jsr pushname
bne oserr
+ ; ProDOS TechRefMan, chapter
+ ; "The complete or partial pathname of the system program
+ ; is stored at $280, starting with a length byte."
+ ; In fact BASIC.SYSTEM does the same for BLOAD and BRUN of
+ ; binary programs so we should do the same too in any case
+ ; especially as _we_ rely on it in mainargs.s for argv[0].
+ ldy #$00
+ lda (sp),y
+ tay
+: lda (sp),y
+ sta $0280,y
+ dey
+ bpl :-
; Set pushed name
lda sp
ldx sp+1
cmp #$FF ; SYS file?
bne binary ; No, check for BIN file
- ; ProDOS TechRefMan, chapter
- ; "The complete or partial pathname of the system program
- ; is stored at $280, starting with a length byte."
- ldy #$00
- lda (sp),y
- tay
-: lda (sp),y
- sta $0280,y
- dey
- bpl :-
; SYS programs replace BASIC.SYSTEM so set in the ProDOS system bit map
; protection for pages $80 - $BF just in case BASIC.SYSTEM is there now
ldx #$0F ; Start with protection for pages $B8 - $BF