OBJS = _scrsize.o \
break.o \
cgetc.o \
+ checkst.o \
clrscr.o \
color.o \
conio.o \
cputc.o \
crt0.o \
kbhit.o \
+ kbsout.o \
+ kchkin.o \
+ kckout.o \
+ kclose.o \
kernal.o \
+ kopen.o \
krdtim.o \
kreadst.o \
ksetlfs.o \
--- /dev/null
+; Ullrich von Bassewitz, 19.11.2002
+; The kernal open routines do not return a carry on error, so check the IEEE
+; status, set carry flag and return
+ .export checkst
+ .include "pet.inc"
+.proc checkst
+ lda ST
+ beq @L1
+ lda #5 ; ### Device not present
+ sec
+ rts
+@L1: clc
+ rts
--- /dev/null
+; Ullrich von Bassewitz, 19.11.2002
+; BSOUT replacement function for the PETs
+ .export BSOUT
+ .import checkst
+.proc BSOUT
+ jsr $FFD2 ; Call kernal function
+ jmp checkst ; Check status, return carry on error
--- /dev/null
+; Ullrich von Bassewitz, 19.11.2002
+; CHKIN replacement function for the PETs
+ .export CHKIN
+ .import checkst
+.proc CHKIN
+ jsr $FFC6 ; Call kernal function
+ jmp checkst ; Check status, return carry on error
--- /dev/null
+; Ullrich von Bassewitz, 19.11.2002
+; CKOUT replacement function for the PETs
+ .export CKOUT
+ .import checkst
+.proc CKOUT
+ jsr $FFC9 ; Call kernal function
+ jmp checkst ; Check status, return carry on error
--- /dev/null
+; Ullrich von Bassewitz, 19.11.2002
+; CLOSE replacement function for the PETs
+ .export CLOSE
+ .include "pet.inc"
+.proc CLOSE
+ cpx #PET_4000
+ bne @L1
+ jmp $F2E2 ; BASIC 4
+@L1: jmp $F2AE ; BASIC 2&3
; PET kernal functions
- .export OPEN
- .export CLOSE
- .export CHKIN
- .export CKOUT
.export CLRCH
.export BASIN
- .export BSOUT
.export STOP
.export GETIN
.export CLALL
; Functions that are available in the kernal jump table
--- /dev/null
+; Ullrich von Bassewitz, 19.11.2002
+; OPEN replacement function for the PETs
+ .export OPEN
+ .import checkst
+ .include "pet.inc"
+.proc OPEN
+ cmp #PET_4000
+ bne @L1
+ jsr $F563 ; BASIC 4
+ jmp checkst
+@L1: jsr $F524 ; BASIC 2&3
+ jmp checkst
KEY_BUF = $26F ; Keyboard buffer
+; PET ROM type detection
-; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+PET_2000 = $CA
+PET_3000 = $FC
+PET_4000 = $FD
; Vector and other locations
IRQVec = $0090