staspidx.o \
staxsp.o \
staxspi.o \
- staxspp.o \
steaxsp.o \
steaxspi.o \
- steaxspp.o \
stkchk.o \
sub.o \
subeqsp.o \
+++ /dev/null
-; Ullrich von Bassewitz, 25.10.2000
-; CC65 runtime: Store a/x indirect into address at top of stack
- .export staxspp
- .import incsp2
- .importzp sp, ptr1
-.proc staxspp
- pha
- lda (sp)
- sta ptr1
- ldy #1
- lda (sp),y
- sta ptr1+1
- txa
- sta (ptr1),y
- pla
- sta (ptr1)
- pha
- ldy #0
- lda (sp),y
- sta ptr1
- iny
- lda (sp),y
- sta ptr1+1
- txa
- sta (ptr1),y
- pla
- dey
- sta (ptr1),y
- jmp incsp2 ; Drop address
+++ /dev/null
-; Ullrich von Bassewitz, 22.06.1998
-; CC65 runtime: Store eax at the address on top of stack.
- .export steaxspp
- .import popax
- .importzp sreg, ptr1
-.proc steaxspp
- pha
- txa
- pha
- jsr popax ; get address
- sta ptr1
- stx ptr1+1
- ldy #3
- lda sreg+1
- sta (ptr1),y
- dey
- lda sreg
- sta (ptr1),y
- dey
- pla
- tax
- sta (ptr1),y
- dey
- pla
- sta (ptr1),y
- rts