-\includegraphics{\idir tray-icon.eps}; right click on it and a menu will appear.\\
-\includegraphics{\idir menu.eps}\\
+\includegraphics{tray-icon}; right click on it and a menu will appear.\\
The {\bf Events} item is currently unimplemented, by selecting the {\bf
Status} item, you can verify whether any jobs are running or not.
When the Bacula File Server begins saving files, the color of the holes in the
-cassette icon will change from white to green \includegraphics{\idir running.eps},
+cassette icon will change from white to green \includegraphics{running},
and if there is an error, the holes in the cassette icon will change to red
-\includegraphics{\idir error.eps}.
If you are using remote desktop connections between your Windows boxes, be
warned that that tray icon does not always appear. It will always be visible
The following matrix will give you an idea of what you can expect. Thanks to
Marc Brueckner for doing the tests:
-\addcontentsline{lot}{table}{WinNT/2K/XP Restore Portability Status}
- \hline
-\multicolumn{1}{|c|}{\bf Backup OS} & \multicolumn{1}{c|}{\bf Restore OS}
-& \multicolumn{1}{c|}{\bf Results } \\
- \hline {WinMe} & {WinMe} & {Works } \\
- \hline {WinMe} & {WinNT} & {Works (SYSTEM permissions) } \\
- \hline {WinMe} & {WinXP} & {Works (SYSTEM permissions) } \\
- \hline {WinMe} & {Linux} & {Works (SYSTEM permissions) } \\
- \hline {\ } & {\ } & {\ } \\
- \hline {WinXP} & {WinXP} & {Works } \\
- \hline {WinXP} & {WinNT} & {Works (all files OK, but got "The data is invalid"
-message) } \\
- \hline {WinXP} & {WinMe} & {Error: Windows data stream not supported. } \\
- \hline {WinXP} & {WinMe} & {Works if {\bf Portable=yes} specified during backup.} \\
- \hline {WinXP} & {Linux} & {Error: Windows data stream not supported. } \\
- \hline {WinXP} & {Linux} & {Works if {\bf Portable=yes} specified during backup.}\\
- \hline {\ } & {\ } & {\ } \\
- \hline {WinNT} & {WinNT} & {Works } \\
- \hline {WinNT} & {WinXP} & {Works } \\
- \hline {WinNT} & {WinMe} & {Error: Windows data stream not supported. } \\
- \hline {WinNT} & {WinMe} & {Works if {\bf Portable=yes} specified during backup.}\\
- \hline {WinNT} & {Linux} & {Error: Windows data stream not supported. } \\
- \hline {WinNT} & {Linux} & {Works if {\bf Portable=yes} specified during backup. }\\
- \hline {\ } & {\ } & {\ } \\
- \hline {Linux} & {Linux} & {Works } \\
- \hline {Linux} & {WinNT} & {Works (SYSTEM permissions) } \\
- \hline {Linux} & {WinMe} & {Works } \\
- \hline {Linux} & {WinXP} & {Works (SYSTEM permissions)}
-\\ \hline
Note: with Bacula versions 1.39.x and later, non-portable Windows data can
be restore to any machine.
loaded, you can run the File daemon and restore your user files.
Please see
-\ilink{ Disaster Recovery of Windows Systems}{Windows33} for the latest
+\ilink{Disaster Recovery of Windows Systems}{Windows33} for the latest
suggestion, which looks very promising.
It looks like Bart PE Builder, which creates a Windows PE (Pre-installation
Explorer. The symptoms include the following message when you try to click on
that directory:
-\includegraphics{\idir access-is-denied.eps}
If you encounter this message, the following steps will change the permissions
to allow full access.
\item If the following message appears, you can ignore it, and click on {\bf
-\includegraphics{\idir view-only.eps}
You should see something like this:
-\includegraphics{\idir properties-security.eps}
\item click on Advanced
\item click on the Owner tab
\item Change the owner to something other than the current owner (which is
{\bf SYSTEM} in this example as shown below).
-\includegraphics{\idir properties-security-advanced-owner.eps}
\item ensure the "Replace owner on subcontainers and objects" box is
\item click on OK
the directory permissions with permissions granting you Full Control?", click
on Yes.
-\includegraphics{\idir confirm.eps}
\item Click on OK to close the Properties tab
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-\title{\includegraphics{\idir bacula-logo.eps} \\ \bigskip
- \Huge{Bacula}$^{\normalsize \textregistered}$ \Huge{Bacula Miscellaneous Guide}
- \begin{center}
- \large{The Leading Open Source Backup Solution. }
- \end{center}
+\title{Bacula$^{\normalsize \textregistered}$ Miscellaneous Guide}
\author{Kern Sibbald}
\index[general]{The internal database is not supported, please do not
use it. }
-\section{Internal Bacula Database}
+\section{Internal Bacula Database}\label{sec:InternalBaculaDatabase}
\index[general]{Internal Bacula Database }
\index[general]{Database!Internal Bacula }
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+\title{Bacula$^{\normalsize \textregistered}$ Miscellaneous Guide}
+\author{Kern Sibbald}
+\date{\vspace{1.0in}\today \\
+ This manual documents Bacula version \input{version} \\
+ \vspace{0.2in}
+ Copyright {\copyright} 1999-2010, Free Software Foundation Europe
+ e.V. \\
+ Bacula {\textregistered} is a registered trademark of Kern Sibbald.\\
+ \vspace{0.2in}
+ Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the
+ GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.2 published by the Free Software Foundation;
+ with no Invariant Sections, no Front-Cover Texts, and no Back-Cover Texts.
+ A copy of the license is included in the section entitled "GNU Free Documentation License".
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back to the original conf files generated by the Bacula installation
process. Make only the absolutely necessary modifications to these
files -- e.g. add the correct email address. Then follow the
- instructions in the \ilink{ Running Bacula}{TutorialChapter} chapter of
- this manual. You will run a backup to disk and a restore. Only when
+ instructions in the \borgxrlink{Running Bacula}{TutorialChapter}{main}{chapter} of
+ the \mainman{}. You will run a backup to disk and a restore. Only when
that works, should you begin customization of the conf files.
Another reason that you can get authentication errors is if you are
Here is a picture that indicates what names/passwords in which
files/Resources must match up:
- \includegraphics{\idir Conf-Diagram.eps}
+ \includegraphics{Conf-Diagram}
In the left column, you will find the Director, Storage, and Client
resources, with their names and passwords -- these are all in {\bf
Installation commands necessary to install it as a Windows Service.
For the first problem, see the next FAQ question. For the second
- problem, please review the \ilink{ Windows Installation
- instructions}{Win32Chapter} in this manual.
+ problem, please review the \borgxrlink{Windows Installation Instructions}{Win32Chapter}{main}{chapter} in the\mainman{}.
\section{My Windows Client Immediately Dies When I Start It}
Yes, in principle, Bacula can backup to any storage medium as long as
you have correctly defined that medium in the Storage daemon's Device
resource. For an example of how to backup to files, please see the
- \ilink{Pruning Example}{PruningExample} in the Recycling chapter of this
- manual. Also, there is a whole chapter devoted to \ilink{Basic Volume
- Management}{DiskChapter}. This chapter was originally written to
+ \borgxrlink{Pruning Example}{PruningExample}{main}{chapter} of the \mainman{}.
+ Also, there is a whole chapter devoted to \borgxrlink{Basic Volume
+ Management}{DiskChapter}{main}{chapter} in the \mainman{}. This chapter was originally written to
explain how to write to disk, but was expanded to include volume
management. It is, however, still quite a good chapter to read.
\section{Can I use a dummy device to test the backup?}
Yes, to have a {\sl Virtual} device which just consumes data, you can use a
- FIFO device (see \ilink{Stored configuration}{SetupFifo}).
- It's useful to test a backup.
+ FIFO device (see \borgxrlink{Stored configuration}{SetupFifo}{main}{chapter}
+ in the \mainman{}). It's useful to test a backup.
Device {
or selecting a FileSet. For more on backup levels see below.
See also {\bf Ignore FileSet Changes} in the
- \ilink{FileSet Resource definition}{FileSetResource} in the Director
- chapter of this document.
+ \borgxrlink{FileSet Resource definition}{FileSetResource}{main}{chapter} in the \mainman{}.
\section{Do you really handle unlimited path lengths?}
\index[general]{Multiple Simultaneous Jobs}
Yes, you can set Priorities on your jobs so that they run in the order you
specify. Please see:
-\ilink{the Priority record}{Priority} in the Job resource.
+\borgxrlink{the Priority record}{Priority}{main}{chapter} of the \mainman{} in
+the Job resource.
\section{I Am Not Getting Email Notification, What Can I Do? }
Work}{email} section of the Tips chapter of this manual. The section
\ilink{ Getting Notified of Job Completion}{notification} of the Tips
chapter may also be useful. For more information on the {\bf bsmtp}
- mail program, please see \ilink{bsmtp in the Volume Utility Tools
- chapter}{bsmtp} of this manual.
+ mail program, please see \borgxrlink{bsmtp}{bsmtp}{utility}{command} in the
+ \utilityman{}.
\section{My retention periods don't work}
upgrade an Incremental or Differential job to a Full backup if it cannot
find a prior Full backup or a suitable Full backup. For the gory
details on how/when Bacula decides to upgrade levels please see the
- \ilink{Level record}{Level} in the Director's configuration chapter of
- this manual.
+ \borgxrlink{Level record}{Level}{main}{chapter} in the \mainman{}.
If after reading the above mentioned section, you believe that Bacula is not
correctly handling the level (Differential/Incremental), please send us the
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-\title{\includegraphics{\idir bacula-logo.eps} \\ \bigskip
- \Huge{Bacula Problem Resolution Guide}
- \begin{center}
- \large{The Leading Open Source Backup Solution. }
- \end{center}
+\title{Bacula$^{\normalsize \textregistered}$ Problem Resolution Guide}
\author{Kern Sibbald}
For other drives and/or OSes, you will need to first ensure that your
system tape modes are properly setup (see below), then possibly modify
you Device resource depending on the output from the btape program (next
- item). When doing this, you should consult the \ilink{Storage Daemon
- Configuration}{StoredConfChapter} of this manual.
+ item). When doing this, you should consult the \borgxrlink{Storage Daemon
+ Configuration}{StoredConfChapter}{main}{chapter} of the \mainman{}.
\item If you are using a Fibre Channel to connect your tape drive to
Bacula, please be sure to disable any caching in the NSR (network
It isn't necessary to run the autochanger part of the test at this time,
but do not go past this point until the basic test succeeds. If you do
- have an autochanger, please be sure to read the \ilink{Autochanger
- chapter}{AutochangersChapter} of this manual.
+ have an autochanger, please be sure to read the \borgxrlink{Autochanger
+ chapter}{AutochangersChapter}{main}{chapter} of the \mainman{}.
\item Run the btape {\bf fill} command, preferably with two volumes. This
can take a long time. If you have an autochanger and it is configured, Bacula
The form of the mailcommand is a bit complicated, but it allows you to
distinguish whether the Job terminated in error or terminated normally. Please
see the
-\ilink{Mail Command}{mailcommand} section of the Messages
-Resource chapter of this manual for the details of the substitution characters
-used above.
+\borgxrlink{Mail}{mailcommand}{main}{command} in the \mainman{} for the
+ details of the substitution characters used above.
Once you are totally comfortable with Bacula as I am, or if you have a large
number of nightly Jobs as I do (eight), you will probably want to change the
\index[general]{Maintaining a Valid Bootstrap File }
\index[general]{File!Maintaining a Valid Bootstrap }
-By using a
-\ilink{ WriteBootstrap}{writebootstrap} record in each of your
-Director's Job resources, you can constantly maintain a
-\ilink{bootstrap}{BootstrapChapter} file that will enable you to
+By using a \borgxrlinkdocument{WriteBootstrap}{writebootstrap}{main}{chapter} record in each of your
+Director's Job resources (\mainman{}), you can constantly maintain a
+\borgxrlinkdocument{bootstrap}{BootstrapChapter}{main}{chapter} file that will enable you to
recover the state of your system as of the last backup without having the
Bacula catalog. This permits you to more easily recover from a disaster that
destroys your Bacula catalog.
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+ @echo "$(DOC) external references done."
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button will be displayed in the rightmost column.
\addcontentsline{lof}{figure}{Bacula CD Image Manager}
-\includegraphics{\idir bimagemgr1.eps} \\Figure 1
+\includegraphics[width=0.8\linewidth]{bimagemgr1} \\Figure 1
% TODO: use tex to say figure number
Place a blank CDR disk in your recorder and click the "Burn" button. This will
% TODO: use tex to say figure number
\addcontentsline{lof}{figure}{Bacula CD Image Burn Progress Window}
-\includegraphics{\idir bimagemgr2.eps} \\Figure 2
+\includegraphics[width=0.8\linewidth]{bimagemgr2} \\Figure 2
% TODO: use tex to say figure number
When the burn finishes the pop up window will display the results of cdrecord
that volume by clicking its "Reset" link.
\addcontentsline{lof}{figure}{Bacula CD Image Burn Results}
-\includegraphics{\idir bimagemgr3.eps} \\Figure 3
+\includegraphics[width=0.8\linewidth]{bimagemgr3} \\Figure 3
% TODO: use tex to say figure number
In the bottom row of the main display window are two more buttons labeled
binary directory, and you replace {\bf} with the fully
qualified name of your bsmtp (email) server, which normally listens on port
25. For more details on the substitution characters (e.g. \%r) used in the
-above line, please see the documentation of the
-\ilink{ MailCommand in the Messages Resource}{mailcommand}
-chapter of this manual.
+above line, please see the documentation of the \borgxrlink{Mail Command in
+ the Messages Resource}{mailcommand}{main}{chapter} of the \mainman{}.
It is HIGHLY recommended that you test one or two cases by hand to make sure
that the {\bf mailhost} that you specified is correct and that it will accept
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-\title{\includegraphics{\idir bacula-logo.eps} \\ \bigskip
- \Huge{Bacula Utility Programs}
- \begin{center}
- \large{The Leading Open Source Backup Solution. }
- \end{center}
+\title{Bacula$^{\normalsize \textregistered}$ Utility Programs}
\author{Kern Sibbald}
\date{\vspace{1.0in}\today \\