--- /dev/null
+ Bacula® - The Network Backup Solution
+ Copyright (C) 2011-2011 Free Software Foundation Europe e.V.
+ The main author of Bacula is Kern Sibbald, with contributions from
+ many others, a complete list can be found in the file AUTHORS.
+ This program is Free Software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ modify it under the terms of version three of the GNU Affero General Public
+ License as published by the Free Software Foundation and included
+ in the file LICENSE.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+ WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
+ along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
+ 02110-1301, USA.
+ Bacula® is a registered trademark of Kern Sibbald.
+ The licensor of Bacula is the Free Software Foundation Europe
+ (FSFE), Fiduciary Program, Sumatrastrasse 25, 8006 Zürich,
+ Switzerland, email:ftf@fsfeurope.org.
+ * Program to test CATS DB routines
+ *
+ *
+ */
+#define __SQL_C
+#include "bacula.h"
+#include "cats/cats.h"
+#include "cats/bvfs.h"
+#include "findlib/find.h"
+/* Local variables */
+static B_DB *db;
+static const char *file = "COPYRIGHT";
+//static DBId_t fnid=0;
+static const char *db_name = "bacula";
+static const char *db_user = "bacula";
+static const char *db_password = "";
+static const char *db_host = NULL;
+static const char *db_address = NULL;
+static int db_port = 0;
+static int64_t pid = 0;
+static JCR *jcr=NULL;
+#define PLINE "\n============================================================\n"
+static void usage()
+ fprintf(stderr, _(
+"\nVersion: %s (%s)\n"
+" -d <nn> set debug level to <nn>\n"
+" -dt print timestamp in debug output\n"
+" -n <name> specify the database name (default bacula)\n"
+" -u <user> specify database user name (default bacula)\n"
+" -P <password specify database password (default none)\n"
+" -h <host> specify database host (default NULL)\n"
+" -w <working> specify working directory\n"
+" -p <path> specify path\n"
+" -f <file> specify file\n"
+" -l <limit> maximum tuple to fetch\n"
+" -q print only errors\n"
+" -v verbose\n"
+" -? print this message\n\n"), 2011, VERSION, BDATE);
+ exit(1);
+bool print_ok=true;
+int _err=0;
+int _wrn=0;
+int _nb=0;
+bool _warn(const char *file, int l, const char *op, int value, const char *label)
+ bool ret=false;
+ _nb++;
+ if (!value) {
+ _wrn++;
+ printf("WRN %.30s %s:%i on %s\n", label, file, l, op);
+ } else {
+ ret=true;
+ printf("OK %.30s\n", label);
+ }
+ return ret;
+#define warn(x, label) _warn(__FILE__, __LINE__, #x, (x), label)
+bool _ok(const char *file, int l, const char *op, int value, const char *label)
+ bool ret=false;
+ _nb++;
+ if (!value) {
+ _err++;
+ printf("ERR %.30s %s:%i on %s\n", label, file, l, op);
+ } else {
+ ret=true;
+ if (print_ok) {
+ printf("OK %.30s\n", label);
+ }
+ }
+ return ret;
+#define ok(x, label) _ok(__FILE__, __LINE__, #x, (x), label)
+bool _nok(const char *file, int l, const char *op, int value, const char *label)
+ bool ret=false;
+ _nb++;
+ if (value) {
+ _err++;
+ printf("ERR %.30s %s:%i on !%s\n", label, file, l, op);
+ } else {
+ ret = true;
+ if (print_ok) {
+ printf("OK %.30s\n", label);
+ }
+ }
+ return ret;
+#define nok(x, label) _nok(__FILE__, __LINE__, #x, (x), label)
+int report()
+ printf("Result %i/%i OK\n", _nb - _err, _nb);
+ return _err>0;
+static void cmp_pool(POOL_DBR &pr, POOL_DBR &pr2)
+ ok(pr.MaxVols == pr2.MaxVols, " Check Pool MaxVols");
+ ok(pr.UseOnce == pr2.UseOnce, " Check Pool UseOnce");
+ ok(pr.UseCatalog == pr2.UseCatalog," Check Pool UseCatalog");
+ ok(pr.AcceptAnyVolume == pr2.AcceptAnyVolume," Check Pool AcceptAnyVolume");
+ ok(pr.AutoPrune == pr2.AutoPrune, " Check Pool AutoPrune");
+ ok(pr.Recycle == pr2.Recycle, " Check Pool Recycle");
+ ok(pr.VolRetention == pr2.VolRetention, " Check Pool VolRetention");
+ ok(pr.VolUseDuration == pr2.VolUseDuration," Check Pool VolUseDuration");
+ ok(pr.MaxVolJobs == pr2.MaxVolJobs, " Check Pool MaxVolJobs");
+ ok(pr.MaxVolFiles == pr2.MaxVolFiles, " Check Pool MaxVolFiles");
+ ok(pr.MaxVolBytes == pr2.MaxVolBytes, " Check Pool MaxVolBytes");
+ ok(!strcmp(pr.PoolType, pr2.PoolType), " Check Pool PoolType");
+ ok(pr.LabelType == pr2.LabelType, " Check Pool LabelType");
+ ok(!strcmp(pr.LabelFormat, pr2.LabelFormat), " Check Pool LabelFormat");
+ ok(pr.RecyclePoolId == pr2.RecyclePoolId, " Check Pool RecyclePoolId");
+ ok(pr.ScratchPoolId == pr2.ScratchPoolId, " Check Pool ScratchPoolId");
+ ok(pr.ActionOnPurge == pr2.ActionOnPurge, " Check Pool ActionOnPurge");
+static void cmp_client(CLIENT_DBR &cr, CLIENT_DBR &cr2)
+ ok(!strcmp(cr2.Name, cr.Name), " Check Client Name");
+ ok(!strcmp(cr2.Uname, cr.Uname), " Check Client Uname");
+ ok(cr.AutoPrune == cr2.AutoPrune, " Check Client Autoprune");
+ ok(cr.JobRetention == cr2.JobRetention, " Check Client JobRetention");
+ ok(cr.FileRetention == cr2.FileRetention," Check Client FileRetention");
+#define aPATH "/aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"
+#define aFILE "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"
+int list_files(void *ctx, int nb_col, char **row)
+ uint32_t *k = (uint32_t*) ctx;
+ (*k)++;
+ ok(!strcmp(row[0], aPATH aPATH aPATH aPATH "/"), "Check path");
+ ok(!strcmp(row[1], aFILE aFILE ".txt"), "Check filename");
+ ok(str_to_int64(row[2]) == 10, "Check FileIndex");
+ ok(str_to_int64(row[3]) == jcr->JobId, "Check JobId");
+ return 1;
+/* number of thread started */
+int main (int argc, char *argv[])
+ int ch;
+ char *path=NULL, *client=NULL;
+ uint64_t limit=0;
+ bool clean=false;
+ bool full_test=false;
+ int dbtype;
+ uint32_t j;
+ char temp[20];
+ POOLMEM *buf = get_pool_memory(PM_FNAME);
+ POOLMEM *buf2 = get_pool_memory(PM_FNAME);
+ POOLMEM *buf3 = get_pool_memory(PM_FNAME);
+ setlocale(LC_ALL, "");
+ bindtextdomain("bacula", LOCALEDIR);
+ textdomain("bacula");
+ init_stack_dump();
+ pid = getpid();
+ Pmsg0(0, "Starting cats_test tool" PLINE);
+ my_name_is(argc, argv, "");
+ init_msg(NULL, NULL);
+ OSDependentInit();
+ while ((ch = getopt(argc, argv, "qh:c:l:d:n:P:Su:vFw:?p:f:T")) != -1) {
+ switch (ch) {
+ case 'q':
+ print_ok = false;
+ break;
+ case 'd': /* debug level */
+ if (*optarg == 't') {
+ dbg_timestamp = true;
+ } else {
+ debug_level = atoi(optarg);
+ if (debug_level <= 0) {
+ debug_level = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'l':
+ limit = str_to_int64(optarg);
+ break;
+ case 'c':
+ client = optarg;
+ break;
+ case 'h':
+ db_host = optarg;
+ break;
+ case 'n':
+ db_name = optarg;
+ break;
+ case 'w':
+ working_directory = optarg;
+ break;
+ case 'u':
+ db_user = optarg;
+ break;
+ case 'P':
+ db_password = optarg;
+ break;
+ case 'v':
+ verbose++;
+ break;
+ case 'p':
+ path = optarg;
+ break;
+ case 'F':
+ full_test = true;
+ break;
+ case 'f':
+ file = optarg;
+ break;
+ case 'T':
+ clean = true;
+ break;
+ case '?':
+ default:
+ usage();
+ }
+ }
+ argc -= optind;
+ argv += optind;
+ if (argc != 0) {
+ Pmsg0(0, _("Wrong number of arguments: \n"));
+ usage();
+ }
+ /* TODO:
+ * - Open DB
+ * - With errors
+ * - With good info
+ * - With multiple thread in //
+ * - Test cats.h
+ * - Test all sql_cmds.c
+ * - Test all sql.c (db_)
+ * - Test all sql_create.c
+ * - Test db_handler
+ */
+ jcr = new_jcr(sizeof(JCR), NULL);
+ jcr->set_JobType(JT_CONSOLE);
+ jcr->set_JobLevel(L_NONE);
+ jcr->JobStatus = JS_Running;
+ bstrncpy(jcr->Job, "**dummy**", sizeof(jcr->Job));
+ jcr->JobId = pid; /* this is JobId on tape */
+ jcr->start_time = jcr->sched_time = time(NULL);
+ /* Test DB connexion */
+ Pmsg1(0, PLINE "Test DB connection \"%s\"" PLINE, db_name);
+ if (full_test) {
+ db = db_init(jcr /* JCR */,
+ NULL /* dbi driver */,
+ db_name, db_user, db_password, db_address, db_port + 100,
+ NULL /* db_socket */,
+ 0 /* mult_db_connections */);
+ ok(db != NULL, "Test bad connection");
+ if (!db) {
+ report();
+ exit (1);
+ }
+ nok(db_open_database(jcr, db), "Open bad Database");
+ db_close_database(jcr, db);
+ }
+ db = db_init(jcr /* JCR */,
+ NULL /* dbi driver */,
+ db_name, db_user, db_password, db_address, db_port,
+ NULL /* db_socket */,
+ 0 /* mult_db_connections */);
+ ok(db != NULL, "Test db connection");
+ if (!db) {
+ report();
+ exit (1);
+ }
+ if (!ok(db_open_database(jcr, db), "Open Database")) {
+ Pmsg1(000, _("Could not open database \"%s\".\n"), db_name);
+ Jmsg(jcr, M_FATAL, 0, _("Could not open, database \"%s\".\n"), db_name);
+ Jmsg(jcr, M_FATAL, 0, _("%s"), db_strerror(db));
+ Pmsg1(000, "%s", db_strerror(db));
+ db_close_database(jcr, db);
+ report();
+ exit (1);
+ }
+ dbtype = db_type;
+ /* Check if the SQL library is thread-safe */
+ db_check_backend_thread_safe();
+ ok(check_tables_version(jcr, db), "Check table version");
+ ok(db_sql_query(db, "SELECT VersionId FROM Version",
+ db_int_handler, &j), "SELECT VersionId");
+ ok(UPDATE_DB(jcr, db, (char*)"UPDATE Version SET VersionId = 1"),
+ "Update VersionId");
+ nok(check_tables_version(jcr, db), "Check table version");
+ Mmsg(buf, "UPDATE Version SET VersionId = %d", j);
+ ok(UPDATE_DB(jcr, db, buf), "Restore VersionId");
+ if (dbtype != SQL_TYPE_SQLITE3) {
+ ok(db_check_max_connections(jcr, db, 1), "Test min Max Connexion");
+ nok(db_check_max_connections(jcr, db, 10000), "Test max Max Connexion");
+ }
+ ok(db_open_batch_connexion(jcr, db), "Opening batch connection");
+ db_close_database(jcr, jcr->db_batch);
+ jcr->db_batch = NULL;
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ uint32_t storageid=0;
+ ok(db_sql_query(db, "SELECT MIN(StorageId) FROM Storage",
+ db_int_handler, &storageid), "Get StorageId");
+ ok(storageid > 0, "Check StorageId");
+ if (!storageid) {
+ Pmsg0(0, "Please, run REGRESS_DEBUG=1 tests/bacula-backup-test before this test");
+ exit (1);
+ }
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ Pmsg0(0, PLINE "Doing Basic SQL tests" PLINE);
+ bsnprintf(temp, sizeof(temp), "t%lld", pid);
+ ok(db_sql_query(db, "SELECT 2", db_int_handler, &j), "Good SELECT query");
+ ok(db_sql_query(db, "SELECT 1 FROM Media WHERE VolumeName='missing'",
+ db_int_handler, &j), "Good empty SELECT query");
+ db_int64_ctx i64;
+ i64.value = 0; i64.count = 0;
+ ok(db_sql_query(db, "SELECT 1",db_int64_handler, &i64),"db_int64_handler");
+ ok(i64.value == 1, "Check db_int64_handler return");
+ db_list_ctx lctx;
+ ok(db_sql_query(db, "SELECT FileId FROM File ORDER By FileId LIMIT 10",
+ db_list_handler, &lctx), "db_list_ctx");
+ ok(lctx.count == 10, "Check db_list_ctx count ");
+ ok(!strcmp(lctx.list, "1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10"), "Check db_list_ctx list");
+ nok(db_sql_query(db, "blabla", db_int_handler, &j), "Bad query");
+ Mmsg(buf, "CREATE Table %s (a int)", temp);
+ ok(db_sql_query(db, buf, NULL, NULL), "CREATE query");
+ Mmsg(buf, "INSERT INTO %s (a) VALUES (1)", temp);
+ ok(INSERT_DB(jcr, db, buf), "INSERT query");
+ ok(INSERT_DB(jcr, db, buf), "INSERT query");
+ ok(sql_affected_rows(db) == 1, "Check sql_affected_rows");
+ Mmsg(buf, "INSERT INTO aaa%s (a) VALUES (1)", temp);
+ nok(INSERT_DB(jcr, db, buf), "Bad INSERT query");
+ ok(sql_affected_rows(db) == 0, "Check sql_affected_rows");
+ Mmsg(buf, "UPDATE %s SET a = 2", temp);
+ ok(UPDATE_DB(jcr, db, buf), "UPDATE query");
+ ok(sql_affected_rows(db) == 2, "Check sql_affected_rows");
+ Mmsg(buf, "UPDATE %s SET a = 2 WHERE a = 1", temp);
+ nok(UPDATE_DB(jcr, db, buf), "Empty UPDATE query");
+ Mmsg(buf, "UPDATE aaa%s SET a = 2", temp);
+ nok(UPDATE_DB(jcr, db, buf), "Bad UPDATE query");
+ Mmsg(buf, "DELETE FROM %s", temp);
+ ok(DELETE_DB(jcr, db, buf), "DELETE query");
+ nok(DELETE_DB(jcr, db, buf), "Empty DELETE query"); /* TODO bug ? */
+ Mmsg(buf, "DELETE FROM aaa%s", temp);
+ ok(DELETE_DB(jcr, db, buf), "Bad DELETE query"); /* TODO bug ? */
+ Mmsg(buf, "DROP TABLE %s", temp);
+ ok(QUERY_DB(jcr, db, buf), "DROP query");
+ nok(QUERY_DB(jcr, db, buf), "Empty DROP query");
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ strcpy(buf, "This string should be 'escaped'");
+ db_escape_string(jcr, db, buf2, buf, strlen(buf));
+ ok((strlen(buf) + 2) == strlen(buf2),"Quoted string should be longer");
+ Mmsg(buf, "INSERT INTO Path (Path) VALUES ('%lld-%s')", pid, buf2);
+ ok(db_sql_query(db, buf, NULL, NULL), "Inserting quoted string");
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ JOB_DBR jr, jr2;
+ memset(&jr, 0, sizeof(jr));
+ memset(&jr2, 0, sizeof(jr2));
+ jr.JobId = 1;
+ ok(db_get_job_record(jcr, db, &jr), "Get Job record for JobId=1");
+ ok(jr.JobFiles > 10, "Check number of files");
+ jr.JobId = (JobId_t)pid;
+ Mmsg(buf, "%s-%lld", jr.Job, pid);
+ strcpy(jr.Job, buf);
+ ok(db_create_job_record(jcr, db, &jr), "Create Job record");
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ ATTR_DBR ar;
+ memset(&ar, 0, sizeof(ar));
+ Mmsg(buf2, aPATH aPATH aPATH aPATH "/" aFILE aFILE ".txt");
+ ar.fname = buf2;
+ Mmsg(buf3, "gD ImIZ IGk B Po Po A A A JY BNNvf5 BNKzS7 BNNuwC A A C");
+ ar.attr = buf3;
+ ar.FileIndex = 10;
+ ar.FileType = FT_REG;
+ jcr->JobId = ar.JobId = jr.JobId;
+ jcr->JobStatus = JS_Running;
+ ok(db_create_file_attributes_record(jcr, db, &ar), "Inserting Filename");
+ ok(db_write_batch_file_records(jcr), "Commit batch session");
+ Mmsg(buf, "SELECT FileIndex FROM File WHERE JobId=%lld",(int64_t)jcr->JobId);
+ ok(db_sql_query(db, buf, db_int_handler, &j), "Get Inserted record");
+ ok(j == ar.FileIndex, "Check FileIndex");
+ Mmsg(buf, "SELECT COUNT(1) FROM File WHERE JobId=%lld",(int64_t)jcr->JobId);
+ ok(db_sql_query(db, buf, db_int_handler, &j), "List records");
+ ok(j == 1, "Check batch session records");
+ j = 0;
+ Mmsg(buf, "%lld", (uint64_t)jcr->JobId);
+ ok(db_get_file_list(jcr, jcr->db_batch, buf, false, false, list_files, &j),
+ "List files with db_get_file_list()");
+ ok(j == 1, "Check db_get_file_list results");
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ Pmsg0(0, PLINE "Doing Client tests" PLINE);
+ CLIENT_DBR cr, cr2;
+ memset(&cr, 0, sizeof(cr));
+ memset(&cr2, 0, sizeof(cr2));
+ cr.AutoPrune = 1;
+ cr.FileRetention = 10;
+ cr.JobRetention = 15;
+ bsnprintf(cr.Name, sizeof(cr.Name), "client-%lld-fd", pid);
+ bsnprintf(cr.Uname, sizeof(cr.Uname), "uname-%lld", pid);
+ ok(db_create_client_record(jcr, db, &cr), "db_create_client_record()");
+ ok(cr.ClientId > 0, "Check ClientId");
+ cr2.ClientId = cr.ClientId; /* Save it */
+ cr.ClientId = 0;
+ Pmsg0(0, "Search client by ClientId\n");
+ ok(db_create_client_record(jcr, db, &cr),"Should get the client record");
+ ok(cr.ClientId == cr2.ClientId, "Check if ClientId is the same");
+ ok(db_get_client_record(jcr, db, &cr2), "Search client by ClientId");
+ cmp_client(cr, cr2);
+ Pmsg0(0, "Search client by Name\n");
+ memset(&cr2, 0, sizeof(cr2));
+ strcpy(cr2.Name, cr.Name);
+ ok(db_get_client_record(jcr, db, &cr2),"Search client by Name");
+ cmp_client(cr, cr2);
+ Pmsg0(0, "Search non existing client by Name\n");
+ memset(&cr2, 0, sizeof(cr2));
+ bsnprintf(cr2.Name, sizeof(cr2.Name), "hollow-client-%lld-fd", pid);
+ nok(db_get_client_record(jcr, db, &cr2), "Search non existing client");
+ ok(cr2.ClientId == 0, "Check ClientId after failed search");
+ cr.AutoPrune = 0;
+ strcpy(cr.Uname, "NewUname");
+ ok(db_update_client_record(jcr, db, &cr), "Update Client record");
+ memset(&cr2, 0, sizeof(cr2));
+ cr2.ClientId = cr.ClientId;
+ ok(db_get_client_record(jcr, db, &cr2),"Search client by ClientId");
+ cmp_client(cr, cr2);
+ int nb, i;
+ uint32_t *ret_ids;
+ ok(db_get_client_ids(jcr, db, &nb, &ret_ids), "Get Client Ids");
+ ok(nb > 0, "Should find at least 1 Id");
+ for (i = 0; i < nb; i++) {
+ if (ret_ids[i] == cr2.ClientId) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ ok(i < nb, "Check if ClientId was found");
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ Pmsg0(0, PLINE "Doing Pool tests" PLINE);
+ POOL_DBR pr, pr2;
+ memset(&pr, 0, sizeof(pr));
+ memset(&pr2, 0, sizeof(pr2));
+ bsnprintf(pr.Name, sizeof(pr.Name), "pool-%lld", pid);
+ pr.MaxVols = 10;
+ pr.UseOnce = 0;
+ pr.UseCatalog = true;
+ pr.AcceptAnyVolume = true;
+ pr.AutoPrune = true;
+ pr.Recycle = true;
+ pr.VolRetention = 1000;
+ pr.VolUseDuration = 1000;
+ pr.MaxVolJobs = 100;
+ pr.MaxVolFiles = 1000;
+ pr.MaxVolBytes = 1000000;
+ strcpy(pr.PoolType, "Backup");
+ pr.LabelType = 0;
+ pr.LabelFormat[0] = 0;
+ pr.RecyclePoolId = 0;
+ pr.ScratchPoolId = 0;
+ pr.ActionOnPurge = 1;
+ ok(db_create_pool_record(jcr, db, &pr), "db_create_pool_record()");
+ ok(pr.PoolId > 0, "Check PoolId");
+ pr2.PoolId = pr.PoolId;
+ pr.PoolId = 0;
+ Pmsg0(0, "Search pool by PoolId\n");
+ nok(db_create_pool_record(jcr, db, &pr),"Can't create pool twice");
+ ok(db_get_pool_record(jcr, db, &pr2), "Search pool by PoolId");
+ cmp_pool(pr, pr2);
+ pr2.MaxVols++;
+ pr2.AutoPrune = false;
+ pr2.Recycle = false;
+ pr2.VolRetention++;
+ pr2.VolUseDuration++;
+ pr2.MaxVolJobs++;
+ pr2.MaxVolFiles++;
+ pr2.MaxVolBytes++;
+ strcpy(pr2.PoolType, "Restore");
+ strcpy(pr2.LabelFormat, "VolFormat");
+ pr2.RecyclePoolId = 0;
+ pr2.ScratchPoolId = 0;
+ pr2.ActionOnPurge = 2;
+ ok(db_update_pool_record(jcr, db, &pr2), "Update Pool record");
+ memset(&pr, 0, sizeof(pr));
+ pr.PoolId = pr2.PoolId;
+ ok(db_get_pool_record(jcr, db, &pr), "Search pool by PoolId");
+ cmp_pool(pr, pr2);
+ ok(db_delete_pool_record(jcr, db, &pr), "Delete Pool");
+ nok(db_delete_pool_record(jcr, db, &pr), "Delete non existing Pool");
+ nok(db_update_pool_record(jcr, db, &pr), "Update non existing Pool");
+ ok(db_create_pool_record(jcr, db, &pr), "Recreate Pool");
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ Pmsg0(0, PLINE "Doing Media tests" PLINE);
+ MEDIA_DBR mr, mr2;
+ memset(&mr, 0, sizeof(mr));
+ memset(&mr2, 0, sizeof(mr2));
+ bsnprintf(mr.VolumeName, sizeof(mr.VolumeName), "media-%lld", pid);
+ bsnprintf(mr.MediaType, sizeof(mr.MediaType), "type-%lld", pid);
+ /* from set_pool_dbr_defaults_in_media_dbr(&mr, &pr); */
+ mr.PoolId = pr.PoolId;
+ bstrncpy(mr.VolStatus, NT_("Append"), sizeof(mr.VolStatus));
+ mr.Recycle = pr.Recycle;
+ mr.VolRetention = pr.VolRetention;
+ mr.VolUseDuration = pr.VolUseDuration;
+ mr.ActionOnPurge = pr.ActionOnPurge;
+ mr.RecyclePoolId = pr.RecyclePoolId;
+ mr.MaxVolJobs = pr.MaxVolJobs;
+ mr.MaxVolFiles = pr.MaxVolFiles;
+ mr.MaxVolBytes = pr.MaxVolBytes;
+ mr.LabelType = pr.LabelType;
+ mr.Enabled = 1;
+ mr.VolCapacityBytes = 1000;
+ mr.Slot = 1;
+ mr.VolBytes = 1000;
+ mr.InChanger = 1;
+ mr.VolReadTime = 10000;
+ mr.VolWriteTime = 99999;
+ mr.StorageId = 0;
+ mr.DeviceId = 0;
+ mr.LocationId = 0;
+ mr.ScratchPoolId = 0;
+ mr.RecyclePoolId = 0;
+ ok(db_create_media_record(jcr, db, &mr), "Create Media");
+ nok(db_create_media_record(jcr, db, &mr), "Create Media twice");
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ Pmsg0(0, PLINE "Doing Job tests" PLINE);
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ Pmsg0(0, PLINE "Doing ... tests" PLINE);
+ db_close_database(jcr, db);
+ report();
+ free_pool_memory(buf);
+ free_pool_memory(buf2);
+ free_pool_memory(buf3);
+ return 0;