TR7 := $13
DEFAFF := $14
+IRQSVA := $21 ; Used to save A when a BRK call occurs
+IRQSVX := $22 ; Used to save X when a BRK call occurs
+IRQSVY := $23 ; Used to save Y when a BRK call occurs
+IRQSVP := $24 ; Used to save P when a BRK call occurs
ADSCR := $26
PTR_READ_DEST := $2C ; Used for XFREAD and XWRITE only in TELEMON 3.x
XVARS = $24 ; Only in TELEMON 3.x, in TELEMON 2.4, it's XNOMFI ($24)
XCRLF = $25 ; Jump a line and return to the beginning of the line
XFREAD = $27 ; Only in TELEMON 3.x (bank 7 of Orix)
-XHEXA = $2A ; Convert a number into hex
XBINDX = $28 ; Convert a number into hex and displays on channel 0
+XDECIM = $29
+XHEXA = $2A ; Convert a number into hex
+XSCELG = $2F ; Search a line in editor mode
XOPEN = $30 ; Only in TELEMON 3.x (bank 7 of Orix)
+XECRPR = $33 ; Displays prompt
XCOSCR = $34 ; Switch off cursor
XCSSCR = $35 ; Switch on cursor
XSCRSE = $36
+XSCRNE = $39 ; Load charset from rom to ram
XCLOSE = $3A ; Only in TELEMON 3.x close file (bank 7 of Orix)
XFWRITE = $3B ; Only in TELEMON 3.x write file (bank 7 of Orix)
+XWRCLK = $3E ; Update clock
XSONPS = $40 ; Send data to PSG register (14 values)
XOUPS = $42 ; Send Oups sound into PSG
XPLAY = $43 ; Play a sound
XFREE = $62 ; Only in TELEMON 3.x (bank 7 of Orix)
XSOUT = $67 ; Send accumulator value (A) to RS232, available in TELEMON 2.4 & 3.x : if RS232 buffer is full, the Oric Telestrat freezes
XHRSSE = $8C ; Set hires position cursor
-XDRAWA = $8D ; Draw a line
+XDRAWA = $8D ; Draw a line absolute
XDRAWR = $8E ; Draw a line (relative)
XCIRCL = $8F ; Draw a circle
XCURSE = $90 ; Plot a pixel
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Page $200
-SCRX := $220
-SCRY := $224
+BNKST := $200 ; Used to store signature of 8 bank (length : 8 bytes)
+FLGTEL := $20D
+KOROM := $20E ; Used to compute the size of all rom bank. The result is store here. The value is in KB
+KORAM := $20F ; Used to compute the size of all ram bank. The result is store here. The value is in KB
+TIMED := $210
+TIMES := $211
+TIMEM := $212
ADSCRL := $218
ADSCRH := $21C
+SCRX := $220
+SCRY := $224
+KBDVRL := $273
+FLGKBD := $275
+KBDFCT := $276
+KBDSHT := $278
+KBDCTC := $27E
+LPRFX := $288
+LPRFY := $289
HRSPAT := $2AA ; Hires pattern : it's used to draw pattern for a line or a circle
+ADIOB := $2BE
+CSRND := $2EF
+VNMI := $2F4
+; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+; Page $400
+EXBNK := $40C
+VEXBNK := $414
+BNKCIB := $417
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Page $500