- .word HORLINE
.word LINE
.word BAR
.word CIRCLE
ldx #$00 ; Clear high byte
-; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-; HORLINE: Draw a horizontal line from X1/Y to X2/Y, where X1 = ptr1,
-; Y = ptr2 and X2 = ptr3, using the current drawing color.
-; This is a special line drawing entry used when the line is know to be
-; horizontal, for example by the BAR emulation routine. If the driver does
-; not have special code for horizontal lines, it may just copy Y to Y2 and
-; proceed with the generic line drawing code.
-; Note: Line coordinates will always be sorted (Y1 <= X2) and clipped.
-; Must set an error code: NO
- lda X1
- pha
- lda X1+1
- pha
- jsr CALC ; get data for LEFT
- lda BITMASKL,x ; remember left address and bitmask
- pha
- lda ADDR
- pha
- lda ADDR+1
- pha
- lda X2
- sta X1
- lda X2+1
- sta X1+1
- jsr CALC ; get data for RIGHT
- lda BITMASKR,x
- sta TEMP3
- pla ; recall data for LEFT
- sta X1+1
- pla
- sta X1 ; put left address into X1
- pla
- cmp #%11111111 ; if left bit <> 0
- beq @L1
- sta TEMP2 ; do left byte only...
- lda X1
- ldy X1+1
- jsr VDCSetSourceAddr
- jsr VDCReadByte
- sta TEMP
- and TEMP2
- eor TEMP
- pha
- lda X1
- ldy X1+1
- jsr VDCSetSourceAddr
- pla
- jsr VDCWriteByte
- inc X1 ; ... and proceed
- bne @L1
- inc X1+1
- ; do right byte (if Y2=0 ++ADDR and skip)
-@L1: lda TEMP3
- cmp #%11111111 ; if right bit <> 7
- bne @L11
- inc ADDR ; right bit = 7 - the next one is the last
- bne @L10
- inc ADDR+1
-@L10: bne @L2
-@L11: lda ADDR ; do right byte only...
- ldy ADDR+1
- jsr VDCSetSourceAddr
- jsr VDCReadByte
- sta TEMP
- and TEMP3
- eor TEMP
- pha
- lda ADDR
- ldy ADDR+1
- jsr VDCSetSourceAddr
- pla
- jsr VDCWriteByte
-@L2: ; do the fill in the middle
- lda ADDR ; calculate offset in full bytes
- sec
- sbc X1
- beq @L3 ; if equal - there are no more bytes
- sta ADDR
- lda X1 ; setup for the left side
- ldy X1+1
- jsr VDCSetSourceAddr
- lda BITMASK ; get color
- jsr VDCWriteByte ; put 1st value
- ldx ADDR
- dex
- beq @L3 ; 1 byte already written
- stx ADDR ; if there are more bytes - fill them...
- lda #0
- jsr VDCWriteReg ; setup for fill
- ldx #VDC_COUNT
- lda ADDR
- jsr VDCWriteReg ; ... fill them NOW!
-@L3: pla
- sta X1+1
- pla
- sta X1
- rts
; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
; LINE: Draw a line from X1/Y1 to X2/Y2, where X1/Y1 = ptr1/ptr2 and
; X2/Y2 = ptr3/ptr4 using the current drawing color.
inc Y2
- bne @L0
inc Y2+1
-@L0: jsr HORLINE
+; Original code for a horizontal line
+ lda X1
+ pha
+ lda X1+1
+ pha
+ jsr CALC ; get data for LEFT
+ lda BITMASKL,x ; remember left address and bitmask
+ pha
+ lda ADDR
+ pha
+ lda ADDR+1
+ pha
+ lda X2
+ sta X1
+ lda X2+1
+ sta X1+1
+ jsr CALC ; get data for RIGHT
+ lda BITMASKR,x
+ sta TEMP3
+ pla ; recall data for LEFT
+ sta X1+1
+ pla
+ sta X1 ; put left address into X1
+ pla
+ cmp #%11111111 ; if left bit <> 0
+ beq @L1
+ sta TEMP2 ; do left byte only...
+ lda X1
+ ldy X1+1
+ jsr VDCSetSourceAddr
+ jsr VDCReadByte
+ sta TEMP
+ and TEMP2
+ eor TEMP
+ pha
+ lda X1
+ ldy X1+1
+ jsr VDCSetSourceAddr
+ pla
+ jsr VDCWriteByte
+ inc X1 ; ... and proceed
+ bne @L1
+ inc X1+1
+ ; do right byte (if Y2=0 ++ADDR and skip)
+@L1: lda TEMP3
+ cmp #%11111111 ; if right bit <> 7
+ bne @L11
+ inc ADDR ; right bit = 7 - the next one is the last
+ bne @L10
+ inc ADDR+1
+@L10: bne @L2
+@L11: lda ADDR ; do right byte only...
+ ldy ADDR+1
+ jsr VDCSetSourceAddr
+ jsr VDCReadByte
+ sta TEMP
+ and TEMP3
+ eor TEMP
+ pha
+ lda ADDR
+ ldy ADDR+1
+ jsr VDCSetSourceAddr
+ pla
+ jsr VDCWriteByte
+@L2: ; do the fill in the middle
+ lda ADDR ; calculate offset in full bytes
+ sec
+ sbc X1
+ beq @L3 ; if equal - there are no more bytes
+ sta ADDR
+ lda X1 ; setup for the left side
+ ldy X1+1
+ jsr VDCSetSourceAddr
+ lda BITMASK ; get color
+ jsr VDCWriteByte ; put 1st value
+ ldx ADDR
+ dex
+ beq @L3 ; 1 byte already written
+ stx ADDR ; if there are more bytes - fill them...
+ lda #0
+ jsr VDCWriteReg ; setup for fill
+ ldx #VDC_COUNT
+ lda ADDR
+ jsr VDCWriteReg ; ... fill them NOW!
+@L3: pla
+ sta X1+1
+ pla
+ sta X1
+; End of horizontal line code
inc Y1
- bne @L1
+ bne @L4
inc Y1+1
-@L1: lda Y1
+@L4: lda Y1
cmp Y2
- bne @L0
+ bne @L5
lda Y1+1
cmp Y2+1
- bne @L0
+ bne @L5
+@L5: jmp HORLINE
; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
; CIRCLE: Draw a circle around the center X1/Y1 (= ptr1/ptr2) with the
; radius in tmp1 and the current drawing color.
; 23.12.2002
-; For any smart monkey that will try to optimize this: PLEASE do tests on
+; For any smart monkey that will try to optimize this: PLEASE do tests on
; real VDC, not only VICE.
-; Only DONE routine contains C128-mode specific stuff, everything else will
+; Only DONE routine contains C128-mode specific stuff, everything else will
; work in C64-mode of C128 (C64 needs full VDC init then).
; With special initialization and CALC we can get 320x200 double-pixel mode.
-; Color translation values for BROWN and GRAY3 are obviously wrong, they
-; could be replaced by equiv. of ORANGE and GRAY2 but this would give only
+; Color translation values for BROWN and GRAY3 are obviously wrong, they
+; could be replaced by equiv. of ORANGE and GRAY2 but this would give only
; 14 of 16 colors available.
-; Register 25 ($19) is said to require different value for VDC v1, but I
+; Register 25 ($19) is said to require different value for VDC v1, but I
; couldn't find what it should be.
.include "zeropage.inc"
- .word HORLINE
.word LINE
.word BAR
.word CIRCLE
ldx #$00 ; Clear high byte
-; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-; HORLINE: Draw a horizontal line from X1/Y to X2/Y, where X1 = ptr1,
-; Y = ptr2 and X2 = ptr3, using the current drawing color.
-; This is a special line drawing entry used when the line is know to be
-; horizontal, for example by the BAR emulation routine. If the driver does
-; not have special code for horizontal lines, it may just copy Y to Y2 and
-; proceed with the generic line drawing code.
-; Note: Line coordinates will always be sorted (Y1 <= X2) and clipped.
-; Must set an error code: NO
- lda X1
- pha
- lda X1+1
- pha
- jsr CALC ; get data for LEFT
- lda BITMASKL,x ; remember left address and bitmask
- pha
- lda ADDR
- pha
- lda ADDR+1
- pha
- lda X2
- sta X1
- lda X2+1
- sta X1+1
- jsr CALC ; get data for RIGHT
- lda BITMASKR,x
- sta TEMP3
- pla ; recall data for LEFT
- sta X1+1
- pla
- sta X1 ; put left address into X1
- pla
- cmp #%11111111 ; if left bit <> 0
- beq @L1
- sta TEMP2 ; do left byte only...
- lda X1
- ldy X1+1
- jsr VDCSetSourceAddr
- jsr VDCReadByte
- sta TEMP
- and TEMP2
- eor TEMP
- pha
- lda X1
- ldy X1+1
- jsr VDCSetSourceAddr
- pla
- jsr VDCWriteByte
- inc X1 ; ... and proceed
- bne @L1
- inc X1+1
- ; do right byte (if Y2=0 ++ADDR and skip)
-@L1: lda TEMP3
- cmp #%11111111 ; if right bit <> 7
- bne @L11
- inc ADDR ; right bit = 7 - the next one is the last
- bne @L10
- inc ADDR+1
-@L10: bne @L2
-@L11: lda ADDR ; do right byte only...
- ldy ADDR+1
- jsr VDCSetSourceAddr
- jsr VDCReadByte
- sta TEMP
- and TEMP3
- eor TEMP
- pha
- lda ADDR
- ldy ADDR+1
- jsr VDCSetSourceAddr
- pla
- jsr VDCWriteByte
-@L2: ; do the fill in the middle
- lda ADDR ; calculate offset in full bytes
- sec
- sbc X1
- beq @L3 ; if equal - there are no more bytes
- sta ADDR
- lda X1 ; setup for the left side
- ldy X1+1
- jsr VDCSetSourceAddr
- lda BITMASK ; get color
- jsr VDCWriteByte ; put 1st value
- ldx ADDR
- dex
- beq @L3 ; 1 byte already written
- stx ADDR ; if there are more bytes - fill them...
- lda #0
- jsr VDCWriteReg ; setup for fill
- ldx #VDC_COUNT
- lda ADDR
- jsr VDCWriteReg ; ... fill them NOW!
-@L3: pla
- sta X1+1
- pla
- sta X1
- rts
; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
; LINE: Draw a line from X1/Y1 to X2/Y2, where X1/Y1 = ptr1/ptr2 and
; X2/Y2 = ptr3/ptr4 using the current drawing color.
inc Y2
- bne @L0
inc Y2+1
-@L0: jsr HORLINE
+; Original code for a horizontal line
+ lda X1
+ pha
+ lda X1+1
+ pha
+ jsr CALC ; get data for LEFT
+ lda BITMASKL,x ; remember left address and bitmask
+ pha
+ lda ADDR
+ pha
+ lda ADDR+1
+ pha
+ lda X2
+ sta X1
+ lda X2+1
+ sta X1+1
+ jsr CALC ; get data for RIGHT
+ lda BITMASKR,x
+ sta TEMP3
+ pla ; recall data for LEFT
+ sta X1+1
+ pla
+ sta X1 ; put left address into X1
+ pla
+ cmp #%11111111 ; if left bit <> 0
+ beq @L1
+ sta TEMP2 ; do left byte only...
+ lda X1
+ ldy X1+1
+ jsr VDCSetSourceAddr
+ jsr VDCReadByte
+ sta TEMP
+ and TEMP2
+ eor TEMP
+ pha
+ lda X1
+ ldy X1+1
+ jsr VDCSetSourceAddr
+ pla
+ jsr VDCWriteByte
+ inc X1 ; ... and proceed
+ bne @L1
+ inc X1+1
+ ; do right byte (if Y2=0 ++ADDR and skip)
+@L1: lda TEMP3
+ cmp #%11111111 ; if right bit <> 7
+ bne @L11
+ inc ADDR ; right bit = 7 - the next one is the last
+ bne @L10
+ inc ADDR+1
+@L10: bne @L2
+@L11: lda ADDR ; do right byte only...
+ ldy ADDR+1
+ jsr VDCSetSourceAddr
+ jsr VDCReadByte
+ sta TEMP
+ and TEMP3
+ eor TEMP
+ pha
+ lda ADDR
+ ldy ADDR+1
+ jsr VDCSetSourceAddr
+ pla
+ jsr VDCWriteByte
+@L2: ; do the fill in the middle
+ lda ADDR ; calculate offset in full bytes
+ sec
+ sbc X1
+ beq @L3 ; if equal - there are no more bytes
+ sta ADDR
+ lda X1 ; setup for the left side
+ ldy X1+1
+ jsr VDCSetSourceAddr
+ lda BITMASK ; get color
+ jsr VDCWriteByte ; put 1st value
+ ldx ADDR
+ dex
+ beq @L3 ; 1 byte already written
+ stx ADDR ; if there are more bytes - fill them...
+ lda #0
+ jsr VDCWriteReg ; setup for fill
+ ldx #VDC_COUNT
+ lda ADDR
+ jsr VDCWriteReg ; ... fill them NOW!
+@L3: pla
+ sta X1+1
+ pla
+ sta X1
+; End of horizontal line code
inc Y1
- bne @L1
+ bne @L4
inc Y1+1
-@L1: lda Y1
+@L4: lda Y1
cmp Y2
- bne @L0
+ bne @L5
lda Y1+1
cmp Y2+1
- bne @L0
+ bne @L5
+@L5: jmp HORLINE
; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
; CIRCLE: Draw a circle around the center X1/Y1 (= ptr1/ptr2) with the
; radius in tmp1 and the current drawing color.