.export _vfprintf
- .import pushax, popax, push1
- .import _fwrite, __printf
- .importzp sp, ptr1, ptr2
+ .import pushax, popax, push1, pushwysp, ldaxysp, ldaxidx, incsp6
+ .import _fwrite, __printf
+ .importzp sp, ptr1, ptr2
.macpack generic
; About to call
-; fwrite (buf, count, 1, (FILE*) d->ptr);
+; fwrite (buf, 1, count, (FILE*) d->ptr);
; Since Buf and Count are already in place, we will just push the last
; two parameters. The fwrite function will remove Buf and Count on exit.
- jsr push1
- ldy #7 ; Offset of D+1 on stack
- lda (sp),y
- sta ptr1+1
- dey ; Offset of D on stack (6)
- lda (sp),y
- sta ptr1
- dey ; Offset of ptr+1 in struct outdesc (5)
- lda (ptr1),y
- tax
- dey
- lda (ptr1),y ; Load D->ptr
+ ldy #5
+ jsr pushwysp ; Push buf
+ jsr push1 ; Push #1
+ ldy #7
+ jsr pushwysp ; Push count
+ ldy #11 ; Current offset of D
+ jsr ldaxysp ; Load D
+ ldy #5 ; Offset of ptr1+1 in struct outdesc
+ jsr ldaxidx ; Load
jsr _fwrite
- sta ptr2 ; Save function result
+ sta ptr2 ; Save function result
stx ptr2+1
-; Pop the last parameter from stack and store it in ptr1. This means that
-; the stack is clean now.
+; Get D and store it in ptr1
- jsr popax
- sta ptr1
- stx ptr1+1
+ ldy #5
+ jsr ldaxysp
+ sta ptr1
+ stx ptr1+1
; Load the offset of ccount in struct outdesc
ldy #$00
-; Check the return code. Checking the hig byte against $FF is ok here.
+; Check the return code. Checking the high byte against $FF is ok here.
lda ptr2+1
cmp #$FF
; We had an error. Store -1 into d->ccount
sta (ptr1),y
- iny
- sta (ptr1),y
- rts
+ iny
+ bne @Done ; Branch always
; Result was ok, count bytes written
@Ok: lda (ptr1),y
- add ptr1
+ add ptr2
sta (ptr1),y
- iny
+ iny
lda (ptr1),y
- adc ptr1+1
- sta (ptr1),y
- rts
+ adc ptr2+1
+@Done: sta (ptr1),y
+ jmp incsp6 ; Drop stackframe
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------