i3-wm (4.0.2-0) unstable; urgency=low
+ * i3-config-wizard: handle mouse button clicks on <win> and <alt> texts
* Bugfix: Correctly bind on multiple keycodes if a symbol has more than one
* Bugfix: Allow multiple criteria in 'for_window'
* Bugfix: Ensure a minimum size when using the 'resize' command
* Bugfix: Warp cursor when changing outputs again
* Bugfix: i3bar: fix switching to workspaces with extremely long names
* Bugfix: i3bar: fix switching to workspaces "next" and "prev"
+ * Bugfix: i3bar: Correctly allocate pixmap for statuslines which are longer
+ than the screen
+ * Bugfix: i3bar: set statusline = NULL on EOF / SIGCHLD
* Bugfix: Correctly initialize the verbose flag
* Bugfix: Don’t start with workspace 'next' when the command 'workspace next'
is bound in the config file
* Bugfix: Fix crash when using 'focus mode_toggle' on an empty workspace
* Bugfix: Make the 'resize' command work inside tabbed/stacked cons
* Bugfix: Correctly place floating windows on their appropriate output
+ * Bugfix: Fix coordinates when moving a floating window to a different output
+ * Bugfix: Correctly keep focus when moving non-leaf windows
+ * Bugfix: Accept '\t' in the set command
+ * Bugfix: Only consider tiling windows when attaching tiling windows to a
+ workspace
+ * Bugfix: Correctly render containers when a split container is focused
-- Michael Stapelberg <michael@stapelberg.de> Sun, 07 Aug 2011 18:13:29 +0200