@$(AS) -o $@ $(AFLAGS) $<
C_OBJS = _afailed.o abort.o perror.o
-S_OBJS = _sys.o atexit.o copydata.o memcpy.o memset.o zerobss.o
+S_OBJS = copydata.o memcpy.o memset.o zerobss.o
all: $(C_OBJS) $(S_OBJS)
+++ /dev/null
-; void __fastcall__ _sys (struct regs* r);
-; Ullrich von Bassewitz, 16.12.1998
-; The function could also export jmpvec as general purpose jump vector that
-; lies in the data segment so it's address may be patched at runtime.
- .export __sys
- .importzp ptr1
-__sys: sta ptr1
- stx ptr1+1 ; Save the pointer to r
-; Fetch the PC and store it into the jump vector
- ldy #5
- lda (ptr1),y
- sta jmpvec+2
- dey
- lda (ptr1),y
- sta jmpvec+1
-; Get the flags, mask unnecessary bits and push them. Push a
- dey
- lda (ptr1),y
- and #%11001011
- pha
- ldy #0
- lda (ptr1),y
- pha
-; Get and assign X and Y
- iny
- lda (ptr1),y
- tay
- iny
- lda (ptr1),y
- tay
-; Set a and the flags, call the machine code routine
- pla
- plp
- jsr jmpvec
-; Back from the routine. Save the flags and a
- php
- pha
-; Put the register values into the regs structure
- tya
- ldy #2
- sta (ptr1),y
- dey
- txa
- sta (ptr1),y
- dey
- pla
- sta (ptr1),y
- ldy #3
- pla
- sta (ptr1),y
-; Done
- rts
-jmpvec: jmp $FFFF
+++ /dev/null
-; Ullrich von Bassewitz, 06.06.1998
-; int atexit (void (*f) (void));
- .export _atexit
- .destructor doatexit, 5
- .import __errno
- .import callax
- .include "errno.inc"
-; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-.proc _atexit
- ldy exitfunc_index
- cpy #exitfunc_max ; Slot available?
- beq @Error ; Jump if no
-; Enter the function into the table
- sta exitfunc_table,y
- iny
- txa
- sta exitfunc_table,y
- iny
- sty exitfunc_index
-; Done, return zero
- lda #0
- tax
- rts
-; Error, no space left
-@Error: lda #ENOSPC ; No space left
- sta __errno
- ldx #$00
- stx __errno+1
- dex ; Make return value -1
- txa
- rts
-; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-.proc doatexit
- ldy exitfunc_index ; Get index
- beq @L9 ; Jump if done
- dey
- lda exitfunc_table,y
- tax
- dey
- lda exitfunc_table,y
- sty exitfunc_index
- jsr callax ; Call the function (A/X)
- jmp doatexit ; Next one
-@L9: rts
-; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-exitfunc_index: .res 1 ; Index into table, inc'ed by 2
-exitfunc_table: .res 10 ; 5 exit functions
-exitfunc_max = <(* - exitfunc_table)
@$(AS) -o $@ $(AFLAGS) $<
-S_OBJS = call.o condes.o
+S_OBJS = call.o
all: $(C_OBJS) $(S_OBJS)
+++ /dev/null
-; Ullrich von Bassewitz, 20.11.2000
-; CC65 runtime: Support for calling module constructors/destructors
-; The condes routine must be called with the table address in a/x and the
-; size of the table in y. The current implementation limits the table size
-; to 254 bytes (127 vectors) but this shouldn't be problem for now and may
-; be changed later.
-; libinit and libdone call condes with the predefined module constructor and
-; destructor tables, they must be called from the platform specific startup
-; code.
- .export initlib, donelib, condes
- .import callax
-; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-; Initialize library modules
-.proc initlib
- ldy #<(__CONSTRUCTOR_COUNT__*2)
- bne condes
- rts
-; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-; Cleanup library modules
-.proc donelib
- ldy #<(__DESTRUCTOR_COUNT__*2)
- bne condes
- rts
-; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-; Generic table call handler
-.proc condes
- sta getbyt+1
- stx getbyt+2
- sty index
-loop: ldy index
- beq done
- dey
- jsr getbyt
- tax
- dey
- jsr getbyt
- sty index
- jsr callax ; call function in A/X
- bra loop
- jmp loop
-done: rts
-; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-; Data. The getbyte routine is placed in the data segment cause it's patched
-; at runtime.
-index: .byte 0
-getbyt: lda $FFFF,y ; may not change X!
- rts