.export __printf
- .import popax, pushax, pusheax, push1, axlong, axulong
+ .import popax, pushax, pusheax, decsp6, push1, axlong, axulong
.import __ctype
.import _ltoa, _ultoa
.import _strlower, _strlen
- .import jmpvec
- .importzp sp, ptr1, tmp1, regbank, sreg
+ .importzp sp, ptr1, ptr2, tmp1, regbank, sreg
.macpack generic
ArgList = regbank+0 ; Argument list pointer
Format = regbank+2 ; Format string
-OutData = regbank+4 ; Function parameters
+OutData = regbank+4 ; Function parameters
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Other zero page cells
-Base = ptr1
+Base = ptr1
+FSave = ptr1
+FCount = ptr2
lda #<CharArg
ldx #>CharArg
jsr pushax
- jsr push1
+ jsr push1
jmp (OutFunc) ; fout (OutData, &CharArg, 1)
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
adc ptr1+1
sta ptr1+1 ; * 5
asl ptr1
- rol ptr1+1 ; * 10, assume carry clear
+ rol ptr1+1 ; * 10, assume carry clear
adc ptr1 ; Add digit value
sta ptr1
jsr pusheax ; Push value
jsr PushBufPtr ; Push the buffer pointer...
lda Base ; Restore base
- jmp _ultoa ; ultoa (l, s, base);
+ jmp _ultoa ; ultoa (l, s, base);
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
lda (OutData),y
- sta OutFunc
+ sta OutFunc
lda (OutData),y
sta OutFunc+1
; Start parsing the format string
- jsr GetFormatChar ; Get one char, zero in Y
- tax ; End of format string reached?
- bne NotDone ; Continue of end not reached
+ lda Format ; Remember current format pointer
+ sta FSave
+ lda Format+1
+ sta FSave+1
+ ldy #0 ; Index
+@L1: lda (Format),y ; Get next char
+ beq @L2 ; Jump on end of string
+ cmp #'%' ; Format spec?
+ beq @L2
+ iny ; Bump pointer
+ bne @L1
+ inc Format+1 ; Bump high byte of pointer
+ bne @L1 ; Branch always
+; Found a '%' character or end of string. Update the Format pointer so it is
+; current (points to this character).
+@L2: tya ; Low byte of offset
+ add Format
+ sta Format
+ bcc @L3
+ inc Format+1
+; Calculate, how many characters must be output. Beware: This number may
+; be zero. A still contains the low byte of the pointer.
+@L3: sub FSave
+ sta FCount
+ lda Format+1
+ sbc FSave+1
+ sta FCount+1
+ ora FCount ; Is the result zero?
+ beq @L4 ; Jump if yes
+; Output the characters that we have until now. To make the call to out
+; faster, build the stack frame by hand (don't use pushax)
+ jsr decsp6 ; 3 args
+ ldy #5
+ lda OutData+1
+ sta (sp),y
+ dey
+ lda OutData
+ sta (sp),y
+ dey
+ lda FSave+1
+ sta (sp),y
+ dey
+ lda FSave
+ sta (sp),y
+ dey
+ lda FCount+1
+ sta (sp),y
+ dey
+ lda FCount
+ sta (sp),y
+ jsr CallOutFunc ; Call the output function
+; We're back from out(), or we didn't call it. Check for end of string.
+@L4: jsr GetFormatChar ; Get one char, zero in Y
+ tax ; End of format string reached?
+ bne NotDone ; End not reached
; End of format string reached. Restore the zeropage registers and return.
- ldx #5
+ ldx #5
Rest: lda RegSave,x
- sta regbank,x
- dex
+ sta regbank,x
+ dex
bpl Rest
cmp #'%'
bne @L1
- lda (Format),y ; Check for "%%"
+ lda (Format),y ; Check for "%%"
cmp #'%'
- bne FormatSpec ; Jump if really a format specifier
- jsr IncFormatPtr ; Skip the second '%'
-@L1: jsr Output1 ; Output the character...
- jmp MainLoop ; ...and continue
+ bne FormatSpec ; Jump if really a format specifier
+ jsr IncFormatPtr ; Skip the second '%'
+@L1: jsr Output1 ; Output the character...
+ jmp MainLoop ; ...and continue
; We have a real format specifier
; Format is: %[flags][width][.precision][mod]type