cmp tmp
beq scrmemok
+; if lodadr is at an exact 4K boundary, it's still ok
+ lda lodadr+1
+ and #$0f
+ beq scrmemok
; 4K boundary will be crossed, use this 4K boundary address as lodadr
al4k: lda lodadr+1
and #$f0
- tax
- dex
- stx lodadr+1
+ sta lodadr+1
bne scrmemtst
; not reached
sbc #>DLSZ
sta lowadr+1
+.if 0 ; this cannot happen
; check if a 1K boundary is crossed
lda tstadr+1
and #$fc
cmp tmp
bne al4k ; 1K boundary will be crossed, decrease lodadr
; address of display list is ok
; decrease lowadr by two