+=== Placeholders using window title matches don't swallow the window
+If you use the +title+ attribute to match a window and find that it doesn't
+work or only works sometimes, the reason might be that the application sets the
+title only after making the window visible. This will be especially true for
+programs running inside terminal emulators, e.g., +urxvt -e irssi+ when
+matching on +title: "irssi"+.
+One way to deal with this is to not rely on the title, but instead use, e.g.,
+the +instance+ attribute and running the program to set this window instance to
+that value:
+# Run irssi via
+# urxvt -name "irssi-container" -e irssi
+"swallows": [
+ {
+ "class": "URxvt",
+ "instance": "irssi-container"
+ }