unless ($url);
print "Making tests on $url\n";
-my ($req, $res, $c, $cli);
+my ($req, $res, $c, $cli, $job_url);
my $agent = new WWW::Mechanize(autocheck=>1);
if ($login) {
like($c, qr!</html>!, "Check EOP");
ok($c =~ m!(action=job_zoom;jobid=\d+)!, "Get the first JobId");
die "Can't get first jobid ($c)" unless $1;
# test job_zoom page
# check for
# - job log
# - fileset
# - media view
-$agent->get("$url?$1"); ok($agent->success,"Get job zoom"); $c=$agent->content;
+ok($agent->success,"Get job zoom"); $c=$agent->content;
like($c, qr!</html>!, "Check EOP");
like($c, qr!Using Device!, "Check for job log");
ok($agent->success(), "get job page"); $c=$agent->content;
like($c, qr/Using Device/, "Check job log");
+# try to delete this job
+ok($agent->success,"Get job zoom");
+ok($agent->form_name('delete'), "Find form");
+$agent->click(); $c=$agent->content;
+ok($agent->success, "Delete it");
+like($c, qr!deleted!, "Check deleted message");
+ok($agent->success,"Get job zoom");
+like($c, qr!An error has occurred!, "Check deleted job");
+# list jobs
+ok($agent->follow_link(text_regex=>qr/Defined Jobs/), "Go to Defined Jobs page");
+like($c, qr/BackupCatalog/, "Check for BackupCatalog job");
# client tests
$agent->field("location", $loc);
ok($agent->field("cost", 20), "set field cost=20");
ok($agent->field("enabled", "yes"), "set field enabled=yes");
-ok($agent->field("enabled", "archived"), "try set field enabled=archived");
ok($agent->field("enabled", "no"), "try set field enabled=no");
+ok($agent->field("enabled", "archived"), "try set field enabled=archived");
$agent->click_button(value => 'location_add');
ok($agent->success(), "submit"); $c=$agent->content;
like($c, qr/$loc/, "Check if location is ok");
-like($c, qr/inflag1.png/, "Check if enabled is ok");
+like($c, qr/inflag2.png/, "Check if enabled is archived");
ok($agent->success(), "Try to edit location"); $c=$agent->content;
ok($agent->success(), "create an empty other$grp"); $c=$agent->content;
like($c, qr/'other$grp'/, "check if other$grp was created");
+# view job by group
+ok($agent->follow_link(text_regex=>qr/Jobs by group/), "Go to Job by group page");
+ok($agent->success(), "Get it"); $c=$agent->content;
+like($c, qr/"$grp"/, "check if $grp is here");
+# view job overview
+ok($agent->follow_link(text_regex=>qr/Jobs overview/), "Go to Job overview");
+ok($agent->success(), "Get it"); $c=$agent->content;
+like($c, qr/"$grp"/, "check if $grp is here");
+# view next jobs
+ok($agent->follow_link(text_regex=>qr/Next Jobs/), "Go to Next jobs");
+ok($agent->success(), "Get it"); $c=$agent->content;
+like($c, qr/'BackupCatalog'/, "check if BackupCatalog is here");
+# Add media
+ok($agent->follow_link(text_regex=>qr/Add Media/), "Go to Add Media");
+ok($agent->success(), "Get it");
+ok($agent->form_number(2), "Find form");
+$agent->field('pool', 'Scratch');
+$agent->field('storage', 'File');
+$agent->field('nb', '3');
+$agent->field('offset', '1');
+$agent->field('media', "Vol$$");
+$agent->click_button(value => 'add_media');
+ok($agent->success(), "Create them"); $c=$agent->content;
+like($c, qr/Vol${$}0001/, "Check if media are there");
+# view pools
+ok($agent->follow_link(text_regex=>qr/Pools/), "Go to Pool");
+ok($agent->success(), "Get it"); $c=$agent->content;
+like($c, qr/"Default"/, "check if Default pool is here");
+like($c, qr/"Scratch"/, "check if Scratch pool is here");
# other checks and cleanup
-# view media
-my @vol = ($cont =~ m!<input type='hidden' name='media' value='([^>]+)'>!sg);
-@vol = map { ('media', $_) } @vol;
-ok(scalar(@vol), "Check for job media using retry fields");
-$cont2 = get_content("View media " . join('=', @vol),
- action => 'media', @vol);
-ok($cont2 =~ m!</html>!, "Check end of page");
-ok($cont =~ m!<input type='hidden' name='client' value='[^>]+'>!,
- "Check for job client using retry fields");
-# test delete job page
-#$cont = get_content("Job delete", action => 'delete', jobid => $1);
-#ok($cont =~ m!</html>!, "Check end of page");